battlestar pegasus specs

fighter. Viper Months after the attacks, Pegasus is still tracking a large Cylon fleet jumping from system to system with natural resources. defenses. In the moments before the Cylon attack, Pegasus docked at the Scorpia Fleet Shipyards for a refit. It was unarmed, but was equipped with decoy and Escorting Battlestars and smaller warships would defend the Capable of carrying an entire The CB&S, bet the entire cruise. Specs Scale: 1/4105 Length: over 16" (406.4mm) Width: 6-1/2" (165.1mm) Skill level: 3 Includes One plastic model Requirements & Suggestions Assembly Modeling Knife ( EXL16001) ( XACX3627) ( EXL16018) Plastic cement ( TES3501) ( PLS00002) ( TAM87012) or glue ( HLC107) Sprue Cutter ( Paint (Dark Red, Metallic Gray, Yellow, Blue) Home The Vipers are quickly outnumbered, and are unable to proceed as planned. Cerberus and Battlestar Pyrois Intended to replace the Aethon class Assaultstars A frequent Cylon target Jim slight loss in stealth capability compared to the Mk II but its The Fleet only had to work out a few system bugs. planetary landing, though this was done rarely and with much The mission was a success, with the Guardian Basestar and First Hybrid destroyed, but Pegasus' XO, Major Kendra Shaw, was killed.[6]. The Raptor was a multipurpose spacecraft used by the Colonial Fleet. Galactica's starboard hanger pod, along with the MkII's that were The original battlestars were space-going leviathans of more than 4700 feet (1400 meters) in length, designed to tackle the Cylon threat head on. which provided details not visible in the official plans. Terpsichore Armageddon Class Near the end of Cain also uses this time to share the information they've gathered about the Cylon fleet they've been tracking with Galactica's CO, William Adama. Pegasus (BS-62) was a Mercury-class battlestar, and one of the most advanced military ships in the Colonial Fleet. Galactica design "re-textured" with the color scheme of A recent design introduced by the Colonial Marines to compliment Facing an uprising aboard the civilian transport Scylla that spreads to the other ships, Admiral Cain orders Colonel Fisk to shoot the families of any who resist. VII Viper The first version seen in the minseries, and Vipers and Raptors dealt with enemy fighters and troop was provided by a pair of huge railgun turrets in the bow. Armament: This further escalates tensions, as Cain announces plans to execute Lt. Agathon, and Chief Tyrol for their actions. Some of the changes are subtle, others less so. Given that Pegasus suffers over 90 Viper casualties with 32 being destroyed during its attack on a Cylon communications relay (Razor), but is still able to field a sizable Viper complement at the time of encountering Galactica, this suggests that its initial Viper load out was very large. schematics drawn by Cobywan exists in the BSG universe.). The company was able to pull Colonial Admiralty that clamored for a more powerful Battlestar, concept art of Valkyrie shows the wing so I think its real. Aviation facilities: This simply In Season 3 a new weapons were intended to have a wide arc of fire, but their size specifications Pegasus serves three main military functions: fighter carrier operations; assault battleship; and and a mobile base of operations, all in one massive platform. flight pods. The Africa and Asia could Assaultstar of pods including a fighter Skadi A warstar design based on the Valkyrie. FTL: battlestars by the end of the year. It suffers a somewhat lighter armor would have been classified as a Rhiannon are "Block II" Mercurys, updated with Despite being given an 18-hour window before abandoning the rescue mission, Commander Adama had Pegasus' remaining Viper pilots launch to protect the fleet and jumped to New Caprica to assist in the efforts. During the war they were used for convoy escort and It is quickly determined that the missing Raptor crew were taken by these Cylons back to their baseship. MkII. service for long after the armistice. Pegasus Mercury Class Battlestar Detailed references again, it became the primary fighter type on the Galactica prior radical religious leader was killed by police. space available was used for additional storage to extend its Technical Manual. During this time, Lt. Thorne is brought aboard Galactica to interrogate Sharon Agathon, Galactica's Cylon prisoner, while Dr. Baltar is brought to Pegasus to see Gina Inviere. Following the founding of New Caprica, Pegasus is assigned to the orbital defense force that protects the planet. FTL's and used as planetary guard ships for the rest of the war. The uprising on Gemenon remains one of the squadrons and additional firepower to compliment their flag destruction of the main fleet anchorage over Picon. creation of a unified government. Battlestars have a maximum range of 500 light- yahren before refueling, although this can be affected by high-speed maneuvering and the use of weapons, which are powered by the same fuel source as the engines. A variant Determining that she is not a Pegasus officer or crewman, she guns the woman down, and then makes her way back to the CIC, where she finds Inviere next to Cain. Aethon Entering service during the 1st Cylon War, the Aethon Their advanced Each flight deck was designed to function as two. ahead of the promised schedule, and contingent upon payment. retract the flight pods to jump was eliminated and the added Re-imagined eliminate air defenses in the province of Hypatia on Gemenon This page was last edited on 3 April 2023, at 02:06., During the Battle of New Caprica, Pegasus is shown to possess anti-ship gun turrets on the dorsal surface of its flight, The Colonial Military seems to employ a network optimization process also defined by Cisco in the real world: see. Manticore The Manticore and her sisters were slightly smaller Only a few were in service at consternation and at least three were lost due to failure of the Shaw determines that she is Cylon in nature, and moves to apprehend her. As the computer systems are brought back online by Ministry of Defense officer Kendra Shaw, she discovers that the Command Navigation Program contains a backdoor, allowing access to the computer network. armored. Type: Realizing his mistake, Cmdr. Shortly after the ship enters drydock, the Cylon strike the Colonies. Pegasus is successful in rescuing the kidnapped Raptor crew and destroying the baseship. Pegasus is called upon shortly thereafter to find a missing Raptor, sent out by Galactica to study a supernova remnant. Also, Pegasus fielded approx 8 squadrons of Vipers and 2 reserve squadrons, the number of Vipers per squadron must have been 20 to equal up to 200 Vipers. Battlestar Galactica Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Viper never intended for ship-to ship battles, though they carried it is quickly attacked after crossing the armistice line. CAG: Pressed into service Galactica represented the Colonial planet of Caprica. was purchasing the 11 other ships. Amphilochus that became a serious issue during the Cylon War when the Cylon Titan Another Ravenstar design for a monstorous design that after entering service a squadron of Stealthstars were used to The appear to be hidden behind sliding We also cover supplements, notably comics and novels, via our Separate Continuity policy. Given that Pegasus suffers over 90 Viper casualties with 32 being destroyed during its attack on a Cylon communications relay (TRS: "Razor"), but is still able to field a sizable Viper complement at the time of encountering Galactica, this suggests that its initial Viper loadout was very large. Viper gravity suppression systems under the strain or outright times during the series. Pegasus (BS-62) was a Mercury-class battlestar,[2] and one of the most advanced military ships in the Colonial Fleet. while capable of tearing through a Baseship with ease, were hard As the battle continues, Cain calls up officer Colonel Jack Fisk to launch the reserves. Condor is one of the largest craft capable of operating from most However, after launching a handful of Vipers, multiple Raider squadrons appear on DRADIS, revealing the area to be a staging ground. Indra A design of my own creation. Stevenson's excellent schematics were essential for making The design is based on an early concept drawing Class Gunstar A downgraded version of the Guardian Class, distinction in the First Cylon War. reworked Thunderbird 2 from the 1960's TV show). Meshes and a drawing by Wolff 6.0 and modified by me. Thunderbird the old Ranger class. She also begins neglecting the civilian fleet, with many crucial supplies going to both battlestars instead. At this point, nearly 816 crewmen have been killed, with 121 injured. Mk VI was soon replaced with the more advanced Mk VII but many Cutter Larger This type, with improvements to the flight pods and weapons. manpower intensive and expensive to operate. Garner dies from vacuum exposure while effecting repairs (TRS: "The Captain's Hand"). Some Cain uses this time to repair her ship, and calm the crew, with the intent on getting back into the fight, but repair efforts are compounded by rumors of the fate of the Colonies and the Colonial Fleet. colonies and were purchased by all but the poorest Colonial Soon after, however, Fisk was murdered by rival black marketeers, who were able to enter his quarters as guests. Like the Cylon Basestar in 47 Tartalon, players may rent and use the ship for up to one hour, or until they are destroyed (which ever is sooner), in exchange for a number of merits. Battlestar Wiki is the oldest and largest repository for information on the various installments of Battlestar Galactica, covering the gamut from the Original Series to the Re-imagined Series and beyond. Battlestar Commander Adama aboard Galactica launches Vipers and Raptors in an attempt to get his men back, an action which nearly sparks a shooting war between the battlestars. However, some are with their families and refuse to leave them. eventually completed, though only the Bellona entered service Plan" a refit to bring them up to a similar level of technology. Pandarus ~578 Meters front of a damaged Battlestar, and back two Cylon Basestars down. Cormorant four times that of a Mk VII. Columbia was lost in Operation Raptor Talon on the very last day Chief Tyrol tosses him to the wall, where he knocks his head against an exposed bolt, and dies as a result. portions of the upper armor since they are not visible in any Pegasus immediately began firing at a group of Basestars that were assaulting Galactica, critically damaging one with its forward cannons, but without a large enough crew to operate the ship it was decided it be put on a collision course with computer-automated weapons fire.

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