does fenugreek cause weight gain

Again, I keep receiving so many e-mails from different women complaining that fenugreek made them gain weight. The plant is thought to have originated in the Mediterranean region and is now common in India, North Africa, and the Middle East (2). Ive been getting cramp like feeling in upper abdomen.. maybe its indigestion?? sudden, severe weakness or numbness in the arm or leg. If you struggle to even flirt with the idea of giving up your favorite foods or working out till your legs give way BetterMe app is here to breathe a fresh perspective into the way you view the weight loss process! It is said by some to increase appetite and promote weight gain, but limited scientific evidence suggests that it may actually help you feel full and eat less. I have ovarian cancer that cannot be cured . metabolism slowing down with age. Give it a try and if you need anything apart from this, dont hesitate to comment again. Both men and women who take fenugreek regularly are going to experience a pungent and very strong smell after a few hours. No need to worry. A measly two tablespoons have up to eight grams of sugar and 40 calories! Most of the evidence points to fenugreek more likely helping with weight loss than weight gain. Diabetes: Can Fenugreek Lower My Blood Sugar? Sometimes people need to gain weight for medical reasons. Its not actually something chronic, in facts shes not even on any medications, they say benign tumors are sometimes due to hormonal imbalance and fenugreek reglulates that, and many have been telling her to be using fenugreek. Weight loss by appetite suppression 5. This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. Consume fenugreek regularly to improve heart health and lower cholesterol levels. One more thing, most fenugreek essential oil sold nowadays isnt 100% pure; in other words, its usually mixed with other non-essential oils like olive or grapeseed. Thank you! Originating in Central Asia, fenugreek is an herb belonging to the Fabaceae family. Fenugreek is a source of fiber, which is important for a healthy digestive system. Fenugreek may act like estrogen in the body and be unsafe for women with hormone-sensitive cancers. As a woman, I have never used it for this purpose, so, Im very sorry, but I cant help you with this. Cushing's syndrome: This is a rare condition that happens when your body has too much of a hormone called cortisol. But is it safe to rub fenugreek oil on boobs because it seems you are kind of against using it? My advice is to only start with one teaspoon a day, its just fine. What About Fenugreek Causing Breast Pain? No more than four tablespoons a day of ground fenugreek seeds, always after a large meal with a lot of water, you have nothing to worry about, but lets be honest, overconsumption of fenugreek can cause blood pressure issues. When using fenugreek seeds it may help to soak them in water for several hours before consuming them. Will it be dangerous for me to continue like that. In general, you should be very careful whenever introducing new food to your diet, especially when you are dealing with such a powerful herb as fenugreek. In addition to adding fenugreek to your diet, make sure to fill up on other nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. Fiber helps add bulk to the stool, which can make bowel movements easier and help reduce constipation. As far as I know and from the many studies I have read on fenugreek, it seems to be very safe, but dont take my word from it, Im not a doctor and Im not giving medical advice, you need to ask your doctor. First, be sure to get plenty of exercise. Hi,my own case is that I have finished breastfeeding for like 3months now and my breast turned very smallish and squeezed please how can fenugreek help regain it at least more fuller and how much should I consume? Magnesium 0%. In Indian and Chinese medicine, it is often used to treat digestive issues, respiratory problems and inflammation. However, these uses have not been proven with research. These plant hormones are going to mimic hormones in the females body which are going to have a significant effect on the morphology of a mans chest. Thanks Sahar . Neither dose affects weight, appetite, or fullness. I have breast cancer running in my family too and I fear that one day it will ruin my life and that of my children, thats why I really think that whatever foods that help the immune system and balance the good functioning of the body can be tremendous for preventing cancer. Rich source of iron, magnesium, and manganese 4. Hey! How do you maintain blood sugar when you are eating 2 tsp of fenugreek? The overconsumption of fenugreek can be associated with different skin problems, ranging from rash, hives and even hair issues. ginger extract. Hi Sahar, Thanks for your reply. Fenugreek is considered one of the best natural appetite-boosters. Can fenugreek cause weight gain? Of course, this is only going to happen when fenugreek ingestion is above four tablespoons a day, ground seeds. I could feel the difference in me but after a five days of my period, I got my period again and I feel really weak since Im way underweight too. should I discontinue Please share your view whether these (fenugreek capsules and fenugreek seeds) will have a negative effect on me or not. You may see claims online that fenugreek works as an appetite stimulant which can help with weight gain. Do soaked fenugreek seeds still lose benefits, even if you drink the water it was soaked in as well as eat the soft seeds? Hi, recently I went through this website. I read that funegreek can increase testosterone levels and libido in men. The fenugreek powder is the only change I made in my day. The leaves are edible, but its the small brown seeds that are famous for their medicinal, Beauty publications often claim that fenugreek seeds are the secret to thick, shiny hair. Apparently, consuming the right dosage of fenugreek seeds make you smell like maple syrup. Exercise not only helps you burn calories and build muscle, but it also helps reduce stress levels. ). Fenugreek is a potent herb with a long history of use in traditional medicine. If so which form and do I use it? Is this normal !!? That same study also found a reduced blood sugar response to the carbohydrate meal in the participants who had the added fenugreek (. PCOS Weight Loss Tips. Will fenugreek help to increase the breast size? please help. Be sure to include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats in your diet. however there are many side effects you should be aware of, these are for the most part harmless, but the overconsumption of fenugreek can have dangerous effects on your health. Will this help with sinus drainage. This can cause an decrease in testosterone level and libido, which is what has been happening lately. Fenugreek is generally safe, but it can cause side effects like bloating, diarrhea and gas in some people (3). Of course, some people can have more, but this is not the subject we are dealing with today. Fenugreek is thought to increase the levels of hormones cholecystokinin and glucagon-like peptide-1, both of which are involved in appetite regulation. Read More: Poppy Seeds Facts, Calories, Health Benefits And Side Effects. Diarrhoea is another result of the high fibre content of fenugreek. Fenugreek contains a considerable amount of fibres, more than 3g in each serving of 11g of ground fenugreek seeds, these fibres are the ones responsible for helping people with constipation, but they are also the ones responsible for making people have gas and bloating as well! shortness of breath. Fenugreek is good for hormone leveling, but may cause weight gain Many women use fenugreek as a natural herbal estrogen supplement, but women should be aware that the use of this herb can cause unwanted weight gain. Well, its very safe and also beneficial, so go on if this is what you are trying to ask about. Hi Sahar, I started taking Fenugreek 2 weeks ago and have recently started my birth control (the pill) as well. Testosterone is associated with increased muscle mass, while adiponectin is thought to promote fat loss (4) (19). Initially I felt very energetic and the pain in my joints subsided but after 2 weeks of usage I feel fatigued and I am experiencing mood swings and depression. Yes, but never take it on empty stomach, it has nothing to do with your period, dont worry. If I stop the pills now will thereceive still be effects of unborn baby? Fenugreek seeds are high in fibre and thus may help reduce your appetite, promote stomach fullness and satiety and thus lower your daily calorie intake. Therefore, fenugreek should be used with caution if youre taking diabetes medication or other supplements that lower your blood sugar levels (6). Could it have something to do with my consumption? One study found that rats given fenugreek seed extract on a high fat diet had less weight gain and body fat accumulation and improved markers of glucose and lipid metabolism (12). In this post, you are going to learn about the most dangerous fenugreek side effects and how you can avoid them. Does fenugreek cause weight gain? The seeds also are used in feed for horses and cattle to promote weight gain. Fenugreek seeds contain fiber and other nutrients that may help reduce cholesterol levels. Fenugreek supplements can be found in pill or capsule form but also alongside other ingredients in various supplement blends. Hi Sahar fenugreek taking may can iffect for Prosted gland or not please let me know ? Gaining weight takes time, so dont expect to see results overnight. Do not mix honey in warm/hot water as it becomes toxic when heated or mixed with anything hot and can cause more harm than good. thank you so much for this website. When I was 46 years old I discovered that I could clear up my acne that Id had since I was 30. I have been taking fenugreek (liquid) two droppers full each morning in my coffee. Absolutely not, fenugreek is very safe to consume even if it contains very powerful phytoestrogens, yes; they may mimic human estrogens. Hi Sahar, Thank you for your reply. However, I am experiencing severe bloating from the capsules. One study in mice linked high doses to decreased fertility and an increased risk of birth defects (7). I think that in fenugreeks case, as it contains fibre, it can take more time to leave our system, Im not sure. Third, one study including 9 healthy women with overweight looked at fenugreek teas effect on appetite control. Yes, fenugreek sprouts are also very healthy, but in terms of benefits, they cant be compared to ground fenugreek seeds. Can it be used topically ? my period is last 3days after consuming fenugreek.. but before my period last it natural? So, as a nice side effect of fenugreek, you are going to experience hair growth, of course, here, Im talking about generalized hair growth, so, even if you are going to have a thick and very beautiful hair on your scalp, this can be problematic if you are suffering from facial hair for example and you are a woman as myself, then, you will find that you need to wax once every four days instead of once every week! In other words; they are going to increase the lining of the uterus which is going to produce much more flow during menstruation. My mom recently recommended me to take fenugreek capsules for my horrible allergies. My milk supply had dried so Ivery been taking fenugreek pills 610 MG 2-3pills 2x a day!!! Vitamin B6 0%. Fenugreek Increases Sexual Desire and Arousal in Women I consume 1 teaspoon of fenugreek daily on an empty stomach. Weight gain can occur as a side effect of some beta blockers. And will it have the same effect. You see, when your body runs very low on sugar, it will reduce your energy levels dramatically, and you will feel an almost immediate low! Just a number, right? Fiber may also help reduce the risk of other digestive problems like hemorrhoids and diverticulitis (, Fenugreek has been shown to lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes (, High cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease (. my question is I breastfed two children 7+ years ago is there a chance I might start lactating again by taking fenugreek? In recent years, fenugreek has gained popularity for its purported effects on body weight. Cumin Vs Turmeric: Whats The Difference? I know that this idea may seem strange, but its the truth, for some people, consuming fenugreek on an empty stomach, even very small amounts, can be quite problematic and is going to cause different stomach problems. You may gain weight when taking fenugreek due to its appetite stimulating properties, according to "Herbs, Botanicals and Teas" by G. Does fenugreek make you smell good? And most of those calories come from high-fructose corn syrup (followed by plain-old corn syrup), which has been shown to increase appetite and, over time, lead to obesity and diabetes. Of course, the more water you drink, the more you will be able to flush out of your system, but please, be careful of water intoxication, drinking too much water. I am stopping the insulin to try Fenugreek. you say to stay away from junk food and sweets, Hi, I stopped getting my period (delayed a week) when I started taking fenugreek. Thats so strange, how much have you been taking? However, some side effects are going to persist, namely the smell and the increase in hair growth. Please bless me with your opinion. Dont get discouraged, please, I have been there and sometimes, it can be really depressing not seeing results. Given that fenugreek can lower your blood sugar levels, use caution and speak with your doctor if you're taking diabetes medications . I measured before taking it was 30.8 inch, now also it is 30.8 inch. Body and urine odorIt is believed that excess consumption of fenugreek can make your sweat and urine smell pungent, just as eating asparagus changes the colour of your urine. No, its not ok, how much fenugreek did you have? I came to this site because I googled what is fenugreek. Ketchup. If you have been suffering from PMS in the past, then let me tell you that with fenugreek intake, the symptoms are going to be lessened dramatically. This is what this post is about, informing you on the most annoying and also dangerous side effects of fenugreek overconsumption. Breast pain is a known side effect of high fenugreek intake. I know a lot of women, including me, who took and some are still taking the same exact dosage without side effects. I read about how ferungreek can help with appendicitis. it contains organic compounds which are responsible for reducing cancer risks, and here, scientists are not just talking about breast cancer, but different kinds of cancer. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is an annual plant in the family Fabaceae, with leaves that resemble clover and with small white flowers. This has been proven scientifically; to read more about this subject, please check out this article (paid): I was just wondering as fenugreek has something to do with the breast and I had breast cancer 14 years ago and worried if it can trigger in eating the veggies occasionally. If your doctor has recommended that you gain weight, youll need to make changes that increase your calorie intake. I also want to try taking corriander seed. In one study, people with type 1 diabetes who took fenugreek seed powder had better blood sugar levels after 10 days. This could theoretically lead to reduced food cravings and weight loss. I repeat, this side effect is nothing to worry about, its harmless, and its going to disappear once you stop consuming fenugreek. 00:00 - Does fenugreek cause weight gain?00:40 - Is flaxseed good for weight gain?01:10 - Can fenugreek be harmful?01:43 - Can fenugreek reduce belly fat?02:. This is very important for you to be aware of because most women are going to be freaked out during the first weeks of fenugreek intake. It has taken some time, at least 6 months of use, but it is so much better for you than taking allergy pills daily. I recently had a baby 2 months ago, I stopped breast feeding after 1 month I decided to start breast feeding again when baby was 2 months. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Are you still there Sahar? This will help reduce their bitterness and make them easier to digest. Thank you. On the other hand, not all women are alike; a lot of my readers have experienced period pain and cramps while taking fenugreek, again, this is due to the amount they are taken and most importantly, to their tolerance of phytoestrogens. For centuries, the herb has also been used in alternative medicine to treat various health conditions, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity. ). However, most people, even children and women, have nothing to worry about and can consume fenugreek daily, but they should never exceed the 6 g a day limit. what is the best measures of taking it? For Sahar: Thank you for all of the good, useful information on fenugreek seed consumption. Can fenugreek be our savior to increase testosterone and libido to normal again? Its normal for your sweat to become pungent and smelly because it will contain many aromatic compounds that act as antioxidants and protect your body from infections and free radicles. I have great breast development and large robust nipples. Thank you. Fenugreek is an amazing plant; it has many benefits such as lowering blood cholesterol levels, helping with diabetes and increasing milk production in nursing mothers however, it has also many side effects that can range from harmless to even dangerous! Im not going to answer you emotionally, I love fenugreek seeds, and I believe that they are a powerhouse of nutrition, but what Im going to do is give you the latest scientific research on the subject, and I invite you to read the following articles, the first one is paid, the second one can be freely downloaded as PDF: If you read these articles, you are going to find that its mentioned clearly that fenugreek is a very powerful anti-cancer food. I have been using fenugreek oil for breast enlargement in the early morning and before I skeep. In recent years, fenugreek has gained popularity for its purported effects on body weight. Sleep deprivation can lead to increased hunger and cravings, so be sure to get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Give yourself several months to see gradual improvements.

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