how to calculate indirect cost rate for federal grants

The base of application for this example is total costs excluding G&A expenses. Download Example - Direct Allocation Method [PDF 62 KB]. states a breakout of the indirect cost component into two broad categories, Facilities and Administration as defined in subparagraph A.3 of this appendix is required. Each indirect cost pool must then be allocated individually to benefitting functions by means of a base which best measures the relative benefits. Administration costs include general administrative expenses that are not specific to the project but serve the entire organization. Below are the names, email addresses and telephone numbers of the Contract Specialist responsible to negotiate each organizations indirect cost rate agreement (NICRA). Subsequent NICRA Submissions to Establish Final and Provisional Indirect Cost Rates. This paragraph applies to the following types of documents and their supporting records: indirect cost rate computations or proposals, cost allocation plans, and any similar accounting computations of the rate at which a particular group of costs is chargeable (such as computer usage chargeback rates or composite fringe benefit rates). direct salaries and wages including (or excluding) fringe benefits, direct salaries and wages including vacation, holiday, sick pay, and other paid absences, Provides the separate rates for allocating. The G&A expenses are those that have been incurred for the overall general executive and administrative offices of the organization and other expenses of a general nature which do not relate solely to any major function of the organization. If a small business has clearly established indirect cost rates, pools and bases that an external CPA firm has validated, this should be sufficient for the recognition of indirect cost rates under the award. These organizations generally separate their costs into three basic categories: (i) General administration and general expenses, (ii) fundraising, and (iii) other direct functions (including projects performed under Federal awards). Total Federal funds involved. 2 CFR 200, Subpart A, Section 200.56 defines Indirect (facilities & administrative (F&A)) costs for Major nonprofit organizations: Indirect (F&A) costs means those costs incurred for a common or joint purpose benefitting more than one cost objective, and not readily assignable to the cost objectives specifically benefitted, without effort disproportionate to the results achieved. Examples include salaries and benefits for staff and consultants working on the project, project-related travel, and supplies and equipment used on the project. [PDF 259 KB]. Again, for this approach, once the negotiated ICR is approved, organizations will calculate the actual 2 indirect costs on a periodic basis. Leave absence such as vacation, holiday, sick leave, and other paid absences were included in salaries. Title changed on 3.B from Time Distribution Report to Personnel Activity Report. A predetermined rate is not subject to adjustment. 2 CFR 200, Subpart F, Appendix IV, Section B.2.e. It is the ratio between the total indirect costs of an applicant and some equitable direct cost base. Grantees that already have a NICRA are required to submit their audited financial statements and single audit in accordance with 2 CFR 200, Subpart F, Section 512(a)(1) and certified indirect cost rate proposal to USAID within the earlier of 30 days after receipt of the auditors report, or nine months after the close of each fiscal year. NEH must use the negotiated rates in effect at the time of the initial award throughout the life of the award, except as provided in 2 CFR 200.414(c)(1). This checklist is also included in Appendix III, Indirect Cost Rate Proposal Checklist for First Time NICRA, and includes the basic instructions to complete and submit an indirect cost rate proposal. The cost base describes the direct cost pool (types of costs and cost caps) to which the indirect cost rate is applied. Indirect cost Proposal Checklist for First Time NICRA of this guide for the required documentation. Negotiated indirect cost rate approval does not need to be included in the application but will need to be provided if a grant is awarded. This calculation should confirm that the college's actual indirect cost rate is equal to or exceeds the 8 percent limit. Depreciation schedule if depreciation is included as indirect costs. The administrative requirements and cost principles apply to new awards authorized on or after December 26, 2014. Agreement (NICRA), a description of the base used to calculate indirect costs along with the amount of the base, and the total indirect costs requested; OR (b) For those applicant states that meet the requirements to use the 10 percent de minimis rate as described in 2 C.F.R. Part 200): 2 C.F.R Part 200 establishes uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards to non-Federal . State/Local Governments may support the indirect costs that they incurred by submitting an Indirect Cost Rate (ICR) proposal or a Cost Allocation Plan (CAP) to their Federal cognizant agency. The indirect cost rate is designed to provide a method for full cost recovery, and it is an equitable, logical and consistent process for allocating costs not directly associated with a single grant/contract, project or cost objective. As outlined in 2 CFR 700.15, if the organization disagrees with the AOs final decision, the organization may appeal the AOs decision to the USAIDs Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Management, or designee. It is a manner of assuring fair and equitable reimbursing across different businesses and organizations. ONR has approved Georgia Tech's Resident Instruction F&A rates for fiscal years 2021, 2022 and 2023. Indirect cost pools must be distributed to benefitted cost objectives on bases that will produce an equitable result in consideration of relative benefits derived (2 CFR 200.1). Treatment of paid absences and signed statement of treatment of paid absences. Document meeting, telephone conversations, and e-mails. Generally, an organization uses the prior years final indirect cost rates as the new provisional (until amended) rates when an organization believes the final rates represent a reasonable estimate of the next years expected actual rates. Description of the allocation base used in each rate calculation if it has changed. The base of allocation for this example is total costs excluding indirect expenses. describing how the organization will calculate indirect costs. Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulation Part 200 (2 CFR 200), titled Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards establishes the federal requirements for the determination of allowable and unallowable direct and indirect costs, and is available at the following website: When an organization considers the final indirect cost rate to be a reasonable estimate of its rate for coming year, it will be established as the new provisional rate. The following resources are provided to aid grantees in the administration of Federal grants awarded by the Department of Education. Administration of group benefits on behalf of members or clients, including life and hospital insurance, annuity or retirement plans, and financial aid. The rate should be expressed as the percentage of allowable indirect costs to the allocation base costs selected. For small businesses, supporting documentation can include reviewed financial statements with the associated indirect cost calculations. Indirect (F&A) cost pools must be distributed to benefitted cost objectives on bases that will produce an equitable result in consideration of relative benefits derived.. consult with other divisions within M/OAA as needed before preparing a recommendation for the deciding official; and, Establish a provisional rate to charge estimated indirect costs to an award for future periods and. You can find plans and specifications, plan holder lists, addenda, reference information, questions and answers and other contract documents in the Strategic Pavement Preservation 2023 contract . Nonetheless, 2 CFR 200, Subpart F, Appendix IV, Section C.2.c. You should choose the base that would result in the fairest and most equitable allocation of indirect costs across your funding sources. USAID provides the majority of the organizations funding from the Federal government. A predetermined rate is typically not subject to adjustment. 2 CFR 200, Subpart F, Appendix IV, Section B.3.a, states that where an organization's indirect costs benefit its major functions in varying degrees, indirect costs must be accumulated into separate cost groupings. Failure by the parties to agree on any final rate(s) under this provision is considered a dispute within the meaning of the Standard Provision, Disputes. If a dispute arises in a negotiation of an indirect cost rate between the cognizant agency for indirect costs and the nonprofit organization, the dispute must be resolved in accordance with the appeals procedures of the cognizant agency for indirect costs. The cognizant Mission initially negotiates, and subsequently updates, the NICRA on a company-wide basis; not per grant/award. If a sponsor's published policy mandates a lower F&A rate, an indirect cost exception (waiver) must be obtained. After USAID issues a final indirect cost rate, M/OAA/CAS/OCC will establish a provisional rate for the next fiscal year. A one-time extension of a currently negotiated rate may be approved for up to a 4-year period. 2.0 Loading Home Buying Calculators How Much House Can Afford Mortgage Calculator Rent Buy Closing Costs Calculator Helpful Guides Home Buying Guide Veteran Home Buying Guide Compare Rates Today Mortgage Rates Year Mortgage. You cannot assign a cost to an NEH award as a direct cost if you have allocated any other cost incurred for the same purpose to the award as an indirect cost (2 CFR 200.403(c)). states that provisional and final rates must be negotiated where neither predetermined nor fixed rates are appropriate. one which results in an accurate measure of the benefits provided to each activity of the organization. Maintenance of membership rolls, subscriptions, publications, and related functions. Immediately upon receiving an appeal, the Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Management, or designee, and the AO must forward the appeal to the Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition and Assistance, Compliance Division (M/OAA/C) at The Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement shall not change any monetary ceiling, obligation, or specific cost allowance or disallowance provided for in each grant or contract between the parties. If the de minimis . Prior to the preparation of an indirect cost rate proposal and supporting documentation, the cost principles established by 2 CFR 200, Subpart E, Cost Principles, should be thoroughly reviewed. Make any agreed upon changes, and request any revised, and/or supporting documentation. it is crucial to calculate the indirect costs both using the sponsor's indirect costs rate as well as our federally negotiated rate to ensure we are not charging excess indirect costs. A Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA) is a formal written agreement between your organization and its cognizant federal agency describing how the organization will calculate indirect costs. Indirect Cost Rate Proposal (ICR) Checklist for First Time NICRA. The allocation base should best represent the causal relationship between costs being allocated and the final cost objectives (awards, fundraising, lobbying, etc.). If this is not the case, an organization must provide a detailed forecast supporting the desired rate(s). In summierung, 2 CFR 200, Subpart A, Abteilung 200.57 defines an indirect cost rate offer as the documentation prepared via a non-Federal business to substantiate its request for the establishment of an indirecly cost rate. Offisite, Alexis Johnson, Closeout Contract Specialist. Example Personnel Cost Worksheet regarding timesheet with comments from the 2 CFR 200 addressing the use of records to support the work performed. Certificate of Indirect Costs in accordance with 2 CFR 200, Subpart F, Appendix IV, Section D. Compile all remaining documentation identified in the indirect cost proposal checklist, such as: The following allocation bases are acceptable examples for use when indirect costs are allocated to benefiting cost objectives by means of an indirect cost rate. Two federal agencies, DOD and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), negotiate indirect cost rates used to reimburse higher education institutions for . Also, added personnel activity reporting system to the paragraph under the Approved date. Final rate means an indirect cost rate applicable to a specified past period which is based on the actual costs of the period. In proposals and approved budgets, the total project cost is the sum of total direct costs and total F&A (indirect) costs. The first category is direct cost which is the cost of actually doing work for clients. Refer to Appendix V for a sample of a deviation letter from the NICRA. an interim rate applicable to a specified period time pending the establishment of a final rate for that period. Description of the allocation base used in each rate calculation. The lesser of the two . PredeterminedA predetermined indirect cost rate is applicable to a specified current or future period, usually the organization's fiscal year. A NICRA establishes the following to calculate indirect costs: base (s) rate (s) applicable period (s) The accounting system must provide adequate internal controls to safeguard assets, insure fund accountability by cost category, assure accounting data accuracy and reliability, promote operating efficiency, and comply with Government requirements and accounting procedures. 2 CFR 200, Subpart F, Appendix IV, Section B.5 also provides for the use of Special Indirect Cost Rates. Other Sponsored Activities programs and projects that involve the performance of work other than instruction and organized research. Provide any input related to any anticipated changes in business volume, organizational structure, and/or indirect rate structure for the new fiscal year. Determine whether these unallowable or non-allocable items should be added to the distribution/allocation base. Q: Does both my department and my division need to approve the cost-share for my proposal? Explain significant variances for all cost elements. General & Administrative (G&A) rate. The federal agency that provides the most funding is the cognizant agency responsible to establish indirect cost rates. Note that a final indirect cost rate is established after an organization's actual costs are known, typically a fiscal year. A separate indirect cost rate(s) is usually necessary for each department or agency of the governmental . At the end of the 4-year extension, the non-Federal entity must re-apply to negotiate a rate. Indirect Costs Ratio Indirect Cost Pool Direct Cost Base = Indirect Cost Rate Submit a draft NICRA to the organization for their review of the indirect cost rates methodology, and obtain their concurrence. In your application, you must include your project budget and the base, rate, and amount of indirect costs you will recover during period of performance. Knowing these procedures while preparing an indirect cost rate proposal, may make the review process more efficient and timely. The column labelled as indirect is where you place all of the general costs of being in business. Indirect Costs$22,500Budget Grant Amount$350,000 Total Direct Salaries ICR calculation is 10% of $225,000. Provisional rate or billing rate is a temporary ICR applicable to a specified period which is used for funding, interim reimbursement, and reporting indirect costs on federal awards pending the establishment of a final rate for the period. Conversely, if the organization is not successful in securing the award, no NICRA will be issued. If the rate agreement in effect at the beginning of the period does not cover the entire period of performance, then NEH will use the rate in effect for the last year of the negotiated rate agreement to determine indirect costs for the duration of the period of performance, Likewise, recipient organizations that issue subawards (referred to as pass-through entities) must accept subrecipients applicable federally negotiated indirect cost rates. FixedA fixed rate is an indirect cost rate with the same characteristics as a predetermined rate, except that the difference between the estimated costs and the actual costs of the period covered by the rate is carried forward as an adjustment to the rate computation of a subsequent period.

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