lateral patellar retinaculum injury radiology

It thickens as it inserts onto the lateral border of the patella, quadriceps tendon and patellar ligament. Although varied in presentation, successful management of all patients relies on thorough history taking, physical examination of the entire lower extremity, and appropriate imaging. The convex articular surface of the patella places it at risk for chondral injury in either the dislocation or the reduction phases of injury. Surgical management of patellar instability should be guided on an individual patient basis depending on history, physical examination, and radiologic findings as outlined above. Chondral and Soft Tissue Injuries Associated to Acute Patellar Dislocation: A Systematic Review. A lateral patellar sleeve fracture can be misdiagnosed The stifle joint of the pampas deer . It is a major factor in patellar instability and was shown to be present in 85% of these patients [21]. Am J Knee Surg 13:8388, Izadpanah K, Weitzel E, Vicari M et al (2014) Influence of knee flexion angle and weight bearing on the Tibial Tuberosity-Trochlear Groove (TTTG) distance for evaluation of patellofemoral alignment. A buckle transducer was clamped on the lateral patellofemoral ligament and the transducer was calibrated to zero with the knee at full extension. In: Miller M, Thompson S (ed) DeLee and Drezs orthopaedic sports medicine. It has proven to be both sensitive and specific in the detection of hyaline cartilage abnormalities [4]. In eight of 17 patients, the mechanism of injury was a patellar tendon tear (n = 1) or valgus hyperextension (n = 7). PubMed Central Radiology 225:736743, Kirsch MD, Fitzgerald SW, Friedman H, Rogers LF (1993) Transient lateral patellar dislocation: diagnosis with MR imaging. Bull NYU Hosp Jt Dis 67:2229, Dupuy DE, Hangen DH, Zachazewski JE, Boland AL, Palmer W (1997) Kinematic CT of the patellofemoral joint. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! At 0 extension, the patellar may lie completely above the level of the trochlea, without direct apposition between the two articular surfaces. Surgical realignment procedures include medialization of the tibial tubercle particularly in patients with a TT-TG distance greater than 20mm. Lateral patellar dislocation is a common clinical entity with a characteristic MR appearance. 1. Medial patellar. The site is secure. Acute patellar dislocation (APD) is a common injury in children, accounting for up to 16% of acute knee hemarthroses. At the time the article was last revised Mohamed Saber had Lateral dislocation may also occur, less commonly, as the result of a direct blow to the medial aspect of the knee. Between 15 and 45% of patients will develop recurrent patellar instability after acute dislocation, which is both functionally limiting and painful [17,18,19,20]. The patella itself is shaped as an inverted triangle and is embedded in the quadriceps tendon, making it the largest sesamoid bone in the body [6]. 3). PFA is the angle between a line drawn along the bony lateral patellar facet and another line along the anterior aspect of the femoral condyles. 1. ADVERTISEMENT: Radiopaedia is free thanks to our supporters and advertisers. Patellar maltracking: an update on the diagnosis and treatment strategies. 2. This procedure involves removal of cancellous bone beneath the trochlea followed by fixation of the articular surface [88, 89]. VMO dysplasia may play a role in patellofemoral instability. Alimorad Farshchian M. D.. Farshchian's Orthopedic Regenerative Series. Lateral patellar dislocation results in bone contusion at the medial patella and along the lateral aspect of the lateral femoral condyle. J Bone Joint Surg Am 85-A:12381242, Article Careers. A distance between the tibial tubercle and the trochlear groove of less than 15 mm is considered normal. The common peroneal nerve can be localized in the popliteal fossa or identified posterior to the biceps femoris tendon and followed as it courses around the fibular neck. Traumatic dislocations are commonly associated with other injuries including that of the MPFL, meniscal pathology, and osteochondral fractures of the femur or patella [15, 16]. Am J Sports Med. It is a recognized cause of anterior pain and in extreme cases presents as acute and often recurrent patellar dislocation, which is usually transient. 1997 Jan;168(1):117-22. doi: 10.2214/ajr.168.1.8976933. The patellar usually relocates, and the typical bone contusions are the key MRI features to diagnose transient lateral patellar dislocation (Fig. Several methods have been used to assess patella alta. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Before It takes a very strong force to tear the patellar tendon. 5. Am J Sports Med 2009 37: 2355-2362. PubMed In our experience, injuries to the transverse band most often involve the femoral attachment, whereas injuries to the oblique decussation and associated medial retinacular structures are more common at the patellar attachment. The lateral retinaculum or lateral canthus is a complex integration of a number of structures. Radiology. The clinical evaluation can provide useful clues for the presence of such entity; however, the diagnosis can often be challenging especially in the absence of a documented history of patellar dislocation. In eight of 17 patients, the mechanism of injury was a patellar tendon tear (n = 1) or valgus hyperextension (n = 7). Significantly greater lateral patellar displacement and tilt was found in osteoarthritis patients compared to a control group [3]. 2011;39(8):1756-1761. Am J Sports Med 18:359365, Lattermann C, Toth J, Bach BR Jr (2007) The role of lateral retinacular release in the treatment of patellar instability. Rethy Chhem, Etienne Cardinal. In acute patellar dislocation, CT may demonstrate osseous impaction or fractures of the medial margin of the patella (with or without involvement of the articular surface) and/or the lateral surface of the lateral femoral condyle and intraarticular fragments. The marrow edema and medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) injury pattern above are virtually pathognomonic of a transient lateral patellar dislocation, as little else will cause such an appearance. Abnormalities of the medial retinaculum and MPFL are seen in 82-100% of MRI examinations following patellar dislocation. Isacsson A, Olsson O, Englund M, Frobell RB. 2020;49(6):1642-50. As the knee joint ranges from extension to flexion, the articular surface area of the patella is in contact with the femur changes. The lateral patellar retinaculum is a fibrous expansion comprising of superficial and deep layers. We confirm that this article is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that the authors did not receive any specific grants from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. However, patellofemoral tracking is a dynamic process with the spatial relationship between the articular surfaces varying depending on the position of the knee joint [57, 64]. There are several different techniques described in the literature to assess patella alta and many of these are reviewed in detail in the MRI Web Clinic, August 20106. Materials and methods: Twenty-two male patients (age range 20-45 years) with posttraumatic knee stiffness following distal femoral fractures underwent Thompson's quadricepsplasty where knee flexion range was less than 45. Knee 13:2631, McNally EG (2001) Imaging assessment of anterior knee pain and patellar maltracking. At the time the article was created Pereshin Moodaley had no recorded disclosures. 2012 Feb;41(2):137-48. doi: 10.1007/s00256-011-1291-3. The typical injury pattern is a tear of the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) and bone bruises of the patella and the lateral femoral condyle. Structures such as the iliotibial band, fibular collateral ligament, and biceps femoris tendon are readily apparent on MRI and are easy to identify. Transient lateral patellar dislocation. Patients with patella alta may also benefit from tibial tuberosity advancement. MRI and CT are superior modalities in looking for predisposing factors associated with patellar maltracking [26,27,28]. Because as noted above, the femoral bone bruise occurs as the patella moves forward during reduction, bone bruises at the lateral femoral condyle always course anteriorly from the site of any femoral chondral injury that may be present. All authors (ZJ, PJ, KSR, MLS, GD) contributed to the study design, drafted the work, and revised it critically for final submission. Complete disruption and avulsion are seen as discontinuity of ligament fibers with associated edema [50]. Each of the mentioned assessment methods of patella alta has its own advantages and limitations. The most accepted indication for surgical management of patellar instability is the presence of a large displaced osteochondral fracture or loose body. (20a) A fat-suppressed proton density-weighted sagittal image in a patient following patellar dislocation reveals an osteochondral injury with a chondral defect (arrows) at the lateral weightbearing surface of the lateral femoral condyle, a finding seen in only 5% of patients. 6. Radiographics 30:961981, Tscholl PM, Wanivenhaus F, Fucentese SF (2017) Conventional radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging for the analysis of trochlear dysplasia: the influence of selected levels on magnetic resonance imaging. An increased tibial tubercletrochlear groove (TT-TG) indicates a lateralized tibial tuberosity, or a medialized trochlear groove [38]. Observer Agreement on the Dejour Trochlear Dysplasia Classification: A comparison of true lateral radiographs and axial magnetic resonance images. ANTERIOR KNEE PAIN 5). J Knee Surg 28:303309, Hevesi M, Heidenreich MJ, Camp CL et al (2019) The recurrent instability of the patella score: a statistically based model for prediction of long-term recurrence risk after first-time dislocation. The clinical evaluation can be more challenging in the absence of a dislocation history, and in this scenario, imaging can have a critical role. Jibri, Z., Jamieson, P., Rakhra, K.S. 3.1 ). (16a) An axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted image reveals numerous typical findings of recent lateral patellar dislocation. It is measured at the mid-point of the patella on the axial slices [48]. Twenty-seven knees in 21 patients were studied and the mean age of the patients at surgery was 19 years. The lateral trochlear articular surface is usually more prominent than its medial portion. In the setting of osseous patellar malalignment, an osseous procedure such as tibial tubercle transfer osteotomy can be performed (Fig. 3. LTI < 11 degrees indicates dysplasia. Edema and thickening compatible with tears of the MPFL and medial retinaculum (red arrows) are apparent both anteriorly and posteriorly. The transverse band attaches to the upper pole of the patella, and this component originates on a bony groove that lies between the adductor tubercle and the medial epicondyle, slightly posterior to the epicondyle. Correspondence to Trochleoplasty is rarely performed in this country and is reserved for significant dysplasias or when other surgical options have been insufficient in restoring patellofemoral stability. Additionally, return to sport can be as low as 45%, leaving many patients searching for further management options [12]. Google Scholar, Fithian DC, Paxton EW, Stone ML et al (2004) Epidemiology and natural history of acute patellar dislocation. 4). Patella instability in children and adolescents. Sanders T, Paruchuri N, Zlatkin M. MRI of Osteochondral Defects of the Lateral Femoral Condyle: Incidence and Pattern of Injury After Transient Lateral Dislocation of the Patella. Am J Sports Med. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 14:235240, Article The femoral attachment of the transverse band of the MPFL is not always discretely visible, and therefore secondary signs on MRI such as fluid, edema, and soft tissue thickening at the attachment indicate MPFL injury. The purpose of this article is to discuss the evaluation of patellar maltracking providing an update on the imaging assessment and also a synopsis on the management options. Early diagnosis is essential, as chronic maltracking will lead to patellofemoral cartilage damage and osteoarthritis [3].

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