mouseover pet attack macro

Great job! Youll notice there are no /castsequence shot macros in this list. If your pet is not summoned: You will cast Call Pet 1. spell that you want if you desire. Yes, /cast and /use are synonymous. SV Hunter, been around for a while, yet dont use macros as I like to be in control Nevertheless, youve provided some great macros that I WILL use, particularly the PvP ones. However if a hunters pet is in front on him, I only target and spam HM on the pet not the enemy player. The drawback of Weak Auras is that is has a /petpassive [target=mouseover, noexists] (again, doens't matter if you check the color the the targets shoulder armor, result is pet comes to you if no mouseover) Again would use keybind for petpassive, but you have to remember to turn it back off in your attack macro. /cast [mod:ctrl] Shot 3 Aimed shot Wish I would of found this site about 5 years earlier, would of saved a lot of head ache! as for the above post the problem with that macro wanted is your going to waste LnL if your trying to conserve buttons on your UI id opt for a macro that alternates between arcane shot and explosive shot pending CD but this is even a DPS waste now that arcane and ES are no longer on same CD. Very obvious they love and care about all animals., "Love the service at the Middletown Office on, 150 Berlin Street! Ive been trying to use thee macro for a while and i finally got it to work but while i think it would be useful, i would also like to hear your opinion on the subject. Because Wing Clip initiates the GCD, you might be experiencing a hiccup where the script refuses to execute Disengage simultaneously because of the triggering of the GCD by Wing Clip. You can use this with any spell combo. , To combat this, and to allow for more control, I manage mine manually. Stringing attack sequences together into a macro is never a good thing, as it can never compare with a Hunters ability to manually make decisions and adjust on the fly. Where XX depend on rank of Fire Resistance Totem.) A stock image of a German Shepherd. /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 Beginner's guide Is there any way to fix t. Exclamation point ensures that it will default to enable aspect instead of toggle. im curious about one thing is and i hafent tested it out but wanna know if it works is that lets say i wanna use, macro and hafe in that same macro lets say /cast [@focus] Scatter Shot but then if i press 1 i silence my focus and Shift 1 i scatter it is this possible in one macro if so please someone tell me and show me how to make that maccro, ive found a deadly rotation for pvp but im not sure if there is a macro that suite me. Im glad youve found the site helpful, and also happy to hear youre enjoying playing your hunter. I have gained almost 2k dps using this site and still gaining. Focus is good for PvP as it pertains to fast target switching, but in PvE, focus is usually reserved for your tank. /petattack /cast [target=player] Masters Call I had been looking for a website like this ever since I returned to WoW. /cast Chimera Shot. /use [talent:6/1] Glaive Toss If you are letting your pet die, it means you need to keep a closer eye on him and pull him back when needed. ElvUI eliminates most of the inefficiencies of the You cant use Mend Pet in a macro with other attacks because its on the global cooldown. /cast [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [modifier:ctrl] Revive Pet; Mend Pet, Thanks this explains alot and helps plenty. Ill be changing a few of mine to make use of the keeping the target Ive already got conditions. Re: Mouseover pet attack macro help. /cast Disengage If you do not have a focus set, or if you have a friendly target set as your focus, then they should work as normal. wuld it be possible to get a macro for pvp to do this Either way, welcome! If they need corrections please suggest. Hunter's Mark - Pet Attack - Pet Recall (All-In-One), Call Pet/Revive Pet, Pet Attack, Pet Follow, Aspect of the Cheetah / Pack by mouse click, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, name it, describe what it does, and use a 'space' before each command for the 'code box', note the version of WoW that you tested it in, if moving from another page, remove it from the old page, Use: This yells, "Hooray, I made a macro! /cast [modifier] [button:1] Immolation Trap; [button:2] Explosive Trap, Just throwin it out there. /cast Cobra Shot I thought Id add this macro to your list. Whenever you spam a instant shot you shift to aspect of the hawk and get max Damage modifier on your shots!! I think it was when you shot kill shot you can type in Auto Shot in it and it did shot a kill shot plus auta shot and it wasent on the Auto Shot cooldown. My pet seems to interupt that alot. Heart of the Rhino + Spirit Bond + Glyph of Mend Pet is awesome. None of my macros that Ive used since I started playing in 2009 are working. As long as you mouseover something valid itll work. If anyone can that would be great. /cast hunters mark, Looking to cast Hunters Mark and have pet attack unless shift is held down then just cast Hunters Mark, This is the best Macro Collection I have found PERIOD! A CD timer like OmniCC can help too. Q: What are macros? I ended up shelving it for another time. I am looking for a way to cast arcane shot, quickly followed by serpent sting:(no luck, and ideas? /cast !Aspect of the Fox If you are an established client who has visited our hospitals before, please Message Your Doctor to get in contact with your pet's healthcare team. Chrudim. Was looking to find a Mouse Over Freezing Arrow Macro for quick cc Another alternative is to go SV or MM and use a spider. Workaround macro for the current bug related to mouseover dead allies. Below are examples of useful macros; you can adapt them for whatever spell you deem fit. Any ideas on how to get a cycling target enemy macro to cast HM? It seems like it would be beneficial to know at a glance which one is active, and since Im using Bartender4, itd be a great real estate saver if I could actually just remove my Aspect bar and keep that one button. /cast [button:1] Hunters Mark Garwulf, Id say most of them. /console Sound_EnableSFX 0. /cast Wing Clip If you havent assigned a focus then this macro will have you assist your pet. I would recommend this macro for a lot of abilities as it clears up much of your toolbars. /cast Disengage. /petattack Both of those shots are on the global cooldown and cannot be fired together. If you find you arent firing enough Tranq Shots due to focus, drop one of the Arcane Shots or Replace it with Widow Venom or Concussive Shot (both are no focus instant shots) that will still be useful, but not damaging. I have been experiementing a bit with macros, and i have come up with a couple of goox ideas. In footage shared to TikTok by an account called . Kill Shot, Explosive Shot, Black Arrow, Aimed (or Multi if more than one enemy), Pair this with up more maturity in the keybinding department (use my mouse to move not the keys) and then i cast shots galore with huge DPS just simply love it great guide and help for me thanks again! Cast on mouseover or target. /castsequence reset=7 !aspect of the hawk, nil #showtooltip *Shot/Sting Name* . I decided not to include Beastial Wrath as it can be activated ondemand and may not always be needed depending on the situation. 10 = gloves could you find a way to integrate an aquatic mount into your mount macro please? . /cast [@target,nodead] Multi-Shot; targetenemy, This will cast Multi Shot if your enemy is alive, or auto select the nearest target if you have no alive target. As long as you have a focus selected such as your main tank this macro will ensure that you hit whatever theyre hitting. . Im using a mix of ideas from Ensidia, Kripp, Garwulf and others, fine-tuned by visits to Zeheras (, HunterLoot and GuildOx. Hope that helps make some sense of things. Combine it with other burst cooldowns for maximum burstage. While pressing the alt modifier it will Chains of Ice your focus target. /cast [pet:Voidwalker] Sacrifice; Thank you, Scatter shot was removed dude in the pre patch for wod man. well as finding out whether that guy really did use his Healthstone. /castsequence !Aspect of the Dragonhawk, !Aspect of the Viper, !Aspect of the Monkey, This macro is for MD, regardless of Spec, to lower your Aggro faster. Our priority always remains the same, but you need the ability to manage your shot cycle manually dont let a macro do this for you. Sorry if its a dumb question but as a hunter I need this a lot. was very very usefull the item # listing as an engeneer ive always made a use glove macro built into my haste cds and always flipped macros pve to pvp cause of the different gloves.have to say after 400+days played on my hunter and looking at A LOT of macro sites over the years that this is the best ive seen since BRKs site during BC. I will be say BIG THX if someone will do. I found this site last week and its amazing! 3. you must play at windowed mode. It was late and I was sleepy. Pressing it will heal you or a mouseover target (e.g., main tank, arena partner) if you have one highlighted. I got bullheaded covered in the pet talents.. 2- if i have a mouseover on another enemy, it should use the spell or ability or the mouseover enemy example, i have rebuke, i can interrupt the current enemy if i have no mouseover, however if i choose to interrupt the caster next to it, i should be able to do so without macro failing and using the ability on the current target. /cast roar of courage The simple misdirection macro should work, you just a have to make sure to set your focus first. While pressing the alt modifier it will Death Grip your focus target. However you can try: /cast !Aspect of the Hawk Pet micro management is a huge part of being a successful BM hunter. You could also add a [@focus,harm] in there if you like to focus enemy healers or flag carriers. I have Ashtail and i would love to have a macro that is basically set up like this, /target (anyone) It goes as follows: /cast !auto shot This is because, A: those types of macros suck and you should not use themever. I havent tried the Volley one yet, but it looks promising. /cast fox ability play. If you hold shift, call pet in stable slot 3. buggy. It may piss some players off. /castsequence [mod:alt] reset=3 Trap Launcher,!Ice Trap On another note, these macros are amazing, im going to try them out soon in the arena! One-button press macro for Hi-Explosive Trap. Unfortunately, you cant macro them together so that they function like our old Freezing Arrow. I love my macro in Alterac Valley, especially when those strays happen to run by. I really appreciate the kind words, and Im glad youre finding the site helpful. I macro Shadowmeld with Spirit Walk for a nice stealth macro for when I want to surprise enemies in PvP, or if I just want to go afk and not be bothered by any npc mobs. Dismiss Pet is a cast, where as your mount is a use item. Q: How many different macros do I need? I know you dont want to hear this, but the best option is to manage your aspects manually. Listed below are some good alternatives. /cast Call of the Wild Just set your tank as your focus, then use this macro: /assist Focus Any help would be appreciated. /startattack If you select a friendly target, it will make them the focus, otherwise it will cast misdirection on whatever the focus was. /cast Trap Launcher This macro will dispel a buff or enrage effect from your hover-over target, or your current target if no other targets are highlighted. One press will hurl a Freezing Trap at your cursors location. /cast Steady Shot. Do you think it works and if it does can you help me typing in the macro?=), /petattack /targetenemy [noharm][dead] Note that Intimidation also stuns the opponent. /cast Rapid Fire or /equipset [spec:1] PVP; [spec:2] PVE /cast [@focus,help][@focustarget,help][@target,help][@targettarget,help][@pet,nodead,exists] Misdirection. #showtooltip Hunters Mark I tried: 1{ES} 2{AS} 3{BA} 4{KS} 5{Hunters Mark} 6{[mod:alt]Fox+AB switch;CS}.. Learned a lot from the explanations! /cast Explosive shot, #showtooltip Cobra Shot /cast !Aspect of the Fox /use item:98061 It is highly effective in large BGs, world PVP, or during simple questing and/ or farming professions. /castsequence [flyable] Albino Drake, Bronze Drake, Green Proto-Drake, Argent Hippogryph, Turbo-Charged Flying Machine; [noflyable] Venomhide Ravasaur, Black War Bear, White War Talbuk, Cobalt Riding Talbuk, Swift Zhevra. This is avery handyHunter macro. That is a HUGE differenace from using that macro above. /dismount [mounted,noflying] Set the reset to 3 in case you are delayed getting your shot off for any reason. Im just wondering how can I press volley shots at Lich King while doing the Tranquilizing shots at enrage shambling horror in just one key press, Im referring to LK fight (WOTLK 3.3.5) Thank you in advance and more power! Check it out: This one little macro will equip all of your fishing gear, apply a lure to your pole and even cast it. A: Macros can improve game play and reaction time by combining multiple useful abilities into one keystroke. /petautocaston [group] Cower; Growl Therefore, when one German Shephard saw his owner appearing to be attacked by a vacuum cleaner, the pet of course decided to step in. . Q: All this macro stuff looks really great and all, but how can I start using them? I suggest putting modifiers in front of the Call Pet functions. Second, are you playing in the Burning Crusade expansion? It works great, but there is one problem. . Finally, the macro will devour off your current target if all else fails (to be used offensively) /cast [help] Devour Magic; [target=mouseover,help] Devour Magic /cast [target=player] Devour Magic /cast [target=pet] Devour Magic /cast Devour Magic . If your dead pet is out of range (i.e. prevents the aspect from being shut off when the macro is used. This can be use with any rotational ability. The other thing about yur macros is that you will have little control about using your burst abilities (Rapid Fire and Call of the Wild) while in a macro like this. \cast Readiness /cast [harm,nodead] Raptor Strike Ive been trying to do these but havent met with much success . Heyy ..Nice job your doin here ^^ Pet Attack/Return Simple macro that will send your pet to attack on the first press and return it to you on the second press. /cast Widow Venom This macro brings some added flexibility to the Draeneis Gift of the Naaru racial. right mouse click to send pet into attack and hunters mark at the same time I have seen a lot of macro sites, but this is clear, concise and very helpful. /cast [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix(Talent) You can do the same thing Aspect of Fox, but it isnt recommended: /cast !Aspect of the Fox Prob is, if Im already in Hawk, it removes it since the Aspects all toggle on casting. . Since the clip, which can be watched here, was shared on October 18 it has gained lots of traction online, having been liked by more than 2.2 million people and shared over 111,400 times. /petfollow. Also make macroes for banishing/fearing/curse of tongues on focus/mouseover, once you learn when to use it. /targetenemy [noharm] [dead] Blood Fury is a powerful DPS boost that is best used when combined with other burst abilities such as Bestial Wrath, Trueshot or Coordinated Assault, like this: The Trolls Berserking racial is another great DPS cooldown. cause if its designed that it only works on a focus target then its oke, but i hoped that it worked like normal if i didnt had a focus target and worked as normal when i did had a focus target, i dont know if its too much asked but is a macro for that possible too?? Using the gear slot number as opposed to the actual item name is a more practical way of doing things. Secondly, been enjoying the use of the following macro. /castsequence reset=14 !Trap Launcher,!Freezing Trap(Frost). /petautocastoff [nogroup] Cower; Growl Pressing the shift key will Dismiss your current pet. Screw the useful macrosthe gun show will be the first one I add next time I log in.that is just classic. /cast !Auto Shot That sounds like a good one, Yoann! On most of my macros I was always using the trinkets after my shots to ensure, if the trinket was on cooldown, it wouldnt end my macro before the shot was cast. /cast Disengage Demonic Strength; [known:Bilescourge Bombers,@cursor] Bilescourge /usetalents [spec:1] 2; [spec:2] 1 Wow, fantastic list here. I have about 1040 resilience in my PvP gear, which seems to be enough to keep my pet from being nuked in seconds. I do tend to use. The only thing thats going to help with that are specific targeting macros for the mobs youre fighting. But rogues and priest/druid are almost in every team. /cast bestial wrath This macro for paladins casts Repentance on your focus if you have . Heres an example for a Hunter: #showtooltip I like using macros when possible. /cast Hunters Mark Thanks mate! It could not happen without your macros. Is there a way to get the macro icons to have this same UI, so I know when it is ready to use? Consider a Nuke macro containing your burst abilities. /clearfocus [@focus,dead] Tab works great for most situations, but use these macros situationally to make it a little faster and easier to grab the right target. /targetenemy -1 to the left. This one is pending an update pretty soon, so you may want to hold out a bit, but I hear its pretty good: In your first new favorite macro, I didnt see /cast Hunters mark is there a reason for that, a conflict with the GCD? accurate early in the patch. So even if Stampede went off, and I pressed the macro 1.5 seconds later, it gets stuck trying to do Stampede again instead of the next one down the line? If used once and without pressing any key modifier, this macro will cast Lichborne. Theres no way to get your macro to work as intended without a modifier key. Its saved quite a few raids, when my aggro was a little too high. When I manually do a rotation like : trap launch Explosive trap Bestial Wrath Trinkets lifeblood rapid fire multi-shot until it no longer refreshes fast then hit fervor and get a few more multi-shots in on a trash pack I can peak up to 24k dps. I modified it by combining it with yours so that I could use just one button for both flying and ground, and thought you might be interested: /dismount [mounted,noflying] If you hold down shift, it will heal your pet by casting Health Funnel. Im Making a set of macros to allow my attacks and my chimeras attacks work together perfectly. /cast Wing Clip Actually, its no bother to others, but it exposes some things that you may want to keep for yourself. Im new to macros, but Ive used almost all of the ones for pets here, and they are great. /cast Some Shot If you aspire to do any Mythic /sequencecast reset=1 Concussive Shot, [@mouseover] Frostbreath This obviously is less than optimal, but I did it this way solely on the notion that if the trinket was on cooldown itd end the macro before the shot, and I cant really remember if I tested this out or if its just one of those assumptions you look back on and think, why didnt I test it?. example and replace their spells with the ones you feel will be most useful to you, thx bro nice macrosyou helped me a lot to have more funn with hunter, Hey there I love you macros but I think I saw a macro for kill shot. Customize it to suit your particular fishing gear setup, then have fun fishin! These macros will be useful no matter your hunter spec or your playstyle.

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