santo trafficante daughters

IMHO, Dallas police officer Harry Olsen convinced Ruby late Friday night that he (Ruby) had to kill Oswald to prevent LHO from appearing in a trial. Phase 12:Conspiracy to Deceive (Secret Service, FBI, CIA, ONI, DPD, and Military); Phase 13: Suppression of Records Campaign(officially ongoing); Phase 13.5: Vilification and Character Assassination of JFK researchers opposed to official whitewash. He thought the plan was for he, Tippit, to blame Oswald for wounding him. I have a smith and wesson 38 caliber revolver even when shooting 38 caliber with plus p a hotter load there is no kick that I can recall. It is one of the best books on the case of recent publication. During the rule of Cuba's authoritarian dictator Fulgencio Batista, Trafficante openly operated the Sans Souci Cabaret and the Casino International gambling establishments in Havana. His father, Santo Trafficante Senior, was a leading figure in the Mafia. c. 1950. "The Everything Mafia Book, Second Edition". Inasmuch as Wades primary job at that time was Oswald and the assassination, Id have expected him to be up on things like that. He died that night in a hospital built on profits from crime. Whats really curious is that the supposedly apolitical Ruby (who upon once seeing an Impeach Earl Warren billboard is alleged to have asked a companion whos Earl Warren?) was aware of the name of the group Oswald was supposedly a member of and thought quickly to correct this error by Wade. What makes sense to me is Tippit exited his car expecting to be wounded slightly. He was clearly looking for someone. My thinking is a heroin connection to the assassination, and the Tippit murder, could be more important than any have suspected. A party in Havana where the mothers chaperone their unmarried daughters. LBJs neighbor Hoover? If you do, check out the point where theyre showing clips of the immediate aftermath with the motorcade speeding away from Dealey Plaza. Wade, who after all was tied up with his job, was probably one of the few people who did not know. He wanted others to do it. He headed the Trafficante crime family from 1954 to 1987 and controlled organized criminal operations in Florida and Cuba, which had previously been consolidated from several rival gangs by his father, Santo Trafficante Sr. Trafficante maintained links to the Bonanno crime family in New York City, but was more closely allied with Sam Giancana in Chicago. [14][15] He stated he was chosen by Hoffa because, as both Hoffa and Trafficante's lawyer, he could be assured of attorneyclient privilege. Theres even room for country music and barroom brawls. But if Id been a cop standing near there, theyd have gotton stopped and IDd, at a minimum. Santo Trafficante Jr. was a well-known mafia figure from Tampa. Rafael Garcia Bango was not present in Cubelas trial. In 1975, the CIA declassified a report stating that Trafficante had been persuaded to poison Castro, an allegation he denied. Back in the day it was chaos. The dictator of Cuba, Fulgencio Batista, received a large cut of the profits. Especially if it implicated Castro. He was like an uncle to Santo Trafficante Jr., who took over the syndicate and grew it into the largest in the state and one that extended into Cuba. Where memories fail, Miami hospital records fill in. Thus far hidden information that will help explain the history, circumstances and connections will aide the pursuit of truth. IMHO, he had already been ordered to kill him. Santo, Jr. never spent a day in jail, and he died of natural causes in 1987. If one looks at the actual film of Oswald being killed in the fine Evidence of Revision series, you will see something odd. I feel that, in the end, Ruby was pretty sure he missed the transfer and he entered the basement. For that and other reasons, I think someone else killed Tippit. When one looks at the HSCA report on this, and compare it to the WR, its night and day. [2][1], Santo Trafficante, Jr. was born in the United States on November 15, 1914, as one of five sons of Mafia boss Santo Trafficante. (AP) - Dm daughters of deceased Mafia boss Santo Trafficante Jr. broke decades of si lence this . Compartmentalization was central to the conspiracy. The CIA was associated with some of these individuals and themselves involed in illegal activities like gun running, weapons theft and assassination squads. I think he had too much help available in the DPD, and perhaps wanted to be equipted when the opportunity arrived. McBride has done some good work, but also has made some serious missteps. A native and lifelong resident of Tampa, Mr. Traffi-cante is survived by his loving family, wife, Ger According to Trafficante soldier John Mamone, when he was formally "made" or inducted, into the local Mafia by Steve Raffa in the mid 1990s, the ceremony took place at Malio's. Hillsborough Avenue also has a few choice locations. Tippit was unafraid of his killer: he exited his car without drawing his weapon. Between these two events Frank grew up in one of the strangest decades in American history. This ignores Rubys relationships with the National and local mob, local politicians and oil men (but you do acknowledge the DPD/Sheriffs Office). \\][//, Santos Trafficante, latter 1962 just after LBJs Miami address. But Griffin was right on this. The Question: Why did Ruby Kill Oswald? She was born on March 24, 1920. The mob was running Heroin, stolen cars and other illegal contraband between Cuba and the USA. For someone who professed to being shocked at the assassination of JFK, he displayed no desire to describe his friend Jack Rubys thoughts and words. He wanted two things of Warren: to get to Washington, D.C., and to take a lie detector test. Your relatives will live, and your IRS debts will be taken care of. Upon completion at each level, the conspiracy to kill JFK was operational and executable by 11/22/1963, just in time for Dallas, Texas the city itself symbolic of OIL money and power, the South, and conservative [war industry] leaders. Ruby also admitted his interest in Houston was to get vehicles to Cubaincluding stolen ones. Rather than look at specific organizations as suspect, look at specific key players in the JFK assassination. Jack Ruby seems to have been all over the place after the assassination. Then, when Oswald attempted the call to John Hurt, that was it. Ruby killing him is when the wheels really fell off. The assassination was a high stakes operation. ST. Petersburg Times. Apparently White, while he was a district director for the FBN in Chicago in 1945 recruited Ruby as his informant. Especially in light of his not being able to explain the sighting of his car with Oswald in it on about 2:00 on 11/22/63. There was no anxiety to his testimony. Tippits Dad was told he was hunting O. This would fit the desires of Cuban refugees in the US, some of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, many in the US intelligence community, and the Mob. All the convictions were overturned on appeal in 1960. But that cant substitute for the actual historical sources. It involves a magic bullet and the usual CIA suspects including JJA. By the early 1940s, Santo Trafficante Sr. had taken over most of the organized crime activities in the city and started teaching his son Santo Trafficante Jr. how to run these criminal operations. I suggest it might have been the reverse. Then he walked through a locked door from only one side and we can all see what happened next. Santo Trafficante Sr. (May 28, 1886 - August 11, 1954) was a Sicilian -born mobster, and father of the powerful mobster Santo Trafficante Jr. Santo Trafficante Sr. gained power as a mobster in Tampa, Florida and ruled the Mafia in Tampa from the 1930s until his death in 1954. As the HSCA found out Dean lied about how Ruby could gain entry into the basement. The fingerprints of the assassination and cover-up, I believe, are clearly those of the military, the S.S., and the DPD. Lets back up here. The most notable boss was Santo Trafficante, Jr. who ruled Tampa and the crime family with an iron fist. Santo Trafficante Jr. (November 15, 1914 March 17, 1987) was among the most powerful Mafia bosses in the United States. With a criminal empire that stretched from the Gulf Coast throughout the Caribbean, Trafficante was linked to drug trafficking, plots to kill Fidel Castro, and the assissination of JFK. Somebody called the DPD and another source at 2-3 AM warning of the impending hit. [5], Despite numerous unrealized ambitions, he was regarded as one of the most powerful mob bosses of the American Mafia and ruled his family with an iron fist. The international narcotics trade was also an important topic on the Apalachin agenda. And a Godfather-like legend surrounds Tampa-born crime boss Santo Trafficante Jr., who took over the Sicilian Mafia in Florida from his father in 1954 and built a criminal empire that was the envy . Ruby was going down, so why not show a little spine on the way? Collins Radio was located in Garland TX, not far from Texas Instruments in Richardson, TX, both major military contractors in the lead up to the Vietnam war. The next day he was stabbed. [10], In 1976, Cuban exile and FBI informant Jose Aleman told The Washington Post that in September 1962, Trafficante had offered him a loan of $1.5million to replace Aleman's three-story "ramshackle motel with a 12-story glass wonder. TRAFFICANTE, Josephine Marchese 95, died peacefully in her sleep, Wednesday morning at her home. Its clear Ruby read Warren correctly. CONTACT. Who 1st visited JR in jail? In mid-October, U.S. Executive Session of House Subcommittee on the Assassination of John F. Kennedy met. Donnie Brasco. Federal investigators brought racketeering and conspiracy charges against him in the summer of 1986. Trafficante remained the boss of Tampa until he died of natural causes in 1954. I do not believe LBJ joined a dallas mob conspiracy as Norths book asserts, but that the mob was much more active in dallas than many realize in the setup and coverup by them being leaned on by the CIA. There are still some male Trafficante nephews and grandchildren in Tampa, and though a few have had some scrapes with the law though none are active in the remnants of the crime family as far as I know. The "Family Jewels" confirmed that in September 1960, the CIA recruited ex-FBI agent Robert Maheu to approach the West Coast representative of the Chicago mob, Johnny Roselli. TAMPA The controversy over big new homes crowding out smaller older ones is moving to a South Tampa house linked to the city's most famous mobster, Santo Trafficante Jr., who died in 1987.. Santos Trafficante Jr., based in Tampa, was one of the most powerful Mafia godfathers in the countryand he was brutally vicious to his enemies. Dulles being on the Committee would ensure that there was no sensitive info conveyed to the Commission that would jeopardize the lone nut scenario. Interestingly, all that Oswald had to do was walk all the way down Zang to get to the Texas Theater yet, and obviously, he detoured TOWARD Jack Rubys Apartment (on S. Ewing). Mafialand is a revelatory and dramatic true-life thriller spanning much of the twentieth century, a page-turning chronicle of an elaborate Mafia plan to 'invade' Europe using 1960s London as a bridgehead.The capital city of the Swinging Sixties was also a world of gambling, guns and gangsters. An FBN agent named George White ran some of those safehouses and was apparently deeply involved in the project. In the film we see Leavelle cautiously, and somewhat haltingly, walk Oswald toward the vehicle; in Jacksons photo we recognize that the moment Ruby lunges, Leavelle physically recoils. The more you look at it, the odder it seems. If Ruby killed Oswald because the mob leaned on him that means the mob had some sort of hand in the assassination or cover-up. I think at the time, RFK couldnt rule out a Communist conspiracy or mob retaliation, and perhaps felt that the Commission should have someone with experience in national security or intelligence issues. Busy with CTKA stuff. However, from the moment Oswald avoided the gun in the mid-section at the TSBD he was a man being stalked. All these other suspicious secondary observations mentioned by Jim and mball are also plausible IMHO (amazing when you really think about it). The Rosetta Stone reference was David Belins metaphor for the Tippit murder. [11] Evidence from the 2004 and 2006 trials of John Alite, Ronald J. Trucchio, and Charles Carneglia connected Gotti Jr. and others to criminal operations in Tampa, Florida. A native and lifelong resident of Tampa, Mr. Traffi-cante is survived by his loving family, wife, Geraldine "Gerry" L. Trafficante; sons, Dino Jose and Joseph Frank Trafficante; daughters,. At some point over the weekend Ruby becomes frantic, acting very different, more emotionally distraught. Santo Sr. had Lumia killed after finding out he had been bad mouthing him while he was in Cuba. In addition, "on January 23, 1958 the Cuban Department of Investigation, Havana, Cuba notified the Bureau of Narcotics that Santo Trafficante was registered in their Alien Office under No. [1] Author Scott Deitche reported that Santo Jr. was involved with the CIA to plot assassination attempts on . There was a spaghetti dinner with a North. My belief is that an agency liaison contacted someone in the Mob who ordered Ruby to make the hit. I didnt mean to imply Ruby had no ties to the mob, national or local. When he was not, the CIAvia Phillips or someone like that, got in contact with their former partners in the Castro plots, and told them they needed a clean up guy. As can be seen by the various phases, no one person or group could do all that was required; however, a carefully constructed group of high level operators could put into play lower level operators responsible for specific details at their level only. its far less likely that a strip club manager running back and forth from place to place would have. Why didnt someone in the newsroom ask: who the heck is that guy, this sounds nuts, lets check him out before airing this?. The fact that the WC was not even aware of Mr. Mather, his relationship to CIA affiliated Collins Radio, or to Tippit, and the Oswald double in his car after the assassination, and that the HSCA never got to the bottom of this crucial information, that tells you all you need to know about why this case is still alive. From the very generalised way that Olsen answered questions, it appeared quite clear he had no intention of devulging much in the way of conversations he had with Ruby on the days leading up to Rubys assassination of Oswald. With reports of ejected automatic shells and a standard description for Oswald floating about from sources unknown, one wonders if the Tippit murder was just to set up Oswald as the patsy. [12] Trafficante also stated that he had no recollection of meeting Oswald or Oswald's assassin, Jack Ruby. Damn. Remember: Tippits murder is the Rosetta Stone of the assassination. [6] Trafficante Jr. had known Lucchese since the 1940s, when his father and Lucchese had trained him in the mafia traditions. Finally, when Ruby was alone with Warren and W.C. staff and no DPD officials were around, Ruby began to sing. Plus, the DPD kept a key witness away from Griffin, Sgt. Maybe Ruby got someone else to shoot Tippit? And the owners claim the exact same telephone can still be seen at the end of the counter. However, I contend that a picture is worth a thousand words. Correction: I meant association with the Mafia. Leslie, to your first sentence: Absolutely not, no way in hell the mob did it themselves and were then covered up for. The older Mafia dons deemed the narcotics trade taboo, so Lansky's wing of the Syndicate cornered the market with Trafficante's eldest son Santo Jr., overseeing heroin traffic. Leaving aside Andersons motivations, which are quite dubious in and of themselves, Joe Shimons name usually brings in the distinct odor of rat in its wake. The CIAs association with the CIA in certain black ops would make elements of the agency possibly suspect in the assassination of JFK, if not to simply tarnish their reputation and subject them to sanctions. Dean failed his: EVEN THOUGH HE WROTE HIS OWN QUESTIONS! Further, I dont think that Oswald killed Tippit. So does Robert Blakey, a former member of the . Ive read some theories about that, including Tippits mysterious phone call at a coffee shop just beforehand. "Sam" was a supervisor of the Bolita rackets of the Trafficante operation. Or other Govt agencys like the MIC Eisenhower mentioned, one already employing the La Cosa Nostra to kill Castro? Santo Trafficante Jr. (centro) con autoridades policiales en La Habana. New York: Barricade Books. If O would have been killed in the theater none of us would have ever heard of Ruby. Involved? Check out the testimony from Kay and Johnny about the conversation with Ruby late Friday night/early Saturday morning. Two comments, its amazing that McAdams is still marketing in unqualified terms that LBJ tale about RFK wanting Dulles on the commission. P.S. The other guys are two doctors, who say they'll testify if they're summoned to court. James DiEugenio: I think that one of the more telling photographs of that weekend is that which captured Jim Leavelles reaction as Ruby lunges forward. (McBride deals with these matters in an OK way on pgs 526-33). Santo Jose TRAFFICANTE Obituary: View Santo TRAFFICANTE's Obituary by Online obituary or memorial for Santo TRAFFICANTE. Any suggestion otherwise is nonsense. The wheels fell off and Tippit got killed. I may have seen this page but dont mind to bookmark this page in my JFK folder lol. I also think that some were tied up with some nasty extremist types, whether by word or deed or both; the Klan or the Birch Society for example. November 25, 2007, United States House Select Committee on Assassinations, "Deitche, Scott. Interesting to get immediate reactions like that before the BS sets in. She was born on March 24, 1920. This doesnt mean that Dulles would do an about face and disclose secrets that would prejudice his beloved agency. Trafficante was born in Tampa, Florida, on 15th November, 1914. Interesting person, Olsen. I find this possibility easier to believe than he did it for Jackie or because the mob told him to. Maybe certain DPD officers did. I dont think he actually wanted to kill Oswald. Quite an answer. Heres another link from Wiki showing a great scene where the investigator tries to connect the dots (reconstruct the ties of various players) using eery tarot cards (he names the CIAs JJA in this scene). I would agree that Mcwillie may have been assigned as Rubys handler-groomer so to speak (at least while in Cuba), probably for the reason you state. Like many of the most prominent mobsters of the 20th century, his father, Santo Trafficante Sr., grew up in Sicily, Italy but became a major player in the criminal world after migrating to America. He cheerfully said he killed Oswald to allow Jackie to avoid having to testify. While not a made member of the Italian mafia because of his Jewish heritage he was a life long collaborator/wannabe who understood.

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