what is a prophetic mantle

This post is a blessing! 3. But too many of Gods people are not speaking the truth and saying this behavior is evil. I need to step back a bit probably 6 months before what I call the rebellion, to when I was anointed with the gift of prophecy. God is no respecter of persons so we all have a purpose and a position in life. Elisha was not confused as to what Elijah was doing; the putting on of his mantle made his election clear. Our host Tonka Johnson interviews and gives a powerful word fervantly. All magazine issues are available for download here. I tried my best to recollect these dreams with great detail not leave out any detail. Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan & Pastor Debra Jordan, Archbishop 64th Birthday Celebration journal ads, https://zoeministries.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/1.jpg, http://zoeministries.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/zoe_logo_white-Eagle-300x122.jpg. That is absolutely ludacris. Anyway, back to the story of this ladythe first time I heard her sing I got a flashback to this concert and what happened there. I remembered when I saw THE LORD CHRIST JESUS,he said to me what did I want And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. Thank you for writing about the mantle and office of the prophtess/prophet Which means that demons also carry rankings. He was also instructed to anoint Jehu as king over Israel and Hazael as the king of Syria. thank u i luke to know more about the proohetic mantles and respisibility. The location of this palm tree between Ramah and Bethel means 'heights of the House of God.' waw, thanx james, wil take yr advice, may the Lord forgiv me 4 utterin those hate words and may he deliver me from this demon oppresin my spirit. Find them online, follow their teachings, go to their church or conferences. 1. I had a dream in which i was married & I had 2 kids which is the case in my actual life.I then called my husband and said to him Ever since you married me 7 years back you havent been talking to me or visiting me. ), which was probably a sheepskin. Not a song, a note. Deborah was known as a prophetess, she would sit under a palm tree between Ramah and Bethel. The Holy Spirit will be gone and the conference will fall flat on its face. Make sure you subscribe to our channel to stay updated when a new video is released. In the Bible several names are used for the upper garment or mantle. Watch or subscribe here. A prophet who does not reveal God Will but just predicts the future is a false prophet. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. The Prophetic Mantle Free From Burdens Ministry. i am a seer prophet. Samuel served under Eli. The character of the prophet must also be destroyed and rebuilt by God himself so that he/she doesnt become a loose cannon, motivated by their gift, and not the Lord. 3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Obviously you are not fueled by self but seem to be moved by God through his son Jesus Christ. I think that many so-called prophets are in error about the call on their lives because they view prophesy only as foretelling, or prophesying about what will be in the future. The prophet's mantle was an indication of his authority and responsibility as God's chosen spokesman ( 2 Kings 2:8 ). I understand now what it means, because after the process of being broken you feel like youve come out of a tornado and survived! God has been moving me deeply in the prophetic in dreams, visions and words. Only a few are selected in the five fold. of the king of Israel Please visit KimClement.com because theres a lot information about prophecy, prophet, and etc. Joseph was a prophet but he also had entrepreneurial assignments from God. One because I am scare. b (1) I will stand where the Lord tells me to stand, do and say exactly what he tells me to say; be it on the street corner, or the backside of an alley. Am i Aba Abia State Nigeria. It also helps knowing which prophetic personality you are. I am ready to go forward. Today, there are people in positions of leadership of Shepherds/Pastors/Preachers/Priest/Bishops/Prophets etc, that are doing the same thing as Jim Jones. Thank you for writing on this subject. Why is that? Because they dont have a mantle. Heavy in the responsibility it carries. I usually tell people to wait on God to decree a mantle upon them. Wallace Henley, 5The company of prophets who were at Jericho drew near to Elisha, and said to him, Do you know that today theLordwill take your master away from you? And he answered, Yes, I know; be silent.. There are people who have mantles of authority that dont wear an actual robe. Until the time when the position is handed over to the next person, they are wearing that mantle. Come Alive That Resurrection Power is Still Within Us! When you talked about how God would destroy me for His use this is the only thing that makes any sense because when I took that drink I was walking so close to my Lord, and I could never understand why this would happen to me because my faith was so strong! Its a progression. This is what is supposed to happen when prophets leave the church building. For the Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they wash their hands in a special way, holding the tradition of the elders. This is why a backslider can repent and be restored to their rightful place in God. A prophetic believer does not operate in the five fold neither can they open up a ministry. 4 And on that day every prophet who prophesies will be ashamed of his vision, and he will not put on a hairy cloak . From the idea of something that "covers" in the natural, a mantle easily comes to represent spiritual covering also. By the way, you may also experience more evil spirits coming to you. Yes. As we know in the later chapters of 1 Kings and 2 Kings, Elisha received a similar anointing to Elijah, but of greater power. Im wondering is that nessecery? Thats why you are reading this. Position me so that I will be in place when it is time. I have been going thru a loss of friends, family, and church family, laying everything down to God, last month while on my knees in worship I felt two presence in my room one on the right and one on the left, he said, dont be afraid Im placing my prophetic mantle on you. Required fields are marked *. He didnt happen to be at the right place at the right time. You know, there are many singers in our churches but not many anointed singers. However when we look back to the Old Testament prophets, many of them lived fragmented lives. The Prophetic ministry is the one which God has always offered to His people. The 2nd time I saw him, the Lord Jesus called him the son of perdition. Thanks. I am now going to read the second part of your post which concerns Joseph. That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved, Romans 10:9. so, you must not go around looking for magic cloaks in thrift stores hoping to find the cloak Elijah used to own. You dont sit under the producer because that is not where you are now. We never knew what it was. The best thing for you to do is ask God to reveal to you what your mantle is. Paul is very clear in Ephesians 4:11-16 and 1 Corinthians 12 that all of us in the Body of Christ are called to do different things and gifted differently. He showed me I would be helping them clean up the mess they have made. Here is part 2 in this series which is about The Joseph Anointing. Elijah wraps himself in his mantle at Horeb (1 Kings 19:23) Elijah casts his mantle on Elisha (1 Kings 19:19) We never left the scriptures, not once. The guys in the meat department at my supermarket dont like me, LOL. Click the link and download this book today so that you will know what God is saying during this trying season. He/she ceases to exist as themselves, and become totally the property of the Lord. And I woke up! God is the one who decides which mantle you get. I said to him let me help you I walked over to the mud that was globbed on the wall and pulled a knife to it and straitened it right up I stepped back and said there thats better and his eyes were opened with amazement and relief. My wife was questioning as to what happened because I was sleeping and then cried out purple. I am shouting as I read your post, God bless you Sir.. As I was in prayer I keep hearing the mantle is heavy on my life can you help me understanding more what the Lord is saying. This IS NOT the case. Elisha did not receive Elijahs mantle because Elijah wanted him to have it. Forever decreasing as the the HOLYSPIRIT increases brings us to ministerial maturity. His name is Donnie McClurkin. The ranking one has determine the amount of authority they carry in the spirit to defeat demons. I said to him he should give wisdom,knowlegde and understanding Hey I really thanks you for explaining and breaking it down. This was the first time I was talking to her so I didnt know anything about her. Please, is it right for me to ask Him whose mantle i am carrying? Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for THE PROPHET'S MANTLE By Morris Cerullo *Excellent Condition* at the best online prices at eBay! And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold . You can actually function and operate in an anointing and not have a mantle. One doesnt loose what they never owned, and what they Lord gives he never takes back. I said okay. In this passage, Elijah had just been instructed by the LORD to anoint Elisha to continue his work. Then I looked down the ditch and there was this granddaddy of all mushrooms this thing must have been three feet tall and 2 feet around and shimmered with gold! Therefore if he attacked him he was coming against the position and authority of his mantle. Isaiah 5:20 (NKJV); Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Do you know that movie? If the Presidency is a mantle that means that a mantle can be passed without the person dying. He was not a doom and gloom prophet with an apocalyptic forecast every three years; instead, he was a voice of hope to those who needed it the most. Thank you for this teaching. I turn around and there is like 10 people behind me. Sure enough when I got to the cashier to check out and shes ringing me up, she goes see and points behind me. 4. Position yourself. Make sure you subscribe to our channel to stay updated when a new video is released. Thank you! The Lord will take it from there. Even the unsaved, as we see with King Cyrus. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . And judgment begins in the house of God! A revival or move cannot and will not be sustained solely on demonstration. I am a pastor and I will be starting my church in a few more months. Also that I would be alone! Pastors are not discerning who they allow to feed Gods people, which are causing them to be poisoned. If such a person fail to obey God or to fulfill his duty as king/ leader/ pastor/ shepherd/ CEO then he may fall into sexual sin and other sins. While they are the position, they have the protection of the mantle. Our spirits must never be unruly, self willed, or proud, but we must personify all the fruits of the spirit. The current is strong, and it is not everywhere fordable, especially in winter], and cast his mantle upon him. When people preach about new sounds from heaven, think about this. So then, one of Davids servant killed King Saul. We need to recognize that not everyone with a prophetic anointing is a prophet. We must never operate from our own emotions or feelings, but strictly from the presence and power of All Mighty God. Ultimately God is in control and He sees the end from the beginning. You may agree or disagree with the points I will make but Im going to back up all of it with scriptural references and I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments. She will be fully grown when the time is right. David did not say thank you for moving him out of position so I could take his place. In March 2019, Zoe Ministries Inc. launched a quarterly magazine entitled Zoe Ministries Magazine given out to the Master Prophets Blessing Plan members. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.) At the same church, several months ago I heard a man make this statement I am better than Jesus. Have you heard the term 'Prophetic Mantle?' In this video you will understand what is the prophetic mantle, what it enfolds and how to activate it.#prophetic. Now when they saw some of His disciples eat bread with defiled, that is, with unwashed hands, they found fault. And what does that mean? The life of a prophet was not a life of luxury. Sometimes among Prophets or among any combination of the five fold ministry, demons with specific tasks enter through pride of whatever entry point that is opened unto them for the main goal of division. Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan & Pastor Debra Jordan, Archbishop 64th Birthday Celebration journal ads, https://zoeministries.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/3.jpg, http://zoeministries.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/zoe_logo_white-Eagle-300x122.jpg. Please forgive my lateness in answering your post. Let me never take credit or glory for what you have given me. of the Messiah, Messianic prince Wherever He touched, new life sprang up. James what do I do next? Then he showed me that my friend was me and all I had to do was jump in and I would have every ability that was needed and necessary to serve in His arena. as I believe in investing in my ministry Keep me in your prayers. The mantle lies between Earth's dense, superheated core and its thin outer layer, the crust.The mantle is about 2,900 kilometers (1,802 miles) thick, and makes up a whopping 84 percent of Earth's total volume.. As Earth began to take shape about 4.5 billion years ago, iron and nickel quickly separated from other rocks and minerals . Last night he came to me in a very vivid dream wearing a green robe. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); HTML tags allowed in your There is an army of daughters rising, carrying the righteous justice of heaven. I even reread the story about Joseph in the Bible. God doesnt make mistakes. At this time I didnt really understand how precious the color purple was, how hard it was to make and that it was a color of royalty!

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