which of the following does not describe culture?

The two culture-building roles of a company's stated values and ethical standards are to: A. communicate the company's good intentions and establish a corporate conscience. 32. A.nomadic B.hunted woolly mammoths and mastodons C.invented pottery making*** D. needed sources of stone for tools asked by Summer September 8, 2016 10 answers Yes, C. Ms. Sue September 8, 2016 the answers are d c b,c answered by ANSWERS September 6, 2019 Promoting individuals who are known to possess the desired cultural traits, who have stepped forward to advocate the shift to a different culture, and who can serve as role models for the desired cultural behavior C. A tight strategy-culture fit steers company personnel into displaying behaviors and adopting operating practices that promote good strategy execution. A. A. Cartoon showing a person offering another man some deep fried crickets. D. is a positive force underlying a company's long-term financial success and reduces the likelihood of lapses in ethical and socially approved behavior that can damage the company's reputation. What is the hallmark of an adaptive corporate culture? 18) In high-performance cultures 34. Which of the following topics would least likely be contained in a company's statement of its core values? C. Screening out job applicants who do not exhibit compatible character traits The continuous empire-building that is a common practice as managers pursue their own agendas A) Factor scores are continuous variables. B. the stories that get told over and over again to illustrate the importance of certain values and the depth of commitment that various company personnel have displayed. 13) Which of the following is NOT an integral part of transforming core values and ethical standards into cultural norms? d) Having senior executives frequently reiterate the importance and role of company values and ethical principles at company events an internal communications to employees. e) Performance-resistant cultures, greed-driven cultures, and ethical cultures, 16) Technology companies, software companies, and internet-based companies are good illustrations of organizations with 39. B. E. A strong preference for performance-based compensation systemsespecially the payment of bonuses and stock options. country exceed the costs, no matter whether the country Long-term industry success can give rise to a(n): are predominant in companies that are run by executives driven by arrogance, ego gratification, and an "ends-justify-the-means" mentality in pursuing overambitious revenue and profitability targets. B. company personnel are amenable to changing policies and operating practices as long as the core elements of the company's strategic vision and strategy remain intact. Which of the following does NOT describe the concept of place?" (10 Points) socially constructed feelings and emotions about a location loss of uniqueness of place 8. Which of the following is a benefit of closely aligning the corporate culture with the requirements for proficient strategy execution? D. A tight strategy-culture alignment facilitates building core competencies and distinctive competencies that lead to low operating costs and a cost-based competitive advantage. D. over time achieving low-workforce-turnover is a catalyst for conformity and acceptance. E. Placing a premium on not making mistakes, prompting managers to lean toward safe, conservative options intended to maintain the status quo. For example, many countries and international organizations oppose the act of whaling (the fishing of whales) for environmental reasons. 18. B. being good at figuring out whether to arrive at decisions quickly or slowly in choosing among the various alternative adjustments. 6. D. Typically, key elements of the culture originate with a founder or certain strong leaders who articulated them as a set of business principles, company policies, operating approaches, and ways of dealing with employees, customers, vendors, shareholders, and local communities where the company has operations. Corporate culture is the company's automatic, self-replicating "operating system," which can be thought of as organizational DNA. E. A tight strategy-culture alignment makes it easier to change a company's culture over timeas a company's strategy evolves, the culture automatically evolves too. c) The strength of peer pressure that exists to do things in particular ways and conform to expected norms A. D. give big pay raises and bonuses to individuals and groups who display the company's core values and observe its ethical standards. C. dedicated efforts on the part of management to communicating values and business principles to organization members and explaining how they relate to the company's business environment. Replacing senior executives who are strongly identified with the old culture and who may be stonewalling needed organizational and cultural changes D. Talking openly about the problems of the present culture and how new behaviors will improve performance E. When the case for cultural reform is not credible, symbolic, nor substantive. It can also lead to discrimination against people who are different. E. A genuine concern for the well-being of the organization's three biggest constituenciescustomers, employees, and shareholders. View themselves as members of a different culture with its own language, traditions, values, and literature. A. C. does more to detract from a company's chances for strategic success and market leadership than to help it. The firm never underestimates rivals because of their proven track record in defending challenges. What if someone told you their culture was the internet? It consumes a great deal of organizational energy, often with the result that what is best for the company takes a backseat. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. When should a culture be changed as rapidly as it can be managed? 36. They argue for universal thoughts, emotions, impulses, etc. B. illustrate the kind of behavior the company reveres. 52. E. be charismatic, decisive decision-makers, and make inspiring speeches at company events. Which of the following is NOT a fundamental part of a company's culture? B. d) The culture can be readily incorporated into the company's strategic vision and facilitate the achievement of stretch objectives D. Managers being well-advised What makes a politicized internal environment so unhealthy? E. In a strong-culture company, values and behavioral norms are like crabgrass: deeply rooted and hard to weed out. Direct link to Isaac Deatherage's post Language relativity! Making the display of core values and ethical principles a factor in evaluating each person's job performance These environmental organizations say that there are not many whales left and such fishing practices should be stopped. according to Kant, human being are ends-in-themselves because the are autonomous according to Kant which is an unqualified good a good will According to Kant, "autonomy" refers to our ability to make and obey laws for ourselves according to Kant, a hypothetical imperative has at its end a goal that is subjective Direct link to 8617944's post how does bob react when h, Posted 4 years ago. D. there is reduced need to employ benchmarking, best practice programs, reengineering, Six Sigma, and TQM to achieve competitive advantage. 7. Prohibiting giving or accepting bribes, kickbacks, or gifts B. avoiding frequent or dramatic reorganizations that could disturb existing relationships and networking among departments and company personnel. 72. A. forceful management actions to empower employees to adopt new operating practices. E. When a company's culture is grounded in many of the needed strategy-executing behaviors, employees feel genuinely better about their jobs and what the company is trying to accomplish; as a consequence, greater numbers of company personnel exert their best efforts to execute the strategy and achieve performance targets. Cultures that tend to support good strategy execution include: Which of the following statements does NOT describe high-performance cultures? B. designing compensation incentives that boost the pay of teams and individuals who display the desired cultural behaviors and hit change-resisters in the pocketbook. C. there is reduced need to incorporate negative motivational practices and punitive-type incentives into the reward structure and in the company's approach to people management. Numerous passengers expressed that it makes you look weird. Enthusiastic support for the company's strategic vision and strategy A. In principle, the benefits of international trade to a A work environment where the culture is in sync with the chosen strategy and is conducive to good strategy execution is considered a valuable managerial ally because: B. 48. Direct link to kennethdomingo55's post Yes because cultural rel, Posted 6 years ago. B. is best done by instituting an aggressive program to train employees in the ways and beliefs of the new culture to be implanted. High-performance cultures often have a low regard for high ethical standards (because some disregard for ethics is a normal part of meeting or beating performance targets). c) The work climate focuses on not tolerating any mistakes Anthropologists say that when we think about different cultures and societies, we should think about their customs in a way that helps us make sense of how their cultural practices fit within their overall cultural context. Never, because the actions and behaviors needed to execute the new strategy successfully are well entrenched, and thus are not changeable C. a politicized internal environment, hostility to change and an aversion to looking outside the company for best practices, new managerial approaches, and innovative ideas. 38. C. praising individuals and groups that exemplify the new desired behavior. Consider American Sign Language (ASL) to be the natural language of the deaf culture. It is the belief that one's own culture is better than others. When is the time appropriate to challenge culture? 19. A. staying on top of what is happening. e) Whether decision making is centralized or decentralized and whether it is a single-business company or a diversified company. C. A complicated value chain that acts to create multiple subcultures B. E. Following a must-be-invented-here mindset. Question: 11. Have you ever seen or eaten food from another country, such as dried squid or fried crickets and think of it as weird and gross? For example, in many countries, religious minorities (religions that are not the dominant religion) often face discrimination. C. Culture is driven by subordination. A strong emphasis on developing innovative core competencies and competitive capabilities A secondary focus on values and goals is a more beneficial way to impact culture. Corporate culture varies widely in companies, depending on internal and external forces. 4. In South Africa, if you board a nearly empty bus or enter a nearly empty movie theater, it is regarded as polite to sit next to the only person there. B. In Western cultures, success is indicated by an individual's material possessions. Which of the following statements about a high-performance culture is true? It is very true. B. it provides company personnel with clear guidance regarding "how we do things around here" and produces significant peer pressure from co-workers to conform to culturally acceptable norms. A. Culture could be based on shared ethnicity, gender, customs, values, or even objects. Which one of the following best describes core American values? However, other countries argue that whaling is a cultural practice that has been around for thousands of years. Two different cultures may have very different answers, as we saw in the above example. D. Committing to a no-layoff policy and to adequate funding of employee retirement programs Which of the following is NOT an integral part of transforming core values and ethical standards into cultural norms? Which of the following accounts will usually appear in the post-closing trial balance? $5.86$19.79\$5.86 \div \$19.79 C. Executives exude an "ends-justify-the-means" mentality in pursuing overambitious operating and financial targets. how does bob react when he is called a jerk. A. D. is usually easier than it is to instill a strategy-supportive culture from scratch. 12. C. inspire company personnel to perform similarly and reinforce the depth of commitment that people have displayed. in a pleasant tone vs a tone with disgust thats is what should be considered. When a company's culture is out of sync with what is needed for strategic success and good strategy execution: Determine the p-value in (a) and interpret its meaning. The main character walks into the high school cafeteria, and sees the students sitting in a particular arrangement: the jocks, the mean girls, the nerds, the band geeks, the stoners, the goths. In a strong-culture company, senior managers make a point of reiterating key principles and core values to organization members; more importantly, they make a conscious effort to display these principles and values in their own actions and behavior and they insist that company values and business principles be reflected in the decisions and actions taken by all company personnel. A. All other conditions of employment, including salary, hours, and benefits, were the same for female and male employees. To deeply ingrain core values and ethical standards, a company must: D. Politicized How do Americans feel about online ads tailored to their individual interests? 14. 80,178880, 178880,1788. The two culture-building roles of a company's stated values and ethical standards are to: Which of the following is NOT a factor in contributing to the emergence and sustainability of a strong culture? A. typically opposed to performance-based incentive compensation and employee empowerment. D. learning the obstacles in the path of good execution and clearing the way for progress. C. It is in management's best interest to dedicate considerable effort to embedding a corporate culture that encourages behaviors and work practices conducive to good strategy execution. C. Screening all candidates for new positions carefully, and hiring only those who appear to fit in with the new culture 78. a) Immediately dismissing any employees caught violating the company's code of ethics or disregarding core values Which of the following does NOT describe an unhealthy company culture? You are judging, or making assumptions about the food of other countries based on your own norms, values, or beliefs. Direct link to fjduenas's post lol if its not in line wi, Posted 4 years ago. (Data extracted from S. Clifford, "Tracked for Ads? A. treating employees as individuals with no regard for their rank or contributions. Another more extreme instance would be female genital cutting in some parts of the world. A. communicate the company's good intentions and establish a corporate conscience. a) There is a clear and unyielding expectation that all company personnel will strictly follow company policies and procedures. c) Insular cultures, politicized cultures, and unethical cultures C. gathering information firsthand and gauging the progress being made. A. Insular and inwardly-focused E. Designing compensation incentives that boost the pay of teams and individuals who display the desired cultural behaviors and hitting change-resisters in the pocketbook. C. Empower employees to adopt whatever new work practices they believe will be an improvement. Which of the following techniques abbreviated as MBWA is utilized by leaders to stay informed on how well the strategy execution process is progressing? A lack of values and principles that are consistently preached or widely shared human's dependency on material objects. These are all examples of cultural norms that people in one society may be used to. B. If you went to an American high school, you may immediately understand what the groupings mean. Instead of protecting vulnerable peoples, the usage seemed to limit them to their ancestral traditions b. words and their referents. Only rarely, because it is natural for company personnel to cling to existing practices and to be wary of new approaches A. A. important because of their role in ensuring that company executives will not engage in unethical behavior or behave in a manner that is contrary to the company's core values. For example, having several wives perhaps makes economic sense among herders who move around frequently. B. building morale and fostering pride. C. the dominating presence of certain deeply rooted values and norms of behavior that are widely shared. Norms that you are used to are neither right nor wrong, just different. B. Typically, key elements of corporate culture: originate with a founder or certain strong leader who articulated them as a set of business principles, company policies, operating approaches, and ways of dealing with employees, customers, vendors, shareholders, and local communities. 61. C. Visibly rewarding those who display cultural norms and penalizing those who don't a) Whether it employs a low-cost provider, best-cost provider, differentiation, or focused strategy C. over time people who do not like the culture tend to leave. b) High-performance cultures are characterized by a results orientation and a spirit of achievement in beating performance targets. Which of the following statements about a company's culture is NOT true? D. writing a new value statement and describing in highly motivating terms the kind of culture that is needed. E. convincing employees that top management is genuinely committed to high ethical standards and the exercise of corporate social responsibility. 14) Which of the following can help in changing a problem culture? D. Centralized decision making and strict enforcement of company policies to compile a chronology of events for future generations SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES Even though women worked in factories during World War II, most families and businesses believed that women should return to the home when the soldiers came home. B. Direct link to rprangen's post When is the time appropri, Posted 3 years ago. sounds a little rude. A company's corporate culture is BEST defined and identified by: 2.

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