homestuck classpect powers

Even though sloppy is fine, it might be a bit of a good idea to arrange this particular page because, to be quite frank, as it is right now, it is just absolute garbage. She also possesses advanced strategic thinking and foresight due to her classpect. As for their god tier powers, an excesive good luck would be more acute when they gain their hood. Warning, very powerful. The inverse of Time is Space, which deals with creation rather than destruction, and together they make up the foundation of reality. Bard: Deluminate: Illumination around 40 ft. of the Bard is decreased by one step. It is a constant across all players. Double Rogue: Rogue of Breath, Rogue of Void: 6/10 Has an incredible ability to lock down their opponents while they attack, however has very little defense to compensate, and so excels on attacking a single enemy at once when working together. This fits with their inverse role Prince of Space, their inverse means that they actively destroy Space which manifests in them destroying the creation of new objects by stopping the destruction of the old one, it also helps balance the Sylph from overembracing their role. The Heir class could also mean one that manipulates [aspect] or one that changes [aspect]. Not immediately apparent in most renditions, the Rogue outfit has a front pocket akin to a typical hoodie. Seer of Rage. Mituna, the Heir of Doom, was said to have lost his psychic powers (and part of his sanity) while protecting his friends from an imminent disaster. Hopes self importance being similar to Lights attention. Alternatively, in the Bard/Prince pairing, both classes cause destruction, with Bards bringing about/catalyzing the destruction, and Princes directly destroying. The other option, which could correspond to Calliope's role as a Muse, is for the player to give up all ambition and accept their own death in exchange for the promise that their sacrifice will benefit all who ever lived by ending "a force of unfathoma8le evil and destruction" - in other words, the player who chose the first option. Lord is a class which is often associated with active form of the command verb, doing it for themself. Knights might be protectors of their aspect as well, examples being Dave's conscious efforts to maintain the timeline and concerns over John's new timeline-altering powers, as well as Karkat's protection of his team/comrades (Blood) throughout their session and post-scratch. A great team to have in battle, will be very useful for countering the Witches prototyping. Known Knights are Dave Strider, the Knight of Time; Karkat Vantas, the Knight of Blood; and Latula Pyrope, the Knight of Mind. Also in Collide, a dead Kanaya is shown in a god tier outfit - but the pattern doesn't match Aranea, the other Sylph. Aradia, when talking to Sollux, mentioned that the reason she was accompanying Vriska on her mission to find Lord English's treasure was because all loops must be tidied up even his. MS Paint Adventures Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. Its likely that the Witch would prototype the Black King with something that gives him extreme Void powers. Calliope's theories aren't always accurate, and Calliope's understanding of gender may be based on the concept of her own species' duality, so what she may understand as gendered traits may be according to personality traits contrasting her and Caliborn. These three being the Seer, Maid, and Witch respectively, form an extremely powerful trio that can both deal immense amounts of damage and absorb a lot of damage with the help of the Maid. What do you do. Now you have to get some people together to enter the Medium! Page may also refer to the middle age term for a young knight in training. The largest, most active Homestuck community in 2022. Heir of Life. What kind of video game do you decide to make? He also mentions that the knowledge of offshoot timeline outcomes are fully within their domains. However, this sharing of Light means that the Rogues fortune would be substantially less than other Light players and as a result they would have a much tougher time than others. A player with the ability to steal from Space. The second statement could mean that your powers include making people angry, sending them blind with rage (very useful in a fight, but could cause the enemy to be more powerful), or even be able to send someone to insanity and make them unstable and tunnel-visioned on a certain idea. One of the Mages apparently experienced this as well. Light players are almost always the most knowledgeable in their team, and their very presence seems to attract attention, which may not always be wanted. Witch of Hope. And speaking of the Knight, these two have a great synergy as the Knight can work to help the Page grow and in return will grow. The Seer is a passive (+) class, that uses extensive knowledge to coordinate their team members. As a Sylph of Light, Aranea healed primarily by helping people to see things, both figuratively and literally. That took a while. Now weve all seen the destructive power of a Witch of Void. The Sufferer (reincarnation of Kankri Vantas, the Seer of Blood) was able to recall his past incarnation. Super-smarts! A very powerful Rogue. The most, destructive Witch to date. Rage Those bound to the aspect of Rage are bringers of chaos. The pairing is further alluded to by the fact that, in the post-scratch Troll session, only the Seer and Mage are blind, and Sollux says that iit2 kiind of liike how a prophet earn2 hii2 2triipe2, by beiing bliind, liike how an angel earn2 iit2 wiing2. A thing???? Changing The Way The World Views Construction. Theyre not as nice as other Witches, but still pretty nice. . It shares this quality with the Maid, Rogue and Page outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. This is an allusion to Einstein's . They may also disregard their own emotions and identity. Physical healing powers unfortunate arent as strong due to the Sylphs aspect, however they make a powerful healer of Soul and can help out by healing through that. The exact definition of the Witch class is unknown. The Heir outfit has a front pocket akin to a typical hoodie. However Time deals with destruction so at first this seems slightly contradictory, however in relation to the powers of a Time player it makes sense that they would manifest the ability to heal others by rewinding their time to before they themselves were injured. Homestuck Pathfinder Wiki is a . What do you do with them? I dont get it, is it just like. Okay so; Heir of Life, Maid of Breath, Prince of Time, Page of Space, Knight of Heart, Rogue of Light, Seer of Void, Witch of Hope. (See Rose Grimdark.) Therefore, a Mage may "forfeit [aspect] to gain knowledge pertaining [aspect]". This session is making me vomit its almost as bad as the other one, but at least this one has context with the group. Equius, the Heir of Void, inherits irrelevance when he is killed by Gamzee, as he goes completely unmentioned and forgotten thereafter, and his blood is even used to block out information in Rose's tome. The inverse of Light is Void, which deals with nothingness rather than existence. Likewise, its passive/active alignments are unknown. They must learn when and where to give out information, and use their allies or enemies lack of knowledge to help them and their team. Spaces reality being similar to Lights existence. The_Zipper_boys 3 yr. ago. But also by using the Pages Heart, progresses down their own personal path and becomes more powerful. An End-Game God-Tier Rogue of Light would be a massively powerful buff character. The exact definition of the Mage class is unknown, as is its passive/active alignment. some more strongly passive or active than others. However depending on the level of control they have over this ability it also leads to memory loss if they are rewound far enough. Should be fairly easy as long as the Witch is kept under wraps. 2) Dirk destroys Jake's fake confidence and fantasies of adventure so that he might develop the real confidence necessary to pursue his true power as a Page of Hope. passively granting a -1 penalty on all rolls to enemies within 30 ft. She can activate or suppress this power as a swift action. This is a unconfirmed unisex class. Known Witches are Jade Harley, the Witch of Space; Feferi Peixes, the Witch of Life; and Damara Megido, the Witch of Time. The most powerful person in the session and needs to be kept in check constantly. That being said the Knight of Light would be one who uses Light as a weapon. They would have the ability to turn the passive Luck boon granted to them into an offensive weapon, at the cost of stopping its defensive properties. It is speculated that heirs are ones who invite change through [aspect]; they are apparently drawn to their aspect, subconsciously seeking it. Aradia used time travel to avert doomed timelines, in essence, "repairing the timeline," and Jane repaired her planet, herself, and Karkat's Life. A fully fledged Rogue of Void has the power to steal nothing and leave existence in it's wake. Q11: You're traveling your planet, searching for your second gate. It can be defined as one who uses aspect as a weapon. Of the remaining 10 classes, 5 are known to be non-gender-specific (Knight, Rogue, Thief, Seer, and Mage) - though some appear more commonly amongst a certain gender, (The Thief and Rogue pairing is typically - though not exclUsively - assigned to female players) - the remaining 5 having been only assigned to a single gender in canon, but not confirmed as being gender-exclusive (Heir, Page, Sylph, Maid, and Witch). His blood was used to block out information in Rose's tome, and his death can be seen as a pun on his title, as he was killed by being rendered "Void of Air". fantrolls :) alternia's stupidest power couple. However the first thing that they need to do is breach the facade that theyve developed. Kanaya states that a Sylph is Sort Of Like A Witch But More Magical, meaning that it is possible that the Witch class could be its active (-) counterpart; it could be that Sylphs benefit others in an abstract or psychological sense of their aspect while Witches manipulate it more practically, in a physical sense, which would be supported by the actions of Jade and Aranea, the two main examples of Sylphs and Witches. Sollux created the mobius double reacharound virus that resulted in the death of the trolls lusii, although it actually prevented a far more sinister timeline in which Gamzee kills everyone. Light is a positive class. What are you going to do now, once you've grabbed a weapon and beat up a few imps for experience? God tier images used are credit to Andrew Hussie, original art by multiple artists. While several class mechanics are explicitly explained throughout Homestuck, others are only implied. The traditional connotations of sylphs and witches are generally mysterious and secretive. However while Roxy could bring objects into being, this Rogue does the opposite. She is also able to materialize objects out of thin air by stealing the essence of nothingness from an idea. Speaking of Terezi, In Act 6 Act 6 Intermission 2 he was able to momentarily destroy her Rage in which led her to be brutally beaten by him. This can also be seen by how Meulin, the Mage of Heart, is very good at finding romantic pairings that will last. The most common definition of a Witch is one who manipulates [aspect], although that seems a little vague. This was my friends title for a while ASO I KINDA CAME UP WITH A BUNCH OF STUFF THATS SLIGHTLY LESS ACCURATE NOW THAT I KNOW MORE ABOUT KKNIGHTS BUT STILL FAIRLY RELEVANT. A very powerful offensive class but one that should be managed carefully to avoid a complete loss of Heart. As described on the MSPA website , Homestuck is "a tale about a boy and his friends and a game they play together." Homestuck is the fourth and largest story of MS Paint Adventures, with 8,123 pages (out of 10,030 MSPA pages). Calliope knows Hussie only through the world he leaves behind, and that Calliope is the one who innately holds a Conductor's Baton says a lot about where creative power comes from in Homestuck. The horse emits a series of telepathic neighs and whinnies, which you immediately understand to be a proposition: The horse will grant you incredible powers, among them super-strength, super-speed, regeneration, and glowy skin, on the condition that if you accept your teammates' sprites will all instantly die. Void - Intangibility, Nothingness, Darkness, Nightmares, Shadows, Infinite Possibilities. Maid could refer to "protecting/cleaning up/tidying [aspect]". One historical reference for the term 'maid' is "unmarried lady of noble birth who attends a queen or princess," (think Maid Marian of Robin Hood fame) which could place this class among the highly-active royalty derived classes like Lord and Prince. While several class mechanics are explicitly explained throughout Homestuck, others are only implied. Examples of this are Araneas knowledge on seemingly infinite topics, Roses constant quest for information, Vriskas ability to steal information from others (Tavrisprite, Lord English with the map etc). So I have thought of a character with a Class and Aspect combo so unbelievably op that it puts even Lord English to shame. As both a morale booster and a physical attacker this title excels. Youre dead. Aradia mentions this idea to Dave at one point. Furthermore, the word Maid is a homophone of "made", and when someone has a surplus of something, it is often said that they are "made of" it. What would an evil horse laugh even sound like? By this logic a Rogue of Light would be someone who Steals Light for others, or Steals through Light for others. For a Sylph, seeing wounds and injuries becomes common, eventually they become desensitized to it and simply do their job of healing. This so far is an unconfirmed unisex class. The most powerful Classpect in all of Homestuck. The exact powers of a Knight are unknown, but it has been described by Aradia as warriors that exploit their aspect as a weapon. Dave puts on the "aloof coolkid" mask, complete with shades that hide his emotions. Their role is to facilitate the session and make sure that no one is thinking of skipping out, or turning against their team. Thankfully the Rogue protects them from the majority of it, but the Seer is still gonna have a very hard time until they overcome their aspect. Able to use the power of soul in its purest form to augment their own attacks they become very powerful, if somewhat inflated on their own ego. The inverse of Light is Void, which deals with nothingness rather than existence. It can be defined as one who uses aspect as a weapon. This potential is also hinted at when Tavros and Aradia talk about how Tavros's Flarp class Boy-Skylark's useful c0mbat abilities [d0n't] c0me int0 play until y0u reach a very high level and here when Aranea said: You see, in every hero of hope there dwells a gr8 hidden power, unrivaled 8y that of any other aspect and for a page, the journey to reach his full potential is longer than it is for any other class. For Sylphs overembracing their role would make them become fully desensitized to the wants of others, healing every ailment and tiny little scratch that befalls their teammates in the end possibly becoming an Aranea like figure. STEALING CLASSES. You'd be a technopath; manipulation of technology combined with an unbreakable mental internet connection. Meaning that while their passive Luck would help them in offensive situations, if a time came where it potentially could have helped protect the Knight from injury or death, it would fail to do so. Equius, the Heir of Void, was known to sit in the background and watch things happen from the shadows. Their greatest weakness is denial and fear. A subreddit for Homestuck and the works of Andrew Hussie. Yet another speculation is that Mage is synonymous to being "given protection from [aspect]'s ill effects". Heir of Heart: One who is protected by Emotion and Instinct. As I believe Ive said before, a true Witch of Hope can decimate her enemies by lowering morale to dangerous levels, and then destroying them with a wave of pure Hope power. Your main emotional helper. Sollux also programs Sgrub, which causes the doom of Alternia. For them every time they heal someone they must sacrifice their patients recent memories from the wound onwards. Mind giving me the rundown on the Witch of Light? Latula's "rad girl gamer" act fits with this pattern as well, as it was noted by Aranea in Openbound 1 that the Knight had lost her sense of smell. They're filled to the brim with happiness and faith, and will do everything in their power to make the world a. it's classpect time, baby! They also serve what there is little of in their session; for example, Karkat, the Knight of Blood (Blood being about bonds) tried to get everyone to work together but was unsuccessful. This would be supported by Aranea's unlocking light for others, and Jade's unlocking space by her teleporting, expanding/shrinking, and moving powers. Has some fairly high battle capabilities, but their true strength lies in their revival and healing capabilities. The post is inspired by Weeaboo Warrior YouTube videos on a similar topic. Doing these is actually really interested because Ive learned so much about them from the short while that I have been working on them and Im pretty sure its evident in my analysis of them how much Ive learnt. several underlings with time-themed powers, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. This suggests that Bards can use their aspect to improve their own abilities and possibly others. As such, the definition of Sylph is thought to be one who heals [aspect] or one who heals through [aspect] for others. Very volatile, but shouldnt be much of a problem if the Rogue, Mage, and Maid keep tabs on them. Drawing from this we can surmise that a Rogue of Light would be able to steal fortune, attention, and confidence and share it among their allies. Mage of Blood. Telekinesis. Excluding the master classes, no class's position on the scale has been revealed, although some hints have been given. The descriptions you receive for them are a bit less canonical, however, due to the lack of information about many of them. Meaning that they are still strong but dont gain as much from leveling. Classes might also have gender alignments, with some being exclusive to a certain gender, and others being assigned to both males and females. Mind/Heart: Mage of Mind, Page of Heart: 7/10 The Pages defense and buffing abilities, along with the Mages damage and guidance makes for a natural team. This also could allude to Roxy's description of the active/passive classes being similar to the "attack/defend powers in an RPG". Someone with the power to destroy existence and leave void in its place. In order to obtain this they may have to do some sneaking which would normally be impossible for a Light player unless under the influence of a Rogue of Void inverse. The Mage class is most commonly thought to be the active (-) counterpart to Seer, someone that "benefits themselves with knowledge pertaining to [aspect]" and "guides by setting an example using knowledge pertaining to [aspect]," like how Sollux actively led the surviving trolls away from their doom. Otherwise could be useful with the Sylph making sure the mental state of everyone in the session is good. Their inverse a Rogue of Void, would allow them to steal from Void, and share it wherever necessary. Alternatively, it could be presumed that the lord holds the combined roles of the active (-) classes, while the muse holds the roles of the passive (+). They are given after great sacrifice (i.e. Hope is cannonically one of if not the strongest aspect, because it is all about the ideals, ideas, hopes and dreams of the wielder.

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