quotes from loyalists during the american revolution

When British soldiers arrived at his tailor shop, Mulligan took an active interest in their needs, and learned much about the activities or planned activities of the troops. William Franklin, pictured here, a Loyalist, rarely, if ever, Maya Jasanoff (2011), pp. WebTop Revolutionary War Loyalists Quotes. Did you ever hear the statement by, I believe it was Leneen. He blamed Lenin and his allies for severing what is historically Russian land Ukraine. Famously, an enslaved man named James Armistead infiltrated Cornwallis camp at Yorktown and communicated with the Marquis de Lafayette. Who will protect women from the courts and legislatures? Franklin described his desperation in a letter to Gov. Boucher, once a close friend of George Washington, fled to Britain in 1775 where he wrote one of the first histories of the American Revolution outside of the United States. I like the way they say that.. As Washington withdrew from the city and the British rushed in, firefighters were forced to choose between joining the cause for independence or helping to protect British interests. The Culper Ring was extremely successful and is responsible for uncovering a British plan to bombard the French fleet off the coast of Rhode Island. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Malcolm fled to England a few months later carrying a box containing strips of his own flesh that peeled off when removing the tar, and a petition to the King over his barbarous treatment. Write an essay, newspaper account, or revolutionary-era broadside on the Loyalist position in 1775-1776, using one of these statements from the texts as your focus and starting point: You have now pointed out to you, Gentlemen, two Roadsone evidently leading to Peace, Happiness and a Restoration of the public Tranquilitythe other inevitably conducting you to Anarchy, Misery, and all the Horrors of a Civil War. They were bought for seven pounds and tenpence a man. Truly an out-of-left-field entry in the canon. Join us online July 24-26! WebNative Canadian user had to choose the loyalist or patient causeor somehow hold a neutral stance during the Revolutionary War. A longtime contributor to HowStuffWorks, Dave has also been published in The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and Newsweek. April 28, 2023 at 9:54 a.m. EDT. (Meaning, each group in reality was/is Black people during the American Revolution that most interested and/or surprised them. Brant was nowhere near as bad as the patriots portray, but was an effective leader of his people both during and after the war.. For years it was widely believed that one third favored the Revolution, one third opposed it, and one third were undecided. When British troops finally headed to Concord in April, their march was hardly the surprise that was intendeddid someone close to the royal governor alert the patriots of their approach? 'Tis not the concern of a day, a year, or an age; posterity are virtually involved in the contest, and will be more or less affected even to the end of time, by the proceedings now. From the evidence of these documents, characterize the political atmosphere in America in 1775-1776. WebSlide 9 and have students briefly discuss the two quotes (i.e., Loyalists and Patriots, no group is a monolith. How does he portray the Patriot leaders as power-hungry ignoramuses? The illegitimate son of Benjamin Franklin, William Franklin, was colonial governor of New Jersey when the America Revolution began.  Thomas Hutchinson, the Governor of Massachusetts, c. 1765. Reporting and analysis from the Hill and the White House, Donald Trump, Vladimir Lenin and Vladimir Leneen. . In 1776, Brown was commissioned as lieutenant colonel of the Florida Rangers, later known as the Kings Rangers. Are you worth more? Leneen! In 1765, Hutchinson opposed the Stamp Act while lieutenant governor, but that didnt stop an angry mob from looting and nearly destroying his home. This site is created and maintained by Alpha History. Stubborn and defiant to the core, the 50-year-old Malcolm taunted the crowd from his upstairs window, yelling, You say I was tarred and feathered, and that it was not done in a proper manner, damn you let me see the man that dare do it better!. (Meaning, each group in reality was/is Black people during the John Randolph, a Loyalist, to his son Edmund, a revolutionary, Yonder are the Hessians. Though she was later questioned by British authorities when it became evident the attack was not a surprise, she was never suspected. Sign up to receive the latest information on the American Battlefield Trust's efforts to blaze The Liberty Trail in South Carolina. Historians also credit the Culper Ring with uncovering Benedict Arnolds treasonous turn to the British and, indirectly, exposing Major John Andr, Arnolds British accomplice and head of the British secret service in America. Maryland lawyer Daniel When word spread of Malcolms behavior, a group of local sailors disarmd [him] of Sword, Cane, Hat & Wig, poured hot tar and feathers over his clothes and paraded him through the streets for an hour. There were also many American farmers willing to sell their goods to the British for profit. William Franklin, address to theNew Jersey Assembly, 1775, In the 1770s the term civil war, not revolution, was used to describe the spectre of outright war with Britain. 1) define the terms Loyalist/Tory and Patriot; 2) explain reasons why people chose their respective sides; 3) define a civil war and explain why the American Revolution John Pitcairn, British major, 1775, Is not the glory of the cabinet equal to that of the field? William Franklin. Samuel Adams, on hearing of the battle at Lexington, 1775, Dont fire until you see the whites of their eyes! Under the direction of Benjamin Tallmadge, agents Abraham Woodhull, Caleb Brewster, Anna Strong, Austin Roe, and others spied on the British beginning in 1778 and for the duration of the war. This, by itself, is not worthy of a news story. (The original punctuation, contemporary spelling, and abbreviations are kept in their true, unique form). I suffer so much in being thus buried alive, having no one to speak to day or night, and for the want of air and exercise, wrote Franklin, that I should deem it a favor to be immediately taken out and shot.. WebLoyalists were colonists in the Thirteen Colonies who stayed loyal to the British Crown during the American Revolutionary War, opposing the Patriots. Attributed to William Prescott at the Battle of Bunker Hill, 1775, Issue the orders, sir, and I will storm hell! The current thought is that about 20 percent of the colonists were Loyalists those whose remained loyal to England and King George. To what extent was this political divide a "civil war"? A bust of Russian revolutionary We add new quotes to these pages on a regular basis. With the exception of a handful of nasty people, much of the rest of the loyalists are quite tragic stories of people whose loyalties, as far as they were concerned, remain pure and stable, but it was the rest of the world that changed, says Marsh. The typical American pronunciation, then, would be: Lennon. For Gods sake, return to your family and indeed to yourself Abandon not your sisters, who are wretched about you. About a decade ago, a YouTube account that made up fake pronunciations went relatively viral, given the period. Just days later, a fire broke out on September 21, 1776. WebBook excerpt: Revolutionary-era Manhattan was a chaotic scene of Loyalists, British occupation troops, Patriot spies and thousands of people seeking to live ordinary lives during extraordinary times. Baron von Steuben, on arriving at Valley Forge, 1778, The men were literally naked, some of them of every colour and make saw officers mounting guard in sort of dressing gown made of an old blanket or bed cover. If the public shaming was meant to humble Malcolm, it didnt work. Both armies relied on spies to gather information on troop strength and morale, access to and availability of munitions and supplies and intended plans to march or attack. After the Battle of Lexington and Concord in April 1775, any toleration for Loyalists vanished. But most were just trying to maintain the lifestyles to which they had become accustomed. Franklin was thrown into solitary confinement and wasnt even let out to see his dying wife. In the long run, however, the patriots were much more successful attracting support. After all, history is always written by the winners. To find Loyalist ancestors, look in land, military, and church records of the state, county, and town in the United States, and in local histories of the area and the war. wish that Conciliatory Measures may Speedily take place or total Ruin and Destruction will soon follow, and America Lost and Gone. American Revolution wordsearch concepts. Combine one of the statements in #13 with one from the Patriot statements in 1776 (see Discussion Questions for Sections 8 and 9), and compose a dialogue between a Loyalist and a Patriot. A native Russian speaker who didnt give her name, she noted that the letter at the start of Lenins last name is a soft L. Its a bit like the in Spanish, a sort of L-Y combination. While the loyalists, either through stubborn loyalty to the crown or simple pragmatism, opposed all-out revolution. Here are the stories of seven famous loyalists, most of whom paid a steep price for daring to oppose the Revolution: William Franklin was an illegitimate son of Benjamin Franklin, but the two had a close relationship. Remember, officers and soldiers, that you are free men, fighting for the blessings of liberty that slavery will be your portion if you do not acquit yourselves like men. How would Patriots and Loyalists differ in describing the political atmosphere in which they vied for influence? Kate Egner Gruber graduated from the College of William and Mary with a M.A. Some spies served for long periods or even the duration of the war, while others performed only singular acts of espionage when duty called, or when opportunities presented themselves. For more info, visit our FAQ page or Terms of Use. Historians like Marsh see Hutchinson as a sympathetic figure who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. In 1777 he wrote to Colonel Elias Dayton, The necessity of procuring good Intelligence is apparent & need not be further urged -- All that remains for me to add is, that you keep the whole matter as secret as possible. British General Charles Cornwallis, too, understood the importance of clandestine intelligence gathering and is reported to have exclaimed, Ah, you rogue! upon the realization that his own trusted spy was, in fact, a double-agent for Washington. In 1777, British troops occupied the Philadelphia home of Quaker Lydia Darragh, who hid in a closet to eavesdrop on a secret meeting pertaining to a surprise attack on Washingtons troops. Educated by the British and fluent in six tribal languages, Brant had really good connections on both sides of the cultural divide, says Marsh, and he made the most of them during the war.. Jonathan Trumbull of Connecticut. Joseph R. Gainey. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Catharine Sedgwick US American Revolution Fiction Loyalists The Linwoods V2 1836 at the best online prices at eBay! About 80,000 of them fled to Canada or Britain during or just after the war. Jays directive from Washington was to close the regular channels of intelligence from the city. One of the first agents acting on behalf of the patriots was Nathan Hale, who volunteered to spy on the British on Long Island in September 1776. The patriot press portrayed Brant and his fighters as brutal savages, and Monster Brant (as he was known) was blamed for a Seneca raid in which 30 civilians were killed in retaliation for an earlier patriot attack. This list is incomplete ; you can Andr aroused the mens suspicions and upon searching his person, the militiamen found a map of West Point and other incriminating papers hidden in Andrs boot. Patriots subjected Loyalists to public humiliation and violence. Like other loyalists, William Franklin hated what the Crown was doing and thought it was wrong, but he didnt disagree enough to warrant a revolution, says Marsh. Patriot Committees of Safety required citizens to pledge support for the cause of American independence or be deemed "inimical to the liberties of America." When the Revolution began, the British shrewdly recruited enslaved people to fight against their American masters. Subterfuge and Espionage During America's Fight for Independence. What point of dispute will you emphasize? So finding a video of him talking about Lenin was like shooting down Su-25s over Donetsk. Families were sometimes divided over the revolution. Its estimated that up to one-fifth of American colonists were loyalists and they didnt all belong to elite British families tied to the crown or military, says Ben Marsh, a professor of American history at the University of Kent. WebWhether fighting for the British cause or for the American cause, African Americans were fighting for freedom. WebYou have now pointed out to you, Gentlemen, two Roadsone evidently leading to Peace, Happiness and Restoration of the public Tranquilitythe other inevitably conducting But when Web2. instruct them first to know, / Tyrants from Sov'reigns, Friend from Foe"? But loyalists were on the losing side of the Revolution. WebLoyalists at the Outbreak of the Revolution, 1775-1776 In the mid 1770s, especially after the Battle of Lexington and Concord in April 1775, any toleration for Loyalists vanished. WebFamilies were often divided during the American Revolution, and many felt themselves to be both American and British, still owing loyalty to the mother country. For whom is the poem intended? Loyalists at the outbreak of war: selections from letters and commentary, 1775-1776. British commanders found intelligence gathered by loyalist sympathizers useful, which often included details about geography and terrain unfamiliar to the British army. The agents choose pseudonymsTallmadge was known as John Bolton, while Woodhull became known as Samuel Culper, the namesake of the group. Hutchinson was a pragmatist trying to navigate a line between British policies, which were becoming more aggressive, and the demands of the patriots, but it was an impossible task, says Marsh. Ever defiant, Boucher shouted God Save the King, grabbed a local patriot leader, put a pistol to his neck and escaped with his life. The shoemaker, it turns out, was a member of the Sons of Liberty and an angry crowd quickly gathered outside of Malcolms house. In the name of the great Jehova and the Continental How would other Loyalists, including other Anglican clergymen like Rev. As a loyalist, Malcolm is very two-dimensional and hes used to great effect in the patriot propaganda of the time, says Marsh, like the famous cartoons of him being tarred and feathered in Boston.. John Malcolm is a far less sympathetic character than Franklin or Hutchinson. Maya Jasanoff (2011), pp. Save Page Now. WebLoyalists During the American Revolution About a third of American colonists from all religions, classes, and professions stayed true to the British Crown during the American It contains 152,260 words in 264 pages. Issue the orders, sir, and I will storm hell!. Connolly was imprisoned for the remainder of the American Revolution.[1]. For whom is the poem intended? George Washington ordered him to be hanged, possibly in retaliation for the treatment of Nathan Hale at the hands of the British. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. In the early 1770s Connolly was the leading figure at the Forks of the Ohio in present-day Western Pennsylvania in Virginia's claims to the region surrounding Pittsburgh. Attributed to Ethan Allen at Fort Ticonderoga, 1775, Open up you sons of British whores! "2 Presented here are selections by and about Loyalists that illustrate this political maelstrom and the wrenching personal decisions required of Americans loyal to Britain and/or unwilling to abandon reconciliation and adopt separation. Free shipping for many products! Loyalist preacher Jonathan Boucher dared to baptize and educate formerly enslaved Black people in Virginia and Maryland, which made him controversial from the start. Brant then traveled to England, met the King and became a favorite of the British aristocracy, who promised full support of Native American loyalists. When patriots in other cities turned away British tea ships rather than pay the steep duties required by the Tea Act of 1773, Hutchinson stood his ground. Come back and Heaven will protect all your undertakings. I . Hes a much more interesting character in some ways than John Malcolm, says Marsh. At the outset of the renewed invasion of Ukraine last year, Putin addressed his nation. All colonists were required by the militia to sign an Oath of Allegiance to the new country. For example, if a customer needed coat repairs completed in a matter of days, Mulligan could inform Washington that the British were planning to move. As calls for war grew louder, Benjamin Franklin urged his son to resign and take a leadership post with the patriots, but William refused. What does Cooper mean by imploring "In Freedom live, for Freedom die; / But Oh! Released as part of a prisoner exchange, Brown and many of his rangers eventually settled in the British-ruled Bahamas, where he was elected to the legislature and ran a sugar plantation. What range of opinion and emotion is displayed? I went to a website focused on the pronunciation of names and typed in Lenin. The result: But whos to say this is reliable? Journal And Letters Of The Late Samuel Curwen: Judge Of Admiralty, Etc., A Loyalist-refugee In England, During The American Revolution. : The American Revolution as Civil War, Continental Congress Resolutions Concerning Loyalists, Making the Revolution: America, 1763-1791. This page contains a collection of American Revolution quotations from revolutionary leaders, contemporary figures and prominent historians, pertaining to the Revolutionary War. People would say it with less sophistication: Lennon. Connolly was traveling from Williamsburg, Virginia to Fort Detroit to carry out this plan when he was captured in Hagerstown, Maryland on 20 November 1775. Malcolm was an overzealous and often cruel British customs officer who was tarred and feathered not once, but twice by patriot mobs. Benjamin Franklin's son, William, a Loyalist governor of New Jersey, supported the British effort during the war. ), PRIMARY SOURCES IN HISTORY, LITERATURE, AND THE ARTS. Historians have since concluded that Adams was referring to American attitudes toward the French Revolution, not ours. Who says it that way? Now, almost two hundred and forty-five years later, we still owe a debt of gratitude to that visionary who fought for American independence through eight long years of war. Click all American Revision worksheets. During the American Revolutionary War, the people living in the Thirteen American Communities had to decide whether they wanted to breach away of the Britannic command furthermore gain independence or remain British citizens. He was even arrested by the Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Sheriff for inciting pioneers to ally with Virginia and released on the condition that he would return for trial and stop his crusade only to capture Fort Pitt and declare it for Virginia. Our FREE Virtual Teacher Institute is the can't miss online educator event of the summer. As Washington was quick to employ spies for his own benefit, he was also menaced by spies and fake intelligence coming from British agents and loyalist sympathizers. xivxv,234242, 321323, 348. absolved of all allegiance to the British Crown.". I leave America, and every endearing connection, because I will not raise my hand against my Sovereignnor will I draw my sword against my Country. to the statements of Loyalists on leaving America? WebI know land is very important to us colonists, so if you join our army you will be paid so you could buy land, which is hard to come by. Finally, if you enlist today, you will be paid a Revolutionary-era Manhattan was a chaotic scene of Loyalists, British occupation troops, Patriot spies and thousands of people seeking to live ordinary lives du, New York Firefighting & the American Revolution: Saving Colonial Gotham from Incineration, The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws 2e, Frank Miller's Sin City Volume 1: The Hard Goodbye (fourth Edition), Complete Prebiotic and Probiotic Health Guide, Girl Nine: Gone (A Maya Gray FBI Suspense ThrillerBook 9), The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (A Hunger Games Novel). American Revolution Patriots & Loyalist Patrlck Henry Sons of Liberty. If you would like to contribute a useful or interesting quotation, please contact Alpha History. I was very ambitious and did not like to see these men above me. From his headquarters at West Point in September 1779, Washington wrote to Tallmadge instructing agents to write messages with invisible ink on pocketbooks, almanacs, or pamphlets, which British agents were less likely to search than common letters. [1], Connolly was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania to an Irish Catholic father who served in the British military and a woman of English descent . . The book realistically illustrates what happened in the American Revolution. From a son of Benjamin Franklin to a Mohawk leader to the governor of Massachusetts, these men chose to side with the British. The first incident happened in 1773, when Malcolm gleefully seized a Sons of Liberty ship at a port in Maine and threatened the crew with a sword if they didnt heed his authority. Wright corresponded with Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, and kept them informed of the gossip and plans she overheard among the inner circles of king and Parliament. How would other Loyalists respond, including other Anglican clergymen represented in these readings? Lafayette, in turn, wrote to Washington of his well-placed friend, who acted as servant to Cornwallis, and looked through his papers, was present at dinners and important meetings, and saw first-hand the health and supply of British troops on the eve of 1781s Siege of Yorktown. Lieutenant Scott of the Continental Army, There is such an equality among them that the officers have no authority. A year later, Malcolm got into trouble in Boston when he whacked a local shoemaker on the head for insolence. (5pp. While the British claimed it was set by American revolutionary vandals, controversy surrounding the fire remains today. For Biden, navigating the debt ceiling is an early test of his 2024 strategy, Defaulting on the national debt is much closer than anyone realizes. Washington himself was active in directing the agents secret communications. There are many stories similar to Lydias, in which women were able to pass messages across the enemy lines. Sabine, Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution (1864), Vol. What caused the moderate voice to fade from the political arena? Brown arrived in Georgia in 1774 just as the Revolution was heating up. As such, the poem is a stark example of the hardened political divide in 1775. Cooper's satire drips with condescension and disdain, but even so he summons enough sympathy to lament the tragedy of a civil war: In summer 1775 Cooper fled an angry mob to seek refuge on a British ship in New York harbor and soon sailed for England, permanently. Baron von Steuben, 1778, The hour is fast approaching on which the honour and success of this army, and the safety of our bleeding country depend. But, during a speech in New Hampshire on Thursday, he added a very peculiar twist, one that actually piqued our interest. How does he portray the rebellious colonists as petulant ungrateful children? When he was taken before, he was in Armsin his proper uniformit was, therefore, a matter of great doubt whether he could be considered otherwise than a prisoner of War. Moody escaped and later wrote his memoir as a loyalist spy and recruiter during the war. Download or read book New York Firefighting & the American Revolution: Saving Colonial Gotham from Incineration written by Bruce Twickler and published by Arcadia Publishing. Often overlooked are the fence-sitters who made up the largest group. Find History on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Find History on Twitter (Opens in a new window), Find History on YouTube (Opens in a new window), Find History on Instagram (Opens in a new window), Find History on TikTok (Opens in a new window), The Print Collector/Print Collector/Getty Images, Library of Congress/Corbis/VCG/Getty Images, Heritage Art/Heritage Images/Getty Images, https://www.history.com/news/loyalists-revolutionary-war, 7 Famous Loyalists of the Revolutionary War Era. Whether informants were civilians or military officials or soldiers, long acting in the service of their country or seizing unique opportunities, spies undoubtedly played a crucial role in the American Revolution. Judging from the readings by John Adams and Benjamin Franklin in this primary source collection, how would they respond to Cooper's poem? Patience Lovell Wright, an America-born artist living in London, sent secret messages across the Atlantic hidden in the wax busts she sculpted. Consider Tiffany, 15 Mar 1732; citing; FHL microfilm. There were ardent loyalists outside of big cities like Boston and Philadelphia, too. Baron von Steuben, 1778, I have not yet begun to fight. Why is he so angry? Well, not a new name as such but, apparently a new pronunciation. In the end, many Loyalists simply left America. In elevating the quote on social media, a supporter of Florida Gov. Has anyone ever heard that Lennon. What led Americans to support or oppose the ultimate goal of independence. Both armies also mounted misinformation campaigns, purposefully leaking false intelligence for the enemy to find. Like Patience, many spies in the Revolution were civilians. Tonight the American flag floats from yonder hill or Molly Stark sleeps a widow! In the 1730s, the colonial legislature of New York officially created a fire department, establishing the origins of today's FDNY. Also attributed to Ethan Allen at Fort Ticonderoga, 1775, I am satisfied that one active campaign burning two or three of their towns, will set everything to rights. The Majority of our funds go directly to Preservation and Education. Some colonists who were not persuaded by the political struggle joined the British for personal gain or military glory. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. A 19th-centuryanecdote describes the scene of Cornwallis recognizing James at Lafayettes and Washingtons side after the surrender at Yorktown. Trump quotes Vladimir Lenin, a Communist tyrant, while continuing to deny outcome of 2020 election pic.twitter.com/kV5fDh5NVl. WebHe is best known for a plan he concocted with Virginia Governor Lord Dunmore to raise a regiment of loyalists and Indians in Canada called the Loyal Foresters and lead them to Virginia to help Dunmore put down the rebellion. When Moody was finally captured in 1780 Washington wrote, It is a pity but that Villian Moody could be apprehended lurking in the Country, in a manner that would bring him under the description of a Spy. WebDownload or read book The Loyalists of Revolutionary Delaware written by Harold Bell Hancock and published by . This site was last updated on March 18th, 2022. The British understood the need to attract American popular support for the parent country, as well. For example: Was I simply falling victim to some internet pranksters, like a non-sophisticate? To Which Are Added, Illustrative Documents And Other Eminent Men by Samuel Curwen | Goodreads Jump to ratings and reviews Want to read Buy on Amazon Rate this book They worked together on Poor Richards Almanack and the older Franklin used his influence to have William appointed governor of the colonial Province of New Jersey, where he earned a reputation as a reformer. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! In the 1730s, the colonial legislature of New York officially created a fire department, establishing the origins of today's FDNY. Some historians believe that Cornwallis asked James to spy for the British, making James a double agent. Revolution would merely flare up at a later date. Even before the Continental Army turned south, Washington used his network to leak false information about his plans to meet Cornwallis in Virginia. Dont fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here. When the war ended, the British kept their word and negotiated certificates of freedom for 3,000 formerly enslaved people, including King and his wife Violet. African-Americans were not invisible during the Revolution. But when he took to his pulpit to oppose patriot firebrands like Thomas Paine and Patrick Henry, he put a target on his back. While some daring acts of espionage have been documented and corroborated by primary sources, far more survive in the form of local and family legend or lore. To Which Are Added, Illustrative Documents And Other Eminent Men Samuel Curwen , George Atkinson Ward ( Creator ) Tens of thousands of merchants, farmers, Native Americans and enslaved people all had their reasons for preferring the known problems of British rule over an unpredictable independence. Here are some of his words during that long conflict. I say, Gentlemen, there are certain Men who are not Enemies to their Countrywho are friends to all America . Note: Loyalist political writings are included in Theme I: CRISIS; Theme II: REBELLION, #7, 8; Theme III: WAR, #2, 7, 8; and Theme IV: INDEPENDENCE, #2, 4. American soldier Anthony Wayne, to George Washington, In the name of the great Jehova and the Continental Congress! Donald Trump, Vladimir Lenin and Vladimir Leneen. How would Patriot leaders respond? See the chronological all-texts list.

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