re hay's settlement trust case summary

xb```f``:xb a\X^A3VN +3u#yWLI@bW]}@If a (d10)0(A-`0d. appoint, the deed of appointment had not, as the settlement itself required, designated the Trust disputes the trustees perspective in Private Client Business (1998) 3, 127-140, Wilson, S. Textbook on Trusts (10th ed, OUP, 2011), Sarah Wilson, Textbook on Trusts (10th ed, OUP, 2011) 66, Alastair Hudson, Equity and Trusts (7th ed, Routledge, 2013) 199, Leahy v Attorney-General of NSW [1959] AC 457, A. J. Oakley, The Modern Law of Trusts (9th ed, Sweet & Maxwell, 2008) 43, Jill Martin, Modern Equity (18th ed, Sweet & Maxwell, 2009) 107, Alastair Hudson, Understanding Equity and Trusts (4th ed, Routledge, 2013) 44, This is derived from the decision in Re Benjamin [1902] 1 Ch 723, Watt, G. Cases and Materials on Equity & Trusts (8th ed, OUP, 2011) 255, I. M. Hardcastle, Administrative unworkability a reassessment of an abiding problem in Conveyancer and Property Lawyer (1990) Jan/Feb, 24, John Wood, Trust disputes the trustees perspective in Private Client Business (1998) 3, 127. In Re Hays Settlement Trusts [1982] 1 WLR 202 at 210, Megarry V-C laid down three further duties which he regarded not necessary as exhaustive but containing the essentials. This is the case if, on the date of the creation of the trust, the settlor has not only identified the beneficiaries under the trust but also quantified the interest vested in each beneficiary. Alternatively, the trustees may publish an advertisement in the London Gazette (and the appropriate forum in any other countries or jurisdictions, if relevant) to give unknown beneficiaries constructive notice of their entitlement. There is a requirement that the beneficiaries of a trust, known as the objects, be certain. If this clause is inserted, the objects under the gift over take the property unless the donee of the power validly exercises the power. Since an object under a discretionary trust is not entitled to an interest in the trust property, prior to the exercise of the discretion in his favour, but is merely entitled to a hope of acquiring a benefit, the bankruptcy of such an object does not entitle the trustee in bankruptcy to a share of the trust fund. As in the case of a fixed trust, the trustees of a discretionary trust have a duty to distribute the trust property among the specified class of benefi~iaries;~ but, as in the case of a power of . Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of The leading test of certainty of objects here is also the "any given postulant test", applied to discretionary trusts in McPhail v Doulton. In Paul v Constance,[7] it was held that the phrase "the money is as much yours as it is mine" was sufficient to translate to a trust. Mrs Pearson and her co-trustee are private client solicitors . The testators children died without issue and without any appointment having been made by the survivor. In the immediate case, a deed was drawn up in order to provide monetary benefit to members of staff of a company as well as the relatives and dependants of such people. A trust for B to receive an objectively reasonable income was upheld. You should not treat any information in this essay as being authoritative. W is referred to as a donee of the power and A, B and C as the objects of the power. That, however, does not mean that he can simply fold his hands and ignore it, for normally he must from time to time consider whether or not to exercise the power, and the court may direct him to do this. 35 17 Copyright 2003 - 2023 - LawTeacher is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of The difference between the two is crucial: fixed trusts are constituted for the benefit of pre-determined individuals or classes of individuals in which each is entitled in equity to a fixed share; in contrast, in a discretionary trust it is within the gift of the trustees to allocate the distribution of trust property among a defined class of beneficiaries, or even on occasion to decide on the membership of a class of potential beneficiaries. o If the power of appointment originally given to the trustees ( in favour of such These shares were not individually identified, but Dillon LJ held that this was irrelevant because the shares were all of the same type and in the same company, and so it made no difference which particular shares were transferred. 0000003164 00000 n [24] If there are any potential beneficiaries who the trustees are not certain of, or the trustees cannot compile a complete list, the trust is void for uncertainty.[25]. It was pointed out in Chapter 3 that a mere power of appointment may be personal or fiduciary. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. It was first stated in Wright v Atkyns,[4] by Earl Eldon LC. 0000000979 00000 n So, consultation of the settlor, implementation of settlors wishes or requirement of settlors consent to a particular course of action will not be needed if there is absence of express provision to the contrary. The judge had found that, having misunderstood the powers of advancement given, the bank was liable to repay . Obviously, the trustee must abide by the trust instrument and make n appointment that is not allowed by it. In this case the trustees were given a power to add objects to a class of potential beneficiaries which excluded the settlor, his wife and certain named persons. The next type of uncertainty, ascertainability, is where it is impossible to find the beneficiaries, either because they have died, moved or changed names. When a trustee exercises a dispositive power (whether in the nature of a mere power or trust power or a hybrid power) he must do it in a responsible manner and not capriciously. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? This condition helps to reduce the level of risk which a trustee may take in his administration of trust. However, the category of discretionary trusts has proved more contentious, though, as the next section will explain, the courts have adopted an equally sensible and flexible approach to their operation in recent decades. person/purposes) was invalid as being too wide, which would make the trust fund vest 0000003088 00000 n began proceedings to determine: The court decided that the power of appointment contained in the original settlement wasnt of appointment in the settlement, so that the nieces and nephews living at the date of The trustees may well take into account that the distribution of income will be more tax-efficient if paid to objects with lower income, and transfers of capital may be more beneficial to those with larger incomes. The trust was subject to a power of selection in the surviving child. AB was a professional trustee of two discretionary trusts created by the late parents of D1, a Will Trust for the benefit of their issue, and a Grandchildren 's Trust for the benefit of their grandchildren (i.e. In case there is absolute deadlock, on application of one or other of the trustees or a beneficiary, the intervention of the court may be the only way to break the deadlock: Luke v South Kensington Hotel Co (1879) 11 Ch D 121. Where an individual trustee delegated his power, a restricted power to delegate the functions of trustee by power of attorney during his absence was given by the Trustee Act 1925, s 25. In fact, the third party (the Chief Rabbi) was able to adjudicate on the concept of a suitable wife, whose presence was a precondition of the trust, though this could equally have applied to a trustee rather than an external specialist. The trustees are required to distribute the income each year as it arises, but have a discretion regarding the persons who may actually benefit. the sisters), as in Re Denley, who were directly and . The general power of investment is always subject to the prudent person rule, which requires that if the trustees profession business or employment is or includes acting as a trustee of investing money on behalf of other persons, the trustee must, in exercising powers of investment, exercise the care, diligence and skill that a prudent person engaged in that profession, business or employment would exercise in managing the affairs of other persons. Hay's Settlement Trusts, Re Court: Chancery Division Judge: Sir Robert Megarry V-C Subject References: . How would you distinguish a mere power of appointment from a trust power. persons to whom the appointment was to be made, but had merely provided the mechanism OT Computers Ltd v First National Tricity Finance Ltd [2007] WTLR 165, Re Gulbenkians Settlement Trusts [1970] AC 508, Hardcastle, I. M. Administrative unworkability a reassessment of an abiding problem in Conveyancer and Property Lawyer (1990) Jan/Feb, 24-33, Hudson, A. This is a question of fact. Providing that a given description of beneficiaries is clear in a conceptual sense, the arrangement will not fail because it might be difficult to work out whether a given person satisfies the description. Within express trusts this is a particularly complex area, because the test used to determine certainty varies between fixed trusts, mere powers and discretionary trusts. A hybrid power is similar in appearance to a general power save for the disqualification of an excluded class of objects, for example on trust for X to appoint in favour of anyone except the settlor and his spouse. 0000006485 00000 n Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the role of the settlor in a trust?, What is the role of the trustee in a trust?, What is the role of the beneficiary in a trust? A more recent case is Protheroe v Protheroe [1968] WLR 519 where the husband, a joint owner with his wife of a leasehold property, purchased the freehold reversion; it was held that because he was a trustee the freehold reversion became subject of the trust although the husband was entitled to recoup the expense of the purchase. hold on trust to pay the income to such persons or charities as they thought fit until 21 And in case of breach of trust in relation to investment it provides that the court may consider whether the trustee considered these issues, whether the investment were made pursuant to an investment strategy, and whether the trustee acted on independent advice. Discretionary trusts are trusts which require that the trustees exercise their powers, in the same way as a fixed trust, but allow some discretion in how to do so, in a similar manner to mere powers. A trust power is in substance a discretionary trust but, in form, the gift resembles a power. ), Tort Law Directions (Vera Bermingham; Carol Brennan), Human Rights Law Directions (Howard Davis). trust to pay the income thereof to 'any person or persons whatsoever' or any charity as they The trustees are required to decide in whose favour the property (income and capital) may be distributed. Three of the children of D1 and D3 had already received shares of the Grandchildren s Trust, but the other three grandchildren had not. Of first appearance, or on the face of it. These notes summarise cases relating to trust and equity law. Where there appears a general intention in favour of a class, and a particular intention in favour of individuals of a class to be selected by another person, and the particular intention fails from that selection not having been made, the court will carry into effect the general intention in favour of the class.. [43] But if the gift were given to a wide class of people for a charitable purpose, it will be valid.[44]. deed of appointment was nevertheless invalid as being too wide and outside the power On the other hand, family ties (such as children, siblings, and so on) are rightly identified as conceptually certain because the members can be identified with recourse to a straightforward family tree. Summary : A manifested intention to create a T is the first substantive requirement of a valid declaration of T. The way of exercise of powers and discretions cannot be impose by the settlor, the beneficiaries, of the court. Brightman J ordered rectification but, despite being satisfied that a mistake had been made, did so only after considerable hesitation. "Certainty of intention" means that it must be clear that the donor or testator wishes to create a trust; this is not dependent on any particular language used, and a trust can be created without the word "trust" being used, or even the donor knowing he is creating a trust. appointees might be ascertained in the future. In the concept of trust, it is fundamental that as a duty, a trustee performs the trusts honestly and in good faith for the benefit of the beneficiaries- there will be essence of trust in case a trustee is not obliged to act honestly for the benefit of his beneficiaries. Duties and powers of a trustee are listed according to the proper law by which the trust is governed. A trust is an express trust where the settlor has expressed his intention to form a trust. In Re Hamilton,[13] Lindley LJ set out the standard rule that to "take the will you have to construe and see what it means, and if you come to the conclusion that no trust was intended you say so"; essentially that judges should not simply assume that there is a trust. Between the different beneficiaries, the trustees have the duty to act impartially under the trust and to administer the trust in as fair and detached a manner as possible. In Re Hay's Settlement Trust,23 the court held that it would be prepared to hold that an intermediate trust (one excluding certain specified individuals, and including everyone else) would be administratively unworkable because the a trustee's obligations in relation to a discretionary trust are more stringent than for a power of appointment: as This has two problems; firstly, the class could be too broad to be administratively workable, and second, the courts are unable to judge if the power has been exercised appropriately. The decision avoided the ridiculous prospect that such potential beneficiaries could prostrate themselves before a court emphasising their attachment to the settlor in order to enrich themselves. All Rights Reserved by KnowledgeBase. It is therefore imperative that a court should be able to identify exactly what share each individual should take. I I The terminology was adopted by Emery (1982) 98 LQR 55 1 . Moreover the trustee in bankruptcy is not entitled to claim funds paid to third parties (such as tradesmen and hoteliers) in discharge of obligations bona fide undertaken by the potential beneficiaries. 0000001627 00000 n In a fixed trust the trustees do not have a discretion to decide the extent of the beneficial interest which the objects may enjoy, for example trustees hold specified property on trust for the children of the settlor, D, E and F, in equal shares absolutely. Facts: A trust fund was created to provide for two deaf and dumb elderly sisters who lacked the means to support themselves. In the event of the trustees failing to distribute any part of the income to the relatives, Mr X will be entitled to the same. These were listed by Megarry VC in Re Hays Settlement Trust [1982] 1 WLR 202, as a duty to consider periodically whether or not the power ought to be exercised, a duty to consider the range of objects of the power and a duty to consider the appropriateness of individual appointments. Before the expiry of the lease he applied to the lessor for a renewal for the benefit of the child. It was held that a mere power of appointment was given to the husband and not a trust power. Indeed, the Court of Appeal confirmed in the case of IRC v Broadway Cottages that in fixed trusts linguistic and evidential certainty as to beneficiaries are both essential. The case is notable because the trustee had attempted to secure the leasehold for the trust but without success- nevertheless, he was not entitled to keep the benefit for himself. The leading test for mere powers is the "any given postulant" test, laid down in Re Gulbenkian. This is part of the "orthodox" or "strict" rule, along with Re Goldcorp. The defendant, John Greatorex (D), had been drinking with his friend H. With Hs permission D proceeded to drive Hs car, with H himself as a passenger. UK health and safety laws have been established over the last 200 years. In order to dispense with the resulting trust, it is customary for the settlor to insert an express gift over in default of appointment in the trust instrument. "Conceptual uncertainty" is where the language is unclear, something which leads to the trust being declared invalid. Disclaimer: This essay has been written by a law student and not by our expert law writers. Following the expiration of 21 years from the date of the original settlement the trustees By tradition, it can be said that the duty is to hold balance between different beneficiaries or classes or beneficiaries. The rules developed by the courts for certainty of object are important, since in recent decades litigation surrounding the selection of beneficiaries has increased. It is of course not unusual for a settler to retain certain rights to himself, e.g. void for uncertainty, Because an hybrid power of appointment (given to a trustee to appoint to anyone in the The Modern Law of Trusts (9th ed, Sweet & Maxwell, 2008), Watt, G. Cases and Materials on Equity and Trusts (8th ed, OUP, 2011), Wood, J. The test for determining this differs depending on the type of trust; it can be that all beneficiaries must be individually identified, or that the trustees must be able to say with certainty, if a claimant comes before them, whether he is or is not a beneficiary. The three certainties refer to a rule within English trusts law on the creation of express trusts that, to be valid, the trust instrument must show certainty of intention, subject matter and object. Trustees and the courts have developed various ways of getting around uncertainties, including the appointment of experts to work out evidential uncertainty, and giving trustees the power to decide who is or is not a beneficiary. It was considered to be in the interest of the public that charitable income, including accumulated income, be distributed within a short period of time. Since Lambe v Eames,[10] the courts have instead taken the approach that the circumstances and the reading of the statement as a whole are the factors, and that no particular words will impose a trust on their own. 0000001257 00000 n On the other hand, in Re Weekess Settlement [1897] 1 Ch 289, the court, on construction of the instrument, concluded that a mere power was created. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Therefore, Lord Wilberforces criteria represents an important practical qualification of the courts zeal to implement a trust if at all possible, vitiating such an arrangement where a class of persons is so hopelessly wide or capricious that a trustee or a judge would have little hope of fulfilling their obligations without running down the trust fund significantly. At its heart is the proposition that a court should be able to identify the exact person or persons who will form the beneficiary or beneficiaries of the trust. A trustee has an implied power to appropriate assets in satisfaction of a beneficiarys share (Re Ruddock (1910) 102 LT 89). By means of an express provision in the trust deed, a settlor may provide that, either generally or in specific circumstances, the decision of a majority of the trustees will prevail. the settlement became entitled to the trust fund on the expiration of the 21 years, o If both the power and deed of appointment were valid so that the trustees continued to View examples of our professional work here. 0000002606 00000 n Re Hay's Settlement Trusts [1982] Re Manisty's Settlement [1974] ''The court contrasted the exercise by trustees of an. 0000002640 00000 n This means that a trustee has to act in good faith in the interests of the beneficiaries and not act for any collateral purpose. 0000000016 00000 n However, being a prudent trustee wishing to have the goodwill of the beneficiaries with him, should obtain consent to a particular course of action if this is required by the trust instrument. The starting point is the duty of trustees to exercise their powers in the best interests of the present and future beneficiaries of the trust, holding the scales impartially between different classes of beneficiaries. statement in relation to his 95% remaining =, Court held there was no requirement to segregate 50 shares from the total, Ds shares were indistinguishable from each other , The decision got controversial views though. However, the next sections will show that the question of who the beneficiaries are (in other words, the certainty of objects pillar) has caused some controversy, especially with respect to discretionary trusts. Hunter's Will Trust, Gilks v. Harris - [1962] 3 All ER 1050; [1963] Ch 372; [1962] 3 WLR 1442; . 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