saturn in aquarius tarot

Best wishes and thank you! Work, academic or unpaid work comes second. You will feel closure, however this pans out. I have 8 stelliums in Pisces, so how will this affect me? Ive never fully understood the parts of my personality that I struggle with where Saturn (and Juno) sit (and I think my Diana placement adds to how hard I find those things) when I really feel I shouldnt be struggling and be more appreciative for what I am very lucky to have but instead it often feels like a ball and chain, like entrapment, like Im suffocating. Man of 30/12/1972 still very much distantly around. He may be rather stuck until then, but July ends the cycle for another 18-19 years. People copy you too. Thanks! Your wellbeing must be your number one priority. Daccord, you have Pisces and Virgo stelliums. You need total control of your marriage. Media. As well as my Mercury at 23*. Joint Finances. Im joking a lot about that with my friends. Career. 37 Anything else you can add would be so helpful. I muddled up my earlier post, so please disregard. The Bubonic Plague spread through fleas, but also the air. Aries: Image. Any insight is appreciated. If you give up sugar, same. So, you have the bare minimum to deal with, having already given yourself the advantage of a healthy B.M.I (for example) or a five-star medical. Uranus in your Sixth House is radical. Also accommodation and finances. Covid is one of them. Happy New Year. And yet, you have been through (very likely) all the Saturn cycles of the 12 zodiac signs as you read this, through every house of your chart. Neptune in 8 Pisces Jupiter in Aries in your solar Tenth House of success is about opportunity, expansion and improvement. As I alway go on about in my replies, my grandson has autism and its been a long hard road. After my first encounter I am worried! Dont listen to that noise! You are a Sun Capricorn woman with Aquarius and Leo stelliums. He can also stand opposite another travelling or transiting planet, or asteroid, and so on creating a climate of conflict, struggle and difficulty. You have a large stellium in Cancer in the Fourth House of property and Jupiter in Taurus will form sextiles to that, May 2023 to May 2024, expanding your chances of home ownership. Thanks to you I am more interested in astrology. Uranus is at 18 Virgo in the Sixth House, in opposition to all three. What Im trying to say is that Im even more anxious and perhaps even depressed. I also have a few very interesting transits taking place right now and would love your insights into how I should read/prioritise these especially when there are so many hitting the mark: And I still wanted to ask how Saturn affects the Pisces, since I also plan to write and publish something for the soul. With Saturn being in the 2nd house in Taurus how does this affect me? Wondered, would you have time to take a look at my birth chart? Many calculations have been made (financial, logistical) to make this jump and the retraining takes a lot of time, but I like the work. It may be for any number of reasons. Between March and June 2023 you will see what it feels like to be ambitious, successful and accomplished, without having to think about who or what is top dog all the time. Add These Dates to Your G-Cal: May 5: Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Scorpio. From 1999 to 2001, Saturn (in Taurus) and Uranus (in Aquarius) squared off. This is actually your true calling or vocation in life and may (or may not) involve your employer. As such, he is closest of all the planets to the realm of the heavens and the other side of the veil. Saturn in astrology educates through time. You left after 19 years on January 4th. Closure will take time but it is worth staying the course. Have a look at the Tarot closer to the time for more insights. Title. The date 17th December was also the first day of Capricorn, back then the signed ruled by Saturn,named for the god (Fowler, Roman Festivals and Beck, Journal of Roman Studies), Saturnalia also celebrated the harvest and sowing, and ran from December 1723. So I just said well clearly we dont share the same god. A conjunction in Rogets International Thesaurus (Collins Reference 2022) is likened to a bond. Groups are super-spreader events where infection with the virus spreads. Study is work too. His current condition is better than 2021 but not well enough to be able to secure a new job. Saturns tour through Aquarius from March 21 to July 1 is a preview of a longer cycle. So, on the eve of my second saturn return, I will hang on to the wisdom that saturn takes away what we need to have taken away and it is for the best in the long run. Saturn comes back again, if you are lucky, another 29.5 years into the future. Slow process, divorce, but life as it was 19 years ago will play a part in what unfolds. School is out of the question just due to traveling. Aesculapia May 14: Mercury Retrograde in Taurus ends. Saturn has been in Aquarius since December 2020, but with other planets joining it in the sign of the water bearer, were feeling its energy in a new way. The impact of Covid on India and China who make pharmaceuticals. May I ask you, the entry of saturn in piscis and pluto in aquarius can lead to nuclear war instead of covid? More thresholds and curbs. May 2023 to May 2024 brings the biggest and best work and lifestyle choices in 12 years with more freedom, independence and a superior lifestyle. Dont just wander into, say, a mortgage or a contract. Saturn returns can oftentimes lead to endings, embracing more responsibility, and setting new boundaries. I expect this began when he was approaching the age when men had to think about their futures, or even as a boy, when people were asking What do you want to be, when you grow up? A strongly Virgo man has to work on some level, even if it is gardening or volunteering to pick up rubbish from the local river. Having an AIDS test with any new lover. But Saturn suggests its wise to look. Its a bit until Saturn hits my Asc (I dont use whole houses) but I do feel a shift with the signs switching. Long-term, the world of courtship, the bedroom, children (and other peoples children) is a way out. The north fork rises in the southern part of Stafford County I always wondered how to interpret that and would very much appreciate to get some insights from you. When you dont shine, you try harder. My second saturn return is coming in 2023. It is a complicated story but I was very lucky to leave when I did. Happy Lunar New Year. Well, it is. But the key, as with all Virgo stelliums, is to find a service to perform that is rewarding. You may be teaching them. The pressure you feel is actually more about your husband and the marriage than anything else. May 7: Venus enters Cancer. You will find out what you need to know, for your own best interests, about your father by May 2023. We live in an age of Covid, for all that some people deny it or minimise it. Groups. Apollo in Libra is important as he is about combat as well as passion, and your Apollo Return will remind you that 2023-2024 is about balancing the scales. Thank you. The barriers come down and instead you find you are issued a challenge how powerful do you want to be? His Saturn is 7Leo. This is already affecting hospitals in the USA. Jana. He digs his heels in. I suppose thats what we are being asked to do with the obstacles Saturn presents us. Comments have just gone up to 16,571 but there is always time to talk, when I have such brilliant readers. Thank you. Take special note of the house into which he has moved in your chart. Virgo is the archetype of the unmarried daughter who stays at home and does the housework, cooks and cleans and looks after the family if they are unwell. Again, very long term, he will be in a partnership, or a new version of the old partnership, from 2026 which changes his life and sets him free. If time allows kindly look at my chart and let me know when and if the tide turns ito my daughters. if you have any wise words I would love to hear them I currently just dont see any good change on the horizon work wise. The next day, Jupiter in Taurus clashes with Pluto in Aquarius, stirring up intense feelings around your comfort and where you call home. 15 Scorpio 54 57 The worldwide web has been random, chaotic, confusing, confused and a total escape for you. Libra rules your Seventh House of marriage, divorce, separation and common-law marriage, as well as professional partnership. Watch and learn. If your birth date falls in either of those ranges, youre officially becoming an adult (according to astrology). WebThe City of Ninnescah is located in the State of Kansas. Hi Jessica, This time around, Saturn is in Aquarius and Uranus is in Taurus. I had really hard years with work and friends behind me and I changed a lot, to become a better situation. What seems to be going on is not thought out, the process looks very irrational and rushed. Congratulations on the new baby. Dreams. I was born July 3, 1972 at 7:14 am in New York. Please could I have your insights into how the next couple of years may play out and how to make the best of the energy. You are on track to find the most meaningful and rewarding sort of work you have done in years, Lynne, and knowing you have a good, strong purpose you love every day will also help, as it is a powerful reason to be fit again. In Aquarius, this is about friends and groups. Hes a Pisces sun with Virgo NNode btw , who was expected to join the priesthood like his father, but didnt. We got married in September and the pregnancy happened quicker than expected. Where you are restricted and restrained. Thats really all it is. Do you have any unconscious desire to have time off work, to leave work forever, to resign from life (even?) The 19 Libra pattern is important because the South Node will move into Libra in July and eventually reach 19 degrees. A vision without manifestation is of no use but when the hard work of Saturn is applied to refine and perfect and implement the vision in the real world the two are a very powerful combination. You tend to get petty little dictators on Pluto in Capricorn unfortunately as well as really big, over-powerful behemoth organisations. Thank you. Saturn rules lead. The law is also associated with the Eighth House for obvious reasons. I have Prosperina at 1 Virgo and Pluto at 6 Virgo in my Sixth House.. You referenced the transiting Saturn opposition dates at the degrees you mentioned as being so its personal. Here are just a few examples of oppositions to give you an idea of what Saturn does, when in conflict. Looking back, we find New York Times headlines about Catholic hospitals, ethics and AIDS. I am a Sun Cancer can you tell be in what house is Saturn in until March and what house does it move into when Saturn moves into Pisces? Im considering divorce from my partner who is unraveling with addictions. If you have any factors at Aquarius 24, 27 or 29 in your Eleventh House, then the issue near these dates will be friends and groups. Cause I dont usually get sick, and last year (2022) was awful in terms of health, while saturn was still in aquarius. She used active imagination, which Pamela Colman Smiths Tarot lends itself to, to bring props, actors and a new script. Conflict. Another killer, in the air that we share. Thank you Alexia. Every 27 to 29 years, Saturn comes back to where it was in the sky when you were born. The Tarot can be useful at times like this: ask How have I expressed my Saturn pattern so far? and even with just one card, you can find all sorts of answers and insights about the next one. It will improve while Jupiter is in Aries until May 2023. Sun Leo? Mars You wont see this transit again for another 28-29 years so take the entire Saturn in Aquarius cycle from Christmas 2020 to May 2023 as a useful piece of instruction. Thank you. Happy New Year. That made me look at my natal chart and I have Saturn at 11 Leo, sextile both Jupiter at 10 Gemini and Pluto at 11 Libra. Happy Lunar New Year. You want a new home. Saturn came into Aquarius and AIDS, in the door. I may not have asked the question appropriately. You turn your apartment into a cage. Until then take any firm news with a pinch of salt. Or have I misunderstood this completely? Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. Saturn is moving us all back into the heavenly realms during this period. You hope hell be gone eventually. With Saturn by sign and house, we are shut in and blocked, or shut out and locked of situations. Saturn returns essentially mark the end of a 30-year-cycle in your life, while also setting you up for the next 30 years. I was in the Abortion caravan driving and feeling the grief across Canada but legalization came later. i have also ended a 4 year relationship with my partner back in December not sure if this related to this cycle but would be nice if you could give me some insight. This is fantastic, been meaning to try to understand Saturns role in my chart and this is really insightful! Letting your sister move in. Concerning communication,the internet, to start over. Ill try again at some point. Mazel tov! Thank you. I keep trying different options for re training , but again get blocked , Ive been trying to sell my house for months so thats financial pressure so that we are able to buy another one which is better and I am sure it will happen but seems to be a difficult path at the moment. Thank you. Cupido Would Saturn in Capricorns 3rd H bring obstacles in communications?. It was taken by Steven Meisel and many stargazers I know sat up and took notice of this great example of Saturn in astrology. This strongly Virgo person will likely have issues with the medication when Saturn slowly opposes the stellium from 3 degrees through to 27 degrees, so almost the whole cycle starting in March 2023 and ending in early 2026. Known as the taskmaster and karmic planet, Saturn helps us keep ourselves in check. 28 Scorpio 58 40 A rock band and a basketball team.Queen and the Los Angeles Lakers. Eventually Jupiter will go into Cancer and form a conjunction with Saturn; that would be your reward for all the work. Jupiter is 28 Taurus. I have a question regarding my 2 factors in early Virgo, Ops and Fortuna and wondering how this will affect me. May 14: Mercury Retrograde in Taurus ends. Housewife. Review heavily binding agreements with that in mind and life will be easier in future. Your Aries stellium is really important as Jupiter in Aries transiting your First House until May 2023 gives you opportunities to improve your appearance, expand your presence online and increase your reputation. Remember Saturn in astrology is about restriction, limitation and being encircled, reaping what you sow, you would take extra time and extra care then. What your Saturn sign means You have the South Node, Diana and Descendant in Leo in the Fifth House of parenthood. In May, Jupiter with all his opportunities, answers and rewards moves into this Sixth House sector of health and wellbeing and you will very quickly see a person or organisation which is a solution for you. August 1st: Mercury 5 Virgo opposition Saturn 5 Pisces WebSPECIES PROTECTION AND CRITICAL HABITATS: Pallid Sturgeons are protected by the Kansas Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation Act, the Federal Endangered You will figure out a fair new deal with your ex, in 2023, 2024 as you both have karma from July 2023 onwards. Both are concerning finances. My best friend used them all the time before she died. Again, the trick is to research your options before you make them. Was hoping for an easier ride in 2023 but Saturns entry in March sounds a bit disheartening. The Romans associated Saturn with a Golden Age, which arrived when he took the scythe which had castrated his father, and used it to educate Italian farmers about agriculture. You are strongly Aquarian and supply groups, and have a circle of friends, or friendly faces. What does the Saturn in Aquarius transit mean The Libra weather is about balancing the scales. You cant separate yourself from the planet, even though you may not be personally affected. Saturn rules both Aquarius and Capricorn, and it will transit into Aquarius on Tuesday, January 17, 2023, at 05:04 pm. All this restricts you and confines you for a reason. Astrology cuts through the noise. And a plan. I always feel bad commenting as you have so much traffic on your page already, but i have stelliums in both Aquarius and Pisces, I have a Saturn ruled chart so restriction and learning from it is nothing new to me, my partner and I both Pisces Suns would love to buy a house this year, I am hoping within the coming months, do you see this being possible? You had your Saturn Return in Aquarius so thank goodness for that. I have Jupiter in Gemini at 27. This photograph above from Wikimedia Commons shows you how Saturn in astrology looks and feels. During this time we are being asked to take some time away from our current life and think about the You feel shut inside the marriage, or shut outside the marriage, unable to get in. Like being imprisoned in a castle with a moat. In this same cycle, Elon Musk has purchased Twitter and issued new curbs and thresholds. You have a past life where your religion produced a conflict with your health. You have to make your own decisions. Was this job a mistake and will I be returning to my previous job? His first house is wild and very indicative of his explosive behavior. would he be good in a managerial role? Dont just amble into it. rx require self mastery to reach higher realms which happened 2003 about 60 ish and ever since i obsessed on finding that written out and today it did. You cannot separate how you feel (physically and mentally) from your daily grind. I certainly felt the ring fenced limits coming out as gay, to myself and then to my mostly conservative Christian community, the public, work etc and family was tough but also so grounding physically and mentally, and spiritually and very, very liberating. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality, return of Saturn to its natal position in your birth chart. Ill talk more about Pluto at a special event on February 5th and 12th 2023 on Zoom, as a guest of The Astrology Collective. Carl Jung named this phenomenon in the 20th century and it remains the best explanation we have, for accurate prediction. Thanks for a response, if you have time. Itll be good if Saturn is renamed to a happy planet or atleast a happier one than as currently named. just re-posting my question from a couple of days ago. If you are not already using hypnosis please consider that. Can I ask your take on this please? Im sun leo with saturn in 1st house naral. Your Leo side is about courtship, the bedroom, babies, children, teenagers and grown-up children. For the first time in 19 years, the South Node will form a conjunction with your Saturn, and the process begins in July, when the South Node changes signs. The more I read of your explanations the more I understand and can start to put the pieces together for myself. Virgo rules your lifestyle, daily eating and drinking habits, daily exercise, sleep hygiene, levels of mental health and so on. You already had this transit 29 years ago, or so, and so as you left your twenties and went into your Thirties you may have had issues with or around psychologists, or perhaps the church maybe your aura and chakras. Thanks for the astrology lesson on Saturn. Best. I suppose the question for you and the family is, can anyone be bothered to make the effort to try communication and closer contact? Virgo-Pisces is that kind of cycle. Thank you for the article, Jessica. People with lots of planets or their ascendant in Scorpio or Taurus will have some of this, but not quite as much. March sees Saturn join Neptune in Pisces in everybodys Twelfth House and this has so much to do with the familys religious beliefs, on both sides, going back generations. Who is in charge? As Saturn makes the opposition, we have to remember Jupiter in Taurus from May 2023 to May 2024 will also make the trine and so the point at which life becomes the challenge to change for him, is also the point at which he is given exactly who or what he needs to make that easier. Thank you. You are in a terrific position to find an answer when Jupiter trines your Virgo factors after May 2023 until May 2024. The heavy restrictions, barriers and stuck feeling with Saturn vanishes in March 2023. Waving at you from across the ocean. Thank you and I am glad you follow me on Twitter I cannot see your name here as all comments are private, but I hope I follow you too. Astrology is based on using evidence from what occurred before, to assist you in a good strategy now. I read your website and twitter daily and am so so grateful that I found your site. Then he stops. Saturn is strong in all my families charts and I wonder if you can help with regard to my eldest daughter who is separated from her abusive husband since 2016 and now struggling to finalise everything as for years he has not supported her and the children financially and she struggles. Thank you for the explanation and Ill continue to be careful. Woah!! A good example of this, say 29 years ago, would have been giving up smoking and keeping condoms for casual sex. Boundaries Religion and HIV/AIDS issues centred around condom use but also the, If you are a Premium Member, and youve not yet picked up your copy of. When Saturn leaves Aquarius on March 8th 2023, the pandemic restrictions will end on friendships and groups. What you feel today on this cycle, has a long history going back some 2000 years. Thank you very much. Saturn enters Pisces then as you may know, and begins to move towards first 11 degrees and then 25 degrees, both of which are the challenge to change your lifestyle, food, drink, exercise and sleep. And you are still here. As a fixed, air sign, Aquarius is all about considering innovative ideas, while also keeping a sense of tradition in place. In this Saturn season, you will be shown the aspects of your personality that are barriers to further spiritual awareness, and any patterns of thinking that keep you isolated and apart from connection with the whole of humanity. Try it now. In astrology you take a series of tests with Saturn, and Saturn at 0 Pisces trine natal Saturn at 0 Cancer, but also Pluto at 0 Aquarius quincunx your natal Saturn, suggests March 2023 asks you to find a strategy that will work for you. You will make or save quite a lot of money, from May 2023 to May 2024. All of these things will play a major role in how you experience the next 30 years, so be sure to pay close attention to what starts (or ends) in your life now. Is he a Piscean ? Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. Your insight is so valuable to me especially as my birthday falls on the 8th and I am getting back to work day after. You have Long Covid. Well, Saturn is going into Pisces and your Twelfth House, so nothing to do with foreign countries, partnerships or conflicts. All of that! Even if it is writing a novel that is never finished. Saturn brings heavy obstacles. However, part of growing up is growing out of certain friendships. It is a big part of who you are and the South Node moving into Libra from July 2023 will bring back karma from 18 or 19 years before, again with a duet or duel in your life then. So March, July, bring a completely different era for you when you are no longer shut into a situation, or shut out of it. Hi Jessica, The Paris Opera Ballet and the Civil Rights Movement were visited by Saturn in astrology. You will also be delighted with your new title, appearance and reputation by May 2023 if you take the opportunities being offered to you, for a relaunch. Itll stay there until March 7th, 2023, apart from a dip back into Capricorn from July 1st, 2020, to December 17th, 2020. Try before you buy with Dr. Paul McKenna and Glenn Harrold. 58 37 Returning to your old job is just one of them. While you wait, you learn more. Any time you have slow-moving outer planet or node transits at 11 degrees, an episode emerges between you, which requires that you lean on everything you learned the last time. Hi Jessica, I recently started following the Current Planetary Positions on your website. They usually turn up when you are named in a will, or your legacy names others. Hypnosis may help you a lot with your health, or distance healing, if you havent tried it. In your 2050 Modern Astrology, you said Saturn is in Pisces in the 12th house March 2023 to May 2025. Thank you. Pluto in Virgo is about the need to tightly control the course, or the job, and to be top dog. They will at home with new technologies or if not naturally the power of the planet Saturn will allow them to study hard to become knowledgable in these areas. Thank you for another super interesting post, Jessica love the advice to clear the deck for the area that Saturn will occupy! The house. WebShe explains how Saturn moving into Pisces will help us break out of our own and societal limitations, encouraging us to release what is no longer serving us. Who or what you get yourself into in March should be wise and well-considered. This tallies with your natal chart too. When you see the usual boundaries, dont try to climb over them or crash through them. Same story told twice from two different angles. Saturn has been in Aquarius, your own sign, and that hasnt done much for you, although it is not the culprit. There is very likely to be a new partner from that time, if you want one. You are a Sun Sagittarius going through Uranus in Taurus in the Sixth House of health, along with the North Node in Taurus, also in the Sixth House of health. I am so desperate to move jobs and have something much more fulfilling but everything I try blocks me in some way now we are at risk with our current job and it feels like so much pressure all the time. Status. You hope hell be gone eventually. In general, if we look at 2023 for you, we start with the Sun Sign and solar chart which shows the public headlines. The waiting game is unavoidable with this cycle, but while you wait, you can learn a great deal to set you free. 19 You are a Sun Pisces with stelliums in Pisces, Capricorn, Aries and Gemini. Take your time deciding. The moment Saturn moves into the zodiac sign your natal Saturn is placed in marks the beginning of your Saturn return, and once Saturn leaves the sign, your Saturn return has officially ended.

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