useless website apple lady

. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY! Around 20 years ago, along with other approaches, he first imagined the concept behind the . What were the circumstances behind creating heeeeeey Hoooooo? We had few useless websites at the beginning, and this falls into the same category. . EXPLORING THE USELESS WEB [] WEIRD APPLE LADY?! 1; 2; 3 45; Next Page 14 Mar Full size shown here. We said earlier that sometimes you just need to watch at something doing something. Home; 0; Home; 0; 100% organic and recycled. People have come up with crazy ideas with these sites. 1. If I wasnt in the mountains, I was reading up on ski related news. Starting with home on the left and on the right we haverandom,useless websites list, submit website and ending with contact. Or, in the case of Mike Bodge, who made the heeeeeeeey hooooooooo site, the most popular thing hes ever made online. If you turn spatial audio back on, you'll return to the Atmos track. Gifs are more and more popular, and dogs are jumping on the popularity train. I was under the impression to have a .org domain you needed to be an organization. Stupid Shit No One Needs & Terrible Ideas Hackathon. Well, this ones less for you, and more for your friend who gets scared easily. Instant Kittens I got a lot of questions from people asking me if I was working on a CMYK version but Cyan Magenta Yellow and Black are colours used for print, they do not come across on screens. If you've got a site on the useless web and I haven't reached out, feel free to give me a bell, otherwise, I'll be getting to you as soon as I can track you down. Damn, that sounds so corny., The Useless Web has even inspired creators to add more strange sites to the web. About 75 percent of the contributions were suggested by users. But many creators of useless sites, as well as these catalogers of useless internet, credit this genre as some of the most popular work theyve ever created. I politely declined. Useless Button Take me to a useless website! For years now, its served as a hub for all things quirky and weird on the internet. Bacon sizzling. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); About |Contact|Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions| DISCLAIMER |Cute Animals. It received a lot of media coverage including articles from the NY Times and Wired. Who is the King you ask? How was this site made, and why this url? I wanted doge, as doge is eternal, but Ill admit I looked at a bunch of other ASCII art before that. Over the last six months, Potato has been guessed 1,576,183 times, Tomato has been guessed 1,542,960 times, and there have been 520,893 incorrect guesses. Occupation can tell you about your ancestor's social and economic status. The internet is a lot less interesting these days, and sites on The Useless Web are fighting against that by being simple and subversive.. Home could be considered the castle; Random is where the magic happens, each time you click you are taken to a new and exciting world (useless and weird). Pointer Pointer They never seem to miss. Whenever I go through, I try to add more than I take out, he says. You can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more. Watching how grass grows is in the same category of useless website as popcorn popping or bacon sizzling. Its creators, Colleen Josephson and Kyle Miller were both studying their PHDs at the time (Electrical Engineering & Math) who found time to create some weird at a hackathon! What is the weirdest thing that has come from owning/running such a unique-not-really-having-a-purpose site? Fat lady loves apples. You just have to help that lady to eat the apple. Blue ball machine! A brilliant idea. I debuted the game at a work event, and as were all playing through, the counter spikes up to the millions. Real vile people. feed the head. Back then of course, the hardware was barely up to the task of rendering the 2D Mandelbrot, let alone the 3D version - which would require billions of calculations to see the results, making research in the area a painstaking process to say the least. In 2015 we participated in the Stupid Shit No One Needs & Terrible Ideas Hackathon, which was organized by some friends of ours, so the time to make was nigh (or neigh, if you prefer). Oh yea. Draw a stickman and then take it on an adventure! eel slap! Its tricky to see, honestly, Id love to build a leaderboard and things like that, but I really need people to finish the challenge first. How many Heeeeey Hooooos do you think the world has seen and heard? Are you interested in some color relaxation therapy? Yo ass want spunk. The first release of Potato or Tomato featured a wrong guess counter that sat on the win screen. Entertainment! This is a Google Maps based trivia game. Internet Underground called itUseless Site of the Day andYahoo! The kicker here is the fabulous soundtrack. Between baby videos, cheesy songs, and animated cat GIFs, we can't help but rave about all the web has to offer! In 1880 there were 12 Useless families living in Colorado. Full size shown here. This is a collection of all those scenes. The Pokemon community is fairly large, and this websites tries to appeal to them. Well I sat there for a ridiculous amount of time making her eat the damn apples. The idea behind most useless websites is to kill two minutes of your time. Really hoping thats mostly just individuals playing around. Are you bored of work, or you just want to kill some time? Some useless websites are just that, a useless website. Nothing to do at work, and you just need to see a random funny or great picture? The internet is a great, huge place where you can find almost everything that you need. How long ago did you launch the site / what are you working on now? Just sit back, (or stand) relax and let us take you on the journey of the useless web. And the music is catchy. org/ .net/ .us/ .info, etc Just type what you want to see, specifically AnotherUseless.Website , and you are set to go. It is a website containing all of the misspelled words. When you feel a little bored, have some time to kill, and you have a computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone or even a smart TV (why not) nearby just Google or you can just type the link. Check it out here . Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the USA, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure. The goal here is to help the fat lady get the apple in her mouth. Hands down, my favorite websites are Reddit, and Just a digital way to express your love for sandwiches. - classification: 27+detailed classification, hot anime, sexy lady, simple style, etc. Think of it like a control exercise. Tim Holman Lets just ask someone, right? But this one will actually provide something. I found when I was looking for the original set of useless websites in 2012, its simplicity and quirkiness immediately made me smile, as well as the thought that someone could love the color space enough to build a tribute to it. What is iloveyoulikeafatladylovesapples ? Hint: Try searching for a relative alive in 1940. To be fair, this website feels a little psychedelic. He-Man Sings "What's Up" You need earphones for this. And if you remember him, you probably remember his weird face when looking at things. If you've got a site on the useless web and I haven't reached out, feel free to give me a bell, otherwise, I'll be getting to you as soon as I can track you down. Be cautious because there is a chance for a spam pop up like: YOUR PHONE HAS A VIRUS!! Useless Apparel. Truly its hard and long. If any are found, theyre uploaded to the blog, so that my fans never miss a meal. Well, Potato or Tomato is a data driven project, so I actually have some numbers for you! Drop your own sick beat . Mandelbulb: The Unravelling of the Real 3D Mandelbrot Fractal I built the useless web in 2012, while locked up inside during a hurricane. It lets visitors spin a virtual fidget spinner. Are you ready to test your artistic skills? Yo ass know you want all dis bullshit. Translate your words into Snoop Dogg style gangsta. If you are working from your computer, and asking whether it is on, how bored you are on a scale from 1 to 100? But it is definitely a way to waste some time. We launched the site in 2015. The vastness of the Internet is full of useless sites that still make us laugh terribly. So, which one you want to point? This website is actually a time machine that will transport you straight to your childhood. By For all the Pokemon fans out there, bless you. I get at least one message a week from someone being really pissed off the site doesnt make sound anymore. I had to register the domains first for the idea to work. Contact is like the town hall, post office, police of the kingdom all in one, you can send a message about anything and everything you want. The funny thing here is you control which finger it will be. Martin is joined by a small community that is trying to collect, if not outright preserve, the useless internet. Jump and go. It is their favorite color. Sometimes you need a perfect two-minute break from work, studies, or any other task. If you've got a site on the useless web and I haven't reached out, feel free to give me a bell, otherwise, I'll be getting to you as soon as I can track you down. Just refresh the browser, and it turns into a new color. I know many people that love purple. It is just a taco that spins. In 2019 it won a Webby Award and I still get tons of email every week from people who either love it, hate it, or want me to make a site like it but with dogs. Im lucky to be busy during this insane quarantine and collapse of the world, but wish I was making more useless stuff. There were a lot of small lessons recording this, primarily learning that keeping a stream of conciousness while still creating can be very tricky, especially if something goes wrong and youre trying to figure it out while people are watching or asking questions. Through the webs connected presence, they make the rounds. I decided to do one of those 30 days of creativity where you try to make a project every day for a month. What got you into web development? I just wasted 5mn making some fat lady pick up apples and eat them because it made me laugh. This is long enough to get you bored if you werent before reading it. The Useless Web. I launched this way back in 2013. The Useless family name was found in the USA in 1880. The Corgi has become one of the more popular internet dogs and memes in recent years. Looking at website loading is just a painful. VICEs arts and culture platform, CREATORS, wrote about it under the title: The Best Interactive Valentine Youll See Today. I just want to grab that damn bastard leg. In the mid-90s, there was The Useless Pages, a now-defunct collection of sites The New York Times called a home for ruminations on the Web as a garbage depository. PointlessSites broasts that it only features sites that are pointless and useless, but with a family friendly flair. I decided to replace the balls that bounced around the screen with cut-outs of cats because Im a cat freak. I also wanted some slight gamification, as though youre going to drag on and on forever. The I Love You Like A Fat Lady Loves Apples phenomenon caused more than 2500 YouTube videos being recorded. Ever wanted to slap someone in the face with an eel? I think [useless internet is a] testament to the creativity of each individual site, and that sparks excitement and imagination in the people using it which is why I think its stood the test of time this long. Creative Technologist Mike Bodge produces some really incredible stuff, and has a unique way of utilizing different services and tools and turning them into something completely new to the world! Potato or Tomato was born as a game that individuals could play to test their knowledge of potatoes and tomatoes, and if wrong, come away with the difference. For those of you with an artistic bent of mind, heres a chance to try your hand at Modernism! Its creator, Ewoudt Boonstra now runs his own studio, showcasing an amazing depth of creativity and artistic flair. Murat Mutlu creator of the Dan site that Martin is fond of, and longtime fan of viral one-hit wonders blogged about how it urged him to create his own gag. Sometimes creative people need a kick in the ass and some structure to stop being lazy. Back then of course, the hardware was barely up to the task of rendering the 2D Mandelbrot, let alone the 3D version - which would require billions of calculations to see the results, making research in the area a painstaking process to say the least. Well shiiiit, it gives you spunk. Need a little boost to your self-confidence? to experience pearltrees activate javascript. Well, this is a dog version of it. Visit Heeeeey Hoooooo. It's that small hit of goodness for a few seconds doesn't even pretend to want your brain to work, he says of useless sites. You can enjoy the soothing sounds of bacon and the flawless visual image. The alternative is I Love You Like A Fat Lady Loves Apples, and the writer suggests what you should do. Throw the apples in the air and try to catch them in the hand again. What is your favorite site on the internet? That said, after the video, I spent another 5-6 hours making a complicated and confusing maze of troubles to complete. What is the weirdest thing that has come from owning/running such a unique-not-really-having-a-purpose site? But apples arent fattening. CLICK TO VIEW WEBSITE. The question is, can you stand still for two minutes, and actually do nothing? You have total control. Visit Cat Bounce. iloveyoulikeafatladylovesapples is filed under Interactive Valentines Day Card on the producers website. In this. He says it started after he and a few work friends spent their lunch break on their very own time-waster of a site, devoted to a former colleagues cats. After designing it I thought that it would be nice to add some animation to the letters and then, for the full immersive experience, I asked Rimer London to create the sound. I had to think long and hard whether or not to include both & into the useless web. Reddit alone has 3 pages of people that shared the link, with various comments. One project Id call out though would be my omelette blog. Tim Holman iloveyoulikeafatladylovesapples useless website. At least you can watch at it! The question is how long will you survive watching at the screen of objects falling. The closer you pin to the actual location, the better! The difference is you do not even get a click button here. So you sat on your throne and started to shout: Take me to a useless website! Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations.

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