baelnorn stat block 5e

Undeath can be a means of embracing life. They can be found among the objects they dillgently guard and care for and will do what they can to make sure such treasures do not fall into decay. You can have an Evil character that people can have an Evil character who is good for society. Starting at page (xx) shows the basic undeath feat and templates of different undead types. A creature you target with this spell cannot have their soul removed or tampered with a spell that directly affects the soul such as magic jar. The baelnorn casts misty step without spending a spell slot. Darkvision A PC lich is an interesting prospect but something that could only be undertaken by an advanced evil character. When Torrendra concentrates on a conjuration spell, her concentration cannot be broken as a result of taking damage. Magic Resistance. Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal. Some members will infiltrate groups that oppose them to gain information on the acts and whereabouts of their enemies. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). These stat blocks can be used to represent both human and nonhuman NPCs. A lich must periodically feed souls to its phylactery to sustain the magic preserving its body and consciousness. Their skin turned into petrified wood, their hair to moss and their eyes to amber. Baelnorn can see through these images with their normal 90-foot infravision, and into the Ethereal Plane too. My ancestor and I became better acquainted, and meeting him started my quest to find undead that were not the evil, single-minded monsters people believed they were. They also do not count as undead for any spell that can be made to target undead such as magic circle. I know the first impression that comes to most about undead is that they are unholy, evil monsters. The dog may vow to protect its caretaker's remains even long after it expired. Evil characters may often answer this question usually with power, since the state of undeath brings with it certain perks and durability. Following the hooded figure, you find the figure is not hostile and is actually begging for help, and turns out to actually be a lich but not the lich from the legend. The village oddly does not have any fields or livestock, but is made up of a few dozen houses that incorporate a hodgepodge of materials, as if the materials were salvaged from somewhere else. Immune. Lay on Hands. [2] Some less fortunate baelnorns did need to store their souls in a phylactery like a normal lich, in which case they kept it near to the places that they protected or worked. As long as you have kept your oath to the deity granting you undeath, you are resurrected in 3d10 days as if having had the Resurrection spell cast upon you. Something happened though; your original soul returned and now you inhabit the remains of your body, locked in a form that inspires dread to others even if you don't intend to. Like non-evil undead, there can be ways to work around aspects of such necromancy that may be considered evil, consider the following adjustments to reanimating depending on how reanimation works in your setting: Mindless undead minions do not have the souls of the deceased nor entropic energies, they are little different from constructs except they are animated from the echoes of life in the way the speak with dead spell does. [8], In ancient elven realmssuch as Myth Drannor or Sharrvenbaelnorns served as councilors, guardians, and advisors. Each creature in that area must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 16 (4d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Basic undeath traits alone may not be an issue, but adding templates for specific types of undead come with additional traits. Mr. Bodoni deals an extra 7 (2d6) damage when he hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of Mr. Bodoni that isn't incapacitated and he doesn't have disadvantage on the attack roll. The ritual to become an archlich is long and painful, and one has to go through periods of time depriving one's self of certain pleasures. You raise a corpse into an undead creature, minding any damage you may cause to its soul and wellbeing. The baelnorn is immune to being turned by good or neutral-aligned creatures. On a successful save, the creature's speed is halved for 1 minute or until the creature takes any damage. The following night the hooded figure is seen fighting off another creature with powerful magic which has caused some serious damage, and the populace is now certain the lich lord is back. An undead creature powered through raw arcane power might gain levels in sorcerer but can suffer ill effects if using too much magic. Vampire Weaknesses. You can also use smaller bones that are not listed above such as individual fingers or a knee cap but they do not do significant damage. Little did she know that each bite would "taint" her body in some way slowly. As just about every adventurer knows, there is little shortage of evil blood out there. @JBiggs Possibly. Spellcasting. lf she takes radiant damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of her next turn. [4] When they did venture out, or when they appeared in public to tutor or protect a family member, they wore hoods to conceal their nature. There are jobs that undead can do that are too hazardous to the living. It might not be canon to the setting provided by Wizards of the Coast for 5e DnD, but they make their living creating new settings, nothing is stopping you from creating one of your own. My undeath is a shield from my past life. Eternally Vigilant. The Monster Manual lists the alignment of a Lich as 'Any Evil,' but it also tells DMs that this is the 'Default' and they should be willing to. You must take your long rests during daylight hours and cannot take long rests during nighttime hours. Evil undead have plenty of divine backing for them in evil gods and demon lords, but the good-aligned undead hardly have any support. The gaurdian spirit can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane and vice versa. And if they chose it, why did they choose it? The baelnorn does not count as undead for the effects of holy water. Even before that there is still the chance of being slain or some accident occurring. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). Although you do not require food or drink the way a mortal creature does, you do require the blood of a living creature. For evil characters, this answer is usually easier due to the presence of evil gods of undeath, and the general association of undeath and evil. Rapier. This is done to keep it even more secretive as such things can alert others of the existence of a larger organization. By the time the world became more accepting, and she found a more accepting place that would teach her, she was already well past her prime. [7], A baelnorn could be of any non-evil nature, mainly lawful good, retaining whatever alignment it had in life. Depending on the setting, some good-aligned gods have occasionally had good-aligned undead servants, namely baelnorns and archliches. This spell can also be used to revive undead creatures. Prerequisites. Perhaps your DM would prefer, for the time being, not to add to DM workload and complications. Longsword. If any bonuses cancel each other out or stack, just replace them with the undead type's ability score bonus. When Torrendra is reduced to 0 hit points, but not killed outright, she can drop to 1 hit point instead. You count as an undead creature and take the resistances and weaknesses the possessing creature has. 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, lesser restoration Vampire Weaknesses. 3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, dispel magic, water walk, wind wall An archlich encountered in its lair has a challenge rating of 22 (41,000 XP). A place to discuss the latest version of Dungeons and Dragons, the fifth edition, known during the playtest as D&D Next. 3. Some elven good liches are known as baelnorns, they are gifted undeath by elven gods under rare circumstances should one be needed to preserve ancient lore or if one is the last of their tribe. If your undead type is immune to being charmed or made to fall asleep, it will be redundant with racial traits like Fey Ancestry. However, you can probably just use the stats for a lich and make a few changes that you see fitting. At 1st level, you have taken an oath to a deity to grant you undeath as you progress. Shadow Form. I added a link to your other question on this same topic. In some settings, undead are counterbalanced by a visually similar but intrinsically different type of creature: the deathless. On a hit, your bite deals 2d6 piercing damage + your Dexterity or Strength modifier. He had prepared his potion of archlichdom, but it was administered to him by Samular as he lay dying on the battlefield. You may have once been another disposable troop in a horde of undead, or you could have arisen spontaneously, maybe you were raised by an adventuring necromancer, either way it's unlikely you started fully sentient. It cannot cast any spells on its next turn after using this lair action. Turn Immunity. Activity cycle That said, 5e is clearly trying to move away from typical alignment constraints on just about everything else, so your DM might be willing to alter their setting to include the possibility of homebrew non-evil lich-like creatures. If Ezzie where human though she would notice a new ability to see in the dark. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the church grim's Grim Gaze for the next 24 hours. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken. Becoming an archlich is not just an act of gaining power, but an act of devotion and sacrifice for a greater purpose. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. You may roll a maximum number of hit dice equal to the level of the spell. Maybe you were an adventurer who died mid-adventure but want to continue being with your companions and are patient for the day you may be resurrected. In more current times another demonic invasion was brewing, and so Nyx crawled back from the netherworld to continue what she could not accomplish. Incorporeal Movement. Magic Resistance. A church grim will also aid lost souls to the afterlife, the church grim itself is strongly bound to its graveyard so even venturing close to the afterlife does not give it rest. A projection can lightly interact with its environment, such as pushing a small object, drawing a message in sand, or turning the page of a book. Such forces of evil who can control undead not made by them are especially dangerous as they can turn friends into foe with a whim, those whom where once part of mindless undead hordes may have to go through the trauma again. Greater Purpose. To do so the redeemed death knight must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon. Fortunately they had heard his intentions and sorrow already, so he was able to reveal his state to them, and they in turn agreed he could be an asset to them. Your DM has made a ruling on evil characters and per the Monster Manual a Lich is evil (page 203). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Skeletons have an intelligence score of 6, but their intelligence and consciousness is most often constructed from magic, a negative energy spirit, or the remains of lingering life force. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw of be knocked prone. Rotting Fist. The redeemed death knight has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Your bite attack targets one creature within a range of 5 feet, and uses your Dexterity modifier to hit. Every time you use your bite attack and drain hit points or hit dice, you may spend 1 minute to drain 1 pint of blood. Yet undeath comes with the large price tag of not being able to feel the pleasures of the body such as food. [4] By this time, few elves considered the decision to become a baelnorn as a worthy one. She is a walking contradiction that makes others distrust her for fear she turns out to be the unholy demon she appears to be. The guardian spirit can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. [6] Sustained by magic, younger baelnorns appeared largely as they had in life, if somewhat taller, but with immediate yet subtle clues to their nature, such as their glowing white eyes and shriveled skin[2] which turned slightly translucent over time. Undead More here: . While in bat form, the vampire can't speak, its walking speed is 5 feet, and it has a flying speed of 30 feet. So I want to create a stat block for a Baelnorn in 5e. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 100/400 fr., one target. The spartoi has advantage on saving throws against any effect that turns undead. It is a mass campaign so I cannot be sure about the exact races/classes of my players, it gets decided by the players which adventure they want to join right before the session. Personality Traits: I will be a walking warning to those who raise the dead to be their minions. You cannot gain any new equipment unless it is specifically designed for incorporeal creatures. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French), Creatures with a 21 challenge rating (3e), Year of the Rune Lords Triumphant, 1487 DR, "The Searing (Dalelands, Dragon Coast)" in, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, "Watchnorns" were observers and guardians of public places or family lands, such as, "Lorenorns" acted as tutors, librarians, or students of magic or art; and. However, it was possible that some records may have persisted in Evermeet or Evereska. Due to no alignment restriction and little adjustments, they are and still remain the most recommended way to play an undead character. Personality Traits: You dont need a working body to enjoy life, you just gotta be humerus! At first glance, spartoi are little different from typical skeletal minions with some cracks where the bones were mended back together with necromancy. Grim Gaze. When a death knight dies, its soul is often risen again by whatever force wishes it to remain in service or punishment. points, it can use a reaction as its legendary action to make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 5+ the damage taken. Life would be hard on Torrendra. Disassemble and Reassemble If damage reduces the spartoi to 0 hit points, it collapses into a pile of bones and is incapacitated and unconscious. If your undead type has ability score bonuses and penalties if there are any, remove the subrace bonuses if your character has any, and replace them with those of the undead type. She became twice rare, a half-orc and undead, but she would be proud of it. An undead person may look at the mirror and see their body resemble a preserved specimen in a museum; It may give them a sense of being an object or something doomed to never grow or changebut does it have to be? Most members are wizards and other dedicated spellcasters. Some believe that the first to be buried in a graveyard is condemned to remain there in spirit. Size Feel free to draw inspiration from this for other games and settings, including you own. Third is to have divine backing be official, to have a god represent non-evil undead. He is only glad that he has a second chance, and somehow is glad that nobody can recognize him anymore. Privacy Policy. The teeth traded places with the skeletal remains of the soldiers who then sprang up, re-animated as undead. Constructs, oozes, elementals, and aberrations are immune to this effect. Archliches can be found secreted away in abandoned places that have stood a great test of time such as old monastaries. The previous character examples serve as points of inspiration for non-evil undead. First off,as others have pointed out, to become a Lich you must undergo an extremely evil process. Negative energy may not even required to animate the dead. Sunlight Vulnerability. Ideal: Purpose. [2] Elminster once consulted with a number of these baelnorns beneath the ruins of Myth Drannor. Keyword(s) The process by which elves become baelnorn is old, secret, and complicated. Your investigations find out not all is what it seems to be. You now have truesight out to 120 feet. I see no problem sinking my teeth into an orc or gnolland that scares my allies too, but I will not sink my teeth into another dragonborn or even dragon. You can only equip spectral copies of what you wore or carried when you died. Despite these issues, she has proven herself a valuable asset by the descendants of those she fought alongside with and the righteous cause of Bahamut. This way of mediating a player character's undeath is by replacing racial traits and exchanging them for traits from undead types; that is the type of undead the player character has become if they choose to be a specific type of undead. A vampire character may one be able to turn into mist once a night, may not have great strength or dexterity, but also be able to have some limited time in the sun. and our The baelnorn can see, hear, speak, see into the Ethereal Plane, and cast spells through its projection. Such necromancy is often shunned or taboo, and in many settings is considered an act that if done enough times can render a necromancer evil. There are many undead whose sorrow turns them to evil, but there are also many undead whose sorrow points them to a path of justice and heroism. The church grim can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. Bloodlust. An archlich may have traps and wards to watch for such dangers or loyal cohorts who would be on guard. Size To recover from exhaustion you must meet your blood requirement in a week times your exhaustion level. Likewise forcing a soul back to the afterlife can be tantamount to killing the being again and be treated as such. Did you actually ask your DM about this and "No, no evil characters" was his reason? "Guardnorns" or "Wardnorns" were powerful guardians of crypts and other secret places, or served as the protector of powerful items. Upon reaching zero hit points, the deity you made your sacred oath has the option to give your life back to you in another place in their domain. The archlich has advantage on saving throws against being turned. Undead workers can work for days on end without rest. The Ruins of Myth Drannor A spartoi can only be destroyed by breaking it enough with sufficient weapons. Purpose is the most important thing in anyones life, without it we would be lost and life would be meaningless. A guardian spirit can bind itself to that object and move any movable parts the object has. -What would you grant your players if they go down that path, in order to keep it interesting and balanced? Some undead creatures abhor other undead creatures, so any class features such as paladin class features that give bonuses to targeting undead may not break the theme of the character. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. You may have been a violent, evil person in life, and thus made to continue your slaughter in undeath by evil gods. She starts to curiously observe the people from afar who did it, and the more goodness she sees the more she is motivated to have hope. consciousness. This can cause some ire in heirs, especially when it comes to royalty; a king may become a lich to secure his place on the throne, which would encourage other royalty to kill him for the throne if he isnt planning on letting it go. A 'Dixie Flatline' was presented as a possible non-canon solution to this. Nyx can expend a spell slot to cause her longsword attack to magically deal an 2d8 extra radiant damage to a target on a it. Archliches understand that they may be targetted by do-gooder adventurers who belive them to be evil liches, or agents of gods who despise the undead, or worse gods or demon lords who despise undead who aren't under their influence. Obviously it's up to your GM to accept it.. or not =). Some of them have magical powers, but most are unintelligent and lack any society or language. [some comments removed] Extended discussion is still expected to be taken to chat. They lost all ability to speak but instead of gaining the arcane powers of a typical baelnorn, they instead became prodigious warriors. Even if undeath is not a state of torment, there is still the risk that living for a very long time can have on what was meant to be a mortal mind. Depending on what you mean by 'lich' you might be able to use another, non-evil, monster and get things to work. Rejuvenation. There are some caveats though: she may die again if healed by magic but can regenerate on her own, she needs magical maintence on her body or she will decay, and strangest of all, she has begun to fall in love with the necromancer who raised her, but if he touches her, she starts to rapidly decay. Common, Elven Hit 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 8 (2d6) necrotic damage. Sentient undead animals must have a purpose. A scenario in which evil and non-evil undead must ally with one another is if under threat from forces who enforce the natural order of death, such as from gods of death who adamantly loathe all undead no matter the alignment. He can also move through magical difficult terrain that deals necrotic damage with no extra movement costs and advantage on saving throws against damage; he does not get damaged on a success. hit: 8(2d4+ 3) slashing damage. You use this trait a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and regain expended uses after a short or long rest. And once that is done, to keep being one, you have to keep feeding souls to your phylactery. The archlich can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Unfortunately some powerful evil liches have started to call themselves "archliches", hence furthering confusion between the two, so the term baelnorn has begun to be used to apply to even non-elven good or neutral liches, despite there being differences in powers and creation of archliches and baelnorns. A church grim appears as9 it did in life but often black or a translucent gray as well as glowing eyes. Type To join the Order, one must first prove to agree with its ideals that undead are to be treated with personhood if they have a soul. The new body appears within 5 feet of the phylactery if it has one. Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. The creature must be willing, restrained, incapacitated, or grappled. If this sounds ghoulish, well maybe it isnt so different from a ghoul after all? [5][7], Baelnorns had the unique power to send a wraith-like projection of themselves out to meet with or converse with others, or to scout an area. The hardest part of such a alliance is of course accepting one another. Example: Ezzie lost her natural forest gnome ability to make minor illusions, but she still retains her ability to speak with small beasts. If what you want is an undead PC, consider porting some of the not-evil undead from earlier editions forward. An archlich is a powerful spellcaster of any humanoid race, whom like the evil-aligned lich has chosen to pursue immortality by becoming a powerful undead being. Slightly Closer to Life. Undead who may spread disease might be given accommodation to control disease spread, or be restricted away from the living. Any sentient undead created are to be treated with respect and have their own rights that should not be violated.

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