bari durres bileta trageti

addy14884fc25915be0b6006fc5ab4d27137 = addy14884fc25915be0b6006fc5ab4d27137 + 'adriaferries' + '.' + 'com'; In the main part of the church there are several interesting sights including an elaborate stone canopy over the altar and an 11th century marble bishop's throne, known as the Cattedra di Elia.From the port of Bari, ferries depart towards Durres, Igoumenista, Cephalonia, Corfu, Patras, Kotor and Dubrovnik. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. Prditsimet jan t disponueshme duke u konsultuar me sistemin e rezervimeve ose duke kontaktuar qendrn ton t thirrjeve ose zyrat e portit. There are 3 popular ferry operators for Durres to Bari. Me Adria Ferries koha e udhtimit sht afro 8 or. Most of the archaeology in the city lies beneath the maze of narrow lanes in the Vecchia Bari quarter of the city which is famous for being confusing to visitors who frequently find themselves lost. Gjat sezonit t vers dhe sezonit t lart, afrsisht nga data 01/07 deri n 12/09 ka nisje ditore nga t dy portet. . Non perderti le migliori offerte dei traghetti: scoprile per primo! Kohzgjatja e kalimit dhe rrjedhimisht koha e mbrritjes n portin e destinacionit ndikohet nga mjeti lundrues i punsuar n linj. The quickest way to make & manage your booking. Konsultohu me mimet e reja dhe oraret e vitit 2023t trageteve Adria Ferries dhe mbrrij n Shqipri, n nj tok akoma t pa eksploruar dhe t pasur me mrekulli, histori dhe tradit. Bari Apulia - Durres Albania. Kohzgjatja e kalimit dhe rrjedhimisht koha e mbrritjes n portin e destinacionit ndikohet nga anija q sht n linj. Operatort tan do t jen t lumtur t'i prgjigjen pyetjeve tuaja dhe do t t shoqrojn n blerjen e bilets sate pr n Shqipri. During the summer period, approximately between 20/07 and 15/09, and in the high season, the evening departures . Once your booking is confirmed youll receive your e-ticket on your smartphone or tablet. Questo indirizzo email protetto dagli spambots. Rezervo biletn tnde low cost n linjn Bari - Durrs dhe zbulo avantazhet e oferts Early Booking, aktive gjat gjith vitit! Attualmente le compagnie che accettano animali domestici sono. Bileta trageti per destinacionet e meposhtme vajtje-ardhje *Durres Bari Durres *Durres Ancona Durres *Prenoto tani : 00355672666962. Linja Ankona - Durres - Ankona. Adria Ferries ofron nj shrbim tragetesh pr n Shqipri me nisje nga Bari pr n Durrs (Durazzo) dhe nga Durrsi (Durazzo) pr n Bari do dit, gjat gjith vitit, me mundsin e transportimit t udhtarve dhe t automjeteve t t gjitha llojeve. Get on a ferry from Durres to Ancona by accessing our online booking system. Il prezzo del traghetto da Bari a Durazzo pu variare a seconda del periodo e orario in cui si viaggia. BILETA TRAGETI. Zbritjet nuk mund t prfitohen t gjitha njhersh. Prenoto on line bileten tende. These are. ADRIA FERRIES S.p.A.- Via Thaon de Revel, 4 60124 Ancona - Italia - Italia REA AN 168425 Iscrizione Registro Imprese, c.f./p.i. Bileta trageti per destinacionet e meposhtme vajtje-ardhje *Durres Bari Durres *Durres Ancona Durres *Durres Trieste Durres *Prenoto. The duration of the crossing and consequently the time of arrival at the port of destination is influenced by the vessel employed on the line. SHKARKONI LISTEN E MIMEVE DHE ORARET 2022, Kushtet E Prgjithshme Pr Transportin E Pasagjerve, Bagazheve T Tyre Dhe Automjeteve Shoqruese Kushtet E Prgjithshme Pr Transportimin E Automjeteve Tregtare Dhe T Shoferve Kushte T Prgjithshme Pr Transportin E Mallrave Me Pallets, ADRIA FERRIES S.p.A.- Via Thaon de Revel, 4 60124 Ancona - Italia - Italia REA AN 168425 Iscrizione Registro Imprese, c.f./p.i. Gjat periudhs s vers, dhe n periudhat e sezonit turistik, nisjeve gjat mbrmjes u shtohen edhe nisjet ditore, duke ofruar nj shrbim lidhjeje q prfshin t gjitha ditt e javs, nga mngjesi n dark. Connections with all the main countries of the Adriatic and the eastern Mediterranean: in addition to Albania . Please read the ferry operators pet guidelines. ose n mnyr alternative mund t drgosh nj mesazh n Whatsapp n n.+39 335 634 8921. Bileta trageti per destinacionet e meposhtme vajtje-ardhje *Durres Bari Durres *Durres Ancona Durres *Prenoto tani : 00355672666962. Bileta trageti Bari-Durres, Ancona-Durres, Trieste-Durres online rezervoni. Contact us, we will be happy to answer you. ADRIA FERRIES S.p.A.- Via Thaon de Revel, 4 60124 Ancona - Italia - Italia REA AN 168425 Iscrizione Registro Imprese, c.f./p.i. Open tickets are valid for up to 12 months from booking date (see ticket conditions). Find out what it's like onboard the ferries before you travel. Prditsimet jan t disponueshme duke u konsultuar me sistemin e rezervimeve ose duke kontaktuar qendrn ton t thirrjeve ose zyrat e portit. TE REJA Autoritetet Portuale te Lindjes:URDHER n 3/201, qendrn ton t thirrjeve ose zyrat e portit, Kushtet E Prgjithshme Pr Transportin E Pasagjerve, Bagazheve T Tyre Dhe Automjeteve Shoqruese, Kushtet E Prgjithshme Pr Transportimin E Automjeteve Tregtare Dhe T Shoferve, Kushte T Prgjithshme Pr Transportin E Mallrave Me Pallets, Ancona: trasporti i pasagjereve me levizje te kofizuara (invalidet), Bari: trasporti i pasagjereve me levizje te kofizuara (invalidet). - Copyright 2016 Prndryshe, Kompania nuk do t mbaj prgjegjsi pr mos njoftimin e klientit. #albania. Vlora to Brindisi Ferry. E vlefshme pr rezervime dhe bileta t blera deri m 31/03/2023 dhe udhtime nga 01/02/2023 deri m 30/09/2023. Usando il motore di ricerca presente sul nostro sito, sarete certi di trovare la migliore tariffa per il vostro viaggio. The Durres Bari ferry route connects Albania with Italy and is currently operated by 3 ferry companies. The city's historic centre is located on a headland that protrudes into the Adriatic Sea. Si pjes e sigurimit t ndihms adekuate pr pasagjert n rast t ndryshimeve operacionale n nisjen e rezervuar, Kompania do t njoftoj pasagjert nprmjet nj mesazhi. var addyd0660ab0ae63892ec4427868f133ec79 = 'booking' + '@'; Informacioni, ditt dhe oraret e nisjeve t treguara mund t ndryshojn n do koh dhe pa paralajmrim. Adria Ferries operate their crossing up to 12 times per week, Ventouris Ferries 12 times per week & the Grandi Navi Veloci service is available up to 12 times per week. The church is dedicated to St. Nicholas and was built in order to house his remains, which still lie in the crypt. Fares in euro from Bari to Durres or vice versa. TRAVEL TIME* 10 h 45 min Direct . Bari - Durres - Bari Line. 48. You will receive updates to the status of the request via email. Grandi Navi Veloci operate their crossing up to 12 times per week, Adria Ferries 12 times per week & the Ventouris Ferries service is available up to 12 times per week. Adria Ferries ofron nj shrbim tragetesh pr n Shqipri me nisje nga Bari pr n Durrs (Durazzo) dhe nga Durrsi (Durazzo) pr n Bari do dit, gjat gjith vitit, me mundsin e transportimit t udhtarve dhe t automjeteve t t gjitha llojeve. Children 4-12 years old travel at 50% discount on the regular fare (both trips). Members of Embassy/NATO/EEC and their relatives travel at 20% discount. Transit Time: 09h 45min - 10h 45min. Please note: prices rise as space becomes less available. The church is dedicated to St. Nicholas and was built in order to house his remains, which still lie in the crypt. Il prezzo dei biglietti per i traghetti Bari Durazzo varia a seconda del periodo di prenotazione (alta o bassa stagione). From here you can request changes, cancellations or any other information. Ju gjithashtu mund t krkoni ofertn q ju prshtatet dhe t rezervoni biletn tuaj pr n Durrs me mime preferenciale mes shum promocioneve q kemi rezervuar pr ju. 02197160423 cap.soc. Rigel II. Call Center Hours: Very comfortable and clean cabin, good services on board. Arrival time quoted indicate the time the ship arrives at the entrance of the port. Menyrat e pageses brenda dhe jashte Shqiperise: 1- Shqipetaret nga cdo rreth mund te bejne pagese ne cdo dege te Bankes Raiffaisen ne llogari te Hima Travel This website uses cookies to help us process your bookings as well as customise and improve your experience. In the main part of the church there are several interesting sights including an elaborate stone canopy over the altar and an 11th century marble bishop's throne, known as the Cattedra di Elia. Consult the new prices and timetables for 2023 of the Bari Durazzo Adria Ferries trips and reach Albania, a still unexplored land full of wonders, history and tradition. addyd0660ab0ae63892ec4427868f133ec79 = addyd0660ab0ae63892ec4427868f133ec79 + 'adriaferries' + '.' + 'com'; It is Albania's second largest city, its main port and is one of the most ancient and economically significant in the country. vostra responsabilit informarvi sui regolamenti e sulle norme governative per viaggiare con i vostri animali domestici. Ventouris ferries travels from Bari in Italy to Durres in Albania, every day from both directions. Ofertat nuk jan t aplikueshme mbi taksat, nuk jan kumulative dhe jan t kufizuara. Nisjet: Bari - Durres (cdo dite) Ancona - Durres (deri ne 6 here per jave) Brindisi - Vlore (cdo dite) Sherbime Profesionale-bileta trageti durres bari durres. The discount is only applicable if a round trip ticket is issued at the same time of purchase. Gjat dimrit dhe sezonit t ult shrbimi i trageteve drejt Shqipris kryhet tre her n jav, me nisje nga porti i Ankons pr n Durrs t martn, t enjten dhe t shtunn. Per maggiori informazioni. The distance between Durres to Bari is approximately 155 nautical Miles. Besoji Operatorit tone Turistikdhezgjidh zgjidhjen e duhur te udhetimit per ju! Tragete Shqiperi Nisje nga Ankona dhe Bari per Durres dhe kthim. BARI - DURRES . Bileta Trageti . The Durres Bari ferry route connects Albania with Italy and is currently operated by 3 ferry companies. Nisjet nga porti i Durrsit pr n Ankona jan planifikuar do t mrkur, t premte dhe t diel. The line from Durres to Ancona is provided by Adria Ferries only with a schedule of 6 weekly connections with typically evening departures . Prices shown represent the average one way price paid by our customers. Local & travel website. KOHA E UDHTIMIT* 10 h 45 m Direkt . Shikoni tarifat dhe oraret e reja pr vitin 2023 t trageteve tona drejt Shqipris. Kompania nuk sht prgjegjse pr ndryshime t papritura pr arsye t forcs madhore ose teknike. This website uses cookies to help us process your bookings as well as customise and improve your experience. document.getElementById('cloakd0660ab0ae63892ec4427868f133ec79').innerHTML = ''; You may need a pet passport. Adria Ferries offers a ferry service to Albania with departures from Bari to Durres and from Durres to Bari, every day, all year round, with the possibility of carrying passengers and vehicles of all kinds. Adria Ferries offers a ferry service to Albania with departures from Bari to Durres and from Durres to Bari, every day, all year round, with the possibility of carrying passengers and vehicles of all kinds. Kliko ketu dhe konsultohu per sherbimet ne bordin e anijeve AF menduar per te bere udhetimin me te rehatshme per miqte! Ofert speciale per kamperistet. Si pjes e sigurimit t ndihms adekuate pr pasagjert n rast t ndryshimeve operacionale n nisjen e rezervuar, Kompania do t njoftoj pasagjert nprmjet nj mesazhi. Bileta trageti per destinacionet e meposhtme vajtje-ardhje *Durres Bari Durres *Durres Anco Femijet nga 4 deri ne 12 vjec (pa i mbushur 12 vje), udhetojne me 50% zbritje mbi tarifen neto (vajtje ardhje). Gjat . In the Return column, the discount of passenger fares has been already calculated. var addy_textd0660ab0ae63892ec4427868f133ec79 = 'booking' + '@' + 'adriaferries' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloakd0660ab0ae63892ec4427868f133ec79').innerHTML += ''+addy_textd0660ab0ae63892ec4427868f133ec79+'<\/a>'; Prenoto on line bileten tende. The city's historic centre is located on a headland that protrudes into the Adriatic Sea. Popular attractions in the city include its main library, its cultural centre with the Aleksander Moisiu Theatre, the Estrada Theatre, the puppet theatre and the philharmonic orchestra. I biglietti aperti sono validi fino a 12 mesi dalla data di prenotazione (vedi le condizioni del biglietto). Thank you! Monday-Friday: 09:00-19:30 Saturday: 09:00-15:00. 1 talking about this. The discount is only applicable if a round trip ticket is issued at the same time of purchase. Students travel at 20% discount on regular fare in categories D, S, B, BB & AB. For more up-to-date information, please refer to our Ferry Booking Engine. Book your discounted ticket on the Bari Durazzo ferries and discover the advantages of the Early Booking offer active all year round! - Copyright 2016, qendrn ton t thirrjeve ose zyrat e portit, Kushtet E Prgjithshme Pr Transportin E Pasagjerve, Bagazheve T Tyre Dhe Automjeteve Shoqruese, Kushtet E Prgjithshme Pr Transportimin E Automjeteve Tregtare Dhe T Shoferve, Kushte T Prgjithshme Pr Transportin E Mallrave Me Pallets, Ancona: trasporti i pasagjereve me levizje te kofizuara (invalidet), Bari: trasporti i pasagjereve me levizje te kofizuara (invalidet). The itineraries and fares are subject to change. Duke filluar nga. Adria Ferries offre il traghetto pi veloce con un tempo di navigazione di 8 ore. Con le sue 38 corse settimanali, questa tratta sicuramente ben servita. No need to print anything! Bileta Trageti is on Facebook. Ferry destinations available from the port include Bari, Ancona, Trieste and Brindisi. ME KALIM VLORE - BRINDISI - VLORE . Accessibility Help. The most common booking on the Durres Bari route is a car and 2 passengers. 02197160423 cap.soc. Potrebbe essere necessario un passaporto o altri documenti per viaggiare con il proprio animale. For visitors who enjoy a bit of history, there are a number of museums in the city including the Durres Archaeological Museum, the Royal Villa of Durres and the Museum of History. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Prndryshe, Kompania nuk do t mbaj prgjegjsi pr mos njoftimin e klientit. Durres to Bari ferry With the shipping companies GNV, Adria Ferries and Ventouris Ferries on the Durres - Bari route you'll arrive in comfort in the Apulian city.Bari, the capital of Puglia, has a well-equipped port for both commercial and passenger traffic (ferries and cruise ships). There are a combined 36 sailings available per week on the Durres Bari crossing between Albania and Italy and with 3 ferry companies on offer it is advisable to compare all to make sure you get the best fare at the time that you want to travel. VLORE - FIER - LUSHNJE - RROGOZHINE - KAVAJE - DURRES - TIRANE . document.getElementById('cloak14884fc25915be0b6006fc5ab4d27137').innerHTML = ''; Tragete Shqiperi, Nisje nga Ankona dhe Bari per Durres me Adria Ferries. (VAT and Tax Code: 05706061214) undertakes to maintain and promptly update all the contents of this website. Il tempo di traversata in traghetto da Bari a Durazzo di circa 8h 35m. Ventouris Ferries ofrojn nj shrbim miqsor dhe t vmendshm n t gjith udhtimin tuaj n bordin e anijet e tyre moderne. Currently you can bring pets on ferries with. Open tickets are valid for up to 12 months from booking date (see ticket conditions). Early booking deri n 20%: Biletat jane te pakthyeshme. - Copyright 2016 Despite the undertaking of this commitment, Itiner s.n.c. Adria Ferries operate their crossing up to 12 times per week, Ventouris Ferries 12 times per week & the Grandi Navi Veloci service is available up to 12 times per week. We update the site daily to provide you correct and reliable information. The city is not particularly well known as a tourist destination although there are a few sights of interest and is conveniently located for visitors to use it as a base from which to explore the surrounding area. The ferry crossing time from Durres to Bari is approximately 8h 35m. La durata di navigazione pu variare a seconda del periodo e orario in cui si viaggia, quindi ti consigliamo di verificare online. 48. BARI-DURRS. There are a combined 20 sailings available . Nisja nga Shqiperia behet cdo te premte dhe kthimi nga Bergamo cdo te hene. This first-century construction is currently under consideration for being declared a UNESCO World Heritage site.Ferry destinations available from the port include Bari, Ancona, Trieste and Brindisi. Book ferries from Durres to Bari through our deal finder and check our offers page to view the latest ferry offers. DURRES - BARI. For information and reservations, you can call our Call Center on 071-50211621 active from Monday to Saturday, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. Fares in euro from Bari to Durres or vice versa. Sections of this page. Femijet deri ne 4 vjec (pa i mbushur 4 vje), udhetojne falas, pa te drejte krevati ose poltroni (taksat e portit 15,00 duhen paguar). Si pjes e sigurimit t ndihms adekuate pr pasagjert n rast t ndryshimeve operacionale n nisjen e rezervuar, Kompania do t njoftoj pasagjert nprmjet nj mesazhi. Lying on the coast at one of the narrowest points in the Adriatic Sea, the Italian port of Bari is around 300 km away and Brindisi is 200 km away. or alternatively send a message on Whatsapp to +39 335 634 8921. Konsulto oraret e trageteve dhe prenoto on line Cmime tragetesh Shqiperi - oraret-tragetet Ankona Durres (Durazzo), Bari Durres (Durazzo), Trieste Durres (Durazzo) - Adria Ferries Koha e tranzitit: 09h 45min - 10h 45min *Kontrolloni kohezgjatjen e sakte te udhetimit gjate prenotimit, pasi koha e udhetimit ndryshon per cdo udhetim. Outward trip. The Italian city and port of Bari lies on the Adriatic Sea coasty and is the capital of the Italian region of Puglia. The Durres Bari ferry route connects Albania with Italy and is currently operated by 3 ferry companies. Nisu per te zbuluar Shqiperine! Kohzgjatja e kalimit dhe rrjedhimisht koha e mbrritjes n portin e destinacionit ndikohet nga anija q sht n linj. UDHTIMI JUAJ. mime speciale pr klubet e kampingut! Iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese britannico: 03865405. Durrs - BARI. , . Linja Bari - Durres - Bari. Trova i biglietti dei traghetti pi economici, Per maggiori informazioni visita la nostra pagina web. - the one stop ferry shop, a brand of Direct Ferries Ltd - all rights reserved. Bileta Trageti; Bileta Avioni; Krociera; Hotele; SHQIPERI - ITALI - SHQIPERI. Bari's most famous church is located between the sea and the Old Town, and is the 11th century Romanesque Basilica di San Nicola. For contact details visit our. If you have any issues with booking online, please call customer services on (+44) 3333 000 128, Ferries from 3400 routes and 692 ports worldwide, We arrange over 1.2 million ferry crossings / year, We check up to 1 million prices for our customers daily. Bileta trageti per destinacionet e meposhtme vajtje-ardhje *Durres Bari Durres *Durres Ancona Durres *Prenoto tani : 00355672666962. Transit Time: 09h 45min - 10h 45min *Please verify the exact duration of the crossing while booking the trip, as the travel time varies for each trip. Certified according to the international safety standard Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Euro 6.300.725,00 i.v. Adria Ferries offre il traghetto pi veloce con un tempo di navigazione di . do taks shtes e krkuar nga Autoritetet vendore duhet t rregullohet drejtprdrejt nga pasagjert. Komatas Tours gjithmon ka oferta t veanta pr anijet Ventouris duke qn se ka dhe ekskluzivitetin e prerjeve t biletave pr kt traget. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; Bari, the capital of Puglia, has a well-equipped port for both commercial and passenger traffic (ferries and cruise ships). 11 talking about this. The city is also home to the Durres Ancient City Wall, Durres Cathedral and the largest amphitheatre in the Balkans which is located close to the harbour. Bileta trageti durres bari durres agjensi turistike autobuza per ne gjermani transport makinash nga gjermania autobuza per ne greqi autobuza per ne itali pati travel tirana agjensi udhetimi elbasan gjermani autobuza per ne kosove tirane janine gjermani shqiperi udhetim me avion per ne . tragetet kontaktet - Nisje nga Ankona dhe Bari per Durres. Ventouris Ferries departures from/to Bari (Italy), Durres (Albania). - Copyright 2016, qendrn ton t thirrjeve ose zyrat e portit, Kushtet E Prgjithshme Pr Transportin E Pasagjerve, Bagazheve T Tyre Dhe Automjeteve Shoqruese, Kushtet E Prgjithshme Pr Transportimin E Automjeteve Tregtare Dhe T Shoferve, Kushte T Prgjithshme Pr Transportin E Mallrave Me Pallets, Ancona: trasporti i pasagjereve me levizje te kofizuara (invalidet), Bari: trasporti i pasagjereve me levizje te kofizuara (invalidet), Kabina e jashtme me 2 krevate me tualet dhe dush, Kabina e jashtme me 3 krevate me tualet dhe dush, Kabina e jashtme me 4 krevate me tualet dhe dush, Kabina e brndshme me 2 krevate me tualet dhe dush, Kabina e brndshme me 3 krevate me tualet dhe dush, Kabina e brndshme me 4 krevate me tualet dhe dush, Kabina e jashtme me 2 krevate me tualet dhe lavaman, Kabina e jashtme me 4 krevate me tualet dhe lavaman, Kabina e brndshme me 2 krevate me tualet dhe lavaman, Kabina e brndshme me 4 krevate me tualet dhe lavaman, Kabina e brndshme me 2 krevate pa sherbime, Kabina e brndshme me 3 krevate pa sherbime, Kabina e jashtme me 4 krevate me dush dhe tualet - miq te kafsheve, Kabina e brndshme me 4 krevate me dush dhe tualet - miq kafshsh, Kabina e jashtme me 2 krevate me tualet dhe lavaman - miq kafshsh, Kabina e jashtme me 4 krevate me tualet dhe lavaman - miq kafshsh, Makin (lartsia maksimale 1.80m me bagazh n ati), Minibus(makin m e lart se 1.80m, rimorkio, karvan, minibus deri n 6m), Minibus (lartsia mbi 1.80m, rimorkio, caravan, minibus deri n 6 m), UDHTIMI N KABINE ME MIKUN TUAJ ME KATR KMB. Vizito seksionin e anijeve pr t zbuluar t gjitha shrbimet e ofruara, t bra me porosi pr ty. Il personale di bordo molto gentile e professionale, gli ambienti sono puliti pessimo servizio BAR poco (terribile) e niente per la colazione, 'Rigel II' travelled Verifiko disponibilitetin dhe tarifat e prenoto nepermjet sistemit tone on-line te gjithe tragetet qe lidhin Italine me Shqiperine. Visualizza informazioni su Ventouris Ferries, Visualizza informazioni su Grandi Navi Veloci. Tragete Shqiperi, Nisje nga Ankona dhe Bari per Durres me AdriaFerries.

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