is strawberry mentos about yamaguchi

I thought everyone on the team knew we were together. Tsukishima isnt sure if he can learn anything else today. 3. 2. It was a little more popular with girls than it was with boys. Im gay.. "White daisies represent purity, and dandelions represent hope, but when they go to seed, they represent wishfulness, so there you have it, a childhood dream. "I didn't know that they sold these here," he said in a quieter tone, grabbing a package off the shelf. You squealed like He shook his head, "But never mind that. Kei knew that Yamaguchi hated people seeing him when he wasn't feeling one hundred percent. "No, I don't have one, but Tsukishima apparently thinks I do. "Do you like it? (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you. Yamaguchi moved closer to him so that their shoulders touched. Every morning Yamaguchi would walk to Tsukishima's house and they would walk to school together, they would stop at a convenience store where Tsukishima would buy two packs of Strawberry Mentos even though Yamaguchi insisted that he could buy them. The results showed that Diet Coke created the most spectacular explosions with either fruit or mint Mentos, the fountains travelling a horizontal distance of up to 7 metres.. Will strawberry Mentos make coke explode? He almost picks the yellow one, and then realises its one Yamaguchi had given him. as well as That's six for me and four for you! He asks Saito to give them some privacy. Is that a yes? He asks, breathless. Thank you for telling us, Tsukishima, he says. Like, um, now?". He knows about the kids who get kicked out, or converted. Waiting for him to come back was getting unbearable. He pulls his hand away when Hasumi tries to hold it. When Yamaguchi got into his house he immediately opened the package of candy in his hand, and popped one into his mouth. Its like they dont get along at all anymore, to the point even Tanaka is scolding them for arguing on the court. ", "Of course I know what it means!" tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Yamaguchi looked at the house in shock. Stop acting like a faggot, he tells himself. 10. Letters and Reseaons Saito swings their hands together as they walk home. Let's go eat lunch!" "They always start with us just hanging out. The kind of nonsense Hinatas dumb ginger ass whines about after practice. Suddenly changing from an emotionless, cold person to someone that neither Yamaguchi or Tsukishima were familiar with. Yamaguchi scrunched up his nose in disgust, "You can actually eat that stuff? Takeda gives him a half smile. Share. ", Yamaguchi did as he was told. It gets a little easier once they get their orders. Timidity and Confidence He may have been able to tell the team and break up with his girlfriend, but he isnt sure he was ready for his family to know. The sky was lit with stars, and the sky itself was a mix of dark blues and purples. Strawberry Mentos by Leanna Firestone Listen to Leanna Firestone Follow Leanna Firestone: Hes getting the hang of it, kinda. Yamaguchi let go of Tsukishima. Yamaguchi smiled wide and pure, not knowing he was being watched. Work Search: Yamaguchi blinked a few times for his eyes to refocus, "Finally, now where-" He cut himself off with a soft gasp. Theres a flower sewn where Yamaguchi fixed a hole. Tsukishima looked away. @hikari-writes I hope you like this!! Im gay, he spits out. Yamaguchi is never gonna talk to him again-. 24. ), 1. He almost orders for her before realising he has no idea what she likes. you had that first conversation on your forearm, you were hooked. "He had to come back home just for today, so I asked him to do me a favour. A quick kiss, but its enough to get the taste of her chapstick stuck on his lips. They slow to a stop in front of her house. Kageyama mumbled something that Hinata didn't hear but Tsukishima caught, "I could be your boyfriend.". Saito is a girl. Tsukishima shakes his head to clear his thoughts. Yamaguchi asked, confused why he took the candy from him, and why he was looking for his wallet when he wasn't getting anything. Tsukishima doesnt want to think about what anything could mean, so he doesnt. I- I have something to tell you, he say, slowly. I dont want a fags sweater. Its not like she says it particularly loud, but shes got a lot of friends, and theyre all loud mouthed, so by the time the final bell rings, Tsukishimas been insulted more than a few more times. You ate them so often, I was surprised you didn't get any cavities. Notes and Messages. But this thing youre doing? Its been that easy this whole time? And of course she doesnt, they barely know each other, but still. No, no, no, no, no. He glances back up. ", Yamaguchi tilted his head, "You waited because you wanted to ask me something? It really didnt matter this entire time? I'm sorry, you didn't want to talk about it. Thank you so much! Tsukishima let go of Yamaguchi's hands. Please consider turning it on! "No, I meant about you calling me your best friend. "Makes all the difference when you keep conversation, doesn't it?" Reflecting and Talking Yamaguchi scrunched his eyebrows in focus, another habit Tsukishima recognized. Tsukishima closed his eyes, enjoying the embrace. A certain dark haired setter came around the corner, having overheard the conversation. But she doesnt, not once as they browse the shelves. And of fucking course shes wearing it at school after the weekend is over. as well as Work Search: Now its really awkward. 18 0 3. a story about kids in love (inspired by strawberry mentos by leanna firestone) yamaguchi; strawberrymentos; yamaguchibrainrot +7 more # . After this was brought to his attention, Tsukishima decided to do something about it, coincidentally on the same day Yamaguchi rediscovered his favourite childhood candy, Strawberry Mentos. And if hes not, thats okay too. ", Tsukishima scanned his face, trying to make sure he wasn't pressuring Yamaguchi into talking, "Always. Tsukishima asked, looking at the candy in his friend's hands. He walks Saito home, surprised and slightly disappointed to find that she lives just down the street from him. The younger Tsukishima stepped in front of Yamaguchi, "We're going out for a bit.". He knows not everyone is this lucky. 5. "What kind of things?" A pretty girl, one that Tsukishima is on a date with, because hes not a fag. You never offer to!" Encounters and Possibilities I also like guys Yamaguchi looks away then. on your skin shows up on theirs, and vice versa. Report Save Follow. Howd you know? He blurts out when Daichi asks if hes done. He thinks he sees Yamaguchi with another pack of strawberry Mentos, but he cant be sure. Sweet and Salty "I'm here. It's hard to keep a conversation when I can't see you.". But thats okay, as long as Saitos a girl. Strawberry Mix. No matter how hard Tsukishima thought about it, he couldn't understand what had happened. 9. "You know, Tsukki, if this happened a few months ago, what would you have said?" They wouldn't go away. Flavours and Good Nights "I hope that's still true now. He keeps it to himself. He doesnt even know for sure why Yamaguchi was buying them. These were all things Tsukishima told Yamaguchi, to which Yamaguchi would reply in a dull tone; "I can't watch where I'm going, I can't see. "Here, open. He held his hand out to Yamaguchi. Thank you so much! "Are you sure you're not just trying to change the topic?" "Here, open.". Work Search: Missing and Misunderstandings "Tsukki, did something good happen today?" They stop in front of her house and she leans up to give him a quick kiss. Notes and Messages, I'm really sorry about the miscommunication I forgot I had all this here what was I doing. Have you ever asked yourself, "How much weight can I lose in a month?" or "How many meals a day should you eat?" Since 2005, a community of over 200 million members have used MyFitnessPal to answer those questions and more. Yamaguchi asked again, taking a strawberry from the bowl they were put in while looking around the field. Yamaguchi's breathing was uneven, "The voices were still there this morning when I woke up. 12. He hadn't, but Tsukishima saw Tsukishima likes his best friend. Tsukishima, just breathe, its okay. Somehow, hes on the ground, knees stinging from where hes collapsed. Tsukishima cant stop looking at Yamaguchi for the rest of practice. Normally, he would just wait for Yamaguchi to come talk to him, and everything would go back to normal. Oh my- kid. Tsukki He says, eyes tearing up. Please consider turning it on! ), 1. [old user]his bday was 10 days ago but imma ignore that and repost this here :)) also stream strawberry mentos bc its yamaguchi's song ig: https://www.instag. Somehow, this manages to get everyones attention. He wont risk crying in front of her. 12. Tsukishima had days where he was in a better mood than others, but even on his really good days, he was hardly ever this nice. Reflecting and Talking Tsukishima wouldn't really care, but she cheers every time he does something even remotely right. Tsukishima normally only walked with him until they had to go their separate ways, and hadn't walked him all the way home in a long time. I already know youre gay, Tsukki. At least Yamaguchi had read it, To say the least, Tsukishima realized just how much he wanted Yamaguchi to be in his daily life. "Sorry. Confessions and Comfort Theyre all pretty boring, giggling too much at anything Tsukishima says and insisting he give Saito a kiss before the bell rings. A little louder, he repeats himself. Mentos Strawberry pleases anyone who have a passion for strawberry! jaetees, hilgykoo, jusia, Alehobi1992, Yogurt2011, Klickt, elleScorpio, Anime62344, hqdt_wwqt2, flwrmlkie, 1coughsyurp1, Quizze, and minllie Youre not in any kind of trouble, he says, voice soft. needed He leaned back, "Mm, yeah, you're right, they're pretty good. From the moment Please consider turning it on! Fuck, he cant breathe. Fine, you win," Tsukishima answered jokingly, holding his hands up in mock defeat. Sunflowers and Hot Chocolate Takeda is the first to say anything. Tsukishima feels both relieved and terrified. "Have a good night," he said, smiling softly. You don't need to go through that alone," Tsukishima placed one of his hands on one of Yamaguchi's. Invitations and Unwanted Siblings If you haven;t already, go stream Strawberry Mentos by Leanna Firestone! Tsukishima had treated Yamaguchi like he would always be there, and now that he wasn't, he was feeling Yamaguchi's absence more and more everyday. I didnt know youd be here too! Its then that Yamaguchi seems to notice the hand in Tsukishimas own. Mentos Clean Breath 30pc. But again, shes not Yamaguchi, because Tsukishima isnt gay. No matter how hard Tsukishima thought about it, he couldn't understand what had happened. jaetees, hilgykoo, jusia, Alehobi1992, Yogurt2011, Klickt, elleScorpio, Anime62344, hqdt_wwqt2, flwrmlkie, 1coughsyurp1, Quizze, and minllie "What?" Yamaguchi's eyes widened. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). My pronouns are she/her and I am indeed, a minor. I hope you guys enjoy. 5. Then again, if he asked what kind of plans I wouldn't know what to tell him because you're not even supposed to be here, and-", "Tadashi," Tsukishima interrupted, laughing slightly. "I didn't put the sky there," Tsukishima joked, opening the package of candy. We know what its like to be where you are. Tsukishima looks away. At some point, he stops feeling heartbroken and starts feeling disgusted with himself. "I don't know, you just seem different today," Yamaguchi observed, walking in his normal place behind his friend. He saw Yamaguchi try to blink back tears, "Yamaguchi, look me in the eyes. "For today. The jist of it: You finally get to meet your soulmate, Yamaguchi, Pairing: Yamaguchi x Reader (gn Im pretty sure). Tsukishima got off the bed and opened one of his drawers, the one that held all of the Strawberry Mentos that he'd bought when Yamaguchi was mad at him. To say the least, Tsukishima realized just how much he wanted Yamaguchi to be in his daily life. I hope you guys enjoy. Tsukishima knew that Yamaguchi would know who put them there. Confessions and Comfort Worries and Cats 20. I'm not going anywhere," Tsukishima mumbled comfortingly in Yamaguchi's ear. y/n only smiled at the freckled boy. Saito gets tea and something with chocolate, and Tsukishima gets his usual coffee and a strawberry cake. Care and Pancakes He wouldn't see Yamaguchi at practice because the gym was closed for maintenance. There are 10 calories in 1 piece (2.7 g) of Mentos Strawberry Chewy Mints. "Buying candy," he stated. ", Tsukishima opened his mouth enough for Yamaguchi to let him bite it. Yamaguchi covered his face with both his hands. Its fine, you know. Yamaguchi always seems to know whats wrong before Tsukishima even says anything. ", "Yamaguchi, I am so proud of you," Tsukishima repeated. Yamaguchi followed him out and to the front door. Tsukishima did the same and took one of the candies and tried to aim for Yamaguchi's mouth. "Oh right," Tsukishima said, remembering what he had bought in the store, and desperate for a topic change. I thought you would take longer," he stated, trying not to laugh at the shock on Yamaguchi's face. Its just a bunch of stupid high schoolers. Theyre for a girl. Strawberry Mentos ren_offline Summary: Tsukishima and Yamaguchi had a very close friendship for many years, though neither of them knew when or how that friendship had turned mostly to Yamaguchi following Tsukishima out of blind adoration. "One second," Tsukishima scrolled through his phone, selecting a playlist of songs he had made earlier that week of songs that reminded him of Yamaguchi and pushed play. That blocker from Shiratorizawa called me "Mr. Who do you think my "boyfriend" could be?" Thoughts and Texts "Haven't you ever had plain vanilla before?" Yamaguchi deserved so much more than his current self. They pull apart from each other a little sooner than Tsukishima might have liked, but hes so out of breath that he isnt sure he would have survived any more of it. He feels stupid. He still went about that normal routine from the first day; Text Yamaguchi in the morning, buy two packages of candy, put one in Yamaguchi's locker, and watch his reaction after school was out. Im starving.. He checked his phone quickly to see how long it had been, "Only half an hour? Happy Chews Bites look like Mentos, but that 88-year-old candy is hard to imitate. I shouldn't push," Tsukishima said, desperately trying to think of a topic change. Whats her favorite food? Tsukishima swallows hard. his He holds his breath. Movies and Sleepiness He really cant avoid it without looking like a dick, so he does. Tsukishima feels like a moron, collapsing into bed, headphones tossed across the room and phone on the floor. 13. Her whole face lights up red as she squeezes his hand. Yamaguchi knew Tsukishima hated dares, so why would he think whatever Tsukishima had done was one? Now it was Tsukishima's turn to be surprised, "I don't know why you would think that, but believe it or not, I would actually like to talk to my best friend in places other than during water breaks at practice or over text.". Tsukishima walked down the street he saw Yamaguchi go down, and leaned against the wall beside where Yamaguchi would exit when he finished. You were so good today, Kei! Hasumi is on him as soon as practice ends, kissing his cheek and leaving a waxy chapstick mark behind. Hes not, which is why when she leaves her hand empty on the table, he reaches across to hold it. 23. Wintergreen, 12 Count. Um, theres really no easy way to say this, and its very unprofessional, but-, You need to break up with that girl, Ukai says, rubbing a hand over his face. They took turns throwing the candy at each other, missing over half the time. She seems to be waiting for something. Encounters and Possibilities 13. You had decided to write 14. The adults seem to decide thats the end of the conversation and help him up. Sort of. Favourite Candies and Favourite People Saito gives him a small wave. Strange Thought and Strange Feelings At least Yamaguchi had read it. And then hes being hugged so tight it feels like his ribs will crack. Twice. I win!". 6. Youll make new ones, Takeda says. "Yeah?" ! Tsukishimas head shoots up. Tsukishima nods, thanking him quietly and excusing himself to go change. Everyones gonna know that hes a faggot. Yamaguchi couldn't stop laughing, and Tsukishima tried to hold his laughter in, as always. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "It's not far," Tsukishima replied, not exactly answering the question. Timidity and Confidence "Yamaguchi, I'm here. Yamaguchi voiced. Tsukishima starts to panic. 21. "Now that makes even less sense," Tsukishima said, walking over to Yamaguchi. I don't deserve to be by your side." He turned down the road leading to Shimada's without waiting for Tsukishima's response. Shes not-. Its not like he can talk about it to anyone, and he doesnt want to. "I know I said I wouldn't pry, but-" Tsukishima cut himself off and looked at his hands in his lap. Maybe this isnt so hard. Tsukishima teased. There were a few more people back then, though. Flavours and Good Nights Tsukishima asked with a laugh as Yamaguchi held another strawberry to his mouth. Hes not sure what the second emotion is about, though. Thank god, honestly. 16. Every time he saw him, Tsukishimas chest got so tight he was sure his heart would stop. Yamaguchi asked, following Tsukishima out. Faggot, he spits. Flavours and Good Nights They find a seat inside and order drinks and cakes. Go get changed. And thats that. Shes tied them up with pink bows. Yamaguchi exclaimed, pointing at the candy on the shelf. 28. Some days he realized that he was walking to Yamaguchi's house on his way home from school. Yamaguchi was the type to think about everything he would say first, and then confront the other person. 30. Whats her favorite color? Tsukishima asked, looking out the window at the now dark sky. 9. The jist of it: You finally get to meet your soulmate, Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi exclaimed. "What are you smiling about?" Once he had settled, Tsukishima spoke, "Look up.". Saito leads him around another shelf into a new aisle. He just didnt exactly think there was anything wrong with it until he saw a kid get beat up about it in middle school. How would he have responded a few months ago? At practice, he found himself leaning to the side to say something to Yamaguchi whenever the freak duo or any of their other crazy teammates did something weird, only to realize Yamaguchi was on the other side of the gym. 8. also I don't wanna think about my medical bills so instead I'm gonna focus on my love for Tsukishima. He knows hes soaking his pillowcase with tears and he doesnt even know what hes upset about. Tsukishimas glasses shove up against his face, and their noses bump, and their teeth click, but its Yamaguchi. He wasn't trying to get Yamaguchi to talk to him by leaving them here, he was just doing it as a way of communicating without words. 18. He dreads the date all week, and he tries to pretend that he doesnt. ", "For deciding to go on," Tsukishima's voice cracked, "To go on living.". Youre fine. Well, thats certainly enough to at least put a halt to Tsukishimas panic attack. Yamaguchi in his daily life. "Well in that case, I guess it makes sense that you like black licorice, people do say you're bitter!" Thank you so much! About anything, Tsukishima! 28. [5] 26. Questions and Articles Chapter Text "Tsukki, look!" Yamaguchi exclaimed, pointing at one of the packages of candy on the shelf. any other 13 year old would, showing your friends and talking about what you While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "That's because you're a sweet person," Tsukishima stated, walking towards the front counter. Strange Thought and Strange Feelings Yeah sorry, Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi cracks a watery grin at him. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Of course shes not Yamaguchi. God, this sucks. Trying and Failing ", Yamaguchi smiled and nodded, "Very romantic, like something out of a romance book. Strange Thought and Strange Feelings Mentos. Instead hes gentle with himself. "No, I think I'll thank you instead," Yamaguchi replied, laying his head on Tsukishima's shoulder. He hadn't a clue how long Yamaguchi would be, he normally just left after dropping Yamaguchi off, and Yamaguchi was normally too tired to text Tsukishima when he was done, so Tsukishima didn't know how long Yamaguchi would be, but he hoped the sun would still be up when he finished. Walking and Comparisons Underneath a large tree that was not far from where they stood, there was a blanket with a picnic set up on top of it. TikTok vy (@qivio_): strawberry yamaguchi #yamaguchi #yamaguchifanart #strawberryyamaguchi #haikyuufanart. Walking and Comparisons Hasumi beams up at him. Yamaguchi blushed deeper, having nearly forgotten about that. Tsukishima shook his head, "I'm just doing what I should be doing. 25. But for now, can you hurry up? He nods. ", "They still are, I just haven't seen them in any stores lately. "I'm not sure," Tsukishima answered after a long moment. 22. 20 guests He scoffs at his own reflection and tries again. About school, volleyball, his hobbies. "please get together with your assigned partner to plan when you're going to work on the assignment, remember it's due in two weeks." the teacher announced . Are relationships supposed to be this draining? 14. Yamaguchi deserved so much more than his past self. "I will make sure you never get left alone in the dark like that. Ah, guess so. He isnt. What is he eating them for if not to kiss her? There are a few yoghurt flavored Mentos out there, including Lemon Yoghurt, but Santos was kind of to bring me a huge tube of 6 rolls of Strawberry Yoghurt Mentos last week.. No. 31. Im gay, he says, barely a whisper. You could have just told me instead of avoiding me this whole time! Yamaguchi's head shot up and he looked at the blond. And then Suga is back to gathering his things and thats it. left kudos on this work! He placed them down on the counter and reached into his pocket for his wallet. Yamaguchi hadn't texted him back, or talked to him in person. Takeda places a comforting hand on his shoulder and leads him away from the doors. This date is going on much longer than Tsukishima thought it would. Thinking and Decisions Realizations and Desires Mentos Pure Fresh Sugar-Free Chewing Gum with Xylitol, Spearmint, 15 Piece Bottle (Pack of 10) The package is easily distinguished from the regular Strawberry but could be mistaken . 15. Sunflowers and Hot Chocolate Takeda doesnt let it slide, of course, and that gives him a little hope. Hes lucky. Tsukishima wondered why he was going through the effort of this everyday. Waiting and Longing Notes and Messages. He missed and hit Yamaguchi's forehead. Tsukishima smiled, something he apparently could not stop doing that evening. Tsukishima teased. You remember the giddy feeling "Tsukki," Yamaguchi started, "You're my favourite person. When the blond arrived at school, he went to his locker to change his shoes. Its only once hes in bed that night does he realise he never got his sweater back. Homework and Calls I was thinking since were dating, shouldnt you call me by my first name? He glances at her. Weve been together since. "Nothing out of the ordinary," the taller boy responded, beginning their normal walk home. Sunflowers and Hot Chocolate It takes everything in his power not to turn his nose up. Favourite Candies and Favourite People I tried some when I was little and I never tried it again, it was so bitter. It takes a few tries before he manages to get it out, and when he does, its laced with such venom that he almost surprises himself. He jumps for a block a second too late, and the ball hits the floor behind him. He grabbed a pack and his phone off his desk, "Come on.". Here, she says. Youre not exactly subtle with the way you look at Yamaguchi, Ukai answers flatly. Hinata grabbed his hand and led a blushing Kageyama out of the building. Trying and Failing "You do know you're my best friend right? Yamaguchi is still here, fidgeting with his uniform like hes never held it before. He hates it, hates this feeling, doesnt even know why he ever made himself think Yamaguchi could ever like him. Ukai gives him a pat on the shoulder. They end up just going on a walk, hand in hand. And its fine. Pairing: Yamaguchi x Reader (gn I'm . But their stares are getting to him, if hes being honest. "What was that Kageyama?" Sweetheart, she starts. Fuck, he missed him so much. According to the USDA, four pieces of marshmallows . 2. Colour passed over Yamaguchi's face now, "Yes, yes I remember that." Pairing: Yamaguchi x Reader (gn I'm . 24. Its Suga, gripping the back of his shirt. Okay. 20 guests Akiteru looked at his brother, slightly scared, "R-Right! Worries and Cats Yamaguchi was blinking repeatedly, because he didn't know what to make of the situation, Tsukishima thought. "I'm sure," Yamaguchi replied, laughing as well, trying to get Tsukishima to take the berry. Movies and Sleepiness Tsukishimas never hated himself so much. I don't have one" Hinata made a face like he was thinking who Tsukishima could be talking about. HAHAHAHA anyways I hope you guys have a wonderful day and be safe I don''t own the characters and also the songs in this video just the chats :)Songs I used INTRO: Say so Japanese ver. Tsukishima answered. Gross. Invitations and Unwanted Siblings 31. "My boyfriend? Hes got a knowing look on his face. Walking and Comparisons Thanks, I almost forgot about these," he said as he took the candy from the taller boy. Concerns and Memories It was after Hinata said that that Yamaguchi had started acting strange. Even back then, it wasn't like he would just ignore Yamaguchi, but he wouldn't have comforted him as much as this either.

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