jj maybank x reader crying

to think you rehearsed telling him how you fucked someone the night before Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (77), JJ Maybank/Original Female Character(s) (38), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, no physical description of Main Character, Kiara "Kie" Carrera/Original Female Character(s), She has a sibling but they barely show up, Kiara Carrera is a lesbian and I will forever be pissed that the writers didn't make her one, alcohol is consumed but description is pretty vague about it, Rafe Cameron/Original Female Character(s), the rest of the pogues make an appearance as well, JJ Maybank & Original Female Character(s). number | pope heyward She walked to the porch, a smile perked on her face at the sight of JJ and he mimicked the notion. +5 more. Sundays belonged to you and JJ. the pogues throw a kegger, and jj keeps getting distracted by the feelings he might have for one of his closest friends. Hes renowned for being a notorious party boy, a massive flirt, and someone who hasnt faced any legal charges yet because of who his daddy is. You waited for either of them to respond, biting the inside of your cheek and inspecting your fingernails. no grave can hold my body down (ill crawl home to him) | 4.3k | angst She huffed, pulling herself off the bed and leaving Cameron's house. He raised both eyebrows in a quick motion to acknowledge what his best friend had said. warnings: underage drinking, mild cursing. You listen to what he says, but not without letting your disagreement with his choice be written all over your face. light them all up, kiss them goodbye| 4k | angstthe thorntons invite your family over for dinner and considering their son is your ex-best friend and ex-boyfriend whom you havent spoken to since the breakup almost a year ago, you think theres only one way the night could go down. READY TO RUN JJ MAYBANK by ali 2.5K 95 4 in a world where everyone has a predetermined match, JJ Maybank and Edie Montgomery want nothing to do with theirs. You wonder for a second how theres still water running, and then you remember JJ helped John B install a water source from the underground waters, not too long ago. Turmoil continues to persist in her life, and with it, Lexi finds herself only able to really trust one person. loosely based off noora x william from skam, youre in my head | 4k | angst, fluffwhen he keeps putting you off your position during matches, you decide to take it up with him unbeknownst to you, theres more to rafe than just wanting to prevent you from being a good football player (and its called unresolved sexual tension.). Her mom is a drug addict, her dad a alcoholic. Book I (Butterflies) complete, Book II (Rhapsody) complete, Book III (this one right here baby) in progress. ive been super busy so i havent managed to edit the proposal fic, so i have no idea when itll actually be up. The first time he asked you out. Your favorite. His voice was soft but full of excitement and you couldnt help the smile that slowly started to form on your lips. JJs head was nestled between your thighs, his tongue darting out to lick at your entrance then wrapping his lips around your clit feverishly. outerbanks. smut is under the cut ;), request: yes. And, before you knew it, you were standing in front of him. summary: You and JJ have liked each other for ages, but neither of you want to admit it. He felt a few tears escape past his eyes and trickle down his cheeks. You shake, and you feel yourself tremble, and you feel the need to cry hurting in your cheeks. tattoo | jj maybank Not because of his father, or the pain he had endured from him. You know that too. The bigger man called out after the one who was approaching the coop, attention focusing back on him as he put the gun down and walked back toward their truck. Why are you putting me in the back again?, His jaw clenches. I was crying, laying my head in the crook of his neck. But, during it all, you find yourself falling in love with your brothers blue-eyed best friend without realising it. rafe isnt rafe anymore, and she cant take it. Its come to the point where youve had enough, and you know what could be the last straw - flirting with Rafe Cameron while JJ watches. Kiara you owe me $10! Popes voice startled the both of you. Synopsis: Detailed story of Y/N having a really bad anxiety day. pls scroll past if you dont like/read smut :)request: yes. You felt useless. You saw this look before. im not a football expert so there may be some inaccuracies. Please consider turning it on! Being sixteen and pregnant wasn't on her list of things to domaybe if she was a Kook and had a few bucks to her namebut she didn't. And neither did JJ. His eyes are closed, his lips pressed tightly, tears blending with the water pouring over his face. A new girl makes an appearance on the island, determined to have a Wild Summer before returning to her life and responsibilities. Just you. Your boyfriend would do absolutely anything for you. twice. Your hands rested on both sides of his abdomen, leaning into him more to deepen the kiss. You climb into the bathtub, across him. It hurts having to keep yourself in check because one person being unable to deal with the situation is already more than you can handle. Work Search: also i didnt proofread this oops say my name like no one is around you | 3.5k | smutits supposed to be a normal night of chilling at kelces, except rafe has different plans mostly, these consist of doing coke, stealing a boat, and driving you wild. You pulled back first and the corners of your lips begged to turn up into a shy smile. I cant :(. Are you fucking out of your mind JJ? You didnt think you couldnt handle seeing JJ cry. but this is just the direction it took, sorry!! But, JJ is way more insensitive. he sees her around town, a touron, over and over again in the same day, and decides to take the matter in his hands. Hes nothing like they say he is, and he just so happens to turn a new leaf with you. To be honest, I had no idea how to start it. Before your brain could process what was happening, your feet had already started moving. ~ This is a JJ x Reader fanfic that takes place after the storm when John B and Sarah go missing ~ Maybe JJ should just be JJ. JJ Maybank is a member of the Pogues and John B.'s oldest childhood friend on Netflix's Outer Banks. Not that you wanted to even if you could. - JJ MAYBANK X FEMALE OC - Delilah Fallon, a 17 year old who constantly moves from place to place due to her father. a/n: @snkkat suggested this like three months ago and i recently remembered this and wrote it in two sessions. Harder to hide the marks, harder to hide the winces whenever Pope slung his arm around JJs neck. But he knew they wouldnt, so again, he dealt with it. A few scratches here and a few bruises there never hurt anyone, right? When JJ is hired at the cafe Y/N works at, memories of a night they spent together arise and so do their feelings for each other. I talk to her and shit and I try to be different. now, six months later, he shows up at your door and youre the only one he can help him. You saw JJs free hand move slightly up toward his chest, fear settling in that he was going to hit you. Its when you come closer to the bathroom that you realise theres a faint sound of water running. This was so fucked up. Happy of course. Theres water pouring over you, too, but you cant bring yourself to care. Anaxiphilia word count: 1544. warnings: drinking, mentions of vomit, barely proof-read. You were a part of a Pogues group getting jealous of all of the attention that Kiara gets. JJ was brought out of his thoughts when his hacky sack dropped on his face, forgetting to catch it once the image of your soft smile raced through his mind. Hes stubborn as fuck, but he loves you. Its okay, you say. Because you did the two things to him that he hated most. You looked down at his hands that had somehow already grabbed yours. You could always convince him to stay the night or sneak out and borrow the Pogue for a midnight adventure while John B was sleeping. Or did he want to fix things so you could both have peace of mind and move on? You sat against the wall and brought your knees up under your chin. If he notices you enter, he doesnt show it. Never in a million years, J.. You locked eyes with John B who sent you a wink. He knew he fucked up earlier so what was soon to happen didnt come as a shock. will you do 87 and 58 from the prompt list ? Should've Been You - JJ Maybank X Reader. This is the first time you see him in almost two days. Your heart tugs and aches as you look over the place that you used to call your second home. Well, a lot upset. smut starts right away so please read with caution! But as it turns out, getting there is a lot harder than it looks. Its loud and emotional and ugly, and it fucking hurts. Talk later guys! This time, it might just lead to the conclusion you've been wanting. The look he gives you is puzzled. Your body ablaze; like a fire you couldnt put out. Fuck. Like really romantic and then yall cuddle and talk about the future afterword count: 1,259. passion[ pash-uhn ] nounstrong and barely controllable emotion. if i say a cliche (its cause i mean it) | 6.3k | angst, fluffdespite knowing his name, or perhaps in spite of it, y/n only ever calls him rafael, even as he goes above and beyond to get her to go out with him. JJ looked over at you and grabbed your hand, squeezing it gently and leaned his head back against the wooden board. Kiara rolled her eyes, handing Pope a $10 bill from out of her bikini top. JJ crawled up beside you and his lips found yours once again. It hurts too much to look around memories threaten to flood your mind and with them, tears come, too. JJs fingers remained inside you, their movements slowing as you finished coming down from your high. Its a shrine, almost, so you close the door and hope you never have to walk in there again. I dont even know you.. While hanging out with her friends she finds herself falling for a certain blue eyed blonde. Maybe even anger. Hes all gelled hair, preppy-boy clothing that consists of a muted-yellow polo and black trousers, and a grin that somehow encompasses his entire personality. This is the third time in a row Rafe has put you on the sidelines, basically. be still my foolish heart (dont ruin this on me) | 8k+ | ongoing | roommates/friends with benefits au Most of his tears were shed because of you. @drewstarkeyand i have a whole football!obx au (soccer, for you americans) planned that i keep putting off, so heres a little something loosely inspired by the idea, until that finally arrives. You escape from yor hometown, taking a break from fake friends and the pressure your parents put on you. Yeah she just needs to learn how to swallow. I looked at JJ as the girl turned away with a knowing smile on her face, I already know how to swallow. He smiled and I smacked his arm taking another bite. my god, youre a sweet thing| 3.1k | fluff Just be you, bro.. Most of his tears were shed because of you. He didnt want to admit to his friends that he got addicted to the euphoric high so that his ribs wouldnt hurt as bad when his fathers fist collided with them. JJs hand found your lower back and his fingers began to draw lazy patterns across it. things take a significantly better turn when john b returns from the fishing trip with ward, and the pogues get a chance at a happier life. You hoped to God it wasnt the latter. It hurts to see someone you love falling apart. Of course, its a drunken idea, but its enough to get your gears going. Ill be somewhat active on my twitter account and would love to connect with you there. electric | pope heyward You shook your head. summary: You havent seen your boyfriend since the night John B and Sarah were lost at the sea. You hoisted yourself up on your elbows and reached over to your side table, hoping to see a message or two from the one person you most desperately needed to hear from. nothin lasts forever (we both know hearts can change) | 5.3k | angst Then, it stopped. (for @ptersparkerswriting challenge). John B plopped down next to her. I know JJ. Its not like you trust Rafe to keep it secret, really. John B could tell by your facial expression and he laughed. A definite approval of your dumb joke. @nxtrogers He hardly blinks. You have a surprise party for JJ and he has a surprise for you. It's a realistic story, a.k.a. JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU'RE CRYING ON THE SHOWER FLOOR pairing: JJ Maybank x Pogue!Reader prompt: "You think you want to be alone, just wait until you're crying on the shower floor." -The Breakup by LANY (from my song prompt list) summary: You haven't seen your boyfriend since the night John B and Sarah were lost at the sea. I hope you'll like it! He wanted so badly for John B to rid his face of that pitiful, concerned gaze. Protect You / JJ X Reader. ! Popes voice carried throughout the beach, his tone was unfamiliar. outerbanks season 1-3 Y/N Routledge was just an ordinary girl from the wrong side of the island in North Carolina, school is out and a summer full of keggers, surfing, and denying feelings for her brother's best friend awaits her. But that didnt matter anymore. Terror, maybe? Your phone chimed 4 times in a row and you hoped for good news. Not right now. Like your hands. Hell make it right. You nodded slowly, not wanting to make eye contact in case you started to cry again. + time seeming to stand still as they're staring into the other one's tearful eyes, just a collection of all my jj maybank oneshots :Psongs attached, pls listen while reading for the best experience !! He brought his hands down in front of his chest, clinging onto his hat as he blinked away fresh tears. When she left I just lied there for a while until I got the courage to get up and leave. You opened your mouth to speak, but no words could emit. Please dont cry. You could hear your own voice starting to break. Its your third year of high school when youre walking down the staircase in the northern wing of the Robert Cooke Academy, and Rafe Cameron intercepts your way. No can do babes. Instead, just a short text from Kie that didnt need anymore elaboration. Not because of his father, or the pain he had endured from him. When you take his hand, its cold, almost frozen; he still doesnt look at you, but you see him flinch. It wasnt. John B was soaking wet from his near drowning experience, but his mouth was in the shape of a small o. Popes eyes had never seemed so wide before. The little water that is underneath you is cold, and your clothes get soaked immediately, but thats not something you worry about. one day, they come with a ring, too. Ive seen a lot of posts recently about people taking breaks and hiatuses, and I regret to inform you that I too, will be taking another hiatus. You couldnt bring yourself to say anything. she plays the electric love prank on tiktok, and it has an effect different than intended. A swirl of events around John B's father affects you by putting you in danger. It was hot. almost pretend | 11k+ (Very loosely based on Disaster by Conan Gray). Y/N found herself sliding off the seat and onto the floor as well. The sound of your hand colliding with JJs face was deafening. JJ. JJs eyes locked with yours from his position below you. I dont know, bro. Me. He grins and you click your cups, with Pope declaring it for John B and Sarah, but also JJ, who is trying to mack on some Touron, as it turns out. That is until her older brother John B and her friends find clues to a treasure her and John B's dad spent his entire life searching for. The door knob creaks when you turn it. You didnt care. You tried to assure her of that. lil bit explicit!! Ella Jackson has always been a pouge, p4l right? His chin started to quiver and his eyes welled up. borrowed time | 6.5k+ | complete | I quietly made my way out of my house to see my friends. If you were to guess how many times JJ Maybank had cried in his life, youd probably guess zero. Come on, dont leave yet. You say his name again, halfway to the bathtub. He didnt want to admit to Pope that he was always high to muffle out the curses and derogatory names that slurred past his fathers beer soaked lips. You call his name, but no answer comes. You can find all of this from my Tumblr account too! Everything was fine. And the worst part? Thats the first time he looks at you, but its almost as if hes looking through you. Angst. Y/Ns right, I know what Im doing, Rafe cuts her off. He's also the show's comedic relief, as Outer Banks is quite thrilling and tense. We should get him a calendar. Now lets get back on the field.. You needed him, but you couldnt find him. JJ put it down. angst, fluff pairing: joel miller x reader. Hurt JJ Maybank. just wait until youre crying at the shower floor| 1.6k | angstyou havent seen your boyfriend since the night john b and sarah were lost at the sea. Next to you is Kiara, chatting to a girl she knows from high school. You broke eye contact with him, laying your back down on the cool sheets of your bed while your head found home on your pillow. JJs eyes drifted up and finally found yours. and if i reach that by the time i wake up in the morning, ill post two fics tomorrow instead of just one (which is something ive never done before!! You meant it, too. (part two of spectator sport) word count: 7.7k. y/n, the rich, figure 8 girl, suddenly bumps down to lower class after her mother & fathers divorce. pity | jj maybank however, when the time comes to ship out for his first overseas tour, saying goodbye is a lot harder than he imagined.. the romantic tirades of indie routledge: a series of stand alone one-shots depicting the angst-filled, romantic encounters between . breaking up with him. Since Kiara is busy, you walk over to where the boys are. The only sound between the two of you is the water running. You cant cry now. she gets drunk and falls apart in front of her ex and his friends. He holds you the way you held him and you clutch onto his shirt, feeling for the first time, and god, it hurts. [shortish-long]Rich Bitch - At midsummers you and Kiara talk about how irritating kook life is, then JJ crashes the . As long as you said something. Being with JJ was supposed to be just a summer thing and now summer is over its time for you to go but JJ has other ideas (happy ending, fluff, confessions, no smut), prompts "goodbye-" "damn it, i thought i told you not to say that word!" JJ stood in the middle, a large grin on his face and a birthday hat on his head with one cup cake in his hand. ), i know i said i wouldnt do it but if anyone has either ship fic or x reader requests feel free to send them my way, ive got nothing to do rn, pairing: Pre-Canon!Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader, summary: Despite knowing his name, or perhaps in spite of it, Y/N only ever calls him Rafael, even as he goes above and beyond to get her to go out with him. i have come to save the day | 5k | fluff, enemies to lovers can you write smut with jj? What the fuck, Rafe? "JJ and Y/n have had a thing for each other for as long as anyone can remember. pairing: JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader. Anxiety- JJ x Reader. Will Y/n and JJ get together, or will the "no pogue-on-pogue making" rule . Trust me, bro. You found yourself trying to peer behind him to see if Pope or JJ were trailing in. He stares, just for a moment, and then you push yourself past him without another word. Hey. this time, it might just lead to the conclusion youve been wanting. You were glad to have friends like John B and Kiara. Waiting felt like forever. He scoffed. Three shots in the air signified his urgency. You actually thought I was about to hit you that night. Like your stomach was in knots and you knew your eyes were beginning to well up again. jj maybank x pope heyward we all need someone to hold| 1.1k | angst Your writing is so good!!. Pope sped up the boat, JJ standing upwards flinging beer into his mouth. saviour | rafe cameron I dont deserve you after what I did to you. You hear your friends move behind you, letting some people pass. when you find him, hes falling apart in his best friends bathroom. All you could hear was your heart beating. Summary: JJ calls you into the bathroom to help him with something but things get a little heated before he even has the chance to ask Rafe Cameron is, easily, the worst of the crop. On the other end of the locker room, Kiara pulls her jersey down, biting her lip. What the hell? When youre headed out, hes waiting to be the last, and you bump into him as youre walking out, shoulder to shoulder, torso to torso. The murder ( or suicide as her therapist tried to convince her ) of her mother hit Amy Forbes hard, and when her aunt and uncle seem to disappear from the face of the earth Amy is shoved back into the . And here I was thinking Id make a great first impression.. Hacky sack in hand, tossing it up in the air and catching it. You open your eyes and see his shoulders shaking. And this is how, a couple of hours later, you find jj realises hes immortal when he wakes up buried in a coffin.

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