keanu reeves son

Cate Blanchett, Lily Collins, | Gross: Hugh Laurie, We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. 107 min This article will explore everything you need to know about Keanu Reeves alleged son Dustin Tyler including how they met and why its unlikely that he really is his fathers child. $34.70M, PG A workaholic executive, and an unconventional woman agree to a personal relationship for a short period. Drama, Fantasy, Horror. Reeves was born in Beirut, Lebanon. Ice-T, Votes: Stars: Surprising to some, Keanu Reeves has a son who is currently 37 years old, born on the 13 October 1985. "So maybe we could have survived. 101 min | Dustin Tyler is a well-known social media influencer with a large following on Tiktok and Instagram. Blasting News travaille avec lUnion europenne dans la lutte contre les fausses informations. WebKeanu Reeves doesnt have any children, period. He is definitely an up-and-coming star whose future accomplishments are set to make waves in the industry! Joey Boca (Kevin Kline) owns a pizza parlor, and is married to Rosalie (Tracey Ullman). En 1999, le rvolutionnaire Matrix des surs Wachowski donne un nouveau souffle sa carrire. Kenneth Branagh $82.52M, PG-13 | Terry Camilleri, Votes: Keanu Reeves was not present at his fathers funeral because he had abandoned him as a child. | Hes got golden blonde hair and dark brown eyes that glimmer with a hint of mystery. Stars: Well, Alpo Martinez is Keith Cunningham net worth in $5 million. la suite du divorce de ses parents en 1966, sa mre devient designer et sa famille emmnage Sydney, en Australie[13] puis New York, aux tats-Unis. En fvrier 2009, il surprend avec un petit rle dans la comdie dramatique indpendante Les Vies prives de Pippa Lee, aux cts de Robin Wright Penn, Julianne Moore, Alan Arkin, Winona Ryder, Maria Bello, Monica Bellucci, Zoe Kazan, Ryan McDonald, Blake Lively, Robin Weigert. | Action, Horror, Mystery. She is Sigmond Galloway is best known as the ex-husband of Meet Lacey Hester - Luttrull, daughter of NFL legend Albert Hammond net worth is $10 million. | "I think every single person I knew called me in the first week of November, and that's fascinating, but the question I've been asking in all of this is: 'What is the opportunity for good," she said. Peu de temps aprs la sortie du film, il part vivre Los Angeles dans sa Volvo 1969. Magzica 2022. En 2013, il co-crit et ralise et joue dans le film d'arts martiaux L'Homme du Tai Chi, aux cts de Tiger Hu Chen, qui lui permet enfin de renouer avec la critique[21], mais choue commercialement[22]. WebKeanu Reeves (/ k i n u i v z / [1 Keanu a aussi le nom de son oncle, Henry Keanu Reeves. And the more I jibber-jabbered on, the quieter he would get. Far from being literally related to him, the short joke set off a wave of reactions, some applauding the unusual creativity and others asking if it was appropriate. Stars: Tel: Nous utilisons des cookies et des technologies similaires pour personnaliser le contenu et les publicits, pour fournir des fonctionnalits de rseaux sociaux et pour analyser notre trafic. Dustin Tyler is the son of Hollywood actor Keanu Reeves, and he has achieved great success in his own right. An ex-hit-man comes out of retirement to track down the gangsters that killed his dog and took his car. We were connected. La mre de Keanu est britannique, et son pre est amricain d'origine hawaenne[6],[7],[8],[9],[10]; ils se rencontrent Beyrouth o Patricia travaille[11]. Au dbut des annes 1990, Reeves commence sortir de sa priode de films jeunesse. Tracey Ullman, Pour dvoiler un peu de son quotidien, l acteur a rpondu des questions poses par sa communaut sur Reddit. Jayda Fink, Director: Stars: Lacteur Matthew Perry annonce vouloir retirer les moqueries sur Keanu Reeves de son livre . Tyler has said that he has always felt a connection to Reeves, and that he is excited to finally have a relationship with his father. - YouTube 0:00 / 0:59 Dustin Tyler still posing to be Keanu Reeves son, & bashs another TikToker. Several weeks later, they broke up. En avril 2001, Jennifer Syme meurt dans un accident de voiture, alors qu'elle conduit possiblement sous l'influence de mdicaments et d'alcool[58],[59]. Director: All Rights Reserved. | En France, Jean-Pierre Michal est la voix franaise rgulire de Keanu Reeves depuis L'Associ du diable en 1997[64]. 25 (watch the video here). 58,778 norme succs critique et commercial, le film lance une franchise autour du personnage, tout en relanant la carrire de Reeves. Action, Drama, Sci-Fi. Keanu Reeves, His fame began when he claimed to be the son of Canadian actor Keanu Reeves. | Gross: Mais l'anne prcdente, l'acteur fait un retour remarqu en portant le film d'action John Wick, de Chad Stahelski, coordinateur des cascades sur la trilogie Matrix, et David Leitch. Jason Momoa, He joined Bullock and her girlfriend, even letting the actress paint his nails black. Rachel Weisz, Keanu Reeves, At 37 years old, Dustin is a multifaceted individual with an impressive net worth of $5 million who works as a tattoo artist, social media influencer, model, TikTok star, barber and entrepreneur. | | And he would have his response.". | Stars: Who knows what new gags the entertaining humorist has in store for us next? | Actor Keanu Reeves is best known for his roles in action movies, but he has also appeared in several comedies and dramas. Ron Howard Comedy, Drama, Romance. Action, Crime, Thriller. | Alors que le film reoit de trs bonnes critiques, l'acteur fait part de son souhait de boucler une trilogie[32]. Magzica is an online magazine for Global Entrepreneurs, Large and Medium Enterprise Owners, Technologist, Marketers, Small Business Owners and Enthusiastic Online Readers. Diane Keaton, Le comdien (comme sa partenaire) enchane pourtant avec une poigne d'checs commerciaux: la romance Les Vendanges de feu, ou encore, le thriller d'action Poursuite d'Andrew Davis. Developed by Magzica Developers. He's quiet. 97 min $6.40M, R Stars: Keanu has since made a remarkable recovery. He has been active in the film industry since 1985, when he made his debut in the coming-of-age film Rivers Edge. Keanu Reeves, With an impressive net worth of $5 million, its no surprise that this rising star is at the top of his game. Hugo Weaving, Votes: WebDustin Tyler still posing to be Keanu Reeves son, & bashs another TikToker. Samuel Nowlin Reeves travaille comme ouvrier non qualifi et passe son diplme lorsqu'il est incarcr Hawa l'aroport international d'Hilo pour trafic d'hrone[11]. Ever since Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves confessed a few years ago to having crushes on each other on the set of their 1994 film, Speed, fans have mourned the potential of what could have been one of Hollywood's It couples. Et parfois, il est difficile pour ses fans de dcouvrir sa vritable personnalit. Feeling great. Christina Hendricks, My brother is my best friend. When she is not working, you will find her pumping iron at the gym, watching Netflixs latest phenomenon, and indulging in retail therapy. Lui et son pre se voient pour la dernire fois lorsque Keanu n'a que 13 ans[12]. | Gross: Le film John Wick 2 sort en Europe et aux tats-Unis dbut 2017. Keanu Reeves, Lorenza Izzo, An undercover cop, disillusioned by the death of his wife, is implicated in the murder of an officer and must struggle to clear himself. The rock world was shocked when Steven Tyler, lead singer of Aerosmith, announced that Keanu Reeves was his father. Glenn Close, Stars: | Il abandonne par la suite, et ne parvient pas obtenir de diplme[16]. Cependant, les deux premiers projets reoivent des critiques trs mitiges[29],[30], voire catastrophiques pour le dernier[31]. Keanu Reeves, He stated that death has given rise to a great deal of appreciation. Reeves grandmother comes from the family of Chinese Hawaiians. | Gross: A remake of the 1951 classic science fiction film about an alien visitor and his giant robot counterpart who visit Earth. En 2008, il dfend deux projets: d'abord le polar Au bout de la nuit puis un blockbuster de science-fiction, Le Jour o la Terre s'arrta. Despite his early struggles, he eventually found success as an actor and has been able to find love again. En janvier 2009, la rumeur court que l'acteur endossera le rle de Spike Spiegel dans l'adaptation de la srie anime japonaise Cowboy Bebop, prvue pour 2011. Having friends who are working hard practicing their craftswhether its set design, publishing, or actingis very inspiring.". Paralllement sa carrire d'acteur, il est bassiste dans le groupe grunge Dogstar, de 1991 2002, puis plus rcemment dans le groupe Becky. Mary Steenburgen, Dans son premier film notable, Youngblood, ralis par Peter Markle, avec Patrick Swayze et Rob Lowe, il joue un gardien de but de hockey sur glace qubcois. Paralllement, il boucle la trilogie de comdies fantastiques qui l'a rvl dans les annes 1980 avec un long-mtrage intitul Bill & Ted Face the Music[50]. Le couple se spare quelques semaines plus tard. Nous partageons galement certaines informations sur la faon dont vous utilisez notre site avec nos partenaires qui traitent l'analyse Web, la publicit et le contenu des rseaux sociaux : nos partenaires peuvent les combiner avec d'autres informations que vous leur avez fournies ou qu'ils ont collectes partir de l'utilisation de leur prestations de service. Will he learn to use his fists and play ice hockey the Canuck way? 111 min Keanu Reeves real name is Keanu Charles Reeves. He is also famous from other names as The One, The Wall. He was born on September 2, 1964 at Beirut, Lebanon. He is Canadian by nationality. He is Movies (Actor) by profession. He is the son of Samuel Nowlin Reeves Jr (father) and Patricia Taylor (mother). He is Buddhist by religion. | 27,822 104 min Las declaraciones de Matthew Perry sobre Keanu Reeves en su libro. The Canadian actor has never been married. Nonetheless, he was in a relationship with Jennifer Syme and is currently dating Alexandra Grant. Keanu met Jennifer Syme in 1998 at a party thrown for his band Dogstar. They fell in love and began dating, and their affair brought forth a child, Ava Archer Syme-Reeves. Jeffrey Jones, Votes: Grant wore a sleeveless navy blue dress that stopped just above her ankles, showing off her sandals covered in small gold beading. La mme anne, il donne la rplique la jeune Lily Collins, tte d'affiche du drame indpendant To the Bone, premier film de la scnariste de tlvision Marti Noxon. Pourtant Reeves refuse dix millions de dollars offerts pour jouer dans Speed 2: Cap sur le danger, car il dteste le scnario[18], et prfre rejoindre Al Pacino dans L'Associ du diable, un thriller de Taylor Hackford qui revisite la lgende de Faust. $100.05M, R TikTok star Tik Tok has revealed that his mother was the sole source of his upbringing. Dustin Tyler Calls Himself Keanu Reeves' Son Born on October 13, 1985, in Mankato, Minnesota, Dustin Tyler is a tattoo artist and TikTok influencer with over a million followers on the social media platform. All About Keanu Reeves' Girlfriend Alexandra Grant, His Longtime Close Friend, Celebrities Who Invited Their Ex To Their Wedding, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Im such a big fan!, the preteen boy quipped to Keanu. Here, what to know about Reeves' girlfriend. It was difficult to accept, but it was necessary. $40.49M, PG-13 "That's what I mean that it drives you crazy," Bullock told the magazine. | Gross: John Malkovich, Robert Longo By accepting "all cookies", including profiling cookies, in addition to supporting our free offer, you will receive advertisements in line with your interests. Keanu Reeves, 58, and his girlfriend, Alexandra Grant, 50, packed on the PDA while leaving JFK airport in New York City on Friday. Il est alors convoit pour jouer dans un blockbuster de science-fiction intitul Passengers, crit par Jon Spaihts[28], avec Reese Witherspoon en partenaire fminine et la mise en scne, un ralisateur de Game of Thrones, Brian Kirk, avant de se rtracter tout comme sa partenaire, pour laisser sa place Chris Pratt et Jennifer Lawrence. "I think about how sweet Keanu Reeves was and how handsome he was," she told DeGeneres in 2018. Ron Nyswaner par Mialy Ra. | There is no doubt about it, this is a young child. Action, Adventure, Thriller. Comedy, Drama, Romance. | Gross: | 173,683 | Gross: Sandra Bullock Says She and Keanu Reeves "Could Have Survived" as a Couple, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. I don't think there's anyone who has something horrible to say about him," Bullock said. | En cinq ans, il tudie dans quatre coles secondaires, dont l'cole d'arts d'Etobicoke; il en sera renvoy[14]. Stars: | Gross: | Gross: | $15.45M, R They bring sustenance and shift realities. Pour dvoiler un peu de son quotidien, l acteur a rpondu des questions poses par sa communaut sur Reddit. | $171.48M, R Aprs le succs du film, Keanu apparat dans un certain nombre de films jeunesse, dont Permanent Record et la comdie succs de 1989, L'Excellente Aventure de Bill et Ted, avec sa suite en 1991, Les Folles Aventures de Bill et Ted. Samuel Nowlin Reeves was, People notes, the son of a wealthy family vacationing in Lebanon who he met and married a local showgirl named Patricia. 20,812 This content is imported from youTube. | 26 avril 2023 11:17 26 avril 2023 11:17. 119 min | Il poursuit sur cette lance, Francis Ford Coppola le dirige sur Bram Stoker's Dracula, puis Kenneth Branagh pour Beaucoup de bruit pour rien, ou encore Bernardo Bertolucci pour Little Buddha. Stars: The actress gushed about her former Speed costar to Esquire. 72,330 Dyslexique, Reeves brille plus dans le hockey sur glace que dans les tudes[15]. Emma Thompson, In an interview with People published on March 28, he discussed Grant being the person with whom he spent his last moment of bliss. A source told People in 2019 that Keanu wants to openly share his life with her. Melissa Babish is a well-known figure in the United Shahid Afridi net worth is $30 million. His grandmother from his father's side is Chinese Hawaiian. | 128 min He has fast legs, slow fists, but is chosen. 136 min His daughter, Ava, was stillborn. ): In May 2019, they attended the MOCA Benefit: Reeves and Grant were first photographed together at the UNAIDS Galaat Design Miami/Basel in Switzerland. Dustin Tyler is a TikTokTokTok star and tattoo artist who gained popularity after claiming to be the son of Keanu Reeves. | Gross: Il le double galement dans le doublage tardif du film Le Fleuve de la mort sorti en 1986. When she's not working, she loves running around Central Park, making people take #ootd pics of her, and exploring New York City. $75.98M, PG Reeves and Grant enjoyed a rare night out in March 2021. | En savoir plus sur le mme sujet par Mialy Ra: Cet article a t vrifi et approuv par, Cette section fournit des informations sur Blasting News, sur notre processus editorial et sur notre mthode afin de faire tout notre possible pour crer des informations fiables. According to People, the two were photographed at Giorgio Baldi in October 2019. But what many people dont know is that he does not have any biological children. | 107 min | A series of TikTok videos featuring Dustin, the actors son, generated a frenzy of Internet speculation. Action, Drama, Sci-Fi. L'acteur y a pour partenaire la britannique Alice Eve. Comedy, Drama. With over 5 million followers on TikTok alone, this rising star continues to make waves in the industry by inspiring millions with his timeless wisdom and advice that he shares across all of his accounts. Dbut 2017, il peut compter sur la trs attendue suite John Wick 2, ralise uniquement par Chad Stahelski (David Leitch ayant dcid de raliser plutt la suite de Deadpool). | Pour finir, il prte sa voix au jouet Duke Caboom, l'un des nouveaux personnages du blockbuster d'animation Toy Story 4 de Josh Cooley[41]. Jason Robards, Votes: par Mialy Ra. Director: Horror, Thriller. | Despite the fact that Keanu Reeves rarely discusses his relationship with his father, Sam Nowlin Reeves Jr., the two have a strained relationship. Reeves' Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure co-star Alex Winter and his family attended as well. Director: 128 min In March 2023, Reeves discussed Grant in an interview with People, signaling their romance was still going strong. 73,702 | Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Director: Adventure, Comedy, Music. He would look at me and I'd be like [giggles].". | Pendant presque une dcennie, il vit dans des maisons loues et des htels, et il rside un temps au Chteau Marmont. Keanu Reeves, Keanu Reeves, Comedy, Crime, Drama. Our books are works of art; portals to imagined worlds; treasured companions; the fabric of a community. He and Lisa Bonet have a daughter together, and he recently married Lisa Bonet. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. Kevin Kline, Chad Stahelski, | Il apparat dans la production Damn Yankees. Directors: Joe Morton, Votes: Carl Rinsch The Hollywood compatriots had started dating in 1998, and Syme got pregnant in 1999. Director: .css-o05pt{display:block;font-family:Didot,Didot-fallback,Georgia,Times,serif;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:0rem;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-shadow:0 0 0 #000,0 0 0.01em transparent;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-o05pt:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-o05pt{font-size:1.18581rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.25rem;margin-top:0.625rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-o05pt{line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-o05pt{font-size:1.23488rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.5rem;margin-top:0rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-o05pt{font-size:1.39461rem;line-height:1.2;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}Reeses Most Iconic Movie Roles, Adele and Rich Paul Wear Coordinating Tracksuits, Katie Holmes Is Chic in a Leather Jacket and Dress, William and Kate Celebrate 12th Anniversary, Kendall and Bad Bunny's Full Relationship Timeline, See Kendall and Bad Bunny's Date Night Looks, Halle Berry Smiles in a Sultry Makeup-Free Selfie, Jennifer Lopez Wears a Vintage-Inspired Skirt Set, Kendall Jenner Wears a See-Through Feathered Gown, Why Blake Lively Will Skip the 2023 Met Gala, Zo Kravitz Tries Out the Exposed Bra Trend, EmRata Embraces High-Low Dressing on Red Carpet. 118 min Scott Derrickson Du ct de sa mre, il a aussi une demi-sur appele Karina Miller (ne en 1976 Toronto), et du ct de son pre une autre demi-sur appele Emma Rose Reeves (ne en 1980 Hawa). Il s'impose ensuite comme un acteur incontournable du cinma d'action avec les rles de Jack Traven dans Speed (1994) et de Neo dans la trilogie Matrix (1999-2003). He claimed to have been in relationships with A-list stars, including Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande, and to have close friendships with them. Director: Regardless of how people felt about it, though, one thing is for sure: it made for a great conversation starter and gave Tyler the fame he sought. 116,353 Charlize Theron, Il se forge une trs bonne rputation de gardien de but au De La Salle College(en) de Toronto, et gagne le surnom de The Wall (le Mur). The MTV Movie Award winner was pleased to meet his admirer and immediately asked him his name. When asked about his most recent moment of bliss, Keanu did not hesitate to recall a tender moment with Alexandra. Stars: Il a t doubl titre exceptionnel par Jrme Rebbot dans The Night Before[64], Stphane Bazin dans Le Prince de Pennsylvanie[64], Yoann Sover dans L'Excellente Aventure de Bill et Ted[64], Lionel Henry dans Je t'aime te tuer[64], Jean-Franois Vlrick dans Tante Julia et le scribouillard[64], Bernard Gabay dans My Own Private Idaho, Jean-Philippe Puymartin dans Beaucoup de bruit pour rien[64], Emmanuel Curtil dans Little Buddha, Olivier Cuvellier dans Poursuite, ric Herson-Macarel dans Sweet November, Xavier Fagnon dans Le Jour o la Terre s'arrta et Boris Rehlinger dans Les Vies prives de Pippa Lee[64]. Dustin Tyler Keanu Reeves is an American actor, director, producer, and musician. A series of TikTok videos featuring Dustin, the actors son, generated a frenzy of Internet speculation. Keanu Reeves nat Beyrouth, au Liban, le 2 septembre 1964, de Patricia Taylor et de Samuel Nowlin Reeves, Jr., gologue[5]. | River Phoenix, Director: | Not only is he notably distinguished by his looks and body measurements, but hes also the complete package of witty intelligence and charm. Keanu Reeves commence sa carrire d'acteur l'ge de neuf ans. One of these people is Dustin Tyler who claims to be his son. Djimon Hounsou, partir de 2000, Keanu Reeves dcide de jouer les mauvais garons en interprtant un tueur en srie dans The Watcher de Joe Charbanic, ainsi qu'un mari violent dans Intuitions de Sam Raimi. Keanu was born on February 11, 1970, in Beirut, Lebanon. | Gross: $19.08M, PG-13 He is extremely happy and grateful to have Alex in his life. He's looking at me with eyes of confusion. And if that wasnt already enough, he continues to inspire millions of people with the timeless wisdom and advice he so openly shares on all of his accounts. ", "Keanu's a guy who, I feel like, is friends with every woman he's ever dated. Two rock-'n-rolling teens, on the verge of failing their class, are approached by a time machine that helps them make the ultimate history presentation. In 2019, People reported the two were dating for months before their big red carpet moment. Il privilgie des projets plus modestes, qui sortent durant l'anne 2016: le plus mdiatis est un thriller fantastique, ralis par Nicolas Winding Refn, The Neon Demon, avec Elle Fanning dans le rle principal. | | | | She previously held positions at InStyle and Cosmopolitan. When a beautiful stranger leads computer hacker Neo to a forbidding underworld, he discovers the shocking truth--the life he knows is the elaborate deception of an evil cyber-intelligence. He has forged a successful career as a tattoo artist, social media influencer, model, TikTok star, hairdresser and entrepreneur. Malcolm Venville His American father is from Hawaii, and is of Native Hawaiian, Chinese, English, Irish, and Portuguese descent. Keanu Reeves Reveals He Had a Crush on Sandra Bullock During Speed and She Felt the Same Way! En retirant ces passages de son autobiographie, Matthew Perry souhaite montrer qu'il a pris conscience de l'impact que de tels propos peuvent avoir sur la rputation et l'image de Keanu Reeves. | Gross: Keanu Reeves, John Wick 5: Everything We Know About The Future Of The Franchise, Keanu Reeves Through The Years: Photos Of The 'John Wick' Actor Then & Now, Click to Subscribe to Get Our Free HollywoodLife Daily Newsletter, Nick Jonas Health: His Battle With Diabetes & How Hes Feeling Now, Eva Longorias Husband: Meet Jose Baston, Plus Look Back At Her Previous Two Marriages, Pregnant Rihanna Channels Karl Lagerfeld In Vintage Chanel Ahead Of Met Gala: Photos, John Wick 5: Everything We Know About The Future Of The Franchise, Your Weekly Horoscope Says the First Lunar Eclipse of 2023 Has Arrived, So Protect Your Energy, What Is the STAR Interview Method? 124,829 A young police officer must prevent a bomb exploding aboard a city bus by keeping its speed above 50 mph. Keanu Reeves, Keanu Reeves Alexandra Grant went to see a play in New York City on Friday, July 8. L'accueil critique est trs positif[33]. $0.18M, TV-MA Director: Keanu Reeves, 58, and his girlfriend,Alexandra Grant, 50, packed on the PDA while leaving JFK airport in New York City on Friday. Drama, Romance, Sport. 53,903 L'acteur y renoue avec le genre qui l'a rendu clbre, mais dans le rle d'un bad guy: en effet, il incarne un ancien tueur gages en qute de vengeance aprs le vol de sa voiture et le meurtre de son chien, dernier cadeau de sa femme dcde. Steve Martin, Lana Wachowski, Its no secret that Reeves has not always been a sunny and rainbows type of star. | Hes concerned that people will only see him in Asian-themed roles, and he doesnt want to be pigeonholed as an Asian actor. 382,950 Dustin Tyler is a TikTokTokTok star and tattoo artist who gained popularity after claiming to be the son of Keanu Reeves. | How can artists and writers work to create and influence culture in an increasingly technology-driven world? | Dans un mme temps, il partage l'affiche du mlodrame fantastique Entre deux rives avec Sandra Bullock, marquant leurs retrouvailles, douze ans aprs Speed. En una parte de su libro, el actor de Friends reflexion sobre la muerte temprana de algunas celebridades, tales como River Phoenix, Chris Farley y Heath Ledger, quienes fallecieron a los 23, 33 y 28 aos, respectivamente. Blasting SA, IDI CHE-247.845.224, Via Carlo Frasca, 3 - 6900 Lugano (Suisse)

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