not sure if seen wet dreams hanafi

(I know this isnt exactly what you said, I thought it was just worth mentioning). yasir, that a woman may have a wet dream (with orgasm) but without an obvious discharge. Most of my teen students learned about these issues from their classmates during 3rd and 4th grade. I know Im come quite late here.Thanks for the informative article but I need few things to be cleared. However some thing do sound inhumane because the body having some cycle can cause me to do ghusl twice a day or something. JazakAllah. What Islam teaches us is transparency on subjects like this. . The question of womens presence cutting off prayer is one issue that Sayyida Aisha (ra) disputed, and her refutation of it is noted in Sahih Bukhari: The things which annul the prayers were mentioned before me. 5. Please direct your questions to our Whats the Matter section, your answers are all here Please help! I never really had sexual thoughts before but once I read this I thought to myself that I should refrain from thinking these things. Firstly, I want to thank you for the quality of the thought provoking content. I also have a question: in one of the above Hadith, it said : He was asked about a man who thinks that he had an erotic dream but does not see any wetness. Its a part of life and if girls dont learn about all this, then they will end up becoming more and more distant and reserved from their parents. there are a number of questions related to orgasm from sexual thoughts while awake or ejaculation while awake from sexual thoughts 1. If a woman has a wet dream of herself masturbating and feels aroused(vaginal throbbing) and sees discharge but cannot tell if this discharge is from the dream or the daily discharge women usually have. [Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar], Upon remembering a wet dream and finding wetness upon yourself, a ritual bath (ghusl) is obligatory for you to perform in order to pray except if you are sure that this wetness is merely a sweat or post urinal fluid (wadi). i saw myself imagining about my future husband (whom i never met) and thought about sexual things and orgasmed right there. No doubt sister, one must ask in order to educate themselves. Foremost I wanted to instil in them, empathy and compassion. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. i want to ask a question that when i have wet dream i feel some kind of pain in my vagina?? So, should I have done a ghusl or must an orgasm be completely fulfiled? I cant smell my underwear as it was the same one I wore when I had the wet dream before suhoor. And when the children among you come to puberty (al-hilm) [al-Noor 24:59]. Does a woman have to do ghusl if she has a wet dream? The Prophet said: Yes, if she sees water (a discharge). Umm Salamah covered her face and said, O Messenger of Allah, can a woman have an erotic dream? He said, Yes, may your hands be rubbed with dust. InshaAllah I will find out. Sis is it necessary to feel the sensation of orgasm as u discussed above if someone see every day and dont feel anything or dont remember the sensation of orgasm she should also do ghusl plx answer me!! 2. Am i allowed to kick my son out of the house? and should I make gushul, if you didnt have an orgasm, you dont need to make ghusal. It does not store any personal data. I worked with a client who had a destructive thought and this ended it. Do you have any idea how strange an article like this appears to non-Muslims? By water is meant here the effects of the dream, i.e., orgasm. May Allah bless you The website is no longer in existence. 3: well , everyone gets to learn it at school [part education] so no so long as you do not do it for it is a haraam act unless you are married. Praise be to Allah. At-Tirmidhi, despite his lenience, also did not grade this Hadith as Hasan. does she need to take ghusl or not.. do rply me on my mail also.. if she had an orgasm, she needs to make a ghusal.and Allah knows best, Sister after I prayer fajr I needed to use the rest room but I ignored it because I wanted to sleep with my wudu. Or the angels who are with you recording everything you do to be questioned on the Day of judgement? She had been actively involved with Islamic community since 1995 through her MSA, and then as a founding member of TDC, and other community organizations. 4. You can break the ice and start educating them BUT if they are already teenagers then it will be a bit complicated to connect with thembut still possible inshaAllah, and Allah knows best. As for the practise of sprinkling water in ones garments to purify them, it should be avoided. From what I have read, the same can happen to men also, yet the ghusal doesnt become obligatory until they have an ejaculation and/ orgasm. How can one have a wet dream which includes an orgasm?Does this mean whilst shes asleep she has an orgasm.Can this orgasm be heard from people around her? Pingback: Parenting Series | Part VIII: Sexual Activities Beyond the Norm What Should We Teach Our Teens | The Sex In Islam. This fatwa states the differences between the discharges of women. some hours it stops and some hours it happens again. is this the same with sexual thoughts while awake? jazakAllaahu for the reply. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account Q: I have a question about wet dreams. The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Yes, if she sees water (discharge of fluid)." Ibn Qudaamah (may Allah have mercy on him) said in al-Mughni (1/130): If he thinks that he had a wet dream, but he did not find any maniy, then he does not have to do ghusl. My sister who is only 16 woke up too from my moaning and saw me orgasm; it is very embaressing. If a person is awake and has thoughts, then what usually comes out is the madhyy only which doesnt gush out and it can even come out without the person feeling it or realizing it because it can come out without ejaculation, and this type of discharge is considered impure and requires the person to make wudu but it does not require ghusl, where as semen coming out due to ejaculation requires that the person makes ghusl. We discussed a few tips in the comments above how sisters should try to ward off these thoughts. If things need to be explained to you in detail or Anything else that worries you Go ask a real scholar with haya. It is however, a different matter when the frequency is influenced by factors in our control (some factors are acceptable e.g. How else would her child resemble her? (Bukhari). Also after my period I usually get extra discharge white clear liquid and I am not sure if its because my hormones are quite high during this time as it is usually when I have these dreams. If you do not find any maniy on your body or clothes, then you do not have to inspect the urethral sphincter; rather this is something that will provoke and strengthen waswasah [persistent intrusive thoughts]. There is no real way to prevent having wet dreams. in this case its better to perform ghusl since shes uncertain of the wetness. If you wake up from sleep and you find wetness, even if it is just Mathy (pre-seminal fluid)as you said, and you remember having a wet dream, then you are obliged to perform Ghusl according to the Hanafi school of jurisprudence. I read your explanation of orgasm and the part where it says when a person wakes up before having an orgasm. Discharge can be more wet or more dry, and be more or less thick or viscous. please can you clarify this to me, i frequently have a wet dream like 5 in a week and i was told by someone that it is bad omen, that it is spiritual problem. And some women need a detailed answer! I am currently doing hifdh, I still do my hifdh whilst I am on my menstraul cycle otherwise I forget what I have Learnt or its hard for me to go back into the habit of doing it. A brief summary of the requirements for the Ghusl follow. A woman will feel fulfilled and satisfied with an immediate drop of tingling in vaginal area and all sexual sensations. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If one wants a wet dream, stop masturbating. *thumbs up* good job. Id been trying to finalize my article on this topic for almost one year now but :). Generally it is more common amongst teenagers and frequency reduces as you grow up (and get married giving an alternate release for your hormonal buildup). Assure them, that they can always come and talk to you about it. Can the Imam conducting the Nikah also be one of the Witnesses? Women Visiting Graveyards & Donating Reward to the Deceased, Another version of the Hadith on visiting ones parents grave and reciting Surah Yasin. If you have a sexual dream without an orgasm do you have to do your ghusl again? Answer: The ' asl (original) is that she has not had a wet dream, so until there is yaqin (certainty) she does not have to take a bath. He said, He does not have to do ghusl.. Sister thank u so much for clearing that stuff up for me but in one the hadeeths or quranic verse it says that having wet dreams is a sign of puberty and I havent hit puberty yet Im 13 so does that mean that it is fardh for me to start praying on time etc. Stress on INVOLUNTARY. )then carry on the conversation from there on to telling them about the changes they may see, in future, in their bodies and how it is normal, and what they should do when it happens. assalaam alaikum Ibn Al-Mundhir said, "All the people of knowledge, as far as I know, agree on this point." The hadith of Umm Salamah mentioned earlier supports this proposition. I seriously havent heard this word orgasm before, i read your entire article and some how i understood that it means that after a wet dream if you feel tickling or what can we say a satisfied feeling after touching your private parts.. that is orgasm? I wonder how many people who discuss these matters openly, disguised with an Islamic label of seeking knowledge of utmost importance know what the different types of Tawheed and shirk are? 4. Even having thought like hugging your future husband and all is also haram? I want to know where can we ask personal questions. |, Parenting Series | Part VIII: Sexual Activities Beyond the Norm What Should We Teach Our Teens | The Sex In Islam. This is why, I decided to have a full entry on this topic, for a number of reasons: Alhamdulillah, we're at over 850 supporters. Because you are not in control of what your body does, usually. discharge after a wet dream is involuntary act. Many times the kids are confused and dont know what is happening to them or what they have to do according to Islam, and all this confusion could be avoided if the parents simply have this short talk with their kids. or i can pray without having to do ghusl? - IslamQA Answered by: Aalimah Nasima Umm Hamza Question: Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah! He said, He should do ghusl. He was asked about a man who thinks that he had an erotic dream but does not see any wetness. In fact, the Shariah itself recognizes wet dreams as a sign of puberty. The intention is the fact that you for example want to pray maghrib 3 rakahs, so that intention should be in the persons heart and is not to be pronounced with the tongue before you start the prayer. it continued untill 7 am the next day. Also because i know it is compulsory to make ghusl for the latter.I hope you can help clarify this problem.Thank u. If I have some kind of sexy dream and when I awake up I remember the sexy dream and found a little mazi on my penis,will gusl will cumpulsory on me,because I have heard that if u remember the sexy dream and found mazi then u have to take gusl,I am hanfi and plz tell me in "yes or no" do not refer me to another fatwa Answer Sex and the Ummah Series | New Initiative: Like a Garment | Yasir Qadhi, Dealing With Homosexual Urges: Yasir Qadhi to Muslim Student. Khimar meaning a cloth covering her body from head down to her feet. Should I perform Ghusl every morning or just perform ablution when I see wetness and am not sure whether it is a wet dream or not? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Pingback: Female Wet Dreams: Islamic Perspectives & Regulations The Journey to Marriage. 5. vaguely recalls something but is not sure either), again keeping in mind that extra vaginal discharge could be completely hormonal or due to the normal menstrual cycle? Hope you are well. Do you still have to do ghusl? 2. Foremost, wet dreams are normal, common, and don't mean one is a sexual deviant., Female Wet Dreams: Islamic Perspectives & Regulations The Journey to Marriage, Should Parents Tell Their Children About Changing Hormones? Im too embarrassed to tell any women folk i know even or discuss it with them. Please help me! Until you dont see anything count yourself as pure. 5. There is also a strong sensation to touch or rub the private area or to take something inside the vaginal area specifically. It is a strong sexual sensation that sends waves of pleasure from abdominal area to vaginal area, which makes a woman arch her back a bit and perhaps want to thrust her pelvis spasmodically. If a woman does not remember any sexual dream but wakes up with yellow discharge, is ghusl obligatory? ?is ghusl only necessary when a woman sees a yellow fluid when she wakes up from sleep?? For those with a passionate nature, like myself, this is a difficult message to absorb. Jazzak Allahu Khair. 2: [correct me if im wrong ] but i dont think thats a problem as long as youre covered. Do not underestimate what others are capable of teaching your daughter, including her friends (inside or outside the schools, Muslims or non-Muslims) or even teachers. It has to be accompanied by an orgasm. When I went back to bed I felt discharge do you think this discharge could be a result from the dream?? For instance if I tell you dont think about a pink elephant what happens? JazakAllah khair. Carlos, please realize that this blog serves a dual-audience of Muslims and nons. And i wake up little later worried if that breaks my wudu or ghusl because i cant really control what i am thinking at night def. But I was not sure what breaks wudu.. because i only learned the basic things that break wudu such as bleeding, vomitting, sleeping, and gas stool or urine coming out from the ends of body. The place for the intention is in the heart, meaning you know that you are standing to pray maghrib 3 rakahs, so you dont have to say it out loud. 4. Is this true? She has hosted several Islamic lectures and weekly halaqas in different communities all over U.S and overseas, also hosted special workshops regarding parenting, Islamic sex-ed, female sexuality, and marital intimacy. Just understand, that the whole notion of reducing the frequency is in more ways than believed, connected to numerous factors personal, social, environmental including the religious makeup of a person. If a woman has never had any sexual expereince..when she expreinces a wet dream how does she know if she has orgasmed or not? All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. wAllahu taala alam. However, if the man is praying towards a sutrah (barrier in front of him), and the woman passed from behind the sutrah (meaning she does not pass between him and his sutrah) then this does not cut off his prayer. Dream. 2.Is the female semen yellow and thin?if so then does if she sees such discharge without remebering any orgasm both during the day or after sleeping will the ghusl be invalid? Secondly, there is no haya in issues concerning the deen. I had a wet dream but I woke up seconds before my orgasm. They didnt mix around with men and women together discussing what it feels like for a woman and what it feels like for a man, Aoudhubillah. Is this normal thing to happen to women when they are use to being intimate and arent for months on end. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Also, do not wait until her menstrual cycle starts. So it does not matter if a person has an erotic dream, but if they find wetness then they have to perform ghusl, otherwise they do not. Can orgasm happen when we are awake? In the vagina, this swelling creates a sweating reaction, producing a fluid that makes the vaginal lipsget wet. I think shaytaan is just playing with your mind and making you doubtful about your taharah status. There is haya in all the issues concerning the deen, for haya is part of eeman too, but what I think the sister meant is that having haya does not prevent some one from seeking knowledge in the deen. . Jazakillah khair Umm Reem for being gutsy enough to tackle this sensitive subject, mashaAllah. I the morning when I woke up I saw a spot of discharge on my liner, it had dryed but it looked like a thin and light yellow discharge. It is allowed if it will keep a person from falling into greater sin I am not an expert on this subject but I can share some of the ways that helped me but it cannot be a in a line or twoso just to give you a head start: If your children are still under 10, then it is good. Reading about wet dreams makes me scared to fall asleep for fear that I will continuously get wet dreams and then continuously have to take a shower. If theres no evidence of discharge (wet will be obvious), its not a wet dream. Khimar does not mean that particular Egyptian khimar rather it means any extra layer of cloth (jilbab, abaya) over the regular clothes. Asalamualaykum, in your article of wet dreams.. Yasir Qahdi said in one of his answers.. in 2002, she organized and hosted the very first "Musim Women's Conference" in Houston, TX. Can my bad dreams be a warning from allah, or are they just tricks from saitan. In summary, the parents should educate their children about all things related to Sex. Then water should be poured on his head, covering the entire body with water. The things which annul the prayers were mentioned before me. Maybe you can benefit form the following advice form sister Haleh. This is what it means to pronounce your intention out loud, and although some people do this, but this is not from the sunnah and it should not be done. He began searching far and wide for answers to the fundamental questions of life and was disappointed at the answers he found. And also this only happens rarely and totally uncontrollably. This is a step that a mother has to initiate and be the first to break the ice. My suggestion is to explain exactly what happens during a wet dream, next give her the biological/hormonal cause, and then explain to her the Islamic ruling about it. Would explaining wet dreams to a girl who may never experience them confuse her? I didnt went to the bathroom before sleeping so it could have been there before I went to sleep but it could have occured during sleep also, Im not sure. [Ustadh] Sufyan Qufi for females It is a strong sexual sensation that sends waves of pleasure from abdominal area to vaginal area, which makes a woman arch her back a bit and perhaps. Interacting with married folks on personal matters. Can you clarify this for me please. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Dreams that would render a ritual bath (ghusl) to be obligatory upon waking up while seeing madhi or mani are dreams in which what . Sex is not inherently evil. May Allah reward you, Umm Reem, for clarifying this for the Muslim female population especially the reverts, who have no biological Muslim mothers/sisters to guide them in their immediate family. It was therefore classed as Daif by Zubair Ali Zai . I will tell you a time i had a bad dream. If it was deleted, please do not delete this response. . Especially as adult life rarely gets less challenging. :o) And yes, we can get obsessive at times, and that is also not good. I hope it clarifies. When you do ghusl and you have to ''make sure all your hair or skin is wet'', does this mea.

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