speeding fines tasmania

We work with business, industry and the community to manage regulatory and infrastructure plans that support the development of market expansion and innovation strategies. Payment details. Transport Services Menu Home > Licensing > Demerit points and driving offences > Demerit points Demerit points Understand the demerit points system in Tasmania, including how many demerit points you have for your licence type, and how long they last. Check demerit points | Service Tasmania Home Transport Driving penalties, demerits and enforcement orders Check demerit points Check the amount of demerit points you have on your licence. camping fee as required, Fail to stop vehicle when required for fee collection, Fail to clearly display a valid entry pass on vehicle, Take a living plant / dam up, divert or pollute any water / interfere with, dig up, cut up, collect or remove mineral or timber or other natural substance from reserved land, Remove, damage, deface or disturb any Aboriginal relic or any object of architectural, archaeological, historical or scientific interest from reserved land, Remove, damage or deface any rock, stalactite, stalagmite or other formation in a cave on reserved land, Destroy, damage, alter, tamper with or deface any building, fence, gate, fireplace, notice, sign or other work erected or placed on reserved land, Erect, place or modify any building or structure on reserved land, other than a tent that is intended for use while camping, Behave in a violent, riotous, offensive or indecent manner / insult or annoy any other person, Take or possess wildlife or product of wildlife / use or possess hunting equipment, trap or snare / deposit fertiliser, pesticide or other chemical poisonous to wildlife / interfere with nest, breeding or habitation place of wildlife / rouse or disturb any form of wildlife, Use or discard on reserved land in a manner likely to cause a fire any match, burning or smouldering material or any chemical, explosive or inflammable substance, On reserved land, leave fire unattended OR fail to: have adequate water to extinguish fire / take all reasonable steps to stop fire spreading / extinguish fire, Non-emergency landing of aircraft on reserved land (includes drone) / drop article from aircraft onto reserved land / take aircraft over reserved land to drop article on that land, Failure to surrender cancelled authority document within 7 days, Failure to comply with condition of suspension of authority, Purport to act under authority without paying required fee, Restrict or obstruct an authorised person in the exercise of his or her powers under the National Parks and Reserves Management Regulations 2019, Fail to comply with a direction to remove any building or structure unlawfully erected by that person on reserved land, Fail to comply with a direction from an authorised person to leave reserved land because of intoxication, likely to offend or annoy another person or in breach of National Parks and Reserves Management Regulations 2019, Failure to produce licence, permit or authority issued under the Nature Conservation Act 2002, Take any growing or standing flora without a permit (Wellington Park), Contravene traffic sign; without permit or authority (Wellington Park), Drive a vehicle without a permit on a road or vehicular track that is closed. to crowd controller, Licensee fail to maintain crowd control register, Licensee fail to keep register accessible to crowd controllers, Acting as a crowd controller without a licence, Employ an unlicensed person to conduct crowd control activities, Fail to leave licensed premises when required to do so, Licensee/permit holder allow sale of liquor product declared undesirable, Licensee/permit holder fail to retain control of sale and consumption of liquor, Applicant for liquor permit/permit holder fail to successfully complete approved course where directed by Commissioner for Licensing, Licensee/Permit holder fail to ensure seller/server of liquor meets minimum age requirements, Licensee fail to ensure licence number is clearly displayed on any information or advertisement in connection with sales of liquor available by phone, fax or mail, Licensee fail to ensure approved notice and licence number are clearly displayed on any information or advertisement in connection with sales of liquor available via the internet, Licensee fail to obtain purchaser's date of birth and provide appropriate written delivery instructions as required when selling liquor by phone, fax, mail or internet, Licensee and deliverer fail to ensure liquor sold by phone/fax/mail order/internet is not delivered to young person, Order/request young person to take delivery of liquor sold by phone/fax/mail order/internet site, Licensee alter area of licensed premises without approval, Licensee fail to notify Commissioner for Licensing of alteration to designated area, Licensee/permit holder fail to produce licence/permit on demand, Licensee fail to display liquor licence as required, Acting Licensee fail to display authority to act as licensee as required, Licensee fail to display any liquor permit as required, Special/Small Producer Permit holder fail to display permit as required, Licensee fail to display any liquor restriction order as required, Licensee fail to display notice prohibiting/restricting entry of young people as required, Licensee fail to prevent young persons accessing licensed areas restricted under section 84 as required, Licensee/permit holder fail to require certain people to leave licensed/permit premises, Licensee of off-licence allow liquor purchased to be consumed on premises unless authorised by on-permit, Holder of on-licence allow liquor purchased to be removed from premises unless authorised, Licensee fail to restrict person(s) access onto licensed premises outside authorised hours, Licensee fail to notify Commissioner for Licensing of prolonged absence from licensed premises if liquor still being sold, Licensee/permit holder hinder authorised officer, Licensee/permit holder fail to comply with reasonable request of authorised officer, Licensee/permit holder fail to provide reasonable assistance to authorised officer, Licensee/permit holder fail to comply with notice prohibiting or restricting advertising sale of liquor, Make false or misleading statement in application, Intoxicated person sell/serve liquor on licensed/permit premises, Licensee/permit holder allow sale/service of liquor on licensed/permit premises by intoxicated person, Sell/serve liquor to young person on licensed/permit premises, Licensee/permit holder allow liquor to be sold/served to young person on licensed/permit premises, Supply liquor to young person on licensed/permit premises, Send young person to purchase or collect liquor from licensed/permit premises, Licensee/permit holder or person acting on their behalf give young person possession or control of liquor on licensed/permit premises, Sell/serve liquor to intoxicated person on licensed/permit premises, Licensee/permit holder allow sale/service of liquor to intoxicated person on licensed/permit premises, Supply liquor to intoxicated person on licensed/permit premises, Licensee/permit holder fail to take reasonable steps to prevent an offence on licensed/permit premises, Unauthorised selling of liquor by vending machine, Act in violent/quarrelsome/disorderly manner on licensed/permit premises, Use disgusting/profane/foul language on licensed/permit premises, Re-enter/attempt to re-enter licensed premises after requirement to leave, Remain in vicinity of licensed premises without reasonable excuse after requirement to leave, Fail to leave permit premises when required, Re-enter/attempt to re-enter permit premises after requirement to leave, Remain in vicinity of permit premises without reasonable excuse after requirement to leave, Person subject to Barring Order enter or attempt to enter relevant licensed/permit premises, Person subject to Barring Order enter or remain in vicinity of licensed/permit premises without reasonable excuse, Hinder an authorised officer (Liquor Licensing Act), Fail to comply with reasonable request from an authorised officer (Liquor Licensing Act), Fail to provide reasonable assistance to an authorised officer (Liquor Licensing Act), Fail to comply with direction of police officer provide name, address and date of birth (Liquor Licensing Act), Responsible entity fail to provide seized false identity documents to Police Officer as required, Fail to comply with notice to appear before Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission, Person called as a witness fail to comply with requirements of Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission, Fail to provide statistical information to Minister as required, Provide false, misleading or incomplete statistical information to Minister, Licensee fail to supply wholesale liquor information to the Minister in the specified time and manner, Licensee provide false/misleading information, Young person sell/serve liquor in area prohibited under S84(1), Licensee fail to ensure young person does not sell/serve liquor in area prohibited under S84(1), Licensee fail to comply with conditions of licence, Permit holder fail to comply with conditions of permit, Licensee fail to ensure seller/server of liquor has undertaken required (responsible service) course, Licensee of on-licence allow liquor purchased to be removed from premises unless authorised, Bring liquor onto licensed/permit premises without consent of license/permit holder, Licensee/Permit holder fail to ensure sale and consumption of liquor on licensed premises does not cause undue annoyance/disturbance/disorderly conduct, Fail to comply with direction given by Officer (Section 6(4) Workplaces (Protection from Protesters) Act 2014) - Individual, Fail to comply with direction given by Officer (Section 6(4) Workplaces (Protection from Protesters) Act 2014) - Body Corporate, Fail to comply with direction to leave (Section 8 Workplaces (Protection from Protesters) Act 2014) - Individual, Fail to comply with direction to leave (Section 8 Workplaces (Protection from Protesters) Act 2014) - Body Corporate, Fail to comply with direction to stay away (Section 8 Workplaces (Protection from Protesters) Act 2014) - Individual, Fail to comply with direction to stay away (Section 8 Workplaces (Protection from Protesters) Act 2014) - Body Corporate, Conduct gaming in any place without authorisation, Conduct gaming as a business without authorisation, Assist in the conduct of gaming as a business without authorisation, Specified licence holder fail to comply with direction to exclude person from gaming premises, Specified licence holder or employee fail to prevent person breaching self-exclusion notice or order by waging or participating in gaming, Specified licence holder or employee fail to prevent person breaching self-exclusion notice or order by entering/remaining on premises, Fail to remove person in breach of self-exclusion order or notice, Venue operator fail to prevent minor entering or remaining in gaming area, Venue operator fail to prevent minor participating or wagering in gaming activities, Special employee fail to prevent minor entering or remaining in restricted gaming area, Licence holder accepting wager on gaming activity from minor, Place wager or participate in gaming activity on behalf of minor, Suspected minor fail to comply with direction of police officer/authorised officer to provide proof of correct name, age and address, Venue operator fail to comply with minimum age sign requirements, Assault, obstruct, hinder, intimidate or otherwise prevent a police officer or inspector from performing duties in relation to the gaming control act, Fail to comply with direction of police officer or inspector performing duties in relation to the gaming control act, Fail to comply with direction of police officer/authorised officer to provide correct name, age and address when on prescribed premises, Fail or refuse to comply with requirement of nominated officer, Fail to comply with a direction of the Director of Public Health in respect of an emergency declaration (individual), Fail to comply with a direction of the Director of Public Health in respect of an emergency declaration (body corporate), Fail to comply with a direction of the Director of Public Health given under section 42 of the Public Health Act (Directions of Director - Notifiable Disease) (individual), Fail to comply with a direction of the Director of Public Health given under section 42 of the Public Health Act (Directions of Director - Notifiable Disease) (body corporate), Fail to comply with a direction of the Director of Public Health given under section 52 of the Public Health Act (Investigation into Occurrence of Disease and Contamination), Fail to comply with an order of the Director of Public Health given under section 53 of the Public Health Act (Orders to Prevent Spread of Disease) (individual), Fail to comply with an order of the Director of Public Health given under section 53 of the Public Health Act (Orders to Prevent Spread of Disease) (body corporate), Fail to comply with the lawful direction of an emergency worker (individual), Fail to comply with the lawful direction of an emergency worker (body corporate), Knowingly provide false or misleading information to an emergency worker (individual), Knowingly provide false or misleading information to an emergency worker (body corporate), On reserved land - erect, exhibit, display any notice, sign or bill, poster or advertisement; or make or mark out a track or route; or erect a cairn, memorial or plaque, Bring onto / possess on reserved land, any plant, On reserved land, deposit litter /animal carcase / offal / filt / dung /rubbish / polluting thing, Bring onto / possess on reserved land, a metal detector, Take into, or allow to remain in reserved land an animal not native to that land, Take a dog onto reserved land that is not a designated dog-exercising area, Owner / keeper, allow a dog to be on reserved land not designated dog-exercising area (dog on reserve without person), Owner / keeper, allow a dog to be in a designated dog-exercising area while not present, Fail to have dog under effective control / comply with designated area conditions / immediately collect & remove dog's faecal matter on reserved land, Take horse onto reserved land not designated, Owner / keeper, allow a horse to be on reserved land not a designated horse-riding area, Owner / keeper, allow a horse to be in a designated horse-riding area while not present, Fail to comply with conditions of a designated horse-riding area, Light fire in Fuel Stove Only area contrary to regulation, Light fire outside a designated fireplace in Designated Fireplace Area, Fail to comply with a direction to extinguish or lower the intensity of a fire, Fail to comply with a direction of on Authorised Person in the event of a wildfire, Fail to comply with conditions of a designated camping area, Camp in a camping-prohibited area, or outside a designated camping area within 500 metres of a road, Fail to comply with direction of Authorised person regarding use or occupation of a hut, structure or caravan etc, and the disposal of any matter arising from such use, Fail to comply with a recreational activity sign, Fail to comply with direction to: regulate the playing of a game, sport or activity; or ensure the safety or convenience of any person while so engaged; or avoid risk of injury or damage to flora, fauna, property or other thing on reserved land, On reserved land, organise or conduct a group activity that may; damage environment, property or other thing; or impact on natural or cultural values; or disturb wildlife; or cause significant inconvenience to any person on reserved land, Enter or remain in a restricted area; or part of a reserve where access is restricted by a sign or public notice; or a cave where access is prohibited by a sign or public notice in a newspaper, On reserved land, drive a vehicle other than on a road; or other than in a designated vehicle area, Drive a vehicle in a designated vehicle area contrary to conditions, Drive a vehicle contrary to a vehicle control sign, Drive vehicle on reserved land contrary to directions of an Authorised person, Drive a vehicle on a road closed by a sign or barrier, On reserved land, ride bicycle other than on a road; or other than in a designated bicycle-riding area, Fail to comply with conditions of a designated bicycle-riding area, Fail to stop vehicle / bicycle when required to do so by an Authorised person (intending to give instruction to driver, or believes offence committed), Fail to comply with conditions of a designated vessel area, Fail to comply with direction of Authorised person regarding use of a vessel, Fail to comply with a condition of an authority, Take game on reserved land: no game authority, Use dog to flush or retrieve game contrary to game authority, Fail to pay admission fee to enter reserved land (non-vehicle park pass), Fail to pay admission fee to take vehicle onto reserved land, Fail to pay facility or convenience e.g.

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