supernatural fanfiction dean mpreg birth

No clue what she was saying.. I have to admit- I don't usually read fics that include mpreg!Jared, but i'm glad i decided to have a look at this one anyway because i quickly got into it and really enjoyed the fic. Sam will do whatever it takes to stop him. A couple of years later, John and Dean cross paths again, but this time Dean is heavily pregnant. Jensen and Jared are in for another surprise. Pregnant? Before Sam leaves for Stanford or right after, Dean comes out to John. While their personalities often clashed leading to some of the worst moments and most horrendous fights in their relationship, they also complemented each other perfectly adding to an increasing pile of greatest moments in their life, one of them being their twins. You did such a good job with this dude!!!!! Sort of. The baby isnt in the right position, Jeff quietly told him. But it had been a big deal - because that was when Dean had ended up getting cursed. (Henry Winchester x fem!reader), Pizza & Movies (Death x reader{platonic}), A Series of Misunderstandings (Cain x partially deaf!fem reader) Soulmate AU, I'll Watch Over You (Dean Winchester x fem!reader), Important: Please Read (concerning requests), Saved From the Turn (Dean Winchester x reader), Pretty Please? Youre having the baby now?! Jensen tells Jared that they're having a baby. Meanwhile, Dean was freaking out. I dont think so either, Jeff agreed but offered Jensen a reassuring smile. He was beautiful, more perfect than Jensen could ever have imagined. The contractions are coming closer together, the pain's getting worse, and finally his water breaks. 2(Arthur Ketch x fem!Winchester reader) Soulmate AU, Fighting it is Useless pt. Total Eclipse of the Heart: A SPN Fanfic. Too bad it was just down hill from here. Jensen offered a watery smile in return. (Dean Winchester x fem!reader) College AU, As the World Falls Down (Death x fem!reader), Giving Away (Dad!Crowley x fem!reader x Sam Winchester), Cain, Savior of Damsels (Cain x fem!reader), Wait! Looks like youve got a healthy baby boy, guys. The grin on Deans face was beautiful. He was distantly aware that he was screaming now, but he didnt have the strength or the will anymore to hold them back. A gluttony-induced bellyache leads to Sam and Dean discovering their belly!kinks. Dean hates it, but Sam can't get enough of watching his dogs fuck Dean. It was. fic | g | castiel/dean | pre-/post-pregnancy. Castiel will do whatever it takes to make Dean his mate. Read along! There is more to this bar than meets the eye. Even worse: Dean appears to be pregnant, and they cant think of an explanation for that either. His hand lightly brushed his hair away from his sweaty forehead, before running through his hair and settling on the back of his neck, gently massaging the tight muscles. Youre pregnant.. Pregnant Dean Winchester Cunnilingus It would have been easier, he thought, if he had just said 'a stranger. Family is complicated, but full of love and joy. ', fic | r | dean/sam | pregnancy | cursed pregnancy; sped-up pregnancy. No Dean/Cas romance in this one, but they are and will always be life partners, making a family together, raising Jack and the new baby together. The archive does not include fics involving underage characters. Part 2 of "Kangaroo Man". Jensen took a deep breath and then moaned on the exhale as another contraction left his insides burning with pain. I cant deliver this baby without him. fic | nc-17 | castiel/dean | pregnancy | alpha/beta/omega; collaring; crossdressing; feminisation; knotting; self-lubrication. Spiked just discovered yet another miracle slapped into him, unlooked-for, and all Buffy could feel was this cold resignation, this familiar weary suspense of adding still more logistics to the calculation of their existence. If you know any, Lesson Learned - Chapter 1 - Kadysn, PlatinumRoseLady - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own], The Angel's Work - Chapter 1 - rockondean - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own], Oneshot, Dean Mpreg, non wincest fic - Never back chat a pagan goddess of fertility, 2 Guys a Girl and a Mysterious Kid - Chapter 1 - Piperandleoxx4 - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own], A Fresh Twist to a Knot, Which I Do Not Wish to Untie - ratherastory - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own], Dean's Grace - LacklusterPuddles - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own], To Come Home To - Snickfic - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) [Archive of Our Own], Seraph - Chapter 1 - Snickfic - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) [Archive of Our Own], The Babysitting Job - Chapter 1 - Atreu - Original Work [Archive of Our Own], walviemort Sammy, 2.) He glanced down at the growing wet spot on his grey sweatpants, before meeting Jeffs concerned eyes with absolute devastation and desperation. The demon could be the little girl with her mother, the old man sitting in . His brows were furrowed in concern. When Dean wakes up with all the wrong parts in all the right places, his primary concern is figuring out who stole his dick and how to get it back. Then again, things were progressing so quickly that he still might not have had enough time to make it to the hospital. But authors either are MIA on AO3 as well, or changed, fic or art | rating | pairing/s | pregnancy/pre-pregnancy/post-pregnancy**. Dazed from the last contraction, it took him a few moments to realize something wet and slimy was running down his legs. Follow. Sam and Dean knew the older Winchester would be going into heat soon and both had planned for it. A blanket from the couch was quickly thrown over his legs, though, keeping his modesty intact. They belong to the creators of the show! This is all your fault and its time you paid back., fic | t | castiel/dean | pre-pregnancy | crack. Prompt/Summary: Jensen is a college student and is almost 9 months pregnant and he is taking an exam. Too bad the twins never got the memo. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. fic | nc-17 | dean/ofcs, dean/omc | pregnancy |. (Read and find out more).NOTE: THIS IS AN ALPHA/ALPHA FIC. Sam loves to feed from Dean. It didnt matter, because all that did matter was his two beautiful sons and the wonderful man he couldnt wait to marry. His and Jareds parents were even fighting already over who got to look after the twins during the honeymoon. Jensen is driving home after working a long, exhausting shift at the ER. Hes driving Sam crazy and its up to Sam to show Dean that its okay to relax and enjoy the holiday. Work Search: But nothing, none of those injuries, even came close to the level of pain he felt now. Living most of his life on the road, surviving on truck stops and greasy diner food, Dean had had plenty in his time. He quickly scribbled down what was definitely an answer to two of the parts, but definitely not correct. His powers ensure that there's always enough food for their children as well, but he loves marking Dean as his in this way. ", fic | t | gen | pregnancy | abortion; angst; cursed pregnancy. He waddled to the front of the room, test clutched tightly in his hands, cognizant of a growing pressure between his thighs. #spn Thank you so much! The boys manage to survive closing the gates of Hell, but the Alpha hellhound was smart enough to get his tail out of there before he got locked in. fic | nc-17 | dean/tentacle monster, dean/sam | pregnancy |. A pack of wolves finds him. Couldnt be far from the front line, in case anyone needed immediate medical attention, you know? While he knew when to take things seriously, he was always laid back, more of a go with the flow kind of guy and he never freaked about things the way Jensen did all the time. Nothing too bad, but not sure whats going to happen yetPairing: Jared/JensenDisclaimer: I dont own anything or anyone, just a laptop and an overactive imaginationSummary: Jared is an aspiring young advertiser fresh from college looking for a job. The man was laid back, just like Jared, and he was the kind of teacher where students actually wanted to show up to his class every day. Hes beautiful, Jared whispered, awestruck. Despite how much he didnt want to admit it, every instinct Jensen had was screaming at him that they did not have time to make the twenty minute drive to the hospital. 50K 1.4K 23. (Mick Davies x fem!reader), Distrusting Soulmates (Benny Lafitte x fem!reader) Soulmate AU, Love at First Spell (Mick Davies x fem!reader), Am I Not Good Enough? Dealing with incomprehensible symptoms, taking care of Sumiko and seeking answers, they'll have to face something that will jeopardize their quiet and domestic life. 2 (fem!reader) Little Mermaid AU, Occasionally Clumsy (Arthur Ketch x fem!reader), I Hate You! Points if the monster fucking them is the best sex they've ever felt and the reason they keep going back. Actually, the number one and three spots could easily be swapped. A good time is had by all, but the condom breaks. Jensen raised his eyebrow at that. FA content. Thank you! Once upon a rainy morning, Jared Padalecki opens the door to a rain-soaked, pregnant omega who claims that Jared is the other father. If it was up to his fianc, the two of them would have eloped to Las Vegas with Elvis overseeing their nuptials, a goat as Jareds best man and a hooker for Jensens. Not much had changed for him, he didn't look pregnant yet, but he felt bloated constantly. And Jared, Jensen briefly interrupted, as he squeezed his eyes shut, sucking in a shaking, stuttering breath and nearly collapsing to his knees in agony. This was planned, written down clearly on his planner, and this wasnt supposed to happen. As always, un-beta'd so all mistakes are my own. Jeff was a great mentor and he was one of things Jensen was going to miss most about college. I cant. A boy? The case will be a mystery but he will get the shock of his life. #crowley It would be better to link to. Fandom: Supernatural RPS. Apparently Dean and Castiel have been very busy in the future. spn_mpregnews - the new blog in LiveJournal. Jared may be the calm one of the duo, but that didnt mean he wouldnt break the sound barrier just to be by Jensens side now. In an AU where men are either omegas or alphas, Dean goes into heat in the middle of a hunt. Enjoy! Everything was set, he even had a job waiting for him after the honeymoon was done. Connor finds that Bryce's regimented life and obsession with fitness and football make watching paint dry exciting. Their mom, and 3.) Discovery. Organization for Transformative Works, Total Eclipse of the Heart (Supernatural Mpreg Dean), a supernatural fanfic | FanFiction, Title: Never back chat a Pagan Goddess of fertility! His car. He followed Jareds gaze as his fiancs free hand reached out towards their child, a finger carefully stroking their sons tiny pink cheek. Below, is a list of fanfics Ive collected over the years. Youre not sick. Cas' eyes never left the road ahead. Anytime he asked you if you were okay, youd put on a smile and assure him that you were and it was probably just the discomfort of being nine months pregnant with his kid. Dean looked over at you with a similar expression. It's 10 years later. ! you asked as yet another contraction hit you. This was happening now and happening fast. To relieve some tension he and Onara, a small town bar tender, end up spending one night with each other and leave it at that. Not many of us expected to make it out that village alive. Dean walked into the room just as Sam made the comment. fic | nc-17 | dean/john | pregnancy | birth (graphic); cursed pregnancy; sped up pregnancy. - , . After the Apocalypse, Sioux Falls got a few new residents, who 10 years out, have settled in pretty well. "I am PREGNANT. Dean was used as a breeder in Hell, and comes back pregnant with his next brood of demons. You will find the fics arranged according to season. He noticed it just days after he broke out, a hot bullet deep in the pit of his stomach. Dean gets lost in the woods. After stopping the sun from dying and the world from ending (again) Amara says she "wanted to do the same" for him, Dean didn't know what that meant until he found Mary in the cemetery. fic | t | dean/sam | post-pregnancy | birth (graphic); cursed pregnancy. You cant! Please keep them coming! Baby Steps by Juli Chapter 1. He knows just the bitches to start having his puppies for him. Jensen wasnt so sure. Many older stories have been found there. The wolf pack was able to also live peacefully with humans. " Uhh..Hey Bobby." Jeff, he called out, and the older man immediately returned to his side. They are grey wolves. There should be new interesting records soon. Jared wouldnt be freaking out like this, Jared would go with the flow, make shit up on the spot if he had too. But Jared wasnt the one carrying their very active and heavy ass kids around for eight months, so he didnt get a say in the matter. Why dont we get him on the phone, okay? Jeff gingerly placated. As I sit on the greyhound bus, I can t help but worry about Dean. Y/N, Cas and I are going to help you, okay? You nodded. Got it? I just want a lot of Dean holding his stomach protectively and John feeling guilty for being an asshole to Dean when he needed him the most. Never quite tying the knot so to speak. They totally got that from Jared. You arent going into labor are you? he joked. Just a blog for sharing some of my favorite mpreg ficsenjoy! Jared and Jensen have been trying to start a family for two years, but every time Jensen conceives, it ends in a miscarriage. Dean and Cas, friends since college, have a one night stand. He can either go into labor while taking the exam or while handing his exam into the professor. And well get those two safely delivered on my office floor if we have to. His response was light and jovial and comforting as he talked to Jensen, his eyes friendly, but Jensen couldnt help but feel guilty. Dean offers Cas help with his little mate problem. Im going to try to move him naturally, but if he doesnt, were going to have to get you to the hospital immediately.. Cant-cant imagine you had many opportunities to deliver babies there, stuttered past clenched teeth. A stranger did it. Not that Sam cares about that -- his only concern is that as much fun as watching Dean trying to stay (resentfully but obediently) flat on the floor with his stomach making that impossible is, he doesn't want the puppies to be hurt. The reason Dean is nesting in season 8? Your healing mojo must be off, Dean grumbled. We were surrounded, and help couldnt get to us for days. No freakin way! Knowing it's not safe to travel with an omega in heat near other alphas, John and Sam make the trek to spend the week at Bobby's to wait out Dean's heat. Me included, Jeff gravely admitted. I did a bit ago. I need to check something. Jeff placed his hands on his stomach and prodded the sore, tender area. Or the story in which Jensen is 8 months pregnant and goes into labor with his twins during his final exam and Professor Morgan is awesome.Rating: P-13 for slash, mpreg, semi graphic description of birth, and a few curse wordsDisclaimer: I do not own nor do I know Jared, Jensen or JDM. It may end up to be one of the worst, or best, things to ever happen to the Winchester boys. Jared was halfway across town at his summer job and who knew how long it would take for him to get there. :) and if you really want to, I'm totally not going to stop you, but I just wanted you to know I don't expect anything. (Dean Winchester x fem!reader), I Should Have Known! tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (26), Jensen Ackles/Original Male Character(s) (3), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Jared Padalecki/Original Male Character(s), Your Soul I Come Home To, Together We Make Another Anew, | Translation in Russian. With a few extremely difficult and tiring pushes and Jareds voice urging him on, in Jeffs tiny corner office, his second son was born. fic | nc-17 | castiel/dean, jo/sam | post-pregnancy | crack; spanking; post-apocalyptic; rimming. He couldn't get an abortion, for who would believe that a man was pregnant, none the less actually perform one on a man. His One Weakness (Crowley x fem!Winchester reader), Babies and Hunters Don't Mix (SPN x fem!reader), A "Secret" Relationship (Kevin Tran x fem!reader), Baking With Dean (Dean Winchester x reader), His One Weakness Pt. So 20 hours later, I delivered that baby barely a hundred feet from the barricade with bullets whizzing past my head and having to leave twice to attend to injuries in my platoon. He had to finish this test. Still feel like crap.. You did as they asked and you suddenly heard the shrill cry of your baby filling the room. Im sorry, he groaned when Jeff got off the phone with 911 and Jared. Thank you :), but I really should finish this story. John and Dean are working a case that they cant figure out. a very tired and sore Dean has to help his brother give birth. Jared watches the sunrise and thinks about his husband; thousands of miles away, and yet he still has Jensen's voice in his ear. Dean Winchester, you let him do what needs to be done to get this baby out of me safely. This list contains only non-slash work. Is because he's pregnant with Sam's baby. Disclaimer: None of the following belongs to me, I am just playing in Kripke and WB/CW's sandbox for fun not profit. But when a stranger helps him out after his car breaks down, he finds himself with an arrangement that could be more permanent. The evening before Bryce's State Championship game, Connor invites him to hang out during one of his trips. This leads to a saddening and angelic hospital stay for Dean. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement, Just FYI, the link for "Just the Way You Are" only links to the first half of Part 1. In Deans pack there is respect for every wolf from the highest rank to the lowest, everyone is equal. It felt like a knife was cutting open his insides and he squeezed his eyes shut and pursed his lips to keep from crying out again. Chuck gets bored with Sam and Dean's lives and decides that he is going to shake things up a bit for his own personal enjoyment. Why did the man have a blanket in his office? Ill just stay pregnant for the rest of my life. Dean chuckled and gripped your hand a little tighter. Another contraction hit, this one much stronger than the ones before, and you gasped.

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