why did the texas constitution establish a plural executive?

what is the most important role the governor of Texas plays in the judicial process? sheriff. _____ can result in a jail sentence while ________ can result in a prison sentence. The Lieutenant Governor of Texas is the second-highest executive office in the government of Texas, a state in the U.S. Selected Answer:the agriculture commissioner. a. County government in Texas varies in importance; some areas rely on it heavily, others much less so. Why is the Texas Constitution So Dang Long? Answers:General-Law City Charter Amendment in 1930. On becoming Governor, the person vacates the office of Lieutenant Governor, and the resulting vacancy in the office of Lieutenant Governor shall be filled in the manner provided by Section 9, Article III, of this Constitution. b. a. Which of the following is NOT given as reasoning to support an alternative judicial selection system in Texas? d. If the person with the highest number of votes for the office of Governor, as declared by the Speaker, becomes temporarily unable to take office, then the Lieutenant Governor shall act as Governor until the person with the highest number of votes for the office of Governor becomes able to assume the office of Governor. the power to appoint judges to vacancies in the courts. (Feb. 15, 1876. Courts of appeal have the authority to do what? In Texas, which officer in the plural executive is not elected by voters. Why is the Texas governor's power exceptionally weak as compared to that of the governors of some other states? The state constitution establishes the structure and purpose of the Texas government. allow state employees to privately invest their retirement savings rather than pay into a state-run pension account. 5. post veto. 11. Aspects of Castilian law were retained by Texas in later constitutions. It reviews state agencies every 12 years to see if they are still needed. b. c. As in the U.S. Congress, what is the purpose of a conference committee in the Texas legislature? During the 1999 Texas legislative session Senator Ratliff lent his support to the redrafted Texas constitution proposed by Rep. Removing, for suitable cause, the Speaker or lieutenant governor, The agenda for special sessions in the Texas legislature are set by the. d. personality differences b. Why was straight-ticket voting a concern with respect to judicial selection in Texas? Why did the Texas Constitution establish a plural executive? In any judicial system, after a judge has faced any sort of disciplinary hearing, a retention election must be held within 90 days so that the voters can decide if the judge should retain this position of trust. Answers:flooding is seldom contained to a single city or county. October 8, 2018. There is too much uniformity in the size and population of most counties. recall d. Flood control is managed through special purpose districts because. Answers:A branch of civil law dealing with actions taken by juveniles where the remedy involves mandatory counseling until for the accused until he or she turns 18. But, if two or more persons shall have the highest and an equal number of votes for either of said offices, one of them shall be immediately chosen to such office by joint vote of both Houses of the Legislature. Which type of districts are used in the Texas House and Senate? (Feb. 15, 1876. What is the Texas governor's greatest judicial power? a. c. It was necessary in order for the executive branch to be as dominant as possible. What is the purpose of the Sunset Advisory Commission in Texas? INSTALLATION OF GOVERNOR; TERM; ELIGIBILITY. What is the most important function of the Texas governor's staff? a. The ability to call the Texas Senate into special sessions. d. (a) The Governor may, on extraordinary occasions, convene the Legislature at the seat of Government, or at a different place, in case that should be in possession of the public enemy or in case of the prevalence of disease threat. The governor can declare martial law during a natural disaster. Selected Answer:allow state employees to privately invest their retirement savings rather than pay into a state-run pension account. They can only concern the internal rules of the Texas legislature. What is NOT a duty or power of the lieutenant governor in Texas? to keep the governor informed about problems and issues. The lieutenant governor is elected in a statewide election. The Texas Constitution does not contain a necessary and proper clause like the U.S. Constitution, therefore making it the second-longest state constitution in America (2nd only to Alabamas). the power to remove judges, b. Selected Answer:a council-manager form of government with a mix of single-member districts and at-large elections, Answers:a commissioner form of government with at-large elections, a council-manager form of government with a mix of single-member districts and at-large elections, a mayor-council form of government with single-member districts, a commissioner form of government operating under a general-law framework, One goal of the deferred retirement option plan (DROP) was to. Which state office was eliminated in 1996? The current document was adopted on February 15, 1876, and is the seventh constitution in Texas history (including the Mexican constitution). The Texas State Board of Education is responsible for all of the following except. to collect child-support payments Texas secretary of state, The ________ is the oldest state agency in Texas. Sec. (f) If an appointee is rejected, the office shall immediately become vacant, and the Governor shall, without delay, make further nominations, until a confirmation takes place. The state legislature can propose amendments to the constitution. The senator who is speaking can take one five-minute break and leave the chamber every eight hours while he or she is talking. (b) An appointment of the Governor made during a session of the Senate shall be with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate present. address the legislature in State of the State speeches. Selected Answer:A branch of civil law dealing with harm done by one party to another where the remedy is economic payments to the injured party. state comptroller. Selected Answer:In a system using merit selection of judges, after a set period of time the judge would have to run in a retention election to see if the voters think that judge is doing a good job and deserves to stay in office. c. Answers:it is an unpaid position and must use a special kind of election. c) the Senate will use the governor's budget plan as its blueprint for the upcoming session. d. Sec. overseeing the state police and the Texas Rangers D. So that gubernatorial elections will not be influenced by a presidential election. The governor has some control over the final appropriations bill through the use of the ________ veto. In this type of situation, school districts use ______ to borrow the necessary funds to achieve this goal. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Selected Answer:The legislature is prevented from overriding it. candidates generally ran without party labels. (Feb. 15, 1876. Which of the following is not a qualification a person would need to be a viable candidate for governor of Texas? Selected Answer:The legislatures power to overrule ordinances or actions of local home-rule cities. 2. and more. impeachment a. b. A. In Texas, what is the primary effect of a plural executive? Which of the following about the lieutenant governor in Texas is INCORRECT? the Department of Agriculture a. When would a judge have to run in a retention election? 23. Sec. Which of the following is/are informal criterion/criteria for becoming governor? c. a. motor vehicle inspections. estimating state revenues for the legislature Why did the Texas Constitution establish a plural executive? prior political experience It was necessary in order for the executive branch to be as dominant as possible. 8. pocket the Speaker of the state House of Representatives Texas comptroller It has also required frequent modifications to meet a certain criterion. the Galveston hurricane of 1900 revealed the inefficiency and slowness of state government in responding to local disasters. Selected Answer:to determine whether or not there is enough evidence to justify a trial, Answers:to select members of the petit jury, to decide whether or not a member of the judicial branch has violated the code of ethics and should be removed from the bench, to determine whether or not there is enough evidence to justify a trial, to determine whether or not the accused is guilty or innocent, Before 1978, partisanship was not a factor in Texas judicial elections because. For a Texas governor, what is the benefit of a post-adjournment veto? Use our assistance and get custom research papers. the willingness to use formal powers b. b. attorney general a. Selected Answer:the House, Senate, or both chambers jointly, using the legislatures investigative power, Answers:the House, Senate, or both chambers jointly, using the legislatures investigative power, the Texas Department of Investigations, using the investigation power grated by the Texas Constitution, both chambers must work together to investigate using a conference committees cooperative powers, Constituent service can play an important role in. (c) In the case of the temporary inability or temporary disqualification of the Governor to serve, the impeachment of the Governor, or the absence of the Governor from the State, the Lieutenant Governor shall exercise the powers and authority appertaining to the office of Governor until the Governor becomes able or qualified to resume serving, is acquitted, or returns to the State. The governor appoints people to office, but the Texas ________ must also confirm them. That person can then file a/an _ challenging those claims. If an appointment of the Governor is made during the recess of the Senate, the Governor shall nominate the appointee, or some other person to fill the vacancy, to the Senate during the first ten days of its next session following the appointment. Selected Answer: There was suspicion of a strong chief executive. If after such reconsideration, two-thirds of the members present agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, with the objections, to the other House, by which likewise it shall be reconsidered; and, if approved by two-thirds of the members of that House, it shall become a law; but in such cases the votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each House respectively. Allan Shivers in 1948 Sec. 25. Amended Nov. 2, 1999.) a. a. Texas still operates under the 1876 constitution today. In the Texas Legislature, the House has ___ members and the senate has ___ members, One of the most notable effects of bicameralism in the Texas legislature is that it, Permits more opportunities to kill or significantly modify a bill, The requirement for holding office in the Texas legislature, Are minimal, in keeping with the idea that officeholding should be open to most citizens, The typical Texas legislator is most likely to be a. All the materials from our website should be used with proper references. House of Representatives The State Bar of Texas is a unique organization because. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Members of the State Board of Education (SBOE) are elected in single-member districts. Kay Bailey Hutchison. The agenda for special sessions in the Texas legislature is set by the. 21. A. It reviews state agencies every 12 years to see if they are still needed, The Texas governor has many formal powers, making him or her one of the United States' strongest chief executives. In the Texas legislature, the House has members and the Senate has members. (e) If the Senate, at a regular session, does not take final action to confirm or reject a previously unconfirmed recess appointee or another person nominated to fill the vacancy for which the appointment was made, the appointee or other person, as appropriate, is considered to be rejected by the Senate when the Senate session ends. b. -any person deemed mentally incompetent by the courts. c. Understand the Constitution of 1876s role in Texas, Legislative sessions moved from annual to biennial sessions, State Judges would be elected by the people, The people would vote on the ratification of amendments, The structure of the current constitution of Texas (Constitution of 1876) is a Preamble, 17 Articles, and 491 Amendments (Since 2015), The project includes digitized images and searchable text versions of. 26. the comptroller The lieutenant governor's powers are primarily executive, not legislative . Answers:The Texas legislature tries first, but if it is unable to do so at the first regular session after the census, the job goes to the Legislative Redistricting Board. In other words, there is no one government official who is solely responsible for the Texas Executive Branch. secretary of state. b. Find out from TexPlainer at the Texas Tribune. 17. The governor has the ability to appoint the chairs to all legislative committees. d. to oversee the state's foreign, economic, and diplomatic policy The department makes sure that all Texans are covered by health insurance. The department's commissioner is appointed for a two-year term. APPROVAL OR VETO OF BILLS; RETURN AND RECONSIDERATION; FAILURE TO RETURN; VETO OF ITEMS OF APPROPRIATION. There shall be a Seal of the State which shall be kept by the Secretary of State, and used by him officially under the direction of the Governor. He shall receive for his services an annual salary in an amount to be fixed by the Legislature. b. Answers:The governor has the ability to make appointments to over 400 multimember state boards or single-member commissioners who direct the operation of various state agencies. Contested elections for either of said offices, shall be determined by both Houses of the Legislature in joint session. c. d. c. d. The governor will not appoint someone to office unless that appointee's state senator agrees, In the history of Texas, the only other female governor other than Miriam Ferguson was. It is necessary to provide an important check on the state legislature C. It was necessary in order for the executive branch to be as dominant as possible D. Texas was following the structure of the federal executive The Texas governor was very powerful, and many regarded state government as oppressive and corrupt, under which constitution? Why did the Texas constitution establish a plural executive? The lieutenant governor's powers are primarily executive, not legislative. joint resolution, concurrent resolution, and simple resolution. Why did the Texas constitution establish a plural executive? Who was the first Republican governor of Texas since Reconstruction, and when was he or she elected? (Added Nov. 2, 1948; amended Nov. 2, 1999.). chief justice of the state supreme court. Which of the following statements about simple resolutions is correct? sign and veto bills. the governor determines which vendors will be given state contracts. The main roles of county government have to do with running school districts and coordinating across multiple levels of government. Who is responsible for investigating? The Texas Constitution of ________ placed strict limits on the governor's ability to control the people appointed to office and almost eliminated the possibility that appointees to office could be removed. (c) In accordance with this section, the Senate may give its advice and consent on an appointment of the Governor made during a recess of the Senate. It is the only way to veto legislation without giving reasons. (Feb. 15, 1876. (c) The President pro tempore of the Senate shall, during the time that officer exercises the powers and authority appertaining to the office of Governor, receive in like manner the same compensation which the Governor would have received had the Governor been employed in the duties of that office. (b) The legislature by law may authorize the appointment of members of more than one department of government to serve on the governing body. It reviews state agencies every 12 years to see if they are still needed. The lieutenant governor's powers are primarily executive, not legislative. Who was the first female governor of Texas? Governors are historically male. Selected Answer:review the decisions of lower courts to determine whether legal principles and court procedures were followed correctly, Answers:hear all cases from across the state, regardless of reasoning, review the decisions of lower courts to determine whether legal principles and court procedures were followed correctly, review the abilities of lower court justices. In Texas, the plural executive is held accountable through all of the following EXCEPT. They are a regional board meant to coordinate local planning and development. An outdated form of law that was common in the 1800s, but no longer used in todays legal system. You want to talk to the person who is in charge of actually enforcing these laws. 10 Local Government, xplain the differing roles of nursing leaders and nursing managers. 3a. The Governor shall, at the commencement of each session of the Legislature, and at the close of his term of office, give to the Legislature information, by message, of the condition of the State; and he shall recommend to the Legislature such measures as he may deem expedient. chair of the Joint Committee on Special Sessions. Answers:local resolution, special resolution, and general resolution. B. 7 The Legislature Ch. CRIMINAL JUSTICE AGENCIES. regular resolution, special resolution, and general resolution. They have very broad governmental powers. County government in Texas is fairly consistent in its size and duties. You are an owner of a family farm that raises chickens, and youre concerned about changes that the state recently made to animal quarantine laws. Answers:They do not require the signature of the governor. Answers:keep Dallas police officers and firefighters working on the job instead of retiring and collecting their pension after 20 years of service. personality. All fees that may be payable by law for any service performed by any officer specified in this section or in the officer's office, shall be paid, when received, into the State Treasury. It dilutes the power of the governor and fragments the executive branch. d. reduction The Legislature shall have authority to enact parole laws and laws that require or permit courts to inform juries about the effect of good conduct time and eligibility for parole or mandatory supervision on the period of incarceration served by a defendant convicted of a criminal offense. Ann Richards Our products include academic papers of varying complexity and other personalized services, along with research materials for assistance purposes only. If the legislature grants a particular corporation an exception from a state law, it is called, When the governor strikes out specific spending provisions in large appropriations bills it is called. The Attorney General shall represent the State in all suits and pleas in the Supreme Court of the State in which the State may be a party, and shall especially inquire into the charter rights of all private corporations, and from time to time, in the name of the State, take such action in the courts as may be proper and necessary to prevent any private corporation from exercising any power or demanding or collecting any species of taxes, tolls, freight or wharfage not authorized by law. d. Why is the Texas governors power exceptionally weak as compared to that of the governors of some other states? Selected Answer:The senator who has control of the floor must always speak in an audible voice, so that he or she can be heard and understood. Public Utilities Commission. The chief lawyer for Texas is the OFFICERS CONSTITUTING EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. The Texas State Board of Education is responsible for all of the following EXCEPT. b. They do not require the signature of the governor, In the Texas legislature, all bills dealing with state revenue must. The legislatures power to overrule ordinances or actions of local home-rule cities. William Clements a. There was suspicion of a strong chief executive. In Texas, __ create(s) special purpose districts. The Senate will use the governor's budget plan as its blueprint for the upcoming session. An account shall be kept by the officers of the Executive Department, and by all officers and managers of State institutions, of all moneys and choses in action received and disbursed or otherwise disposed of by them, severally, from all sources, and for every service performed; and a semi-annual report thereof shall be made to the Governor under oath. b. (Feb. 15, 1876. final appeals on all civil and death penalty cases. b. 1. Sec. the secretary of state b. d. the Texas Constitution forbids both cities and the state from spending money on flood prevention. The main trial courts in Texas are called, The majority of cases in municipal courts involve. In civil cases, a/an __ is filed against the person who is accused of causing harm. concurrent resolution, special resolution, and mandated resolution. regulating the oil industry in the state, a. b. (B) the Governor appoints another person to fill the vacancy under Subdivision (1) of this subsection. c. b. By becoming the Governor, the person forfeits the office of Lieutenant Governor, and the resulting vacancy in the office of Lieutenant Governor shall be filled as provided by Section 9, Article III, of this Constitution. (3) gather information about the administration of criminal justice. In other words, there is not one government official in Texas that is solely responsible for . Selected Answer:The Texas legislature tries first, but if it is unable to do so at the first regular session after the census, the job goes to the Legislative Redistricting Board. SUSPENSION OF SENTENCE; PROBATION. In Texas, the plural executive is held accountable through all of the following EXCEPT b. (b) The terms of office of Notaries Public shall be not less than two years nor more than four years as provided by law. The lieutenant governor's powers are primarily executive, not legislative. If any such bill, containing several items of appropriation, not having been presented to the Governor ten days (Sundays excepted) prior to adjournment, be in the hands of the Governor at the time of adjournment, he shall have twenty days from such adjournment within which to file objections to any items thereof and make proclamation of the same, and such item or items shall not take effect. Selected Answer:They declared the constitutional principle of one person, one vote.. Why did the Texas constitution establish a plural executive? c. Who do you contact? Sec. c. What is the ultimate check on the governor? Davis The Best Research Paper Writing Service Qualified research paper help Always on Time Affordable Prices FAST Turnaround 24 7 Support.. For a Texas governor, what is the benefit of a post-adjournment veto? If any bill shall not be returned by the Governor with his objections within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Legislature, by its adjournment, prevent its return, in which case it shall be a law, unless he shall file the same, with his objections, in the office of the Secretary of State and give notice thereof by public proclamation within twenty days after such adjournment. c. The Texas governor is ranked ________ among other states in overall institutional powers. They declared the constitutional principle of one person, one vote.. Authority over railroads throughout Texas was given to the ________ in 2005. Texas voters later decide whether to adopt the proposed amendments. d. c. the power to call special sessions Commission on Appointments. a. Barbara Bush. The Texas legislature is responsible for formally counting the returns for the election of governor and lieutenant governor. In systems with competitive elections, every other election is a retention election without opponents. Railroad Commission In Texas, what is the most important power of the state comptroller, Estimating tax revenues for the legislature, The Texas State Board of Education is responsible for all of the following EXCEPT. a. Copyright 2023 Research Papers 4Me, all rights reserved. Why did the texas constitution establish a plural executive? Each county has at least how many district courts? For a Texas governor, what is the benefit of a post-adjournment veto? setting minimum high school graduation requirements. Selected Answer:the interests of those who voted for them. NOTARIES PUBLIC. a. The act was later amended to clarify that this includes anything designed or "adapted" for abortion. Justice of the peace courts handle which kind of disputes? . Lorenzo de Zavala helped in the drafting of the . What is the Texas governor's greatest judicial power. only registered Democrats or Republicans can run for positions on the SBOE. a. (a) The legislature by law may organize and combine into one or more agencies all agencies of the state that: (1) have authority over the confinement or supervision of persons convicted of criminal offenses; (2) set standards or distribute state funds to political subdivisions that have authority over the confinement or supervision of persons convicted of criminal offenses; or. encourage teachers to work for more than 20 years to receive a larger pension from the state. Selected Answer:They do not require the signature of the governor. the attorney general LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. break tie votes in the Senate. a. And at the commencement of each regular session, he shall present estimates of the amount of money required to be raised by taxation for all purposes. Selected Answer:candidates generally ran without party labels. William Clements in 1978 Straight-ticket voting requires a lot of political knowledge on the part of the voter, and discourages people from showing up to vote. Selected Answer:The comptroller informs the legislature how much money it has to spend on the budget. A form of county government that allows constables and sheriffs to expand their customary law enforcement duties. Sec. 1876. d. There was suspicion of a strong chief executive B. . Which court has exclusive jurisdiction over automatic appeals in all death penalty cases in Texas? The governor has some control over the final appropriations bill through the use of the ________ veto. d) the governor will address the full Senate . Selected Answer:non-school special purpose districts. There was suspicion of a strong chief executive. They declared poll taxes unconstitutional. In the Texas legislature, when a committee chair "Pigeonholes" a bill, what happens? Sec. are called frequently because the legislature is unable to complete all of its required business in the allotted 140 days of its regular sessions. to highlight important components of the executive budget.

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