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See for example his speech on d al-Fitr 1379H (29 March 1960) in Razkr 23/15:3. The memorandum contained the following admonition: It is a need of the time that you intervene personally and confirm without further delay that we are entitled to our guaranteed religious freedom and fundamental civil rights according to the constitution which you yourself have promulgated, and the enforcement of which is your responsibility as the Head of State.193Close, Ayub Khan, who was at that time approaching the final stage of his contest for re-election as President against Fatima Jinnah,194Close replied in a conciliatory vein: since his government wished the well-being of the entire people without discrimination and fully supported religious freedom, he regretted that some complaints remained from the side of the Shias. More than half of the members of his Advisory Board were affiliated either to the ITHS or the APSC. Ibid. 10814) Hajji Daud Nsir recalls how he had repeatedly invited S. Muhammad Dihlavi to speak at majlis in Bombay, but the latter had refused to accept any payment for them. Otherwise this act will be like a paper-flower without a perfume, like a body without a soul, and like a life-less skeleton , I am obliged to speak out with heart-felt pain the bitter truth that in the present time most of those who speak at majlis and listen to them (including their sponsors) are lacking this sincerity. Razkr 27/35:3 (1 November 1964), referring to a joint session of Shia anjumans in Lahore on 25 October. 19, 25). 3745). The term was first used for five Shia representatives named by Dihlavi for negotiations with the government; see section 4.3, p. 123. Jafari was one of the five representatives appointed by Dihlavi in January 1965, see section 4.3, p. 123. 13536. Article 129 of the previous constitution41Close granting each citizen the right to follow and propagate any religion is completely un-Islamic. Such textbooks had already been in use in the Punjab from 1954 to 1958.334Close At a special session of the SMC Council in Jhang on 6 November 1966, the proposals of the CII were discussed and rejected as insufficient.335Close On that occasion members of the Council even denounced Mufti Jafar Husain, the only Shia member of the CII,336Close who thereafter moved closer to the APSC. But even the Law Minister Ghulam Nabi Memon had then hinted at possible contradiction of the law with Shia personal law and asked the Shia ulam for a written comment (Razkr 27/21:3; 27/22:3). For the first time murdabd slogans were raised against both leaders in the heart of Lahore, which had been their stronghold for decades.392Close They were accused of only worrying about their leadership position, trying to keep the Shias ignorant like goats and sheep, and going to any extent in order to please the rulers. The 196668 Shia movement occurred against the background of intense political ferment during the last years of the Ayub Khan regime, but it remained confined to purely religious and communal issues. The ITHS and APSC have taken pity on them but their presence in both organisations has been confined to serve as stage decoration or to hold confused speeches. Shaadi Organization Pakistan, Government Registered Marriage Bureau Best Rishta in Pakistan Contact for Zaroorat Rishta Pakistan Matrimony for Pakistanis in USA, Canada, UK, Australia, KSA, UAE Single Muslim Matrimony, personalized matchmakers, Sunni, Shia match, Ahle Hadees Rishtay, Doosri Shaadi, Late Marriage, Divorce Rishta, Widow, Separated, Abroad, 2nd Marriage Proposals al-Muballigh 3/12:2 (January 1960). The SMC Working Committee met in Multan on 5 November and decided that another countrywide convention should be held in Hyderabad in February 1968 to report on the movements achievements within four years and approve further steps. 198204. Ala ud-Din Siddiqi (190777) was born in Lahore and had graduated from both dn madris and secular colleges in his hometown. Let the enemies of Pakistan come forward and tell us, when and where have the Shias abused the sahba? Therefore it must be added to the said Article: but in Pakistan tablgh will be allowed only for the Islam based on m an alaihi wa-ashb,42Close and no Muslim will be allowed to leave the Islam of m an alaihi wa-ashb.43Close, During the history of Pakistan the small sects have always displayed narrow-mindedness and fanaticism and caused distress for the great majority therefore, to remove apprehensions of the masses and their mistrust of the government, it is necessary that such persons will not be kept in ministries and other responsible positions 44Close, Shia organisations, for their part, repeated the constitutional demands which had been made already in 1953.45Close The ITHS discussed the questionnaire at meetings in the house of the advocate S. Muhammad Ali Zaidi in Lahore on 15 and 29 May 1960.46Close, The commission completed its report in April 1961, but it took until 1 March 1962, for the new constitution to be enacted. Razkr 22/2:3 (16 January 1959), quoting from Martial Law Rules No. 100, 111. Asked whether the first three Caliphs could be termed believers (muminn) or Muslims, Shamsi argued that the matter would require a lengthy discussion by the ulam.111Close He also rejected any changing of the traditional route for the main azdr procession in Lahore as interference in religion (mudkhala fd-dn), and said it would be unacceptable and a grave insult to have its participants checked for arms by the police.112Close. 166, 16970. The following is a list of notable Shia Muslims . Both the ITHS and the APSC sent representatives to the Karachi Convention who duly proclaimed solidarity with Dihlavi.168Close According to Muhammad Bashir Ansari, who also participated, there were long discussions whether the ITHS and APSC should be dissolved in favour of a new organisation, but in the end it was decided that they should rest in place. In February 1960 Hafiz Kifayat Husain had still led an ITHS delegation to Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlevi of Iran; see Razkr 23/910:1 (1 March 1960). Translation from Razkr 24/1415:11 (816 April 1961). According to an unofficial and unverified estimate, between 700 and 5,000 Pakistan Shias from Karachi, Parachinar, and Gilgit-Baltistan, recruited by Iran, went to Syria to fight against the . Dihlavi shortly before his death dedicated his private library to another trust headed by Hasan Ali Pirbhai (, According to his son S. Ahmad Jauhar, he even retreated from preaching to a large extent in the 1950s (, Authors interview with S. Khurshid Abbas Gardezi, (Multan, 1 March 1999), Most Pakistani Shias interviewed by the author on the subject have confirmed that. 38485. Masib is a terminus for the sufferings of the ahl al-bait, especially of the Imam Husain. The clear objective was to make the Shias afraid, so that they will refrain from performing these ceremonies. Majlis for show and prestige and azdr for payment (nadhr-o-niyz) have become common. 1316. In a series of articles published in al-Muballigh under the title Islh ul-majlis wal-mahfil over one year he elaborated on the benefits of majlis which were conducted properly, but denied most of the majlis which were regularly held by Shia communities all over Pakistan any status of religious worship (ibdat).264Close His principal argument was that , No act can be termed worship as long as it is not performed with purity of intention (khuls-i nyat), i.e. EPA At least 45 Ismaili Shia Muslims were killed when a bus was boarded by gunmen Dozens of members of Pakistan's Ismaili Shia minority have been killed in an assault by gunmen on their bus. During his stay as Friday preacher in Toba Tek Singh he converted to Shiism around 1935. Translated from Razkr 29/3435:6; on S. Ibn Hasan Jarchavi see section 3.2, p. 71. S. Ibn Hasan Najafi, born 1928 in Lucknow, had learned in Najaf during his childhood and moved to Lahore in 1953, where he was a close collaborator of the weekly Razkr. He had previously been in the service of Nawab Muzaffar Ali Khan Qizilbash and his elder brother Nisr Ali Khan. In March 1964 a delegation led by Dihlavi was received by President Ayub Khan for the first time and given some vague promises.175Close A second meeting took place on 14 May, focussing on the dnyt issue.176Close The President then ordered the Secretary of Education, S. Muhammad Sharif, to discuss the matter with a Shia delegation. Even in cities like Lahore, Karachi and Multan there were only a few quarters with a Shia majority in 1963. The events of 1963 served as a catalyst for a new start in Shia communal organisation, which had been in the air for some years. 3). Razkr 27/1:1 (1 January 1964), quoting from the report on the 1963 Lahore incidents (see below). These things are not coming unexpected for me; rather I have started this work expecting such difficulties and sufferings 274Close, On the other hand, Dhakko once more denied that he was opposed to the zkirs generally, insisting that he was their well-wisher and only wanted to rectify some of their current faults.275Close However, this could not make his attacks on the status quo of majlis and the zkir-business in Pakistan less objectionable in the eyes of his opponents. According to his own account, he had since 1956 been performing most functions of the ITHS Secretary-General in the place of Justice S. Jamil Husain Rizvi who had been elected to that post in the same year (Razkr 24/1415:11). The APSC organ Asad (Lahore) and the fortnightly al-Irshd (Karachi) kept their distance from Dihlavis movement, while Muzaffar Ali Shamsis weekly Shahd (Lahore) became outright opposed in 1966. I could not find out anything about the outcome of that discussion. He complained that they had been punished for their readiness to cooperate and for their principle of always seeking consensual solutions, whereas the SMC had sought uproar at any cost.405Close Mushtaq Husain, for his part, pointed to three essentials of the SMC that had been lacking both with the ITHS and the APSC during the twenty years of their existence, namely the ability to organise the strength of the qaum, to awaken the public and to imbue the awm with a spirit of sacrifice. ; its members included Prince Abbas Mirza and S. Ibn Hasan Jarchavi (Karachi); S. Abd ul-Jalil Gardezi, S. Ali Husain Shah Gardezi and Pir S. Naubahar Shah (Multan); S. Mubarak Ali Shah and S. Ghulam Abbas (Jhang). This new practice, which has been applied ever since in Pakistan,316Close was ostensibly a balanced precautionary measure against sectarian strife. Razkr 31/44:12, 46 (1 December 1968). Translated from al-Muballigh 9/10:56 (November 1965). Razkr 26/22:3 (8 June 1963) mentioned only incidents in Narowal, Chiniot and Quetta apart from Lahore and Theri. The founding director of the latter, S. Gulab Ali Shah Naqvi, took the lead in replying to Muhammad Ismail in the same vein. Ibid. Ayub Khan was re-elected president for a fiveyear term by the Basic Democrats on 2 January 1965; see Ziring, The Ayub Khan Era, p. 39. No arguments or proofs are needed to verify this bitter truth because it is clearly visible, but since some obstinate people do not even admit a plain truth without arguments and proofs, I will bring a number of explanations so that they may be reassured 266Close. If the peculiar ceremonies of each sect would remain confined to their special places of worship or to the private houses of its followers, then the strife between two sects which we witness every year in different forms would disappear forever , We are noticing that Shia tazya-dr and their special sectarian mtam juls in our areas and quarters and in front of our youth are influencing their beliefs in an unconscious way, and those of our people and school children who are ignorant about their mazhab are accepting it as part of their belief. A prominent Shia cleric has been shot dead in the Pakistani city of Lahore, sparking an outcry from members of the city's Shia community. Twelver Shia) people. The latter, during a meeting of its Council in Lahore on 17 February 1967, lauded the CII proposals because they had accepted separate dnyt in principle, and appealed to the government to implement them.337Close The Ministry of Education shortly after started to act according to the CII recommendations.338Close, While the APSC President Qizilbash stood his ground as an undeclared rival of S. Muhammad Dihlavi during the following yearsfacilitated by the end of his political disqualification period under EBDO on 31 December 1966339Closethe ITHS further disintegrated after the SMCs Multan Convention. After attempts to merge the ITHS and APSC had failed in early 195856Close and the sectarian conflict had cooled down, the interest of Shias to work for these two organisations reached low ebb. He became President of the JUP in January 1969. Muhammad Bashir Ansari, Haqiq ul-wasit, Vol. He had fallen ill there and stayed only in Dhaka. Razkr 31/4243:8; he was accused under Section 13 of the Public Order Ordinance of 1960 but released on bail shortly after. Muhammad Ismails polemic was quite misplaced considering the small amount of khums which had been put at the disposal of the dn madris so far, but it was not without logic. And if controversial matters are treated as such, the students will be confused and split among each other Shia hadth and fiqh should be taught separately and exams should be separate, too. S. Muhammad Dihlavi in his speech said that five years of organised and steady efforts had achieved what the known traitors of the Shia people could not achieve within twenty years in spite of their good relations to the highest government circles. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Whatever the Lord of the Martyrs has endured was only for the sake of reviving Islam. Pakistan is not the country of one qaum or one mazhab, but all Muslim sects united have helped for its creation Shias became members of the Muslim League thinking that in Pakistan there would be full freedom for their religious rights (sic), that all sects would have a chance at elections, and that in government institutions there would be no sectarian discrimination but now our country is faced with a storm of sectarianism , The first issue is that of joint religious instruction. This contradicts experience and is very far from truth conflicts and clashes of convictions arise when children are taught one thing in their houses and something else in the schools because everybody is very attached to his own mazhab and is not ready to hear anything against his belief. Although no agreement was reached then, S. Hadi Ali Shah from the APSC and Fayyaz Husain Hamadani from the ITHS accepted their nomination as Shia representatives within the Joint Board.208Close Both were later accused of having consented to the transformation of a number of Shia auqf into Sunni endowments during their term.209Close, The joint commission of Shia and government representatives formed in early 1965 was called for a first session on 7 September 1965incidentally almost coinciding with the start of that years war with India210Closeby the home secretary. Translation from Razkr 27/910:3 (18 March 1964). 1329. These are the following collections of Shia ahdth: 1) al-Kf f ilm ad-dn of Muhammad al-Kulain (d. 939); 2) Man l yahduruhu al-faqh of Ibn Bbya (d. 991); 3) Tahdhb alahkm of Shaikh Muhammad al-Ts (d. 1067); 4) al-Istibsr of the same author; see Momen, Introduction, p. 174. al-Muballigh 1/5:2 (June 1957). I.e those who can only grasp the husk (qashr) of religious knowledge; see Naqvi, Controversy, p. 142. Muzaffar Ali Shamsi had only increased his isolation when trying to belittle that convention in his weekly Shahd.340Close Thereafter the ITHS Chairman Mubarak Ali Shah wanted to discuss the statements of his Secretary-General at a meeting of the ITHS Council. Ghulw and self-exhibiting have made our faith and [religious] acts hollow.139Close There is film-zkir instead of Friday prayers; we have beautiful immbrghs instead of progress of our [religious] schools, and our mosques are deprived of lessons on the Koran and congregational prayers , The issue of separate dnyt has been entrusted to the ulam, and we have seen the result.140Close The protection of azdr is related to the professional interest of the ulam, but efforts for the protection of azdr hardly ever appear on their working agenda; they leave them to the ITHS and the APSC Caring for pilgrim passports141Close is incompatible with the exalted position of the ulam. 434. and Razkr 26/28:2 (24 July 1963); on the 1957 precedent see section 3.5, p. 96. Sometimes I hear the argument that if separate dnyt are introduced there will be a greater barrier between both sects [Sunnis and Shias] and it will have a negative influence on the minds of the children. Model. Razkr 26/28:2 (24 July 1963); see also section 3.5, p. 91. In 1964 he moved to Lyallpur (later Faisalabad) where he founded the Madrasat Dars-i l-i Muhammad; see Husain, Matla-i anwr, pp. XIXXXVIII. Actress and model, Humaima Malick is also one of the most famous celebrities who are Shia Muslims. 4) Separate sections will be established for Shia and Sunni auqf in the Auqaf Department, which will not interfere with each others affairs.363Close, However, neither Dihlavi nor any other member of the Board made public these recommendations for the time being. On 10 Muharram 1382H (12 June 1962) sectarian clashes were reported only from Karachi (Razkr 25/2223:2). 2648; Paym-i Amal 20/6:913 (August 1976). Apparently those preachers and zkirs who propagated exaggerated notions about the ahl al-bait had also a large share in widening the gulf between Shias and Sunnis in Pakistan. It was organised by leaders of the TAS and the Majlis-i Ahrr like Abu Zarr Bukhari, son of Ataullah Shah Bukhari. Razkr 26/4:1+5 (24 January 1963); 26/5:23 (1 February 1963). S. Safdar Husain Najafi (193389),240Close who had taught at the Jmiat ul-Muntazar since 1956 and became its principal in 1965,241Close soon rallied support of some wealthy traders from Lahore for the foundation of a trust, which set itself the goal to elevate that madrasa to the status of a Hauza Ilmya on par with the great Shia centres of Najaf and Qom.242Close Although such a lofty goal could not be achieved even decades later, the Jmiat ul-Muntazar expanded quickly, moving to a huge new building in Lahores Model Town in 1971.243Close A number of smaller Shia madris were founded in other places in the 1960s, among them Rawalpindi,244Close Jhang,245Close Lyallpur,246Close Ahmadpur Sial (Jmiat al-Ghadr), Hyderabad (Mashri ul-Ulm), and Bahawalpur. He is noted for his calming presence and delivering speeches in a soothing manner, and mostly focusing on the importance of respecting and loving one's parents. A leading member of the JUI since 1948, he was elected to the National Assembly for the first time in 1962 as an independent candidate (Bukhr, Akbir ulam-i Deoband, pp. Razkr 24/1415:8. Razkr 26/29:1 (1 August 1963); 26/30:3 (8 August 1963). There were a number of other changes affecting the Shias. Razkr 28/29:3 (1 August 1965) contains the first reference to the term. this is a long and painful story some 5060 years ago some famous preachers have spread these doctrines from the pulpit,287Close although some famous responsible ulam from Lahore and Lucknow have tried to resist them as good as they could but most of the awam did not pay attention to the timely voice of these ulam then in the life-time of these preachers or after their deaths some of their gifted disciples have spread their doctrines over a long period with speeches and articles; some famous books coloured by these doctrines were also published and were readily accepted by the preachers and zkirs and the awm288Close seeking to please the awm, most so-called preachers gave such beliefs more colour (sic). Such manoeuvres were to continue and to become more obstinate throughout the following years. Razkr 26/24:4 (24 June 1963); 26/28:3 (24 July 1963). See his inaugural speech on 28 August 1964; Razkr 27/2728:5. These included some who had been former protegs of Qizilbash and would become so again some years later, like Najm ul-Hasan Kararvi and Muhammad Bashir Ansari. Dhakko referred to his conflict with the preachers as one between truth (haqq) and falsehood (btil) in his preface to Usl al-shara (2nd. Pakistan Times, 23 December 1963; Razkr 27/1:12. 2000 - present. Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai is a Pakistani Islamic preacher and scholar. 48283; Naqv, Tazkira, pp. The text quoted above contains perhaps the most honest explanation ever given by the TAS for its fierce opposition against Shia public religious ceremonies. The share of the Imam (sahm-i imm), i.e. Protocols and commentary in Razkr 27/2728:3+5; 27/29:78 (116 September 1964). Address at a public rally in Sargodha, 4 June (Dawn, 5 June 1963; also quoted in Razkr 26/23:3). This time our qaum is in urgent need of unity, organisation and centralisation. Besides, the logic of forbidding some ulam to speak in certain districts because of alleged fanaticism or lack of knowledge, while the same persons were not considered objectionable in other parts of the country, was rightfully questioned.317Close Another complaint concerned growing obstacles for the construction of Shia mosques. He also wrote about how rulers disregard the government. Zaidi, Mutlabt, p. 86, writes about 30,000 participants, perhaps confusing that gathering with some other Shia convention. Her first attempt towards a successful career started through an ad campaign for one the famous cellular service providers; MOBILINK, in which her first appearance was there all across the billboards in Pakistan. Already in November 1967 Dihlavi had complained how Qizilbash had cheated him three times.382Close On 10 May Asad once more reported that the demands had been accepted, but this was denied by the Federal Minister of Education in the parliament two weeks later: the government was still studying the recommendations of the Joint Board.383Close In early July the journal repeated its claim for a third time, now explaining that it was in the interest of the government not to make the acceptance public, probably because of the approaching elections.384Close, S. Muhammad Dihlavi, who had travelled to East Pakistan in May 1968,385Close called a meeting of the SMC Council in Hyderabad on 67 July. linda kasabian daughter tanya, fatal car accident houston today 610,

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