loud house brothers fanfiction

- Lucy replied annoyed, - You can't feel lonely with your roommate Lynn. - Um - Leo touched Luna's face with curiocity, - Bleh, I need to bathe you to get rid of Lynn's odor. - Lincoln explained. - Lucy asked sarcastically - You at least don't criticize my style or interests and you don't make fun of me. - Of course. - Did you just saw a pj for Leo? - Leopold woke up and screamed out of fear, - I clearly told you to stay quiet! - Lana commented, - Can I just look at him? - Lynn asked rethorically, - We were quiet. In fact, Lynn's male counterpart is pretty much the same as herself, only harsher. -I noticed.-The referee told.-Number 5 gets two free throws. - Lincoln commented - I remember Lucy was afraid of light as a newborn. As que tome asiento y disfrute su trago [Alguno de estos pueden ser bastante fuertes, as como no tener sentido] . - Lisa sleeps quite few because she is focused on her experiments. -I can't believe I wished my brother out of existence!-Luna said sadly. - Listen to your brother. - It didn't vanish completely. -Better turn you off before I wake my sisters up, because if I wake them up they'll just yell at me!-Lincoln said relieved.-Why are you up at 5 a.m. Twerp?-He said mocking Lori.-And more importantly, why'd you wake us up, I need my beauty sleep ya know?-This time mocking Lola. - Lincoln asked. - Poor, naive Leni. It hurts! I need to work because mom and dad don't have enough cash to support you all here and me in Detroid. As Linka, Lincoln does not get an alternate girl voice. They won't hurt you. -It's a good thing Lily is asleep, the room has never been quieter.-Lisa whispered. -Lincoln, all I have to remember you by is these embarrassing videos.-Luan said sadly. -But I said I was-Lincoln gets interrupted. - I enjoyed your theatre but Leo is a boy so he needs to play with tomboys. - Hey! I trust my intentions are clear by now. This episode is available on the "It Gets Louder", "The Complete First Season", "Tempte la maison", and "Intgrale de la Saison 1" DVDs. His name is Leopold. - Leo embraced Lincoln's hand lovingly much to Lincoln's surprise. Lori and Leni run out of the room, Lincoln enters Lisa's room, and the door was already open. - You were working hard to support us. Beautiful Isles Of Hawaii-George Elliot[Clyde thinking of Lori on the beach.] In middle of summer the 12th Loud sibling was about to be born. - Thanks for introducing me this. Loud House. - Lana complained - Spooking is Lucy's job. She breathed in deeply, bringing her balled fist up and knocked the door a few times. In the dimension where Lincoln has ten brothers instead of ten sisters, all ten of the brothers have the same interests as the sisters do, but in terms of personality, they all seem to be abrasive and have no individual traits. - Lana grabbed Leo, - First time in my life I said "Little bro", strange feeling. - Luan said - Lincoln, Lucy, Lola even Lisa had fun with me. -It's just not as fun anymore.-Lynn said sadly.-Can we just go to bed? I try to be for her who you are to me. While the majority of the girls are peacefully sleeping, one of them is a wide awake in the living room, staring at a notification on her phone that read "Hello my followers on HeadNovel, I just wanted you to know, that my DayDream tour has been cancelled because my dear mom is ill, and I'm going to be taking care of her the whole year, instead of touring. - Rita explained - He was simply confused as everything was new for him. [Rita screams as Lana jumps on top of her, with her daughters joining in on the fun. A pact made between three sisters, don't pursue Lincoln. - Lynn Sr. said patting Lincoln's head - If it's your brother, I want him to be as wonderful as you. No one knew what to do after that, people who walked past the house thought the Loud family moved it was so quiet. A sister breaking the pact in a need to make her brother happy. - I got used to be called bro, how will you call Leo? - Lana and Lola asked in unison - No way. Lincoln is looking for food in the refrigerator.] -And my last words to him where that I wished he didn't exist!-Luna continued.-I feel like the worst sister ever. At hospital the siblings were waiting and their patience was reaching its limits. He thought nobody is around so he made a really sad face and fell on knees. Lane (Luan) pulls Lincoln's pants up to his chest, and messes with his hair, annoying him even more. - Luan replied embracing Lily - I love playing with you. - Normally I would accept it but I want to form a strong bond with my only brother. - Lincoln rubbed Leo and took him, - Bah! -Well considering as science hasn't debunked this rumour.-Lisa said.-And he isn't anywhere in my tracking system, there's a good chance that happened. - Leni asked - He's playful. - Lynn should have heard this. Luna and Leni finished, but the girls were too upset to applaud. - Lincoln suggested hugging Lucy back. - Lynn Jr. said smiling to Leo, - Just remember he's fragile so be sure you won't hurt him. - You're wonderful, son. -Great, thanks Luna!-Lincoln replied.-I tried taking Lynn last week, but she gave up on her promise when we reached the arcade. Kamado: I had a feeling those two would be your brothers. - If I stay quiet how will I take you to date? Lana:[kisses her and belches] Bye, Dad! - Luna said disgusted, - Baths are fun, you'll see. -In a family as big as mine, you can't go a single day without anyone being mad at each other.-Lincoln told the audience.-In fact, it's average to have about six of us mad at each other a day! In middle of summer the 12th Loud sibling was about to be born. Lincoln observed this and overheard what Lynn was talking to Leo. - Lincoln commented - This will make you an older sister. -That's Lisa the newest member of the science committee to you!-Lisa said smiling. The Loud House - Wild Card by zdforrest 7.8K 154 17 Ten years have passed since Lincoln's disappearance, leaving his family broken beyond repair. He thought about joining them but he felt unneeded so he went to bathroom. Why is Leo crying? The 12th Loud sibling is born, a boy named Leopold. -Maybe he didn't want to!-Lana said.-Lisa told me there was a shooting star last night, the night we wished Lincoln didn't exist! - Lucy said - Then he'll stop crying. - All siblings reacted on hearing this except Lily who was jealous, - I'm Lucy, I hope we'll be friends. Being an older sibling is both joyful and troublesome. !-Leni asked.-These shoes are important to me! To gain your trust I gave you the plush bunny you still have. - I don't get it. - Lincoln explained, - Those matadors are hypocrites then. -Two years later and we're still at the top of the leader board.-Luna said.-Sleep tight Lincoln, wherever you are. - Rita replied. - Luna commented - Here you go, Leo. - Lori yelled, opening door to Lincoln's room in company of the other sisters. As soon as Lincoln declares that he's staying with the Loud brothers, the dimension immediately stops being nice to him. The sisters are unable to hear what's going on in there when Lincoln runs out looking terrified. - You have a brother now? - Lincoln and Lana yelled in unison. - Bleh! - No, I love both of you. The Loud House Fanfic #30-No Bullies A-Loud Add to Favourites By jgodzilla1212 Published: Jul 22, 2021 56 Favourites 19 Comments 20.7K Views (Caution: This story may contain violence and severe bullying that may be disturbing to some readers, viewer description is advised and read at your own risk) - Lynn explained angry. -I highly suggest you recount that cash.-Lincoln told him. - It already happened earlier. Suddenly, the ten brothers burst into his room, making Lincoln think that he didn't escape the brothers' dimension. - Lisa asked, - Yes. - Rita asked after taking her baby son away from her breast. - Here, you can play with this rabbit. This is both a sequel to "Louds of Two Worlds" and "White Hare".The original names were gonna be Hare Care and "Louds of Three Worlds". - Let me make him dry. - Bobby asked confused - Please stay quiet. I'll make sure you will be as fascinated with sport as me. Lynn takes all the power she has left in her to jump up and make her second free throw, winning the game. -Things will never be the same.-Lynn lamented. - Lincoln protested - Bun-Bun is my very first toy. - Luna asked annoyed - That's the last thing that can be associated with my passion. - I wish you good luck, bro. - Lincoln said confused - Why isn't he crying? The music that plays after the brothers' visit to Dairyland is heard as the title card music for ". - Lincoln said giving his dad the tape. - Aaah! We're busy! -All you have to do is go in, and I'll walk through it with you.-Lincoln answered. - We'll teach her proper speach. - Rita asked. - Luan commented laughing, - Are you finished, Leopold? -Stop saying I'm invisible.-Lincoln griped.-It's me, your older brother Lincoln! -Thanks little bro!-Lori told him.-I won't forget this. ? - Leni replied. - That was cute. Again an interesting poetry has been interupted by an unwanted surprise. - Leopold looked on Lincoln with fascination. - Lynn Sr. replied, - Wha..? -I'd rip the head off your dolly, but I'm not feeling up to it.-Lana said sadly. At home Rita was exhausted and immadiatelly went into her bed. They then inform him that because they didn't have any clean shirts at the moment, they decided to wear his shirts instead, much to his annoyance. - Lincoln replied - I liked when she was singing for me. Lynn continues to hold onto hope that her brother is alive. -3 years of my poetry, I wrote my soul into that book.-Lucy lamented. -Lincoln!-Luan yelled.-I have had this squirt flower for as long as I can remember! - Lincoln and Luna said in unison laughing. - This mine. - Why Weo? -Oh, chicken nuggets.-Luan said upset.-I haven't seen these since Lincoln was here. - But you are a good brother and we all love you. -Hooray!-Lucy said.-My first haunted house! - Hey, what are you doing?! -Ooh!-The 13 year old Leni squealed.-The new limited edition Floral Pumps, and this is the last pair! - Win-con, I wove you. - You like reading and writting poems and I like reading comics. - So now we're both middle children. Lincoln is asleep in his room when Lana and Lola knock on his door, waking him up. - Lola commented disgusted, - Hey! Luke (Luna), having been woken up from Lincoln's complaining, agrees that the bathroom is messy and says that they should clean it. I hereby order you to investigate these reports. Linka: [While looking at a photo of her and her 10 brothers] Ever wonder what it's like to grow up in a big family? - Luna asked opening bathroom door - I thought you're happy from finally having a brother. This story acts as a sequel to Worlds Loudest and a prequel to Louds of Two Worlds. -We took that yesterday?-Lincoln asked himself confused. - Lincoln said laughing. -We're thirsty and we want some water from downstairs.-Lola answered. - It happens from billions of years but for scientists birth of life is still a miracle. Her cacophony made Lynn lose consciousness. The song begins with Luna softly strumming the guitar. All except for Lincoln and Lucy who were sitting in their rooms and reading comic book and poetry dairy respectively. - Lynn commented excited, - If you give our new sibling a rough time like me you won't play long with him or her. - Now if we're done with memories of your births, then let me go to my room in peace. - Leni said. - Lynn complained - You used this to become his guardian and turned him against me! You couldn't hear amps, screams, or fighting, you weren't likely to step in a ditched diaper, get hit with a rogue soccer ball, or get a pie to the face. - Whatever, take him and yourself out of my sight! - Lynn Sr. replied, - Do you think Lincoln will be a good male pattern for Leopold? - Lincoln took a handtowel, Leo splashed on him much to his disgust - So you want a hard way. - Leni commented - Lincoln, you looked just like him when you were born. He was especially touched when Luna called Leopold "Baby bro". - Lincoln explained sadly - I feel he doesn't love me. The girls find being in bed to be much worse than going about the business, as they now have nothing else to think about except Lincoln. -No problem.-Lincoln replied.-You probably would've done the same for me anyway. - Lily, I will never stop loving you. - Lynn played with Lana in Danish Over. - I can't believe mom and dad will have another baby. Lynn is the only sister whose male counterpart shares the same name as her, as Lynn is a unisex name (although it is more common as a girl's name). I don't want to be a bully brother and neither I want any of you to be. This is the first story in which I use an Original Character I didn't make myself. LISA'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP. Luna is blindfolded and is walking around being guided by Lincoln. He appeared and changed us all.- Lincoln commented - Lucy and I are middle children now and we made hair bond. - Lincoln asked after grabbing her arm - Others enjoy why you don't? - Lynn yelled angry - I am his guardian! Luna realizes they're not listening to rock and roll. - Leni answered and all made a facepalm, - We start counting from one not zero. [Lisa spooks Lincoln awake.] - Leni complained. - Aah. When Luan is mocking Lincoln, her braces are missing. -Luna.-Leni overheard her.-Maybe if you told us what you told Lincoln, you won't be beating yourself up over it. Lincoln walks out and is mocked by his brothers because of this. -Yep, never been quieter.-Lisa continued.-This one might not even blow up. LUAN'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP. -I don't think I'm gonna go inside.-Luan replied. - Lucy appeared spooking Lincoln and Leni, - I know you 9 years and I still didn't get used to this. -I don't have a roommate, and the science committee is meeting me in 15 minutes, to consider granting me entry into said committee.-Lisa answered.-My lab is a mess though and I have to clean it all by myself. - Rita commented - You're lucky. - Lincoln explained, - Replay this again, please. - Lincoln is the closest to me in strength. - Lincoln said - I agreed to share my room with you. - Lynn Sr. asked - I remembered he used to live with Lynn Jr. in one room. This is my own version of the Loud House where I move to Royal Woods, Michigan. - You take it too seriously. - He has fun with you and rest of my sisters and when I try to play with him he simply cries. Suddenly Ronnie Anne came to the Loud House and ringed to the door what made Leo cry again. - I don't get why is Leo so unhappy. - But children like you are rare. When she comes to a minute later, Lynn comes back with a plump girl that he's dragging by the collar. That night, Lisa, who took what Lincoln said into consideration, has made a watch that can open a portal that will transport Lincoln into the world of his dreams. - Lori said - Bobby, we need to leave. Another annoying sibling to look after. I need to seek for a job in internet. -Lincoln.-The twins called him.-Can we come in? - Lily always gets quiet after this. Lincoln falls through the portal and into a dimension that he believes is his original world. Angry Luna approached window. After lunch all siblings returned their rooms. - Leni commented - Why not give him a chocolate? - Leni commented - Now you know. -And I thought having in a habitat for them was bad!-Lola griped.-Now we share our room with a bunch of stupid lizards! No one knew what exactly Luna said to Lincoln that night, but all they knew was that it was enough to get Lincoln to run out of the room with a look of terror on his face, and like them, she would take her words back in an instant. Luan walked up to the front door of the haunted house where Lincoln was, grabbed his hand tightly and walked into the house, they walked a few feet when a "ghost" fell from the ceiling, it startled them but they kept walking. -Oww!-Lynn screamed.-Hey ref he just tripped me! -Alright!-Lincoln yelled.-You can take your blindfold off! - Lincoln asked joking - You said like you were reading my mind like an open book. by xXZexyZaneXx 27.7K 298 16 Lincoln lands in the hallway, but doesn't see any noticeable changes. But after the arrival of a mysterious girl called Nyarla, all their world begins to crumble around them. It's not like you can do whatever you want. - The boy needed some of boyish hobby. - This sight will never stop to be adorable. - After listening to your tellings I want to be even closer. - Take him before I get mad! -I know we already went this month.-Luna said.-but do you want to go to the arcade?! Leo enjoys the others, I'm glad I have you. - The water can't be too hot nor too cold. - Lucy commented, - Wanna read manga with me? [The brothers appear.] - Lincoln said - But for now have your rest. Why doesn't he want to play with me? -I believe he really is somewhere, trying to get back to us.-Lucy answered.-But there's no telling if he's ok or not. - He played with you because you hypnotized him with your voice! horror and fantasy. - Luan said to Leo - Hey, wanna see funny faces again? -You're only taking up space in here!-The twins said in unison.-Just leave before you do anymore damage! Now I try to be for her the best brother I can. Lincoln walks into Lori and Leni's room to see Lori on the phone and Leni using her sewing machine designing a dress. Lincoln assures them that he's fine and expresses his thankfulness on having sisters instead of brothers (confusing them until he claims that he was talking about nuns). - If you could talk I wish you could promise me one thing. Suddenly Lucy ran from room crying. - Say "hello" to your younger sibling. - No, I haven't. - I felt so very much of famliy warmth then. - Lincoln asked, - Can I join? This is the first episode where Collin Dean voices Lincoln. - Lola asked herself. Meanwhile Lynn and Lucy are moping around in their room. Once you mistook Lori's bed with mine, she was mad at for this. - Luna grabbed Leo. Leni walks to the register, but can't fully pay for the shoes. - Lincoln said overjoyed and embraced Lily and turned with her, - Twerp, we were supposed to be quiet! - Your new sister or brother will come to the world between in July or August. -I don't like this.-Lola added.-I'm so mad, but I'm not able to take my anger out on you! - Lincoln took Leo and tried to calm him down but it didn't work. [Lincoln goes to bed.] -Well what is represented by this map? Although being casted in the credits, Leon has no lines in this episode either, but he was listed in the credits because he was heard crying off-screen.

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