psychology of procrastination podcast

Mais si cette procrastination tait en fait tout simplement de la rsistance au changement ? Recent episodes of Hidden Brain podcast can now be found at So it is really complicated, but theres always times where people need to get on to doing something. But the minutes you take action and start to encounter problems, which we all do, right, it's never a straight direct path from point A to point B when we're trying to reach our goals, there's ups and downs along the way, but people who have these sort of self-critical perfectionism, the minute they hit one of those bumps in the road, so to speak, on the path to their goal, they give up. They called it a procrastination ambulance, which was I think their way of translating saying it was like a clinic for procrastination at a university, for students who were really troubled by their procrastination. You might be procrastinating when: There is a gap between your intention and action You feel like avoiding something You find yourself easily distracted You feel overwhelmed by tasks at the last minute You always feel rushed to complete a project But what we actually know about people who are healthy, happy, and productive is that they dont go around spending a lot of time trying to reduce their emotions. If you live and breathe video games, Procrastination Podcast has you covered. Alice, thanks for being here. Fear of failure, fear of . But after some research into why people procrastinate, he found a few tricks and tips to help him on his journey to live a more balanced life. It is the act of delaying or postponing tasks that need to be accomplished. Instead, it's a problem, as you say, of emotion regulation. People have a comfort level with tasks that they do all the time. And again, we think of Germany is being highly efficient, trains running on time and everything sort of very precise, and the tolerance there for procrastination is quite low. Mills: So a moment ago you mentioned the couch and the screen, being able to get away from those things, and I'm wondering whether does the ubiquity of social media and electronic devices have an impact on procrastination or have procrastinators always been able to find excuses to put things off? And that we can come to each other with things that we feel vulnerable about. The presence of ambivalent emotions tends to put us on alert. They have career issues, health issues, they're not fulfilling their dreams, they're not reaching their goals. A common but counter-intuitive driver of procrastination is fear of failure. Kim I. And so procrastination becomes a way to cope with that negative mood and those negative emotions, especially if you're someone who hasn't had a lot of experience managing your negative emotions effectively, or maybe you've got a lot of other stressors going on in your life that you've sort ofyour resources, your inner resources for coping with a task that might be really unpleasant or stressful or frustrating or creates a lot of worry for you, in those sorts of situations, you might resort to procrastination. And yet, we still do it. Show more Download. Look at the thoughts that come with that emotion. Humans are terrible at predicting the future. As we build a habit of procrastinating, we develop false beliefs that worsen the habit. CURT NICKISCH: Thats interesting. I'm going to write that report by Friday. And that's the other thing too, it's usually a task that held some importance. Weekly "Speaking of Psychology" is an audio podcast series highlighting some of the latest, most important and relevant psychological research being . That if you notice a funny mole or you notice a funny lump or something, or change in your bowel habit of it or whatever it is, that is an area where procrastination can be deadly. And so what does this system look like? And if somebody is not being productive and procrastinating, we think if we push them harder and get on their case, then they'll actually be more productive, rather than saying, Hey, it's okay and taking more of a compassionate approach. In this podcast, we will explore moving from procrastination to your destiny. I just need to work through that rather than getting hard on getting hard myself or beating myself up about this and making it worse, which actually can make it worse, the more that you get more critical about yourself about procrastinating, that can actually increase the chances that you'll continue to procrastinate. Ive found that with strength training, even if I dont want to begin, and even if the whole workout is miserable, it teaches me that I can will my body to do what the program requires. And this is what I'm saying, sort of the tolerance for procrastination, I think, differs across different cultural contexts. YANSS 253 - The psychology behind the world's greatest cons, . Starting with thinking of different ways to approach it is probably the most important one for me. However, we can strengthen our willpower through routine exercise. So people think a lot about learning from other people and learning from science when it comes to productivity. Then you'll end up being both a procrastinator and very depressed. And then back to the psychological flexibility concept of using the difficult emotions that arise. But that's the closest we can get to it. You might procrastinate in your health, but you may not procrastinate at work, for example. But I remember some years back at one of our conferences, we had some students presenting posters about their research on procrastination and there was this, what did they call it? Gianni Dimacchia '24 brings immersive worlds and inspired characters to life as an artist, storyteller, and video game designer. I find I do some of my best work when Im procrastinating doing something else. Mills: Right. So I think that's kind of the extreme case over several decades. Identify the emotions you feel that are associated with past tasks you havent completed. She explains the different causes of procrastination and shares three approaches to beat it: through habits, emotions, and thought patterns. Because what procrastination does is it gives you immediate relief. Her research also examines the role of positive psychology traits, states, and interventions for supporting self-regulation and enhancing health and well-being. In her 30+-year career in communications, Mills has extensive media experience, including being interviewed by The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and other top-tier print media. Our audio product manager is Ian Fox. Instead, research suggests that procrastination is a problem driven by our emotions, and learning to manage negative emotions effectively can help us overcome it. Boredom / Low Interest - Interest can be considered an emotion with motivational properties related to approach. Earlier in the morning, when your cortisol is high, when your brain is fresh, youll be able to take on the tasks youll need to be highly motivated for. You actually can't because if we look at the definition, it's got to be something they intended to do. And so we label our downtime as procrastination. It can become tired, temporarily, after extensive use. Adam Grant posted this interesting thing on Instagram a few weeks ago where he said, I wouldve started on Instagram a long, long time ago if I had realized I could just repost my words, if I could just post pictures of my words rather than having to post pictures and videos that we more associate with Instagram. And obviously he does these, theyre essentially like tweets, theyre just these little quotes. Episode 210: Why we procrastinate and what to do about it, with Fuschia Sirois, PhD. Advancing psychology to benefit society and improve lives. This is simply not true. So what people want to do is look at the forms of procrastination with the most potential for major harm in their lives, that are causing them the most bother, and be really confident that theyve got strategies for dealing with those. Just do it and you'll feel a lot better than you think you will. We protect the self temporarily by avoiding the task that threatens it. And that is a real challenge. Most of us are decent humans and its not consistent with our values to be being jerks. Boyes wrote the book Stress-Free Productivityand the HBR article How to Stop Procrastinating.. We can't impose that on them. You'll gain practical knowledge you can put into action right away. I mean, that being said, there has been some experimental research done where they gave students a range of tasks easy and more difficult and looked at the time on task and what things they did otherwise. Mills: So how does chronic procrastination affect people's mental and physical wellbeing? Its the equivalent of the Instagram image of perfection. And there are more steps that are part of my process. Sometimes we need more encouragement to complete a task we are dreading. Speaking of Psychology is an audio podcast series highlighting some of the latest, most important, and relevant psychological research being conducted today. You get into that endless feedback loop. However, there wasn't a link with the other form of perfectionism. Like if you feel guilt. Were you procrastinating in that time? ALICE BOYES: I dont think you need to separate emotions from tasks. Before you know it, hours have passed and you're right where you started and more stressed than ever. Menu. Hes happily married, a father of two, involved in his church, in a band, and is a practicing psychiatrist. It would be more accurate to say, "I work under pressure." You can extrapolate out a little bit. Such as, This is stupid, I dont even care about it.. And it sounds counterintuitive because collectively we like to think about productivity and just crack the whip and get going. And they showed the data suggesting that their program worked and they showed the mean scores on this measure of chronic procrastination at the beginning of them coming to the clinic and at the end so they could say, Oh look, there's some improvement. And I remember standing there with a colleague of mine and we both were looking at the scores on this measure of procrastination at time one, and the level of procrastination that they found troubling was well below the average national mean for the procrastination in the U.S. and Canada, but this was troubling in Germany. Procrastination can also be a result of depression. CURT NICKISCH: That was one of the things that I really learned from reading what you wrote, is just how much emotion is wrapped up in procrastination. That's Germany. Oh, and don't you need to finish solving Wordle before you can tackle that job? So theres a great HBR article about how diverse teams tend to do better work, but they also tend to feel like they have more conflict. So finding ways to manage those negative emotions, especially if they're really intense, is key. What Im saying is that people should personalize their systems to them. J'aurais pu dvelopper sur la gurison d . How does procrastination affect others around us? And actually the research suggests that both those approaches can be very beneficial. I have been researching and writing about procrastination for nearly twenty years. It's really about the emotions that are associated with the task and not necessarily the unpleasantness of the task. And again, its coming back to this idea that it really isnt about stopping procrastination. But there's tolerance for it too. Sometimes we need that incubation period. Heres the quick breakdown of how you can look at your thinking patterns when you decide to procrastinate: Recognize when you have the emotion about the task you want to delay. In this episode, Marc and Mo discuss two recent articles that caught their eye, including (1) an OE article on the psychology of procrastination (also known as the "intention-to-action gap"), including its role in stress and health-related issues, and (2) a JBJS article on perioperative nutrition and its effect on muscle strength and volume following TKA. Mills: So what are some strategies or techniques to combat procrastination and just get things done, and how does thinking of it as an emotion regulation problem change how we approach the situation? The adrenaline spike and stress of the situation make us think we are better off waiting, but in reality, its unlikely that our delay will make the final product any better.Ill feel more like it later.We deceive ourselves into thinking that we'll feel like completing the task later. So we talk about sagacious delay where on the surface when somebody puts something off, we might look at them and say, Hey, they're procrastinating, or we might even look at our own behavior and just because it's a delay and we're not doing what we know we should be doing, we might say, Well, I'm procrastinating. But if you sort of look below the surface, it may be that maybe you haven't started that report because you're waiting to hear back with some key information that's essential for you to get going on this and if you started without that information, you actually would be wasting a lot of time. And so I think we really do have to make that distinction between delay and procrastination. So, How does doing this task reflect my values? So for example, my spouse is always asking for tech help, Could you help me with this on the computer? And I hate providing tech help, but I obviously have the value of being a supportive spouse. People often come to therapy wanting to change somebody else. I often recommend this to psychiatry residents and NPs I train, challenging them to read 3 books in 60 days using this method. Theyre the same thing he does everywhere else, but he puts them on Instagram. APA 2023 registration is now open! There hasIt's a little bit controversial. And when were on alert more, thats often what sparks creativity. CURT NICKISCH: You mentioned earlier that when people do the tasks they know, those are often the easiest to do, and they put off the harder ones. And it can have very real physical health effects. What are you working on now? A lot of studies haven't found any difference and sincesome more recent evidence does suggest that men tend to procrastinate a little bit more than women. ALICE BOYES: Yeah, Im not sure that its that black and white. How can we create better habits to avoid procrastinating? And of course, we all know about productive procrastination. And so some of the estimates, the rough estimates we've gotten for that versus somebody who procrastinates on a fairly regular basis, almost to the point where it's like part of their personality, we can almost look at it like a personality trait, that percentage of the population in student samples, for example college and university students, it's estimated about 50% of college and university students procrastinate chronically, whereas about anywhere between 80% to 95% procrastinate at least once or more, but not necessarily to a large degree. So I think it's whatever your fancy is, something to distract you from the emotions that you're not dealing with about the tasks that you should be doing, which is going to bed and maybe it's because you haven't processed what went on in that day. Its something that is potentially really harmful. Its about identifying the forms of procrastination that cause problems for you, like where youve got a sense of a possible problem in your mind, and you just keep putting off thinking about it, putting off dealing with it. Putting aside whether these lists are historically accurate, they raise the question, is it possible to be a chronic procrastinator but also extremely productive? In immersive interviews, Adam vividly brings his observations to life, weaving together stories with social science and revealing key insights in a friendly, accessible style. For more than 20 years, she has researched the causes and consequences of procrastination as well as how emotions play a role in explaining why people procrastinate. And so thats useful. So it's not like there's an emergency, it's not like somebody pulled you off of what you were doing. How do you think about separating emotions from tasks? Thats episode 295. And then I think of one way to mitigate against each of them. So are we all in some sense a product of our culture when it comes to procrastination? So when an emotion comes up, like when someones feeling doubt or someones feeling embarrassment, thats what people who function well do. Distractions from electronic notifications and office visitors can contribute significantly to our tendency to avoid. I've done some preliminary work looking at using self-compassion to address procrastination and it does suggest that it at least increases people's intentions to get on with the task and not procrastinate, but I want to follow up with some research to actually track that. So that's conducting some experiments now to see if maybe people prone to procrastination are over-anticipating how difficult that task is going to be. For example, if theres a task associated with your job that you dont want to do, you can still link it with something you believe in. And really that sort of perspective is more of looking at the symptoms of procrastination rather than the causes. And so this is one of the reasons why, at least with my research anyways, what I've defaulted to is looking at people who have a chronic tendency to procrastinate, because that'sin a sense we're holding that procrastination constant and we're looking at what are the sort of thoughts that they have? Mills: You also study perfectionism, which is a topic that we recently talked about on another episode of this podcast. For the American Psychological Association, I'm Kim Mills. World's Leading Expert On How To Solve Procrastination - Dr Tim Pychyl Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal Jordan Peterson: How To Become The Person You've Always Wanted To Be | E113 The Diary Of A CEO 1. Well, I want to thank you for joining me today, Dr. Sirois. So the researchers that have looked at what people do to procrastinate on their bedtimes, it's not just digitally oriented distractions, they engage in a whole bunch of things. CURT NICKISCH: Yeah.

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