how to get even with gangstalkers

Whales, elephants, hippopotamuses, and rhinoceros use infrasound to communicate over great distances. CMO is used in friendly, neutral, or hostile operational areas, including populated civilian areas in which no other military activity is conducted. Just go with the flow and give them hell. Given that the human brain works on frequencies, one can see how damaging this can be and how difficult it is to prove. The) Control Center (CC) acquires access to properties or apartments immediately next to the targets homes or apartments. Yep, it was a gradual process. Natural examples include avalanches, earthquakes, volcanoes, and waterfalls. If the stalker is directly or indirectly threatening to harm you or themselves, immediately contact the police. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This type of communication includes key words or phrases spoken by the actors in the presence of the TA. As an agent, you will be trained in how to do this. Men, women, even children. IO Information Operation- aka cyber war, information warfare, network centric warfare (netwar, NCW) and command and control warfare (C2W). I know this that's basic knowledge to me. Im in tropical Queensland Australia and get battered daily. ~Targeted Individual Amanda Emily Reed. PsyOp units work with the civilian population as irregular forces to attack target audience (TA) in the area of operation (AO). To be honest, there are many, many reasons that you, as a Targeted Individual can be the victim of Organized Gang Stalking/Community Stalking. The posturing even comes down to the gift bags host organizations hand to . Government actors have unlimited resources whereas a jealous ex, disgruntled employee or vengeful neighbour do not. Serving in the privileged position of authority as an arbiter of what's credible or notof the truthrequires that one be open-minded about what's possible in the universe, aware of the breadth of. Vehicle intercepts are particularly effective when the target sees the same vehicle in an intercept convoy both in the morning and in the evening commute. You can can get on the gangstalkers' nerves. The Illegal gangstalkers are using 24/7 Illegal Surveillance (being followed, electronic surveillance, computer and phone hacking, monitoring all online activities, and bugging of home)Sniffing on free Wi-Fi. Many emergency services employees have a strong sense of community service and willingness to cooperate in this, or by people posing as Jehovahs Witnesses. But since the weapons testing of neurological disruptor technology has begun on the general population beginning in the early 60s and then stepped up to full throttle in 1976, the scope of what is considered mentally ill had to be reprogrammed into a broader definition for the general population. ~Department of Defense Whistleblower: From the Out of Print Book The Matrix Deciphered, My name is Dr. John Hall, Im a medical Doctor from Texas. This is brought about by continually inflicting pain. It is used to deal with domestic threats in the New War. If the perpetrator had access to your phone or computer, they could most probably be tapped with spyware or a tracking device. They might still cough at you, but theyll think twice before doing it. Some of these are the exact same groups promoting the use of PsyOp on civilians. Bug sweepers also scan for eavesdropping devices, key loggers on your devices and other electronic equipment checks. They include biological and chemical warfare, directed-energy weapons, communications warfare, information warfare (IW) and psychological operations (PsyOp). Even if you are not the victim, if you know of someone who is a victim of gang stalking, report it to law enforcement. We saw the expansion of the Soviet Bloc in Eastern Europe and the Cold War. -Your supervisor will have staff monitoring upcoming talk show appearances by targets. Active surveillance can include information gathering, but it (also) includes the agent making the target aware they are under surveillance. Rumours consist mainly of lies. Observe local noise curfews, but plenty of punishment can occur outside noise curfew times. They hired an engineer who built an RF Mind Interference machine based on Soviet schematics. The goal is to make it looks as if the target is negligent in maintaining fluid levels, and generally not causing a catastrophic failure that non-targets might see as sabotage. This technology has interacted with quite a large amount of people, however it is almost always misidentified as other sources[8]. Seek out your most trusted friends while you do as much as you can do document and record these patterns and occurrences and get concrete evidence to use in legal criminal proceedings against the individuals and also in civil litigation. The DOD describes this as an attrition-based approach: Attrition is the product or gradual erosion of the will. There is no external noise. Frequency determines what kind of damage occurs whereas power determines how much damage occurs. One day a gangstalkerwas following me around and spraying me with pesticide from his bag. Every target will have at least one CBA watching them (at) all times, even while at home and asleep. For the stalker - gang stalking is both an addictive behavior, as well as a form of entertainment for the stalkers. Incidentally, the now-tired term, "conspiracy theorist" was coined by Operation Mockingbird as a means to discredit and gaslight anyone who disagreed with the Warren Commission's final word on the JFK assassination. Facts don't add up. PsyOp units work with the civilian population as irregular forces to attack target audience (TA) in the area of operation (AO). Repetition is a common tactic employed by gangstalkers. Stay Behind, Secret Military-led organization, created by the CIA after WWII in NATO countries. Actions to be reported include, but are not limited to: Some of these observations will be performed by the Electronic Corps (EC), but CBAs should attempt to make and report as many detailed observations of target activity as possible. Be sure to notify (the Control Center) immediately if you lose the target. It seems to be more weapons research than medical research. They lose their temper so easily. Its a dog-eat-dog world and I believe in giving back what I get. He imitated me chewing like a cow. If you are being harassed over the phone, contact your . Archived post. One can speculate that theyve made great advances in the past decades. I said to him, Oh, I thought you were a woman. If you find your are a victim of mobile surveillance or traffic mobbing, invest in a good dashcam, or helmet cam if you are a cyclist. This monitoring is assisted by blog scanning software which will detect and instantly flag posts relating to activities. 6. I will pay attention to you and try to be less confrontational. A type of audiovisual product known as PsyAct includes agents of action who carry out plays in the presence of the TA. It could be Extremely low frequency (ELF) is the ITU designation for electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) with frequencies from 3 to 30 Hz, frequencies that are otherwise inaudible but cause physical distress such as nausea and mental duress, insomnia and so on. They sometimes blurted out stuff that is clear indication of their knowledge of gangstalking and it simply cannot be ignored. UPscale your community, buy a washer and dryer, get a car. Discussions at these meetings may include any ongoing campaigns against domestic threats in the area of operation.C4ISR- Command, Control, Communications, Computer Center that utilizes Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance. Some of these frequencies have been shown to induce visual hallucinations, artificial disturbing dreams, impairment of memory, disrupt your Circadian Rhythm, jam or block your memory as well as cause mysterious body aches and pains and nausea. So take a really good look at them, and youll find plenty to pick on. -In apartments, frequent drilling into a scrap of wood or masonry held against the targets wall, floors or ceiling as if working. Alternatively, hammering. These may include nonviolent protesters who are labeled as terrorists. Archived post. I turned around and told him to leave me alone. They lose their temper so easily. It doesnt take much. Doing this, both during target commutes and then other times makes the target very uncomfortable. While most talk show hosts, even those somewhat sympathetic to targets, have received discrediting information and often will not host targets, some targets do manage to get on the air. GIG Global Information Grid- developed partially by the MITRE Corporation, has been called DODs global C4ISR unit for netwar. If the target were punished in the community but was allowed sanctuary in their home, the creation of a prison without walls would not be complete. "You cheating sons of bitches every last one of . Three reasons that I've heard of are: 1. Even the ones I dont know as random unknown illegal gangstalkers including neighbors living behind me and near me in Revolutionary . And I said he was. The triggers are part of a behavior modification program called NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) which uses anchors and triggers to promote change. Like two people outside my apartment, you get up to check, and no one is there. The Office of Scientific Intelligence of the CIA in coordination with the United States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories used mind-altering drugs such as LSD and scopolamine to extract confessions from subjects and manipulate the subject's mental health. Physical sabotage is an especially effective form of punishment when it is carefully limited to low value items, below the value where police will take the report seriously. I took a really good look at him. Psychologists are the key to finding ways to maximize feelings of stress and hopelessness in the target, and degrading the targets health, from many individual minor invasive punishment acts. Another guy made fun of the way I chewed. It can understand and learn. These sorts of things are extremely difficult to prove to law enforcement, which is one of the reasons many are then being. An anchor is created when an emotional state is linked to something such as an object, person, sound, smell, place, color, etc. 4GW is more or less synonymous with unconventional warfare (UW), irregular warfare (IR), asymmetric warfare (AW), low-intensity conflict (LIC), military operations other than war (MOOTW), and network-centric warfare (NCW). The most important thing to do is remain vigilant and calm, and not to question your own sanity. These lists, often compiled by law enforcement agencies, go by names such as "non-conviction police records", or "offender registry" or " Violent Persons Registry" and so forth, but they can also be compiled by corporations or political parties as well, particularly now with social media devolving into a surveillance apparatus itself. The sounds originate from within, above, or behind the head and are transmitted to the inner ear via bone conduction (thermal expansion). The military has employed this tactic since the 60s to get rebellious soldiers and others locked up in mental hospitals. These weapons are mounted on platforms which can be a missile, aircraft, ship, vehicle, suitcase, radio, etc. Some adjacent homes or apartments are occupied by neighbors of the target who have offered to cooperate in punishment of the target. Maybe he was jealous I had teeth. Daily meetings are attended by representatives of the military, NGOs, the private sector, and local officials. -Target bank accounts can be disrupted in ways which do not give the target cause to involve law enforcement. The battlespace includes the internet. Scan this QR code to download the app now. The targets associates will simply refuse to believe that anyone but the target is responsible. How to Get Revenge On Gang Stalkers - Parabellum - YouTube PayPal: Cash App: $dougster62Please Donate! The New Hi-Tech Generation of COINTELPRO. CR Cognitive Radio- (a kind of JTRS, or Joint Tactical Radio System) that consists of a computer which has AI (artificial intelligence). He replied that he wasnt doing anything to me. I havent seen him since. You can ditch your cellphone, put your car in the garage, correspond via mail, walk, and use public transportation. Infrasound easily passes through buildings and travels great distances. But no sane person will work for this slave wage. You f**kwith me, Ill f**k with you right back. A. having regard to the revelation by several European governments of the existence for 40 years of a clandestine parallel intelligence and armed operations organization in several member states of the community. -Trash. Infrasound is thought to be superior to ultrasound because it retains its frequency when it hits the body. 4. The world's governments became much more entangled into and obsessed with surveillance systems after the Second World War. It is called action of international banking ring and usually at first the sums are around 50 100 dollars which are taken when the target pays small bills. It is a systemic, patterned set of behaviours for the purposes of destroying or harming someone's life, ruining their relationships, reputation and standing in their community, and harming their health, particularly their mental health, as well as causing financial harm to the Targeted Individual. Each military service has its own tactical mobile C4ISR system; The Navy and Marines use ForceNet, the Air Force uses Command Control Constellation (C2 Constellation), the Army uses LandWarNet and WIN-T. Each type of C4ISR system is connected to GIG (global information grid). Show more. GWOT Global War on Terror- use of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation warfare to achieve political/military objectives of the American Empire and New World Order. This can include having the street torn up for extended periods, or repeatedly. The less you use electronic devices, the harder and more expensive it is to to follow and track you. Indoors, it might be good to invest in EMF Protection blankets, Wi-Fi jammers, and Faraday shield covers for your devices to block government trackers such as the. Were not suppose to know they exist and that no one is doing anything to us. However, it is possible to stage an accident so only the target knows it was staged. I can positively say I'm being gangstalked by my brother My mother my father And most likely my . are used. They give orders in secrecy to police, media, legal system, and judges, etc. -Simple following, or leading, a short distance, but every day. Please know that you are not alone, remain vigilant and know that one day the nightmare will be over. If a community-based agent (CBA) has a good track record of intelligently carrying out assignments, and has access to a computer, the CBA may apply to the local Control Center for assignment to discredit work. In this case, comments like Someone isnt taking their medication are not an appropriate response. And every time I succeed in getting them really angry. This is a complete guide to the subject, so let's dive into it. Thankfully with the rise of various video platforms and alternative tech, there are many good outlets for you to turn the tables on your stalkers and expose them for the rest of the world to see. Web spoofing allows an attacker to create a copy of the worldwide web. I just remarked to him, you dare pick on me with a belly that big!. PsyOp- Psychological Operations, a major part of the New War and a core part of CMO (civilian military operations) that is combined with EW (electronic warfare) and CNO. Punishing the target at the targets (home) is essential for effectiveness of secret service operations. The next time I saw him, he was about to say the same thing he always says, but I shut him up right away. Backup all video to a private cloud, preferably one outside of the jurisdiction of the Five Eyes. Or show signs of schizophrenia, for instance 6.6 pulses a second can induce severe sexual aggression in men. Most are run by DPKO (Department of Peacekeeping Operations) of the UN. You have to learn to look at gangstalkers as people with lots of faults. Thanks for your question. Answer (1 of 8): First of all your a target individual and for the length of time I have been one.. You will never? These are counter-proliferation centered programs intended to subvert all progress, Covert remote influencing technology suite, While all these traditional tactics have proven fruitful throughout time without waning effectiveness, the agencies involved in extreme cover-ups prefer another tactic that seems to have withstood the test of time too. The key to dealing with this is an understanding of what gang stalking, organized community stalking is - and determining if you are actually a targeted individual. These can be blocked using Wi-Fi jammers as this is how they are remotely controlled by their operator. You cannot make a stalker go away by "being nice.". [20] Directed energy weapon programs revolutionized this. They do a cough thing to let you know that theyre in control of you. In order for this channel to grow, I need. In this setup, the CBA in the car may be instructed to call, using walkie-talkie-style cell phones, another CBA (or team) waiting or patrolling by car nearby to follow the target, or, you may be assigned to follow the target yourself. For example, burning a targets house down, or even stealing an expensive appliance, would bring official investigators into the picture, so that is not done. Defeating the new enemies involves the synchronized use of non-lethal directed energy weapons, isolation, deprivation, and PsyOps against individuals and groups (aka TA, target audience and TI, targeted individuals). 3. European Parliament Resolution on Operation Gladio, Nov. 22, 1990: On November 22, 1990, the European Parliament passed a resolution on Operation Gladio. That's what I do! I saw her and the next thing I know, shes on the phone to the gangstalkeryelling at him that hes not supposed to be talking to me. Bug sweeping which is sometimes also referred to as Technical Surveillance Countermeasures are physical in-person electronic checks for audio and video surveillance and evidence that you or someone in your home is being watched and secretly recorded with hidden cameras or listening devices, as well as using professionally certified government-grade "Technical Surveillance Countermeasures" to scan for for radio signals which might be leaking your data or audio/video recordings of you. Target selection is done by senior Control Center (CC) staff or higher levels. If you want to get them in trouble, talk to them. It doesn't take much. These are groups of individuals not under government control, against the established leadership, who will be targeted because of an action they might take in the future. The short answer is to keep the constant pressure on the targeted individuals. Primary elements include the source, the rumor, and the receiver-repeater (R2). -Underground utility crews, where the management has been recruited, schedule messy, noisy maintenance at the targets home (or business if the target runs a business). They dont care about your feelings, dont care about theirs. -For a CBA vehicle convoy, boxing in the target during a commute, forcing the target to travel at a lower speed than the target wants to travel. Internet applications that can convey PsyOp messages include email, websites, and chat rooms. DE warfare is military action involving the use of DE weapons, devices, and countermeasures to either cause direct damage or destruction of adversary equipment, facilities, and personnel, or to determine, exploit, reduce, or prevent hostile use of the EMS through damage, destruction, and disruption.. Let them lower themselvesdont you follow! However, since our adversaries employ terrorism and transnational criminal activities against the interests of the United States and its partners, these activities are included as examples of the range of operations and activities that can be conducted as part of IW (Information Warfare)., 4GW Fourth Generation Warfare- is a form of political/information warfare waged against civilians by a state or other entity. (LogOut/ The goal is to keep negative information covertly flowing into the community, in such a way that those receiving the information arent likely to tell the target. That I one of my motivations for writing about this subject, as alifelong friend of mine had her life and marriage ruined by this particular sort of gang stalking by a deranged individual. If you're new to gang stalking, you should watch the gang stalkers, because you're in the learning stage of gang stalking and have to learn how they work. How well the punishment actions work depends on how accurate and complete your reports are in many situations(. That is labeling someone paranoid schizophrenic or mentally ill. Once that label has been attached to someone, almost all testimony will be disbelieved. And capturing them on camera is impossible. The battle remains, the battle for the mind.. It makes their egos go through the roof. It is very important to apply punishment by way of a large number of small value sabotage acts, because that makes it look like the target is forgetful, exaggerating, or in some cases even delusional, if they complain about many cases of small value damage. While the powerful silent support of operations by the justice and psychiatric systems has been sufficient to prevent the target from informing the public, the area of discrediting targets is an ongoing activity. One of the experiments was to take an ordinary sane person, cause insanity, and have a psychiatrist who was unknown to everybody diagnose schizophrenia, or paranoia or a psychiatric illness. The perversions of cointelpro are notable. Particular frequencies and modulations will trigger precise chemical reactions in the brain, which produce specific emotions in the targeted individual. The machine successfully transmitted images into a CNN reporters mind. These are not random occurrences, but demonstrable, repeated patterned behaviours, directed at you as a Targeted Individual. Often you will have an on-site supervisor (OSS) position you, and give you hand signals as to when to start your movement to intercept the target. PayPal: Cash App: $dougster62The worst thing that you can do when faced with harassment is to respond by way of aggression. Words like sets, props, performance, theatre, actors, cast, script, audience, etc. Many states have since enacted laws against stalking, where someone is the victim of a lone individual who pursues them obsessively and aggressively to the point of harassment. The target must not have easy cause to involve law enforcement. It will eventually escalate to the point that you will be pushed into saying or doing something you will regret. Here are some examples of vehicle intercepts a community-based agent (CBA) can expect to be assigned. Micro-wave hearing- aka synthetic telepathy, Voice of God, and V2K, Existing radar units can be modified to transmit a beam of pulsed microwave energy into a persons skull which causes sounds like ticks, buzzes, hisses, knocks, chirps, and words. Given the rise of government surveillance post-9/11 and also the advance of technology, more and more individuals are finding themselves being watched by person or persons unknown. Some of the most common tactics of Community Stalking are: electronic harassment, constant surveillance, mental manipulation, sabotage, investigation and disclosure, aka "doxxing" of personal information, trauma-based manipulation and other purposeful interferences with one's daily life such as noise and disruptions in one's daily routine and vandalism and similar acts. Although operations are silently approved of, and covered for by the official justice system, (they are not) seen as criminal in nature by citizens who do not have a strong sense of right and wrong. This chapter will cover only local agent visual surveillance. CR is an intelligent device that is aware of itself, the needs of the user, and the environment. CNO- Computer Network Operations- aka NW Ops, or network operations/NetOps) are information warfare attacks used to deny, deceive, degrade, and disrupt networks and computers used by the enemy. The world of gangstalking is muddled and confusing. US law and national policy prohibit US military forces or other government agencies (OGAs) from engaging in or supporting such activities. Alternatively, a CBA may intercept the target a short way before home and arrive at exactly the same time as the target. I find that speaking politely is always the best policy. Another hidden goal is to indoctrinate and radicalize selected targets. All Rights Reserved. My entire family are gangstalkers and they have constantly lied to me to make me look crazy and force me to take meds. The idea is to focus the neighbors attention to the targets behavior, hinting that maybe the target is mentally ill. Messages may be subtly transmitted during these events. Newer community-based agents will not be assigned to engineer the method, but will assist in passing rumours, which are the main means of destroying a targets public image. Operations in general are of the active surveillance type. The Stay Behind logo resembles the NATO logo. FundIng for unneeded work is available from headquarters. Italy and Belgium had terror actions by Stay Behind, and when the organizations (ceased to exist, the terror operations also ceased to exist). This new war is fought for political purposes and revolves around the issue of gaining the support and influence of the population. One important punishment function of surveillance is to sensitize the target. To get the TI to snap or do them selves in somehow. The reason for that is that if you upload, your tormentors will know that you are recording them. Recordings should always be done w/o the PERPs knowledge.By alerting Perps of them being recorded will affect how they harass you. Thats why theyre out there harassing you. Also keep a journal of daily occurrences and your mood and thoughts. Now every time he sees me he doesnt dare say a thing. So, theyre watched all day, too. Thus, much of the modern PsyOp was built by a small group of private interests, using the social sciences to install a global government. The Center can schedule these every day the target commutes, and both to and from work. Myron May is an example of a radicalized target. 3. So while damaging the brake system of a targets vehicle is not allowed for community-based agents (CBAs), draining some of the oil, transmission fluid or radiator antifreeze is allowed, but not all of it. "for exampleif someone slipped one in your purse. What is the purpose of the stalking to begin with? They feel better by putting someone down. Insurgents those who try to persuade the populace to accept political change. Because operations are carried out 24/7 in shifts, homes and apartments which are leased or owned by staff are not used as dwellings. And, believe me, these people should be on the Government Watch List. If they wear the same clothes day in and day out, make some remark about their clothes never-changing. If you came out and wrote an op-ed critical of the "lone gunman" explanation - you were a "conspiracy theorist". /r/gangstalking is a subreddit that focuses upon presenting information about predatory gangstalking and also to exist as a community to organize as a group to spread awareness and education. Similarly, the US Marine Corps document, Multiple-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare (2006) states: frightening the population into inactivity is sufficient to (achieve) our goals.. Just do to them exactly what they do to you. Store management can stop ordering a targets favorite items. GIG uses existing commercial satellite and ground-based systems as well as GIG nodes such as aircraft, vehicles, and ships equipped with DR (JTRS). Transcribe and forward such a letter to the editor to the supervisor, along with your proposed response. One way for Android users to protect themselves against stalking via AirTags is with an app like. 2. 1. This article was updated on January 3, 2023. How to get rid of gang stalkers - Quora Answer (1 of 23): If you are working, have some money in the bank. (Hence, the term surveillance role player). The next time I see them, theyre wearing different clothing. So drive them crazy! Simple path crossing, requiring the target to take evasive action to avoid collision, multiple CBAs sometimes perform this several times during a single outing by a target. Electronic harassment, for example, is exactly what it sounds like - the use of technology to harass others to cause harm. Frequently, but CC staff will assist in scheduling this so that the target cant quite have a case on which law enforcement will act. Rumor Campaigns- used by PsyOp units to isolate TIs. Leave trash in the targets yard. Taxi drivers can delay arriving when called by the target, especially when going to the airport. Targeted individuals claim that seemingly ordinary. Theres a bus driver, who every time he sees me, hell say something like, Oh, I thought you were a man with that hat on. I didnt know what to say for the first few times he said that to me. They include biological and chemical warfare, directed-energy weapons, communications warfare, information warfare (IW) and psychological operations (PsyOp). These incentives are applied by specialists from our organization at higher than the local level. -Parking so as to prevent a targets leaving a parking area, and then disappearing. Ultimate goal of PsyOp is to modify the behavior of the TA by destroying their will using a relentless attack consisting of painful triggers.

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