new york assembly bill a416 passed

If New York Governor Cuomo signs this draconian measure into law, and if similar measures are adopted by other states and/or congressional legislation is passed and signed into law on this issue, preserving and protecting health by refusing to be jabbed with experimental, unapproved, toxic drugs could be considered the equivalent of a criminal offense. None of the above applies to mass-jabbing with toxic, experimental drugs that dont protect and risk serious harm to health or death. The legislation specifically states that as long as the opinion of the governor dictates that a person is a threat, he or she could be removed from the home and placed in government care for as long as the governor sees fit. If NY State Assembly Bill A416 and similar measures are adopted in the US, rights guaranteed by international law and the Constitution no longer will apply. Known only as Assembly Bill A416, it's described as being legislation that . Tyranny enforced by police state harshness will be the new standard including indefinite detention of anyone accused of virtually anything no matter how untrue. Here's how the opening of the bill reads with emphasis added: In essence, AB A416 overrides the Constitution and replaces it with a new system of authoritarianism whereby the government, at least in New York, will now have unlimited power to take people from their homes and deprive them of life and liberty on a whim. Under federal law, experimental drugs cannot be mandated. Pox Amerikana and its satanic covaids agenda needs to be cauterized and fast. A position that would ensure the compliance from each individual, towards a collectivist goal. By clicking Sign up, you agree to our privacy policy. Nothing within this site or linked to by this site constitutes investment advice or medical advice. We believe this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. We use alternative sourced information to increase awareness of crucial issues. The State Senate, which also had to vote on the maps, approved them60-1. Please share this message with friends and family, and please share on social networks while we still can. Bills are quietly drafted, hoping to be passed before the public takes note, which often ends up being the case. The State Senate, which also . In 1956, he received a BA from Harvard University. Whats going on in the US and West ominously resembles how the scourge of Nazism imposed tyrannical rule in Germany. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene falsely claimed the New York Assembly passed a bill that allows individuals to be detained if they're deemed a threat to public health. America is a country where individuality matters, and law-abiding citizens have the freedom to exist. This includes those who refuse to comply with public health measures, or refuse to receive consistent COVID-19 booster vaccinations. sc.src = '//'; sc.charset = 'utf-8'; Few lawmakers took issue with the minor tweaks to the extent that the bill to approve the new districts passed the Assembly without much debate, on a 132-13 vote. One of our YouTube accounts was banned and another has been suspended. The New York State Assembly is not voting on a bill in January 2022 . How is It Possible That So Many People Still Believe That the Earth Is Flat? According to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR): Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person., No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention., No one shall be deprived of his (or her) liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedure as are established by law., Anyone arrested or detained on a criminal charge shall be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power and shall be entitled to trial within a reasonable time or to release.. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. Irony: German Bundestag Admits Conversion To Heat Pump Systems For Its Own Buildings Not Possible! S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K _____ 8416 2019-2020 Regular Sessions I N A S S E M B L Y June 16, 2019 _____ Introduced by M. of A. PRETLOW -- read once and referred to the Commit- tee on Ways and Means AN ACT to amend the racing, pari-mutuel wagering and breeding law, in relation to adjusting the tax on gaming revenues in region one THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND . Anyone deemed a case or even just a contact of case who might be infected or possibly a carrier of any illness, not just the Chinese virus, would become a target of government officials in New York who would have leeway and discretion to respond as they see fit. !Private Blog Content (User Login Required). They Are Trying To Normalize SADS Like They Did With SIDS. Learn more about the history of the labor movement in the United States, and visit the website of the AFL-CIO, the federation of America's labor unions, representing more than 13 million workers. As the world spirals towards radical progressivism, the need for truthful journalism has never been greater. Assembly Bill A.416 was extremely anti-American, and would place the civil rights of each citizen in a vulnerable position. Laws Affected: Amd Art 43-B Art Head, 207, desig 4360 - 4369 to be Title 1, add Art 43-B Title 1 Head, Title 2 4370 - 4372, Pub Health L; amd 612, Tax L; add 365-o, Soc Serv L. Versions Introduced in Other Legislative Sessions: Following its initial proposal, the bill was reintroduced in the 2017-2018, 2019-2020, and 2021-2022 legislative sessions (here), (here), (here), (here). The second way to help is to become a partner. for up to 60 days without court order - and the department decides who is healthy & who is not. 2. Heres how the opening of the bill reads with emphasis added: AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health. Civil Liberties | COVID-19 Vaccine, Human rights, New York, United States, Identifying such persons either by name or by a reasonably specific description of the individuals or group being detained, they shall be indefinitely held in a medical facility or other appropriate private facility.. Now she is attempting to bypass the legislative process and grant herself the authority to essentially whisk away and imprison anyone she deems a public health threat into detention camps, with no due process. Law Section: Public Health Law. Any person who has had contact with thepotentially infected person can also be detained in the same manner. What happened to Land of the Free? (here). Social media users have shared a bill that was first introduced in 2015 amid the outbreak of Ebola. What were seeing with this bill is the birth of American concentration camps. There's a highly disturbing piece of potential legislation that's been knocking around in the New York State assembly for years that's drawing some renewed attention because of the pandemic and the ongoing debates about vaccinations, masks, and all the rest. This site and the information available through it do not, and are not intended to constitute legal advice. New York is working on a bill to incarcerate people and whole groups of people they deem infectious (via PCR test?) Depriving individuals of liberty for refusal to self-inflict harm by jabbing with hazardous drugs is a flagrant breach of international law. The measure targets individuals unwilling to self-inflict harm by hazardous to health covid jabs. Materials accessible from or added to this site by third parties, such as comments posted, are strictly the responsibility of the third party who added such materials or made them accessible and we neither endorse nor undertake to control, monitor, edit or assume responsibility for any such third-party material. Dr. Joseph Mercola said, Synthetic meat is the epitome of ultraprocessed food, and it seems nave to think it wont have health effects similar to other ultraprocessed junk foods. For All-American REAL beef raised in pastures, sous vide, then freeze-dried for long-term storage, visit Whole Cows and use promo code no junk at checkout. No such bill is being voted on in the New York State Assembly on Jan. 5, 2022. With total power, comes eventual corruption, leading to mass oppression and devastation. Steve Stern (D-Dix Hills); and 14th, by Assemb. Your valid home address is used to determine which NY State Senator Represents you. The bill, titled A416, was introduced by Democratic Assemblyman Nick Perry and, according to his website, "relates to the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases who. The bill will require state contractors who work with commodities derived from rainforests to certify that their products are not contributing to deforestation or degradation. I'm not sure why New York is doing this other than they intend to use this new law (when Cuomo signs it) very, very soon. District: Telephone (914) 423-4031, Fax (914) 423-0979, New York City: Telephone (212) 298-5585, Fax (212) 298-5623,, Albany: (518) 455-3791, District: (718) 654-6539, Please share this link to this message: This is information for anyone that wishes to challenge our fair use of copyrighted material. An appellate judge stay was placed on the lower court Judges ruling allowing the mask rule to continue pending a final decision. Assembly Bill A.416 was extremely anti-American, and would place the civil rights of each citizen in a vulnerable position. The one thing that we have learned over the past two years is that politicians and health officials draconian and ineffective response to COVID has very little to do with health and everything to do with politics and obtaining more power. Joe DeStefano (R-Medford); the 10th, by Assemb. Copyright 2023 Newsday. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. "Protecting the health of our neighbors is a noble goal to be certain, but this bill. You cant say that on Big Tech platforms without risking cancelation, but wed rather get cancelled for telling the truth rather than staying around to repeat mainstream medias lies. The measure targets individuals unwilling to self-inflict harm by hazardous to health covid jabs. The bill has never passed through the committee stage to the Assembly Floor and . Weve strongly considered seeking angel investors in the past but because we were paying the bills, it didnt seem necessary. To reduce these factors pulls our nation back to a primitive state. The Liberty Engine: Perpetual Free Clean Energy Generator, The Most Important Molecule for Health You Have Never Heard Of: Nitric Oxide. What Kind of Culture Are They Planning for you? Below is a list of contact information courtesy of John Gilmore from the Autism Action Network. Because we believe in the truth prevailing, and that means we will continue to discuss taboo topics. None of the above applies to mass-jabbing with toxic, experimental drugs that dont protect and risk serious harm to health or death. Longterm involuntarily detention may follow under draconian conditions able to destroy health. Failure to comply would result in removal from society and re-education. Those accused of crimes have the right to a trial. Assembly Bill A.4161would have allowed the Governor to imprison anyone without trial, who could be considered a threat to public health. Anyone who is deprived of his liberty by arrest or detention shall be entitled to take proceedings before a court, in order that that court may decide without delay on the lawfulness of his (or her) detention and order his release if the detention is not lawful. Optional services from the NY State Senate: Include a custom message for your Senator? USSA not only an open sewer polluting the planet and humanitynow the evil sickness, Pox Amerikana has declared itself to be what it always was, a NAZI death camp. The Democrat-dominated New York state Senate haspassed a billallowing government officials to throw people in concentration camps indefinitely if they are deemed to be a public health threat. Are Heat Pumps Cheaper To Run? Related: Authoritative Legislation: New York States Totalitarian Reign,,,, This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. In the next legislative session beginning January 5th, 2022, the New York Senate and Assembly could vote on a bill that would grant permissions to remove and detain cases, contacts, carriers, or anyone suspected of presenting a "significant threat to public health" and remove them from public life on an indefinite basis. Democratic Assemblyman N. Nick Perry of New York's 58th District spearheaded Bill A416, which holds that the government may "order the removal and/or detention of such a person or of a group of . As New York State continues to draft authoritative legislation, what other nefarious bills are currently being concocted behind the scenes? The archives of The Common Sense Radio Show Are Available on Megaphone and Global Star. REMOVAL AND DETENTION OF CASES, CONTACTS AND CARRIERS WHO ARE OR MAY BE A DANGER TO PUBLIC HEALTH; OTHER ORDERS. It prohibits mandatory participation in medical experiments. At issue was redistricting of the Assembly, one year after the tumultuous process of redrawing New Yorks State Senate and congressional lines. All the government would have to do is accuse a person of possibly being infected with a virus and that would justify that persons removal from society. 2120-A. A416 struck down (Dec 2021- NY BILL A416) It's so BEAUTIFUL and UPLIFTING and BUOYING, that the New York bill that was persistently pushed since 2015 and every year thereafter (regarding forceful removal of individuals from their homes if the state deemed you a health hazard) actually finally got STRUCK DOWN / REMOVED/ ABANDONED, due to OVEREXPOSURE in the truth / alternative media community . The next phase of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19)plandemic, the legislation reflects what the Nazis did in World War II when they decided that human rights no longer apply during a crisis.. The Assemblyman publicly backing down on an oppressive bill shows that public access to congressional information, as well as public action, can make a difference. CIA Admits Feeding Americans False Info About Ukraine, Why so Many Families Are Uprooting and Fleeing to Freer States. The production of free energy in the world would have so New York Governor Attempting To Bypass Legislative Process To Imprison Suspected Health Zeitgeist: Exposing The Invisible Chains Globalist Use To Enslave The World! A416 (ACTIVE) - Details See Senate Version of this Bill: S4533 Current Committee: Assembly Education Law Section: Education Law Laws Affected: Amd 809, Ed L Versions Introduced in Other Legislative Sessions: 2009-2010: A6126 2011-2012: A1925 2013-2014: A782 2015-2016: A518 2017-2018: A2137 2019-2020: A1063 2021-2022: A2082, S7670 We had 5,657,724 sessions on our website from November, 2020, through February, 2021. Will rule of law protections no longer apply when conflict with federal, state or local diktats? Is something similar coming in other states, possibly nationwide in the US? Our goal is to help neutralize the corporate medias dominance over our nations collective consciousness & promote critical thinking. Few lawmakers took issue with the minor tweaks to the extent that the bill to approve the new districts passed the Assembly without much debate, on a 132-13vote. Attempts to intimidate and silence contributors or deliberately deceive the public, including excessive or extraneous posting/posts, or coordinated activity, are prohibited and may result in the temporary or permanent banning of the user. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. We refuse to back down. Assembly Members; Legislative Info; Public Hearings; Speaker's Press; Assembly Reports . Kathy Hochul signed the measure Monday and the new maps will be used in the 2024 election cycle. Even though we know that the shots do not prevent transmission of Covid, we know that the vast majority of masks in use do not prevent the transmission of Covid, and, of course, it pretends that natural immunity in recovered people does not exist. According to the bill, this certification must be done through data analysis and a demonstration of supply chain due diligence. So now Hochul will just give herself that power through a regulation. The 2020 presidential election was stolen. Seeing the deceit drafted into the bill, the information resistance united together, and prevailed. Failure to comply would result in removal from society and re-education. There is supposed to be a 72-hour limit, but only applies to people who have been determined to be uninfected. Why We Moderate a Commentors First Post, self-directed gold and silver IRA through an America-First, Christian precious metals company, For America To Grow, Washingtons Swampy Spending Spree Has To Shrink, Standing Your Ground Is A Constitutional Right, The Intelligence Leak Shows Us Nothing New Or Surprising About Ukraine, How Womens Worthwhile Pursuit Of The Workplace Reduced Them To A GDP Calculation, House Republicans Subpoena FBI Official For Alleged Retaliation Against Whistleblowers, New details about Don Lemon's ouster say CNN execs left 'exasperated' after race-focused debate with GOP guest, UFC legend Nate Diaz wanted in New Orleans on battery charge after allegedly choking TikToker in Bourbon street scuffle, Video: All-smiles Ana Navarro of 'The View' sings 'Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye' over Tucker Carlson's exit from Fox News, AOC ridiculed for celebrating Carlson's ousting and saying 'deplatforming works', Biden announces re-election bid to continue battle for 'soul of America', It's Not 2020 Anymore. THIS NAZI OUTRAGE CANNOT EVER BE TOLERATED! He confirmed this to Reuters via email as well. Send me alerts for this bill. Involuntary/indefinite detention if ordered will become de facto concentration camp imprisonment. In January 2021, a New York State Government bill, Assembly Bill A416, entered the New York State Legislature. Assembly Bill A.416, drafted directly against the rights of each New Yorker, would allow forcible detainment of any individual without trial, as determined by the state. The public health law is amended by adding a new section 2120-a to read as follows: Please help keep NOQ Report going. Others might share a personal anecdote about how the bill would affect them or people they care about. Vision Launch Media is a global discovery platform for free-speech and independent thought. Are we heading into a new era of free clean energy for humanity? (function() { The truth is the truth. Take Long Islands 22 Assembly districts. This bill does allow for the detaining of anyone who pose[s] an imminent and significant threat to the public health until he or she is no longer contagious. The bill will also create a transparency system so that small, medium-sized, women and minority-owned businesses can gain knowledge and achieve ethical supply chain activities to prevent tropical deforestation and human rights abuses. ALBANY The State Assembly on Mondayapproved new boundaries and maps for its 150 districts with a bit of a shrug. This however, was not the case with Assembly Bill A.416. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. Although we make every reasonable effort to ensure that the information and data provided at this site are useful, accurate, and current, we cannot guarantee that the information and data provided here will be error-free. Legislative Calendar; Public Hearing Schedule; Assembly Calendars; Assembly Committee Agenda; New York State Bill Search. For more info go to: Published January 3, 2021 2:14pm EST New York Democrat's bill allowing governor to detain individuals dangerous to 'public health' sparks backlash State Assemblyman N. Nick Perry defended. This opens the door to indefinite detention, particularly for diseases that remain in ones system for extended periods of time. This bill is so unconstitutional it is stunning. The exceptions were Springer, who finished fifteenth and is well-liked enough to garner fan votes (despite the Astros deception controversy); and Perez, who was the lone catcher to receive any votes and endured absurd numbers this year in addition to becoming well-liked with fans. The lies associated with Covid-19 are only slightly more prevalent than the suppression of valid scientific information that runs counter to the prescribed narrative. The New York State Capitol in Albany, shown in March. It might be good to review Dave's previous article: "Jade Helm 16 Is Going Live with the Staffing of Medical Martial Law Camps" from March 2020. Heres Why It Wont Work. Vision Launch Media is a global discovery platform for free-speech and independent thought. April 7, 2021 Since it was first presented in 2015, the bill has remained in stalemate and never moved beyond the committee stage to the Assembly Floor. He remained there until retiring at year end 1999. If in the opinion of (New York) governor Cuomo or his minions, anyone considered a public health threat even when healthy threatening no one can be forcibly interned against their will. Covid-19, for example, has been shown to allow infections to persist for over a month after a person is first exposed. The new map unifies Central Islip again and better represents a contiguous community of common interest, Ramos said Monday. The EU Extends its Censorship Powers, The Fight for Freedom is Not Over; It is Only Beginning, The Washington Post Whitewashes the Covid Response, Top Ten Quotes from the NYT Fauci Interview. Best to boost your immune system with new Z-Dtox and Z-Stack nutraceuticals from our dear friend, the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. | Reply. Global Energy Security and Net ZeroRoss McKitrick, Big-selling electric models are among the most depreciating used cars, Joe Biden Wants Every US Military Vehicle To Be Climate Friendly. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. But a separate lawsuit, citing the same improper process, resulted in the court tossing the old maps and effectively ordering the states redistricting commission to redo the Assembly maps. Bill Search; Advanced Search . Biden Won't Be Able to Campaign From His Basement to Hide His Age, Fox News 'Is Dead,' and Tucker Carlson Is Already Living Large With a Job Offer, BREAKING: Desiccated Fossil Joe Biden Launches Re-election Bid in Pre-dawn Video Release, The Morning Briefing: Fox News Has Been Hitting the Bud Light a Little Hard, CIA Visits Paraguay Ahead of WEF Election Coup, Video: Pro-Trans Militants Shut Down Montana Legislature in Their Latest Attack on Democracy, Video: Neil Cavuto Shuts Down RFK Jr When He Calls For Peace in Ukraine, DeSantis Becomes Shaken When Asked About his Failing Poll Numbers vs Trump, No Longer Conspiracy Theory, Time for Action: Government Betrayal of the Constitution, Changing the Culture of Georgias Insurance Industry, Joe Biden's Perfect Record of Failure Makes Him Unqualified for a Second Term, Joe Manchin Pathetically Tries to Flip the Script After Nuking His Career, State University Teaches 'Transgender Etiquette,' Tells Students Nearly 50 Percent of Men May Be Bisexual, GOP Responds to Biden Announcement With First-Ever AI-Generated Video, Hunter Biden Ordered to Appear in Arkansas Court, His Lawyers Make Unbelievable Excuse for Lack of Discovery. Tyranny enforced by police state harshness will be the new standard including indefinite detention of anyone accused of virtually anything no matter how untrue. In early 2007, radio hosting followed. A00416 Memo: NEW YORK STATE ASSEMBLY MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF LEGISLATION submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1 (f) BILL NUMBER: A416 SPONSOR: Perry The New York State Legislation will vote on January 5th of 2022 whether or not to detain unvaccinated individuals at Gov. Eventually, the states highest court agreed and a special master redrew the maps. Change). Anyone who has been the victim of unlawful arrest or detention shall have an enforceable right to compensation.. It simply delegates full discretion to the governor and given Cuomos handling of nursing homes, this is just not acceptable. The claim that assembly members would be voting to pass the bill also circulated in January 2021 and was debunked by PolitiFact (here). It sat in the assembly for six years and never went anywhere until it was finally withdrawn by the sponsor. VISIT MY WEBSITE: (Home Stephen Lendman). Previously, a sliver was in the 2nd District, held by Assemb. And call Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins and let them know you are opposed to the regulation and want them to exert their authority to make laws, not the Governor and the bureaucrats. In a statement released in 2020, Perry said the bill had first been introduced after it was discovered that people infected with Ebola had entered the United States, although there were elements of the bill that could be applicable to the COVID-19 pandemic (here). They cannot legally be used to give the Governor completely new powers. The state Senate and Assembly will not take up the bill (A416) during the next legislative session, which begins in Albany on Jan. 5, after it's sponsor, state Assemblyman Nick Perry . They also risk possible irreversible harm to health or death if taken as directed. Is that where things are heading in New York? THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION SHALL BE UTILIZED IN THE EVENT THAT THE GOVERNOR DECLARES A STATE OF HEALTH EMERGENCY DUE TO AN EPIDEMIC OF ANY COMMUNICABLE DISEASE. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Are We Tipping To Cooling. The Nuremberg Code requires voluntary consent on matters relating to human health. If you are a legal copyright holder or a designated agent for such and you believe that content residing on or accessible through our website infringes a copyright and falls outside the boundaries of Fair Use, please send a notice of infringement by contacting by Kay Smythe December 18, 2021. -a416 The wording of this bill worries lawmakers like Assemblyman Steve Hawley, a Republican from Batavia. Procedures must yield positive results that benefit individuals and society. If notice is given of an alleged copyright violation we will act expeditiously to remove or disable access to the material(s) in question. On Friday, Hochul extended the current mask mandate for public places until February 10. Governor Kathy Hochul (518) 474-8390, (212) 681-4580, Hochul only takes voice mail. The best way NOQ Report readers can help is to donate. While we were never as dependent on Big Tech as most conservative sites, wed like to be completely free from them. This article is adapted from Pandoras Gamble: Lab Leaks, Pandemics, and a World at Risk. continue. This bill isnt specifically for those who are known to be potentially infected. Copyright 2023, JURIST Legal News & Research Services, Inc. Madeline Bruce | U. Pittsburgh School of Law, US, New York Senate passes bill to prevent tropical deforestation, Tropical Deforestation-Free Procurement Act, history of the labor movement in the United States.

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