openstax psychology 2e apa citation

Each chapter sounds as if it is presented in the same voice and has similar structure, making it easy to move among the chapters. There are only a few instances where the order of topics within chapters was illogical to me (e.g., "Gestalt Principles of Perception" not included under "Vision" in the Sensation and Perception chapter; experimental design presented under "Analyzing Findings" instead of "Approaches to Research" in the Psychological Research chapter). This book equals or exceeds the quality of introductory psychology books that can cost hundreds of dollars more. I have not encountered any instances of confusing wording or problems with grammatical style. OpenStax notes that a need for new editions is based on authors and adopters opinions that a full scale revision is warranted. If you have a link to the e-textbookin your class, and it opens in your browser (and not in a PDF), then the copyright date may be different. Many aspects of an induction to psychology course (like history, theories, core concepts, classic experiments) do not change frequently, therefore the text wont become obsolete anytime soon. This text covers all of the significant aspects of psychology that psychology and other students should have as they move forward in their education. The critical thinking and personal application questions at the end of each chapter easily lend themselves as a springboard for classroom discussions. This could be dropped for a more relevant discussion on the distinction between science and other ways of knowing (authority, experience, logic). Overwhelmingly they report a good experience and highly recommend that I continue to use the book in future classes. Is OpenStax a publisher or Rice University? Publisher. The book was written in an unbiased and accurate way and I did not come across any errors. Additionally, it appears that updates/changes can quickly be made to the online text. There was an obvious attempt to make the book culturally relevant by inserting a variety of names in the examples. It is accurate and research based. To an extent, the material in each chapter may be more than what is feasible in a 1-semester course. Reviewed by Virginia Clinton, Instructor, University of North Dakota on 1/7/16, The book does a good job of covering the main areas of psychology. How do you cite a book with no Publisher in APA? The comprehensiveness of This textbook addresses everything that is covered in a typical Introduction to Psychology course. For example, in the social conformity section the author references the Martin and Bull, 2008 study on mid-wives to show that Milgram is relevant for today. Chapters can easily be assigned in a different order than those presented in the book. Chapter 15- Psychological Disorders may go best taught along with Chapter 3 Biopsychology. The Dig Deeper title should be relocated from 479 to page 480 The CR is the problem. citation tool such as, Authors: Rose M. Spielman, William J. Jenkins, Marilyn D. Lovett. To find the correct copyright date for the web-based version of the textbook, go to the Table of Contents area, select "Preface" and then look for the "Attribution" section (it may be all the way at the bottom of the page). (2018, March 28). Walking is a voluntary behavior reinforced by preventing the shock. The terms agonist, antagonist, and re-uptake inhibitor are introduced but only two examples provided. There is also LMS tools for most of the popular LMSs. Title. Paragraphs are kept short and concise, which is important in engaging underclassmen (especially those who are not psychology majors). Overall, I found the text to be clearly written. It would be worth telling the reader this material will be covered in more detail in chapter 4. I downloaded this text as a PDF and did not notice any issues with interface. > This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. (I am assuming the goal of the e-text is the ability to frequently update?). Within chapters, the information is cohesive and yet functions well with modularity in case the instructor does not want to assign a whole chapter at a time. I may have chosen to cover Lifespan Development a little earlier in the text, however with the modularity I can switch that up if I so choose. For example, the Stanford Prison experiment is described but there is basically no discussion of the criticisms of this study. Definitions like these are common throughout the text. One of which is Freuds Psycho-sexual theory, which is neither a lifespan theory nor a core theory of psychology. 01 May 2023. The current edition of the text was published in 2020 and the text does see regular updates. The images and linked videos also helped a great deal with the clarity. read more. In addition, this textbook has a chapter many others do no - Industrial Organizational Psychology. I am astonished by the logic of consistency and clear writing style with multiple authors. The brief mentions of multicultural psychology do not convey adequately the state of the field. This is an excellent introductory psychology textbook. Third example of the baby "probably salivating" but also "reaching for the bottle" conflates these types of associative learning again. I did not note any bias, but unfortunately I noted two major errors, for which I submitted errata. According to earlier reviews outright errors in the Learning chapter have already been corrected (incorrect examples of negative reinforcement) yet the authors still manage to confuse the use of the term negative. It appeared that the editors used a great deal of diligence in citing sources and references. Want to cite, share, or modify this book? Content is accurate, error free and unbiased. - title should be moved from 233 to 234. The ideas were definitely divided up into many subsections, but I think the overall chapters were a bit long and could be more modular. Web. Citing an open textbook is like citing any online textbook. I actually enjoyed the idea of a concept being explained first in example and then technically afterward. The textbook has clearly been reviewed by a team and appears to be error free. The 16 chapters are further organized into subsections that are easy to understand. The organization of the text is logical and the chapters flow smoothly. Additionally, if a public domain work has been curated or made available by a person other than the author, that provider should also be appropriately credited. My students and I found no inconsistencies in terms of terminology and framework. This is a predictably structured text. I think the places where relevance / longevity might be an issue in this text are places where content is too brief (e.g., missing newer thinking on addiction). The real question is why don't we have more higher quality texts to choose from and why do we put up with books that recycle misconceptions year after year? These were on conflating the previous diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome with the current term Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and stating that "excessive maternal drinking" causes it. This text did a great job at providing clear, concise information to the reader. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. It provides an excellent OER alternative to any standard textbook, without students having to worry about exorbitant fees, access codes, etc. Sexual orientation was mentioned 58 times and many good studies and current events in the field were highlighted. The impact of culture and ethnicity on behavior is noted several times throughout the textbook. The examples are contemporary and relevant. Study guides are also available using the online textbook, which can help students further understand important concepts within the chapter, as well as help inform instructors of what material to include in assessment. Perhaps combine Fig. Keep in mind that the author may be an organization rather than a person. A lot of the content will stand the test of time as it consists of historical studies and schools of thought, theories, principles and anatomy that will remain consistent. A wide variety of students have used this textbook and did not report any concepts as being presented in an insensitive manner. The book provides a chapter corresponding to the material of most major Psychology textbooks (with the added bonus of being a free resource). I find this text to be solid in its teaching and pedagogy. All graphics and images rendered appropriately. Chapter seven cites research from German and Barrett. This book covers all of the main subjects that should be included in a general psychology course. The text is well-written without noticeable grammatical errors. Print versions should follow these formats and include the text's URL if available (provided on the text's publication page). There is no structure that forms a bridge spanning the posterior chamber in the human eye. The text is very well laid out, aesthetically pleasing, and organized. None of the material is inconsistent with my understanding of this content and the way it is presented in other Introductory Psychology textbooks. The newer version (2017) is what I will discuss within this review. The text seems to be updated on a regular basisbut could use some revisions related to sex and gender. One reason that our program is so strong is that our . Overall, the Organization was appropriate. Review questions, discussions of interesting applications, and life application questions all seem very helpful. The adolescent protagonists of the sequence, Enrique and Rosa, are Arturos son and , The payout that goes with the Nobel Prize is worth $1.2 million, and its often split two or three ways. Something about the text and the layout seems less engaging than a usual textbook. (Year). The book demonstrated consistency in the tone, style, and level of detail used throughout. The topics and order make sense and seem to follow the general pattern adopted by most introductory textbooks. It even includes a chapter on industrial-organizational psychology, which is now being added to most psychology textbooks. Interface was excellent. When specific technical terms are used they are placed in an appropriate context and the meanings are clearly defined. I feel the amount of material in the book is too much for a one semester introductory course, but that allows instructors to pick and choose the sections they feel are most important. Reviewed by EB Caron, Assistant Professor, Fitchburg State University on 6/30/20, Book is very comprehensive - a little too detailed, compared to the text I currently use! read more. Each section has appropriate organization, structure, and flow. In general, this Psychology textbook is comprehensive. I would feel completely comfortable using this in my class. If possible, updating the citations is important in order to get current information, but also to tell the readers you care about being current and have thought of these things. I realize as a baby boomer I have to be careful with Richard Nixon stories. Some of the web links are expired and need to be replaced. As I watched the video clip, I felt as if I was watching a 7 minute advertisement for Stanford instead of learing about careers in Psychology field. I may even create an assignment where students evaluate sections of the text so it offers an educational opportunity, though probably not one the authors intended when writing. Images are clear and colorful and add to rather than detract from the presentation. read more. URL, McCartney, S., & Parent, R. (2015). Psychology has relied upon undergraduate students and middle-class samples for many of its basic findings. The second edition contains detailed updates to address comments and suggestions from users. I used this textbook in Fall 2018 with high school students taking college Well it's true that these areas are not nearly as researched as vision and audition, there has been significantly more research in the last few years, and so it's no longer acceptable (especially for a textbook that can be easily updated to include new research) for a textbook to be this skimpy on these two senses. Each chapter is divided up into logical subunits so that when assigning readings, it would be easy to identify areas of a chapter to focus on and areas to be skimmed or skipped entirely. read more. The copyright date (year) and the URL can be found on the copyright statement pageof the PDF of the e-textbook. The topics commonly covered in Introductory Psychology are covered across each of the chapters. The prose seems very clear and accessible. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. For those that are teaching an introductory course in which group discussion is possible, the "What Do You Think" components can be used to prompt student-student conversation: discussion may ensue that helps to expand understanding of concepts and thus, increases the comprehensiveness of this text. Reviewed by Meaghan Rowe-Johnson, Assistant Professor, Drake University on 12/15/22, The text appropriately covered the most important topics relevant to each section. Yes to consistency. It is inviting to read and considers how the reader may learn best with headings and questions at the end of each chapter as well as the activities it provides for learners who excel at hands on activities. The text is comprehensive and provides information that is comparable to a typical Introductory Psychology textbook. Many chapters are around 40 pages long. These "well-established" findings are not being replicated consistently: using a different lab, using slightly different instructions, and using different samples of participants often yield disparate results. Because our books are openly licensed, you are free to use the entire book or pick and choose the sections that are most relevant to the needs of your course. These resources would also be great for instructors to use as homework assignments and in-class activities. Though these parentheses may disrupt flow at times, readers will generally appreciate the added information. You would cite the author and the year. The book is as or more comprehensive than other publisher-provided Introductory Psychology textbooks I have used, and more comprehensive than another open access Introductory Psychology textbook I have used. This can be OpenStax is an OER publisher and ed tech provider based at Rice University in Houston, Texas, but there is so much more to know about the organization. This was easily downloaded, the links work - this is why I'm adopting the book despite its many shortfalls - students can easily get it and navigate the chapters.

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